Wednesday September 6, 2017

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Wednesday September 6, 2017

Volume 102 Issue 4

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

New civil dialogues series kicks off with a panel discussing the travel ban.

Press X to Join: Video games have quickly become an entertainment powerhouse.

News 2

Lifestyle 6

Trump’s decision to end DACA is an unnecessary, blatant act against American values. Opinion 6

FEAR AND UNEASE Devastating blow to dreamers turns all eyes to CSUF, which faces a pivotal next move BRANDON PHO Daily Titan KATIE ALBERTSON / DAILY TITAN

A massive crowd of hundreds closed off streets and packed the sidewalks in Santa Ana, during a march organized by the Orange County Immigrant Youth United. CSUF members of Students for Quality Education attended. A DACA supporter looks on as the marches persist.

there are no options to allow CSU to continue to employ you.” CSUF’s Human Resources and Diversity Inclusion didn’t provide anyone for comment.

“We should prepare for anything,” said Douglas Swanson, interim associate dean and professor of the College of Communications. “Each of us should know our legal rights. Whether we are

Bracing for impact In his official statement, President Donald Trump said the decision comes as a result of officials from 10 states suing the administration over the DACA program, which former President Barack Obama enacted in 2012 through executive orders after the legislation was repeatedly introduced to Congress and rejected each time.

will follow a six-month delay. This isn’t enough time for one DACA student who wished to remain anonymous as she spoke with the Daily Titan.

... (To) the people that are going to be reading this, you guys are in the classrooms with people who can’t go to school (now) ...

As the White House’s elimination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program left many Cal State Fullerton students in limbo Tuesday, campus organizations and faculty scramble to assuage fears following CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White’s revelation that DACA recipients employed by the university will be let go as soon as March 2018. “To our wonderful CSU employees impacted by this revocation, I am troubled and dismayed,” White said in a written response to the White House’s decision. “If (members of Congress) fail to act timely, regretfully,

ANONYMOUS DACA STUDENT documented or undocumented, we need to know the rights that we have to keep us free from unconstitutional search and seizure.” The program’s removal

“We’re sad. We’re angry. We’re mad,” the student said. “Taking away DACA reminds us of how unfair the situation is and how we’re living ... (To) the people that

are going to be reading this, you guys are in the classrooms with people who can’t go to school (now), who can’t afford school.” This DACA student was one of many present at a special meeting held at the Titan Dreamers Resource Center, facilitated in part by CSUF Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and attended momentarily by CSUF President Mildred Garcia in solidarity. “The call to support these students is not new, and I am proud that we at Cal State Fullerton have a long history of answering it,” Garcia wrote in an email Tuesday. “Today, we build upon that

legacy by standing in solidarity with DACA students on our campus and across the system.” CAPS counseling intern Kimberly Rios appeared halfway through the meeting, but not by CAPS’s request. “(CAPS) hasn’t told us specifically to go and do any of this,” Rios said. “They just told us to be available ... I know that as of now, we’re giving (DACA students) priority to let them come in as walk-ins.” Members of Associated Students Inc. also made an appearance. SEE DACA


Cross Country finishes first MARIANA VERA Daily Titan


“Touching From a Distance” by Angel Nevarez and Valerie Tevere and “The Fountain” by Michael Nannery are among the exhibits that opened on Saturday at Cal State Fullerton’s Grand Central Art Center as monthly Artwalk continues.

New exhibits open at GCAC

Downtown Santa Ana hosts local artists at its Artwalk and center. JULIAN MUNIZ Daily Titan

An extensive variety of artists lit up the downtown city strip of Santa Ana as Cal State Fullerton’s Grand Central Art Center showcased two new art exhibits to the public in addition to its monthly Artwalk. The “First Saturday”


Artwalk in Santa Ana is one of the biggest nights of the month for surrounding museums and galleries, and more than 3,500 people are usually in attendance. The aquatic-style garden called “The Fountain,” created by artist Michael Nannery,

will be continually showcased at the center. The exhibit’s purpose is to fill the museum’s space with greenery and fresh air while offering an invitation to those outside the museum, Nannery said. SEE ARTWALK


Cal State Fullerton men’s and women’s cross country teams took first place in the Mark Covert Invitational Sept. 2, in their opening race of the season. Freshman Wendi Leos led the Titans and earned second place in the women’s 5K race with a time of 18:09.3. Sophomore Sam Huerta finished closely behind in fifth place with a time of 18:33. The team’s total score of 34 edged out second-place Loyola Marymount by two points. San Diego rounded out the top three with a score of 141. In the men’s 8K race,

junior Samuel Pimentel and sophomore Jorge Sanchez-Velazquez were neck and neck. Pimentel placed third with a final time of 25:26.5 and San-

“I’m really happy with our teams...They opened the year up really strong, and we’re excited to get the wins on both sides.

Titan teams start their season with first place titles.

JOHN ELDERS HEAD COACH chez placed fourth with a 3.3-second difference. The men finished with a winning score of 49. Loyola Marymount came in second with 70 and Pomona-Pitzer in third with 81 points. SEE CROSS COUNTRY 6 VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM

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