Michigan Jersey Cattle Club Annual Meeting
February 8, 2020 Bavarian Inn, Frankenmuth Meeting called to order at 9:20 am by President Brent Moyer. Secretary’s report from Annual Meeting February 2019 was read. Motion made by Jeff Dawson and supported by Larry Place to accept Secretary’s report as read. Motion passed. Treasure’s report was presented. CD = 5107.72 Savings = 9025.16 Checking 400.00 Futurity = 40.00 2019 expenses Summer Show Awards, Jersey Journal Ads, Summer show meal, Futurity payout Motion made by Larry Place and supported by Tom Atherton to accept the treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed. Old Business Discussion on the direction of MJCC. Suzanne Tuttila has agreed to being the MJCC Executive Secretary at no cost for the first year to see how many hours etc she would spend on MJCC tasks. Responsibilities will include membership, futurity, maintain financials and minute taking at any meetings. This also includes providing necessary forms to MDCN, printing certificates for All Michigan and Res All Michigan. Motion made by Jeff Dawson and supported by Tom Atherton for Suzanne Tuttila to be MJCC Exec Sec that includes above listed responsibilities. Motion passed. Other discussion on how to promote MJCC and the brown cow; 1. All Junior Show class winners Spring 2020
will receive $5 and a membership form 2. Maintain Facebook page 3. Need to work on incentives for MJCC members 4. Education to producers that registered doesn’t necessarily mean show cows/heifers. Also discussed that MHA is working on organizing a committee that will comprise of all dairy breed representatives as the other breed clubs in Michigan and becoming smaller or none existent and MHA is recognizing the need for a way for the other dairy breeds to have a place within the Michigan purebred dairy cattle. MHA is suggesting the committee be called Michigan Dairy Cattle or something along those lines to go with the MDCN publication. Jeff Dawson and Malissa Reed agreed to sit on this committee to represent Jersey. New Business Melissa Hart provided an update of the MDCN that is going well. MJCC thanked Melissa for her hard work and dedication of the magazine. Brent announced that MHA is welcoming Jersey consignments to their spring sale. All Michigan Jersey Show- MJCC needs to go back to providing certificates for All Michigan and Reserve All Michigan and the membership agreed. We will request that Suzanne gets the certificates printed and MJCC will cover the cost. Motion made by Beth Rupprecht and supported by Tom Atherton to feature the All Michigan and Reserve All Michigans in the MDCN. Melissa will need a professional photo for this. Beth amended her motion to MJCC will provide a $25 gift certificate towards the photo. Motion maintained support and was passed. Summer Show – MJCC needs to provide awards/ribbons for class winners. Suggested that Deanna Buell gets with Suzanne to order awards together and that may decrease cost. Tim Place
and Deanna Buell will remain the show chairs. National Jersey will sponsor 1st3rd place ribbons for Summer Show. MDCN will sponsor the same award they did last year. Larry Place would like to sponsor and Bred and Owned award. Elections There are 2 board member positions that are up (Carrie Delong and Malissa Reed) Carrie announced that she is declining to run again. Nominations included Lauren Siver and Malissa Reed. Motion made by Beth Rupprecht and supported by Tom Atherton to close nominations and vote by unanimous ballot. Motion passed. Nominations for President included Beth Rupprecht. Motion made by Malissa Reed and supported by Martin Thomsen to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot. Motion passed. Nominations for Vice President included Mary Costigan who respectfully declined and Allison Schafer. Motion made by Jeff Michelak and supported by Tom Atherton to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot. Motion passed. Nominations for Third Member (due to no secretary or treasurer) included Jeff Dawson. Motion made by Larry Place and supported by Tom Atherton to close nominations and vote by unanimous ballot. Motion passed. Current Board of Directors includes Nick Clark (2022) Tim Place (2022) Greg Palen (2021) Drew Rupprecht (2021) Deanna Buell (2021) Lauren Siver (2023) Malissa Reed (2023) President Beth Rupprecht (2022) VP Allison Schafer (2022) Jeff Dawson (2022) Motion made by Jeff Dawson and supported by Tom Atherton to adjourn at 10:21 am. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Carrie Delong, MJCC Secretary Michigan Dairy Cattle News 13