Michigan Dairy Cattle News Winter Issue 2020

Page 21

Proposed2021 Amendments – 11/2020 Membership Application

Current: Current: the number of vacancies, those receiving Name:______________________________________________________________________ Article III Membership Section Three the greatest number of votes shall be electFarm Name: _________________________________________________________________ Section Two The named offices of President, Vice-Pres- ed up to the number of vacated seats on the Phone: ( ) ___________________ Cell Phone: (____)____________________ The fees of each membership category; ident, Secretary and Treasurer shall serve board. If more than one candidate has the Address ____________________________________________________________________ regular individual, farm, associate, junior two-year terms, with three of each elected same number of votes on the first ballot a City : _________________________ State: ___________________ Zip code ____________ or lifetime member, and the qualifications in alternating years. There are no limits on second ballot shall be cast to break the tie. Email: _______________________________________________________________________ and privileges of each group, shall be estab- the number of terms. Proposed: Directions to Farm ___________________________________________________________ lished by the Board of Directors. Proposed: Section Three


Proposed: Number of Jerseys: Registered________ The named offices ofGrade President, Vice-Pres- The Nominating Committee will name _____________ The fees of each membership category; reg- ident shall serve two-year terms. There are candidates for Director whose two-year ular individual, farm, associate, junior, and no limits on the number of terms. terms are currently expiring; candidates ************************************************************************ the qualifications and privileges of each for President and Vice-President, whose group, shall be established by the Board of Current: two-year terms are expiring; during their Dairy Cattle Newsmeeting unless otherwise Directors. All Memberships include a subscription Article V to the Michigan Organization prior to the annual meeting. The requested. Section One nominating committee will present these Current: The Board of Directors shall hold a Direc- candidates to the membership at the annuArticle IV Adult Officers tors’ meeting prior to the annual meeting of al meeting. The President shall allow extra Membership: Section One Active Breeders with voting rights the membership. The agenda for the annual time for additional to be made $25. 00nominations ____ The officers of the Michigan Jersey Cattle meeting shall be determined at this meet- from the floor before accepting a motion Club shall be: President, Vice-President, ing. that nominations be closed or that the slate Familyand Membership: ____ Secretary, Treasurer others that may Proposed: be$40.00 presented by the nominating committee 1 Adult Membership with unlimited Junior Memberships be appropriate as determined by the Board Section One be elected by acclimation. The nominee (Junior member must be of the same family as the adult member) of Directors to serve for a specific purpose The Board of Directors shall hold a Direc- for each office then receiving a majority of and time. tors’ meeting prior to the annual meeting of votes will be declared the winner. For Director, if the$50.00 number____ of candidates equals Farm Membership: Proposed: the membership. the number of vacancies, those candidates Section One Unlimited Adult and Junior Memberships will obviously be elected. If the number of The officers of the Michigan Jersey Current: Voting rights will onlyCattle be offered to One listed Adult candidates for Director exceeds the numClub shall be: President, Vice-President Three as the adult member Junior member must be of the Section same family ber of vacancies, those receiving the greatand others that may be appropriate as de- The Nominating Committee will name canest number of votes shall be elected up to termined by the Board of Directors to serve didates for Director whose two-year terms Junior Membership: $5.00 ____ the number of vacated seats on the board. for a specific purpose and time. are currently expiring; candidates for Pres(under 21 as of Dec 31 of current year) ident, Vice-President, Secretary and Trea- If more than one candidate has the same Current: surer, whose terms expire annually; during number of votes on the first ballot a second shall$be__________ cast to break the tie. Total Section Two their meeting prior to the annual meeting. ballot The Board of Directors of the Michigan Jersey Cattle Club shall consist of the officers, List of Junior Members six (6) elected Directors at Large and the _____________________ immediate past President; all of whom, at _____________________ the time of election must be a member in good standing_____________________ whose official residence is in Michigan.

The nominating committee will present these candidates to the membership at the Current: List of Adult Members (Farm Membership) Duties of the Officers annual meeting. The offices of secretary Article VI Section Three age___ _____________________________________ and treasurer may be held concurrently by age ___ person. The _____________________________________ the same President shall allow The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all extra time for additional nominations to meetings and written records of the club. age___ _____________________________________ be made from the floor before accepting a The secretary shall send letters and other _____________________ age___ ______________________________________ motion that nominations be closed or that materials that may be furnished by any ofProposed: the slate be presented by the nominating ficer or committee chair, provided the arSection Two ticles are furnished ten or more days prior * The Board of Directors of the Michigan Jer- committee be elected by acclimation. The to the last date of mail receipt required for ************************************************************************ sey Cattle Club shall consist of the officers, nominee for each office then receiving a member notice; plus other duties assumed six (6) elected Directors at Large and the majority of votes will be declared the win- by legal custom or as assigned by the Board ner. For Director, if the number of candiimmediate past President; all of checks whom, at payable Directors. Make to Michigan Jersey CattleofAssociation the time of election must be a member in dates equals the number of vacancies, those will obviously be elected. If the good standing.Send payment with form to:candidates Suzanne Tuttila: 850 Davenport Drive, Waxahachie, TX 75167 number of candidates for Director exceeds PH: 517-490-7736 Winter 2020

Michigan Dairy Cattle News 21

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