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The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Tuesday October 8, 2019

Volume 106 Issue 20

A rainbow illuminates the colors of different identities National Coming Out Week takes a momentous start with inclusion of pride flag. OLIVIAHAWKINS Staff Writer





As the state, American and pride flag wave proudly under the same sky, the queer community embraces a new era of inclusion and equality on Cal State Fullerton’s campus.

‘Joker’ makes cents without sense Award

falls short for some

The movie is a disturbing punchline delivered with a bloody smile and hysteria. ANALESE SANDOVAL Asst. Editor

A joker, a clown, a comedian or just a freak? Joaquin Phoenix adapts the role of the Joker in the R-rated film, “Joker,” like never before. Immediately, the audience is dropped into a world of sheer violence and abuse where the origin of the Joker begins with a man named Arthur Fleck. Unlike most comic book heroes and villains transformed onto the big screen, Arthur is seen as a man throughout most of the film, instead of the notorious villain. The audience is with Arthur the entire time he learns the hidden discrepancy of his life, and honestly, his life sucks. How is a relatively sane person supposed to relate to a protagonist that is a sociopathic murderer who leads chaos? They witness his transformation. They learn that the character is heavily medicated to an extent that would drive anyone insane. Arthur shows his moments of vulnerability throughout the film. The subtle suggestion of professionals distributing medication to numb the emotions of a patient as per their request, but abandoning any responsibility for their mental health is a clear signifier for sympathy.

Associated Students’ leaders look for other jobs to cover financial needs. JESSICA RAZO Asst. Editor



However, viewers may feel unsettled and uncomfortable as a close up of his face shows the smile hiding the rage just below the surface. Even a normal scene of Arthur dancing for sick children, trying to make them laugh, is disturbing and no one knows why (until they do). It is not fun to watch, nor did the director, Todd Phillips, leave much of any comedic relief in the events that create the Joker. The known heroes are nonexistent. Thomas Wayne, and by extension his son, the one and only Bruce Wayne, negatively represent the political and social division in their world. Then there is the iconic Joker laugh. The first instance of the

infamous laugh is when he is in the presence of Murray Franklin. Murray, portrayed by Robert de Niro, is a version of the main character, Jerry Lewis, from the film “The King Of Comedy.” There is an inverse relationship between comedy and tragedy. After the most brutal scene of this cinematography, the audience will find a hint of laugher forming in the back of their throat. A repeated statement by Arthur, “I used to think that my life was a tragedy but now I realize it’s a f---ing comedy.” Phoenix’s interpretive dance movements are so beautiful and so powerful. Arthur’s disfigured body physically expresses all the twists and knots he feels on the

inside. Nothing is more attractive than a man who knows who he is twisted and accepts it, full Joker moment. If only his voice wasn’t so chilling. Penny Fleck, played by actress Frances Conroy, was the convincing ailing mother of Arthur, who is his only parental and familial attachment. People think he is making jokes because he wants to be a comedian or it’s so disturbing he has to be kidding, but in actuality he’s brutally honest in his commentary. His act is a cry for help that no one wants to deal with, including his mother. SEE CLOWN


Associated Students leaders are eligible for a financial aid award funded by student fees. However, some student leaders say the award does not cover all their needs. Associated Students leaders do not get an hourly wage, but they can qualify for an Associated Students Student Leader Financial Aid Award. The sum these students are awarded is derived using a percentage of the average cost of attending the university, which takes into account the cost of books, room and board, transportation and other student fees according to Associated Students bylaws. The award ranges from around $3,000 to $20,000 a year, depending on position. SEE MONEY


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