7 minute read
Wingate by Wyndham, St. Clairsville/Wheeling, St. Clairsville, Ohio • Saturday, March 4, 2023
Called to order by President Chris Lahmers at 9:05 a.m.
Steve Moff - Opening Prayer
President Lahmers thanked Don and Danette Simpson and the Cain Family for tours of their farms on Friday and Lisa Mangun for working with District 3 to put together the convention.
The secretary’s report was read by the membership and Joe Cole and Joe Miley moved to accept the report. The membership approved.
Chris Lahmers gave the treasurer's report in Kaye Jane’s absence. The report was in the handouts for all the membership who attended the meeting. Judy Wolford and Jason Robinson approved the treasurers report and it was accepted by acclamation.
A report was provided from the Dairy and Education Fund. The members of this committee are Kaye Janes, Judy Wolford, and Jason Robinson. Jason nominated Kaye to serve another term as a member of the committee and Bill Indoe seconded. The committee is looking into updating the Education Fund bylaws to bring current.
President Chris Lahmers mentioned that the association is currently down in numbers of members and we encourage members to make sure they have submitted their payments. He thanked Ty and Heather Etgen for hosting the Breeder’s Tour this past fall with a great turnout.
The Ohio Holstein Convention Virtual Sale held on Friday night should put about $3000 in the OHA treasury.
He also again extended his thanks to Lisa Mangun for doing this working with the host district, District 3, in making this annual event a success.
In news from the office, we have had a quiet year for building needs but the Executive Committee did approve the purchase of a new laptop for Diana to use for zoom meetings. And there is a need for the post for the mailbox to be replaced.
Executive Director Dallas Rynd asked the membership to give their thanks to Diana Miley for all she does for the membership and in keeping the OHA running smoothly.
He also noted that Melissa Hart has been a great asset to the Ohio Holstein News these past few years as the Editor of the magazine.
Dallas informed the members in attendance that Ohio has five delegates sent to the National Holstein Convention and the Ohio Holstein Association added $200 to their small stipend from Holstein USA.
The Credentials Committee reported that we were in need of 19 voting members to conduct the official annual meeting and had
24.The meeting could continue with voting.
Nominating committee - Joe Miley: Joe oversaw the election of the four officers - each position was moved and seconded to accept the single name on the ballot.
President - Chris Lahmers - voted by acclimation
Vice President - Ryan Welch - voted by acclimation
Secretary - Erica Davis - voted by acclimation
Treasurer – Danette Simpson - voted by acclimation
National Association Report - Steve Moff and Carl Kent: Carl gave a few interesting notes from the national office
Holstein USA members identified 586,663 animals with the Holstein Association in 2022, 2% less than in 2021. Registrations decreased by 7% compared to 2021 and Basic IDs increased by 4%.
The classification program has grown for the fourth year in a row, classifying 203,040 head in 3224 herds. They are also scoring Guernseys and will be adding Ayrshires and Milking Shorthorns to the roster this year.
Holstein Marketplace is a newer place to market some bulls, more information can be found through Holstein USA and your area representative.
In July of 2022, Michigan State University Extension published a study which found that Holstein cows were, on average, $456 more profitable per cow annually than Jersey cows, with 77% of the revenue advantage for Holsteins coming from producing about 810 additional pounds of components annually. This study confirms; pounds of components count and Holsteins are the most profitable breed.
Steve Moff reported from his most recent board meeting this past week
• Will be upping the delegate reimbursement from $500 to $1000 (with a W9 to fill out)
• States with 1 delegate combining into a “region” of delegates for more available delegate nominations and attendance at conventions
• Growth management for milk marketing. No specific plans, but in favor of exploring
• Marketplace sires - office out of Fort Atkinson. Tim Ziemba heading.
Carl Kent announced that he will be moving on from being our area representative after serving us for the past 2 ½ years.
There are 4 open positions for Area reps in the association and he will be helping to cover the areas not currently with a representative.
Lauren Almasy has been hired for the Ohio area, along with western PA and we will be seeing her at our events.
Committee Reports - (Any comments on here are in addition to the reports submitted for the membership in the booklet of information)
National Convention - Erica Davis spoke to the attendees to say that without her experience with her state and especially national convention exposure in her youth, she would be quite a different person. The people you meet and the confidence you gain are irreplaceable.
Sales - Bill Indoe - The spring sale will be in Wooster, Ohio at the Wayne County Fairgrounds on April 21. They are working through the transition of Ken Janes taking a lesser role in some of the sale and cowside preparations and getting other, younger folks on a state and local level more involved.
Show - Steve Moff - Junior bred and owned rules for national and regional shows are now written as the open bred and owned rules to allow for juniors who have aged out siblings/partners on the paper to not change the owner/breeder status.
David Crack will be the Holstein open show judge at Ohio State Fair (OSF) and Eddie Bue will be the junior show judge. Matt Hawbaker will sort the Holsteins at Spring Dairy Expo (SDE). Heather Yoder and Cindy Howman will be creating the SDE Holstein show awards.
We will be needing a new place for All Ohio Awards to be ordered from as the place Steve has been getting the awards has changed hands and will no longer be doing the state of Ohio cut outs.
PDCA - Bill Indoe, President - passed the report to anyone in the membership who was at the last meeting as he was unable to be in attendance. Steve Moff was on the zoom link for the meeting and gave the highlights. PDCA is requesting that at SDE and OSF that more milk be put into the tank and less down the drain. In the past, milk in the drain has created some clogging issues due to the older infrastructure and also the milk check goes to the Dairy Youth Incentive (DYI) Fund , a great cause to support. Some of the extra DYI money has been put into a CD to continue to add more dollars to the fund for the kids.
Ohio Holstein News - Melissa Hart, Editor - she appreciates doing this magazine and very much enjoys the breeders and members she is able to work with.
• Revamping the women's page - adding a few features
• Erica Davis will be helping out with Ohio Holstein News ad proofs, emails and odd jobs.
• March/April issue Ad deadline - March 7 so hopefully the magazine can get to Spring show, but for sure before some main spring sales in April
• Midwest Holsteins issue that OHN is part of will be going to World Dairy Expo
Melissa’s thank yous:
• Barb Lumley - sale reports
• COBA - continued support of the magazine
• Walnut Hill / Champion Select / Greg Cornish - ad underwriting support
• ADA Mideast - Membership issue sponsor
Sarah Hart does a lot of the social media posts of Ohio Holstein News on Facebook and she wanted to report tha posts reach potentially over 64,000 people. Sharing and liking from members who are on social media has helped get our information out there on social media!
• 442 members as of March 1, 2023
• 247 junior members as of March 1, 2023
Buckeye Breed Builder - Jim Ray:
• Nominations can be done all year and given to a member of the committee or board
It was brought to Jim’s attention that some retired breeders need some recognition and a “Legacy award” for some older breeders / mentors is being brainstormed.Jim is wanting more help with developing this award.
Building - Nothing much happened in the past year. There is a need for the mailbox post to be fixed/repaired, but that is all!
Annual Meeting Committee - Lisa Mangun extended extra thank yous to the following contributors to the convention and annual meeting planning group:
• Don & Dannette Simpson set up the hotel and the meeting rooms and the room rates
• Louise Harding was a great help
• Jacquelyn Deeter at COBA created all the programs
• ADA Mideast sets up all the dairy bar and pay for it all as well
Resolutions - John Hartline
• District 3 - for putting on the Annual Meeting
• Don / Dannette Simpson and Cain Family for the hosting of the farm tours
• These resolutions were moved and seconded and approved by the membership
Scott Higgins from ODPA and ADA Mideast spoke for a few minutes, updating us on all the issues and promotions that his teams have been working through on our behalf.
• ODPA - Joe Miley chairman
• Make our voice known to our elected officials on environmental issues
• Manure / nutrient management plans in place on all farms are needed
• Documentation is key
• Fired up about FDA not standing behind MILK coming from lactating mammals and will be fighting this labeling issue
• When you buy an ice cream at the Dairy Products building at OSF, money goes to ODPA ADA
• Some details from pamphlet
• Cheese consumption
Old Business:
The Ohio Holstein Association Website has been taken on and updated by Erica Davis.
New Business: None.
Open Discussion:
A thank you note was received from the Queen Committee: Dear Ohio Holstein Association,
Thank you so much for your ongoing support of the Queen contest. Our competition would not be the success it is without your help and dedication!
Sincerely, Queen Committee
Hannah Simpson
Courtney Lund
Julie Anne Grove
Motions were made to adjourn the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Ohio Holstein Association, ending at 10:30 a.m.