Monday December 17, 2018 Thursday December 20, 2018
The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Volume 104 Issue 48
Sustainability in Fullerton
CSUF produced 3,000 tons of waste in 2017 The university is taking steps to limit the amount of waste sent to landfills. SOMMER CLARK Staff Writer
Discarded seat cushions, chemical and detergent bottles, and bags of garbage tower over a bulldozer as it sweeps piles of debris up into its blade. A cloud of dust hangs in the air as trash is dropped into a machine engineered to sort recyclable material in the Republic Services transport station in Anaheim. This is where Cal State Fullerton’s waste and recyclables are sorted. CSUF produced about 3,000 tons of waste and recyclables in 2017, said Danny Miranda Jr., a sustainable waste management specialist. “It fluctuates give or take a few 100 tons, but it depends a lot on projects. Sometimes there is construction projects where suddenly they’ll generate extra tons we didn’t have the previous year,” Miranda Jr. said. The waste that goes in the recycling or trash bins on campus is picked up by two designated types of trucks, a recycling front loader and two landfill trucks, that service CSUF in the morning. From there, they go to Anaheim’s transport station to be
CAITLIN BARTUSICK / DAILY TITAN Cal State Fullerton’s trash goes to Republic Services, a transport station in Anaheim, where it’s processed and sorted.
sorted. CSUF’s diversion rate, the amount of of waste diverted away from landfills, ranks in the “middle” compared to other
campuses, said Michael Lotito, associate director of planning operations, and the campus is attempting to bring those numbers up.
California state law specifies a 75 percent waste diversion goal, however the CSUs goal is to reach an 80 percent waste diversion by 2020.
“Our diversion rate was 55 percent last year. Our target is to get up to 75 percent,” Lotito said. SEE WASTE
Sustainability in Fullerton
Review: Smash Titans aren’t meeting Bros. bashes sales recycling standards ‘Smash Bros. Ultimate’ features everyone’s favorite fighting characters. KRISTINA GARCIA Copy Editor
When trash is placed into the recycling bins, the items in the bins are no longer recyclable.
A sustainability class at CSUF is working to improve regulations on campus. SOPHIA ACEVEDO Asst. Opinion Editor
Students in Chemistry 492 found that Cal State Fullerton was having issues with recycling properly after auditing the university’s recycling program as part of their class projects. The data for the students’
findings of the recycling project have not been finalized. The data looks promising but more work would need to be done in order to have a truly efficient recycling system on campus, said Scott Hewitt, professor of chemistry. “We really weren’t recycling because people are putting their dirty trash into the recyclables, and that makes the recyclables no longer recyclable,” Hewitt said. At least 500 billion plastic bottles are used each year
worldwide, according to Plastic Oceans, a nonprofit organization focused on ending plastic pollution. “The problem with plastic bottles is that the plastic doesn’t rapidly degrade in the environment so it ends up as little pieces in the ocean,” Hewitt said. This semester, Hewitt is teaching Chemistry 492, sustainability projects, a class that focuses on sustainability on campus and in the community. SEE RECYCLE
One last character of hope stands among countless perished heroes. In a snap, a slew of characters were met with their untimely demise; fighting till the last moments of their life, trying to save themselves and be the brave hero that saves the civilization around them. No, I’m not talking about “Avengers: Infinity War” — this is about Kirby and Nintendo’s “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.” Nintendo has released several hits compatible with its popular Nintendo Switch game system. These favorites include but are not limited to “Super Mario Odyssey,” which sold 514,000 copies locally, “Splatoon 2” sold 631,000 copies locally and “Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!” sold 552,000 locally. But these sales are nothing compared to the estimated 1.3 million copies of “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” sold in Japan alone, making it the highest-selling Switch and Smash Bros. game within the first week of its release, according to Nintendo Life. After several games within the Smash series were released, creators have finally listened to fans. This is the first Smash Bros. game to feature all of the characters in Smash Bros. history, including a few extras. As of now “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” has a character roster of 74, if the Pokemon Trainer is counted as one character. Along with future DLC characters, the
roster may boost to an estimated 81 characters. Enough with all the extra information that nearly every Smash fan already knew about prior to the game’s release, the real selling point is the gameplay. But is it worth the almost $60 price tag? The answer is yes, absolutely, 100 percent. It is the best reason to buy a Switch and binge through a game full of content. Unlike “Super Smash Bros.” for Wii U, unlocking characters are much more challenging, adding to the binge-worthiness of the game. Playing “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” will bring gamers back to the days of rage quitting, screaming at the television and wanting to break that almost $50 wireless GameCube controller you bought specifically for Smash Bros. But “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” encompasses more than the simple win-or-lose character-gaining scenarios, players are given another chance to fight against locked opponents they lost against the first time around in a feature known as the Challenger’s Approach. Players no longer have to feel upset about being defeated by Villager from “Animal Crossing;” play this feature and no one has to know you lost against an overpowered little boy or girl, depending on skin changes. “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” is notorious for Friday night gaming, where every friend acts as the cocky, reigning champion in Smash Bros. — until repeatedly beating each other into a much smaller ego. But although most memories are garnered by the people one plays with, the developers made solo mode just as addicting. SEE SWITCH