Thursday September 13, 2018

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Thursday September 13, 2018

Volume 104 Issue 6

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

High student expectations, even higher debt

Many businesses require some type of college education from employee candidates. SAMMY JONES Staff Writer

Student loan debt has reached over $1.5 trillion nationally, over double the average from 2008, according to figures from the Federal Reserve. California’s students averaged around $22,000 per borrower in 2016 and 50 percent of graduates face debt. CSUF students average at $14,965 in student debt, according to a 2017 LendEDU report. Paydon Miller, press secretary for Young Invincibles, a nonprofit organization working to expand opportunity for young Americans ages 18 to 34, said low-income students significantly impact the average, taking out more student loans to afford their education. Miller also said many businesses are now requiring some type of postsecondary education for potential candidates. Georgetown University estimates that 65 percent of all employers will require postsecondary education by 2020. “We objectively know that a college degree is critical to finding a good job, but at the same time student loans and debt is skyrocketing,” Miller said. In 2016, 63 percent of people with a bachelor’s degree worked in management, professional and related occupations. Earnings were highest for people with at least a bachelor’s degree and increased with graduate

degrees, according to U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics. Miller said students will have the opportunity to make an impact on college affordability through the upcoming midterm elections. “What young people should be asking candidates is, ‘What are you going to do to solve this problem?’” Miller said. “Students have the ability to look up and down the ballot and challenge candidates by asking how they are going to solve this crisis.” Democratic candidate, Andrew Janz, said he faces his own student debt problem and will raise the possibility of Congress helping students limit their own debt on his campaign website. “With respect to higher education, we need to reduce the cost to attend a four-year college. Students graduating from universities are saddled with debt and struggle to find well-paying jobs to repay their loans,” said Janz on his campaign website. But Miller said he knows there are ways for students to limit their debt. “The short answer is just make sure you are exploring all your funding options. There are obviously federal loans involved and scholarships,” Miller said. “Make sure you are talking to your office of financial aid and just understanding that there are private or predatory lenders out there who may not give you a deal that is quite as advantageous that you might get through a federal loan.” According to Miller, getting an associate’s degree or going to a community college to learn a trade is just as beneficial as the


traditional four-year university. In 2015, an estimated $2.9 billion in Pell Grant aid went unclaimed. In California alone, students missed out on $396,401,205 of unclaimed scholarship money, according to the 2015 study completed by NerdScholar, the higher education team at NerdWallet.

Graduate student Skylar Holmes said she could have avoided more of the debt she accumulated if she applied for scholarships that were made available during her four years at CSUF. “I definitely saved a lot of debt by coming to a Cal State instead

of a UC but I’d definitely try to apply for more scholarships,” Holmes said. “I didn’t realize until later on how many there were and you don’t realize people don’t apply for the ASI ones, so they are a lot easier to get.”

CSUF Cops treat Titans to coffee hosts tourney Titans volleyball will host the Titan Tournament starting Sept. 14. JARED EPREM Sports Editor

Cal State Fullerton volleyball will host the Titan Tournament this weekend, playing University of San Francisco Friday, Sept. 14 and University of Idaho Saturday, Sept. 15. The Titans’ last three games were played in the Rebel Challenge in Las Vegas and they lost all three. Setter Courtney Mueller said the five-set loss to Eastern Kentucky set the tone for the rest of the weekend. “We were very panicked. I don’t think we believed in ourselves as much as we have in the past six games. Our errors contributed to our low self-esteem,” Mueller said. Mueller said Fullerton plays better when the team is leading than when it’s trailing. In an attempt to be consistent, she said the coaching staff has integrated more game scenarios in practice where the team is trailing by five or more points to teach them to play from behind. CSUF committed 80 hitting errors in its three-game stretch in Las Vegas. Mueller said the experience will act as a teaching point for the team. SEE RECOVER



Thomas Perez of the University Police greets students on campus at the first Coffee with a Cop event of the fall semester.

Students get the opportunity to mingle with campus officers. SOMMER CLARK Staff Writer

Coffee, doughnuts and University Police united for the department of humanities and social sciences’ Coffee With A Cop on Sept. 10. Students gathered outside of the humanities building between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. for free refreshments and to interact with campus law enforcement. Glock, the department’s


explosive-detection K-9, attended the event. According to his handler, Officer Matt Bauer, although Glock was in public relations mode, he knows that once the vest goes on, it is time to go to work. Glock has opened a route for police officers to interact with students regardless of their views on law enforcement. Often the desire to pet him draws people in and conversations develop between Bauer and students, Bauer said. University Police Capt. Scot Willey said when Coffee With A Cop started, he did not know the influence it would have on students. He said he was surprised at

the number of students that sparked conversations about a multitude of things. “I’ve had sexual assault victims that have never reported their assault to anybody. I’ve had victims of domestic abuse. I’ve had stalking victims come up and talk to me and ask for advice,” Willey said. Willey oversees Encouraging a Positive and Interactive Community, also known as the EPIC program. Coffee With A Cop is one of the events in this program. “This is very different from us being out enforcing laws. If I am pulling you over for a traffic stop, we are not going to have time to sit and talk about

your concerns about policing. This allows that time,” Willey said. Ashley Ibarra, 18-yearold CSUF student, said she is aware of the current media climate and accusations that some officers are prejudiced. Ibarra said her conversation with the officers showed that they are people as well. “There are some students that do not know the campus has its own police department. That is why it is important for University Police to show students their presence on campus,” Willey said. SEE UPD



2 News


UPD: Students connect with officers



Students interact with Thomas Perez of the CSUF Police Deptartment.

Students line up to get donuts outside the humanities and social sciences building.



A woman pours a cup of coffee at the event.

The event is an effort to encourage communication between police and students.


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FOR THE RECORD It is Daily Titan policy to correct factual errors printed in the publication. Corrections will be published on the subsequent issue after an error is discovered and will appear on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections will also be made to the online version of the article. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Briggetta Pierrot at (657) 278-5815 or at to report any errors.


Thirty sworn police officers make up the CSUF police force along with motor patrol officers “that show up every once in a while,” Willey said.“I think that they are a great service to the community and are here to serve and protect. Our UPD specifically have been great. They come out every month and interact with students (and) really try to get them to get involved in the conversation,” said Carly Culhane, accountant of humanities and social sciences. Chief Raymond Aguirre said the event is a nationwide federally funded event that has been going on for a decade. He said it is a community building effort to improve

safety awareness campuswide and to establish a partnership between campus police and the community so that students feel comfortable approaching them. ome students connect to officers and ask about their degrees, what it takes to become a police officer and possible employment opportunities, Aguirre said. Willey said some students say that they don’t like the cops where they live because they are “mean and prejudiced.” “I’ve had people come up and say ‘I don’t like police officers, but I appreciate that you guys are out here doing this, can I ask you a few questions?’ And we start having a really nice

Editor’s note An article about controversial Facebook postings that appeared on page 1 of the Sept. 11, 2018, edition of The Daily Titan has been retracted. A subject of the article, an Irvine attorney, objected to several facets. In particular, the article incorrectly said that “rice rockets” is slang for people of Asian descent; the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as a disparaging term for an “inexpensive Japanese car that has been modified to give the impression of speed and power.” Because of editing errors, opinionated comments were inserted into the headline and article without the knowledge of the reporter. We failed to credit The Orange County Register and ABC News for information used in the article that was first reported by them. This article and its accompanying graphic did not meet the journalistic standards of The Daily Titan and should not have been published. This note will appear on, and the article will be removed.

© Copyright Daily Titan 2018 All Rights Reserved The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, Inc. College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @THEDAILYTITAN


News 3


STEM program awarded $1.5 million National Science Foundation grants CSUF money for programs aimed at supporting underrepresented students. MIGUEL HIDALGO Staff Writer

Cal State Fullerton’s STEM program, also known as the science, technology, engineering and mathematics program, was awarded a $1.5 million grant that will fund programs aimed at supporting underrepresented students, according to the CSUF News Center. The grant will provide 200 undergraduate engineering students this year with the resources to succeed in lower-division courses as well as learn skills that apply to upper-division courses. Over the next five years, the programs provided by this grant will aim to reduce failure rates and increase graduation rates, said Jidong Huang, Ph.D., electrical engineering professor at CSUF. Huang and Sudarshan Kurwadkar are both engineering professors at CSUF. Kurwadkar directed the project and Huang co-directed it. “We have the systemic problem of retention, graduation rate and high failure-rate in lower-division courses, so there was this initiative from the (National Science Foundation) under the umbrella of improving undergraduate STEM education particularly towards Hispanic-serving institutions,” Kurwadkar said.

According to the National Science Foundation, CSUF is defined as an institution with at least 25 percent or more full-time undergraduates. The grant will help fund academic intervention resources in classes with high-failure rates, the Student-Teacher Interaction Committee and projects designed for real-life application of skills learned within the major, said Huang. “We’re hoping that by developing these new learning modules that are connected with real-world applications, these will better help students understand the problem, not only theoretically, but also practically,” Huang said, regarding the programs’ designs. The grant will recruit up to 200 students from various engineering and computer science disciplines as well as 15 faculty members, Kurwadkar said. “The focus is also enhancing the content delivery by having more demonstration-based learning as opposed to theoretical learning,” Kurwadkar said. “We have a plan to train about 15 (faculty members) per year, and with 15 (members) going back to their classes, we may be able to reach more than 1,000 students,” Huang said. While these programs are aimed at underrepresented minority students in the STEM field, eligibility for the grant is not solely restricted to them. Any students are eligible for the program if they are in their first


Kurwadkar uses a high-performance liquid chromatography machine to detect organic pollutants in any medium.

two years and are majoring in engineering or computer science, Huang said. Huang said his goal is to get at least 20 percent of the 200 students to be female. “Anybody that is enrolled in lower-division engineering and math courses is a beneficiary. We

would like to have 60 percent population from the Hispanic community, but that’s the objective,” Kurwadker said. As implementation is still being completed, students can expect to hear more before next month when the program is projected to start. Potential members are not

expected to reach out, as they will be recruiting students via email later in the fall, Huang said. “We want to know why there is a gap and how we can help to reduce that gap,” Huang said. “And we recognize that for underrepresented students, it’s not just academic support.”

Grassroots activists meet in Fullerton

JESSICA RUIZ / DAILY TITAN Shana Charles, Cal State Fullerton professor, said she is running for a board member position in Nov. school board elections.

CSUF professor hopes to earn a place on the school board for District 4. WILL ROBBINS Staff Writer

Indivisible CA-39 is part of a national activist group started in 2016 that organizes and retaliates against actions and legislation from President Donald Trump and the Republican Party across several districts in the United States, according to the Indivisible website. California’s 39th Congressional District has activists in the community for the grassroots movement, and meet regularly as Indivisible CA-39. Its latest meeting took place at the Fullerton Community Center on Tuesday to talk about its current state of affairs and the Fullerton district board elections in November. Shana Charles, Cal State Fullerton College of Health and Human Development professor, said she has been a member of Indivisible since 2017 and became co-chair of the action committee. Prior to the 2016 presidential elections, Charles said she had worked not only as an educator but also in policy making. Now, she is running for a board member position in District 4 for the upcoming school board elections. “I worked with the California state legislature and I was one of the researchers that was very involved in getting the Affordable Care Act passed in the first place; giving the data to support (it). That, to me, is one of the greatest things that I’ve done professionally,” Charles said. VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM

It is important the organization continues to have regular meetings, said Kevin Te, a recent graduate of Cal Poly Pomona and member of Indivisible CA-39 since last September. “I was looking up many volunteer opportunities for candidates, organizations or various issues and Indivisible was in one of them,” he said. “Initially they were a group that would gather around and protest outside Ed Royce’s office. He announced he would not run, and I think that was partly because of us putting pressure on him. But it’s grown to even more things.” The general meeting included updates on several policies and events that were happening in their district, as well as several guest speakers to talk about upcoming elections and the community. Charles said she made the decision to run for the school district board in more recent years looking to make a political impact. The Fullerton school district board oversees 20 schools with a grade range of K-8, along with several preschools. “I’m really a teacher at heart, an educator, and that’s what I support,” Charles said. Charles said she will be running against Janny Meyer, the current vice president of the Fullerton school district. While Meyer does in fact already hold a position on the board at large, she is technically not the incumbent as District 4 has never voted before and will be presented equally on the ballot with Charles in November. “I really consider myself to be the swing vote. When I win this seat, this board flips blue,” Charles said.

JESSICA RUIZ / DAILY TITAN CA39 kickstarts diversity awareness in communities.

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4 Lifestyle


All Day ASI shows Titan pride


CSUF students walk among the rows of tents filled with games and vendors.


Titans take selfies to show off their colorful umbrella hats and glasses.



Members of Associated Students serving free Wingstop for students who attended the event.

Dancers perform traditional ballet folklorico for the crowd.


HIRING Account Executive

TANYA CASTANEDA / DAILY TITAN Knott’s Scary Farm clowns give students a preview of Halloween festivities.

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All Day ASI overtook CSUF to promote resources on campus to students. TANYA CASTANEDA Lifestyle Editor

Titans with colorful umbrella hats, bearing blowup pet animals and smiles on their faces, were creeped on by clowns roaming around the Cal State Fullerton campus. However, instead of being fearful, students were gleeful. The second annual All Day ASI took place Wednesday on campus where students and vendors came together to provide students with a fun way to spend time on campus.The event was intended to showcase all of the resources Associated Students has to offer. Commencing at 7 a.m., the festivities began with Associated Students board of directors handing out free doughnuts to students walking past the Student Recreation Center. The baked goods were distributed and served as a reminder that it was only the kickoff to an all-day event. Soon after, the event moved to the Titan Student Union where game tents, prizes and outside vendors gathered to unite students. “All of these things here that we’re doing will happen periodically throughout the year. Really, it’s just an event to showcase

the services we have and how we plan to serve students in every way possible,” said Dennis Ramos, Associated Students’ graduate student assistant. Associated Students puts on free events for students and often provides free food and shirts in an effort to create a positive experience for students, said Elizabeth Rizzotto, Associated Students’ production and films member. “Personally I think it’s important because it definitely shows students that there is more to college than just studying and being stressed out,”Rizzotto said. “ASI is here for the students so we just want them to know that we’re here and we’re thinking of them.” Representatives from businesses such as Catalina Express, Knott’s Berry Farm, Universal Studios and SeaWorld talked about discounts available to all students. Offers to these services and locations can be redeemed year round in the Titan Student Union according to Carol Elliott, director of sales for Catalina Express. Members from the Associated Students also served wings for those in line. Behind food tables, a McDonald’s tent overtook the lawn of the Becker Amphitheater, offering students coupons to the most popular items on its menu. VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM

Opinion 5


Letter to the Editor In response to:

The Daily Titan responds to President Donald Trump’s anti-press rhetoric In a Daily Titan editorial from Aug. 27, the editorial staff lamented President Donald Trump’s anti-press rhetoric in his press conferences, campaign rallies and Twitter rants on social media. The editors assume that Trump opposes a free press as well as free speech, and that he is dividing the country. It’s too late for that. Americans unite in the face of human-created or natural disasters, but they’ve always been independent regarding the exchange of ideas. The editorial also forgot to point out that Trump doesn’t rail against all of the electronic and print media outlets, but rather those outlets that churn out fake news. Indeed, apart from Fox News and much of talk radio, most formats are slanted toward the liberal side of the political spectrum. Although that is the owners’ right, others have an equal right to call them out on this obvious bias. While there are some credible

journalists in the media, far too many news formats have morphed into opinion panels instead of impartial arbiters of the truth based on heavy lifting reporting. Informed readers and viewers find that the vast majority of established media “news” stories generate a negative tone toward Trump’s ideas and initiatives, and often distort his record. This just does not pass the smell test when a wide variety of domestic and foreign policy issues are covered. It would appear that even if Trump were a saint, the left would still find bad things to say about the positive facets of his agenda. He did not take the oath of office to be popular, but rather to change course and steer the ship of state in a constructive direction. It is the duty of reporters to report the news in as objective a manner as possible without bias from across the political

domain. If they fail in their duties, American voters will sense it: voters are much savvier than the elites in established institutions realize. Moreover, the voters don’t need pundits to tell them what is best for them. Trump would have little need to criticize most of the media if journalists would show a semblance of fairness toward him. They don’t have to fawn all over him as they do toward a celebrity or liberal politician, but at least display some respect for his efforts and for the office of president. Indeed, liberals often proclaim that they value diversity, inclusion and justice in their human relations. But do they really? Or do they merely cherish these ideals when interacting with people who fit into their own cookie-cutter worldview? Chris Milord California State Fullerton alumnus

Silencing Bannon was a mistake The New Yorker caves and drops controversial guest.


Less than one day after announcing their lineup, the New Yorker Festival dropped Steve Bannon, and conservatives couldn’t be happier. By uninviting Bannon, the New Yorker undoubtedly affirmed what the right has been so loudly arguing since President Donald Trump’s been in office: Conservative views have no place in mainstream media. Whether people like it or not, Bannon is news and it’s important to hear what he has to say. The annual festival, an event offering interviews and performances from participants in industries such as comedy, music and politics, has been praised for being a celebration of ideas and creativity, making Bannon’s axing all the more ironic. The decision to cut him from the festival came quickly after David Remnick, an editor for the New Yorker, received backlash on Twitter from countless members and celebrities like Judd Apatow and Roxane Gay expressing their frustrations and threatening to cancel their plans to attend. Remnick said in his statement to the New Yorker, “To interview Bannon is not to endorse him.” He adds, “Ahead of the mid-term elections and with 2020 in sight, we’d be taking the opportunity to question someone who helped assemble Trumpism.” So why back out? Remnick is right. Bannon’s actions, exemplary of white nationalism, are abhorrent. An article about him does not have to be positive. Bannon was Trump’s chief VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM

strategist and spent the first seven months of his presidency in the White House. Before his firing, Bannon was executive chairman to Breitbart News, a website in which our president gets most of his “news.” He claims to have played a vital role in getting Trump elected and has dangerously been spreading his ideals of “national populist revolt” all throughout Europe, according to an article from the Guardian. Of course, it’s completely understandable to see the danger in offering a platform to someone like Bannon. He is unpredictable, hateful and spent most of his time perpetuating fake news during Trump’s campaign and especially at Breitbart News. But it’s also important to realize that the best way to counter fake news is by facing it head on. Interviewing Bannon is a chance to get some answers to tough questions, hold him accountable for his lies, and continue to expose the bigotry of his political agenda. That’s what journalists do. Their job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. It’s cowardly to avoid getting the truth merely because others oppose. Shortly after Bannon was dropped Malcolm Gladwell, author and staff writer for the New Yorker, was added to the line-up with a panel called, “Malcolm Gladwell Talks: The Strange Allure of the Predictable Conversation.” Gladwell, opposing Bannon’s dropping, wrote on Twitter, “Huh. Call me old-fashioned. But I would have thought that the point of a festival of ideas was to expose the audience to ideas. If you only invite your friends over, it’s called a dinner party.” Divisiveness is not new, it’s just louder now. As much as it is someone’s right to boycott, it’s also someone’s right to speak no matter how unfavorable their words may be. And it’s those rights that need protection, not the people.



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6 Sports



Title IX is a law but not a reality

Gender inequality in sports is evident with head coaching statistics.

MEGAN GARCIA Sports Editor

Sports challenge athletes through their physical and mental ability to perform under stressful environments and repeating actions in limited opportunities. In few leagues, men and women can compete at the highest level for the same sport: basketball, soccer, tennis and hockey. But equality, or lack thereof, between male and female athletes goes back to the academic level, where athletic equal opportunity policies found their start. Title IX resulted from the NCAA not offering scholarships to female athletes and underfunding female teams for the first 64 years of its existence. When it was enacted, there were 30,000 female athletes in the NCAA, compared to 170,000 male athletes, according to Civil rights for men and women lawfully changed in 1972, when the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights enforced Title IX, a statute meant to protect people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. No person in the United States will be excluded, denied benefits or subjected to discrimination based on gender under any education program or activity


In the last 10 years, the number of female head coaches has risen but still does not compare with the sum of their male counterparts.

receiving federal financial assistance, according to the statute. In a groundbreaking move that guaranteed equality for females in sports at any academic level, the results of the statute are mixed. In 1978, the highest percentage of females as head coaches in women’s NCAA sports was 58.2 percent. The percentage reached its lowest point in 2006, with 42.2 percent of women coaching in the league, according to Women in Intercollegiate Sport. In the 2016-17 academic year, the NCAA had nearly 94,682 male athletes and 84,468 female athletes, according to the 2016-17

Recover: CSUF works on errors

NCAA Sports Sponsorship and Participation Rates Report. Throughout a nine-year period, men remained the majority in head-coaching positions. Men totaled 5,209 for head-coaching positions in Division 1, compared to women holding 1,682 positions, according to NCAA Division 1 All Conference Figures. Only 117 women were head coaches in male sports in the 2016-17 academic year, according to the same report. While men outnumber women as head coaches in Division 1 sports, it isn’t because men are better qualified than women. “The search committees I’ve

been on, because you still have an industry that is very much male dominant, you just get more men applying for these positions in the pool,” said Michael Perez, Cal State Fullerton’s faculty athletic representative. At CSUF, only four women are head coaches out of the 12 NCAA sports teams ­ — Kathryn Hosch (women’s golf), Kelly Ford (softball), Dianne Matias (women’s tennis) and Ashley Preston (volleyball). Many elements are factored when committees are deciding who fulfills a head coach position. “I look not only how are they

qualified conventionally, but what they bring in terms of perspective and their experiences. And I think that being female in a historically dominant male sport and use them as an insight to be a coach in ways that make them effective,” Perez said. While hiring approaches are proactive with gender inequality, positions cannot be fulfilled solely on the basis of gender, according to Perez. “I think progress has been made, particularly at Cal State Fullerton athletics, but it’s not 5050, by no means.” Perez said.



Outside Felicia Marshall recorded nine kills against Akron on Aug. 24.

opponent Cal State Northridge “We have to be more comfort- and beat the Matadors in five able being down because we are a sets. shorter team so we will get blocked That game is the Vandals against teams that have 6 feet 4 only road victory this season. inch or 6 feet 5 inch-tall players. San Francisco sits at 4-4 but We have to be okay with mak- has won its last two games. ing errors and bouncing back, Serving has not been a strong but last weekend we let that get suit for the Dons as they have to us too much,” Mueller said. committed 68 errors in their This mindset may benefit the eight games while only recordTitans this weekend because ing 44 aces. San Francisco has one 6-foot-4Fullerton recorded 54 errors inch player and Idaho has two. with more games played FULLERTON: 215 two N.55Haraces. bor Blvd. The Idaho Vandals own aCOS 5-4 and has TA MESA (The LAB): 2930 Bristo l St. at 7 record but have lost two of their take on Idaho LONG BEACH:CSUF 4608 E.will 2nd St. last three games. p.m. on Friday and San FrancisBUFFALOEXCHANGE.COM • Earlier in the season, they co at 2 p.m. on Saturday. played Big West conference CONTINUED FROM



MONTEBELLO Saturday, September 8, 2018 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Montebello Senior Center 115 S Taylor Ave Montebello, CA 90640

ANAHEIM Thursday, September 20, 2018 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Brookhurst Community Center 2271 W Crescent Ave Anaheim, CA 92801

SANTA FE SPRINGS+ Wednesday, September 12, 2018 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Gus Velasco Neighborhood Center 9255 S Pioneer Blvd Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

BUENA PARK Monday, September 24, 2018 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Buena Park Community Center 6688 Beach Blvd Buena Park, CA 90621

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES+ Monday, September 17, 2018 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple (Gym) 815 E 1st St Los Angeles, CA 90012

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Leisure 7




ARIES (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19) Favors fly at you from all directions. If you accept them, it also means you have bigger debts to repay. Be careful that the cleft between your current outlay and your earning capacity does not become an abyss.

Like the Daily Titan on Facebook & message us w/ your answer for a chance to win!

TAURUS (Apr. 20 - May 20) You are so preoccupied with equality right now that it could be the cause of an imbalance. A significant relationship is both a source of joy and chaos. Your partner or friend may be unaware of how you are perceiving their actions; unfortunately, you might be misunderstanding the situation.



Jenn He




inability to identify and express or describe one’s feelings

Isaac Gonzalez


Order reigns at home, while confusion muddles your work. You are the common link between the two spheres, even if the two situations seem independent.


What are you most excited for about this semester?


GEMINI (May 21 - Jun. 20)

CANCER (Jun. 21 - Jul. 22) You are like light scintillating on the surface of deep waters. Your capacity for pleasure is profound, and you are likely to succumb to it today. Your higher mind traipses in foreign climes as you tend to your immediate needs.

A fairly recent word, showing up in English in the mid1970s. It is primarily found used as a psychiatric term.

Check back next week for a new question!



LEO (Jul. 23 - Aug. 22) Your private world brings you increasingly deeper joy. As you sink into domestic bliss, you feel a tug of destiny helping to nudge more public ventures along. Perhaps, a rather stressful office situation corrects itself or you define the contours of your financial picture.

Looking to find a roommate?

Trying to sell that used car?

Need some part time help?

You’re looking at the right place.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sep. 22) You might feel more in control than you have in months. You are so direct and precise that others appear in disarray. The contrast is extreme today; your clear transmission is making normal communication look opaque in comparison.



8 5

LIBRA (Sep. 23 - Oct. 22) Lucid dreams linger with you throughout the day. They could even seem more real than reality. Your daily routine suddenly seems illusory. At a minimum, something is suddenly more confusing than usual, tempting you to take solace with retail therapy.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Exuberance exudes from your every pore. Feeling this good might make you worry that you’re missing something obvious. Nevertheless, your confidence seems to only increase.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

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SUDOKU Daily Sudoku: Mon 10-Sep-2018

Out of nowhere, a source of support appears that feels destined. Your attention is dispersed across so many channels it can be difficult to keep track of all the moving pieces. In fact, you wish you could operate on autopilot today.




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8 3 4 6 3

6 5


7 2 6 4


Daily Sudoku: Tue 11-Sep-2018

3 7 5

It is as though you are speaking in tongues today. You hear yourself clearly as some of the most innovative thoughts you ever had cross your mind. And yet your message is still being misconstrued by others in strange ways.


AQUARIUS 3 7 You have to spend money to make money, and a big event is 6 on the horizon that requires your commitment if you are to make the most of it. This calculated risk is a 2 8 © smart move, even if it seems like you (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)


7 1 5

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

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6 5

Cotten Candy Lollipop Tootsie Roll Sweet Tart Tootsie Pop Chinese Candy Laffy Taffy Caramel Chocolate Air Heads Gum Reese Cup Pop 2 Rocks 4 Suckers 7 Smarties

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may not have the cash for it now.

PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) Escape into your higher mind. Philosophies, theories, and fantasies of exotic cultures are so inviting that it’s hard to say no.


very hard



8 Sports


Athletes struggle with social media etiquette


CSUF men’s soccer forward, Samuel Goni and CSUF volleyball outside, Felicia Marshall both said Twitter were the social media outlets they use the most.

CSUF athletics are educating athletes to avoid trouble on social media.

social media presence beyond college. “With FACE they talk about (social media) as well. They set up interviews with businesses and every year they have to JESSE LIMA submit a resume,” Kuntz said. Staff Writer “They talk with student athletes about how businesses check Just because communication your profiles and how that can on social media is quick, the rule you out of a job. process is not fool-proof, said I think student-athletes are CSUF junior Felicia Marshall, more aware of the negative efwomen’s volleyball outside fects of social media than hitter. non-student athletes.” “You have to be really careful There are many ways to still with what you like (on Twitter) be active on social media for because everyone is watching,” athletes. Marshall said. One way to do so is by postSports teams at CSUF have ing things and retweeting posts policies in place regarding so- related to designated sports, cial media, but they also have which is exactly what Samuel meetings with media directors Goni, CSUF men’s soccer forand compliance officers as well ward, does. as team meetings to address “I pretty much just post about any issues that arise, according soccer because we represent to George Kuntz, CSUF men’s school when we come here, so soccer head coach. we have to think about what we “We have a policy on the do,” Goni said. team. We don’t want to post Goni is the leading goal-scoranything you wouldn’t want er this season for the CSUF your parents to see. men’s soccer team, and is curWe talk about it quite often. rently in his senior season with We have a rulebook that we the team. give our guys that talks about He said his knowledge of sosocial media,” Kuntz said. cial media use has grown since One problem that notable joining the team. athletes are facing is that once “I have been learning a lot of something is on the internet, things and now it is more of a such as a Facebook post or a habit when I am liking posts,” tweet, the post will exist for- Goni said. “I pretty much only ever, sometimes even after the use it for soccer, I’m not really post is deleted because of the following other accounts. It’s ability to take screenshots. the easiest way to avoid making During the MLB All-Star mistakes.” game in July, Milwaukee BrewStudent-athletes are not the ers pitcher Josh Hader took a lot only ones that have to be careof heat for tweets that had re- ful with social media, as many surfaced from when he was in jobs and businesses are also high school. Many of the tweets checking applicants’ social mewere said to be racist, sex- dia accounts before offering ist and homophobic, including employment, according to Busione posted sometime between ness News Daily. 2011 and 2012 that said, “I hate Kuntz said he is excited to see gay people,” according to USA how the evolution of social meToday. dia will impact the future. Hader received harsh critiIt is going to be fascinating in cism from the media and fans the next five years what social of the game. media evolves into and what Kuntz said there is a program Kuntz said. “That FULLERTONchanges,” : 215beN.aHar bor Blv called FACE, which stands will fascinating COSTA MESA (The LAB): 2930 Brid. study for stol St. for Fullerton Athletics LON Came.”460 G BEACH: 8 E. 2nd St. reer Expo, that all student-athBUFFALOEXCHANGE.COM • letes go through to help understand the severity of their

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