Ohio Holstein Women Annual Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2022
President Louise Harding called the meeting to order. There were 8 women attending. The minutes from Feb 29, 2020 were read and approved. Treasurer Lisa Mangun gave the treasurer’s report. There will be Convention expenses and the OHA will give to OHW $1375.00 including $1000 to the Queen and $225 to the Queen Runner up. Lisa reported that OH Women had given the OH Association $5000 to help plan the National Convention in Ohio, but we are not hosting that National Convention. So the OH Association use the money for office repairs and toward this State Convention.
Jane Moff asked about the Education
Fund which was set aside to cover the next National Convention here in Ohio. How is that to be used since we won’t be hosting the National Convention? Lisa checked to see if it was correct that the OHW gave two consecutive years’ scholarships to the same person. It had been approved by phone vote since the pandemic got in the way of normal proceedings. Becky McDonnell made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report; seconded by Jane Moff; motion passed. We discussed work to be done at the Ohio Holstein office in Wooster. Diana’s office walls were stripped and painted at the
BUYERS: Bobby & Melissa Hart Brian Lund Aaron Carne Mary & Topp Jay & Kristi Ackley 12
The next motion by Becky was for finishing Diana’s window treatment/ drapes. We still have $125 left from last meeting’s appropriations and this motion adds $500
Thank You!
The Ohio Holstein Women’s auction was held at the Ohio Convention and was another huge success. Thank you to all who donated and purchased items. The proceeds fund the scholarships that are sponsored by the Ohio Holstein Women. DONATIONS CAME FROM: District 3 and Trae Lane District 8 District 2 Kayla Cring Family District 5 (2 items) Deer Creek Lodge Anonymous Donor Madelyn & Mary Lou Topp District 7 Roy & Lisa Mangun Ken & Kaye Janes District 12 Sarah Twinning Guggisburg Cheese Holmes Cheese
expense of $375. Louise Harding and Sara Twining got some samples and pricing for window treatment in that office and walls stripped and painted in the Board room and other offices. Becky McDonnel made a motion to strip and paint the Board Room (taking down the drape rods and repairing those window frames as needed) for that not to exceed $1000. We are to get quotes for all three of Board room windows for blinds or drapes; motion seconded by Jane Moff; passed.
Randall Kiko served as the auctioneer for the Women’s fun auction while OHA Queen Autumn Whiteleather displayed the items up for bid. Lamar Liming Sarah Hart Joe Miley Evan Kiko Don Simpson Jim Ray Ken & Kaye Janes Louis Harding
Bill Lund Family Ray & Sarah Twining Joe Cole Brian Lund The Cring Family Mary Lou Topp Ty & Heather Etgen Dallas Rynd & Judy Wolford