Hello, I’m Aubree Topp and I will be your 2022 Ohio Holstein reporter. At The Ohio Holstein Convention 2022 on March 5th, we elected a new slate of officers. Our president is Madelyn Topp, vice president Cole Pond, secretary Lilly Elsass, reporter Aubree Topp, and treasure Ava Whiteleather.
are working on a banner to take to the National Holstein Convention in Sioux Falls, SD in June. The judge for the Ohio State Fair Junior Holstein show will be John Erbsen from Illinois. We look forward to a great year ahead.
In our meeting we discussed awards for the next two shows. We also
Aubree Topp, OJHA Reporter
Alice Whiteleather (D2) won the last trivia contest and Mackenzie Topp was first runner up. Both received prizes from OHA. Below are some facts about our most recent winner! Alice Whiteleather, age 11 — Hometown: Minerva Who is your favorite Holstein and why? Kiko Solomon Jaw Dropping, together she leads sooo good What other Holstein event this year are you most looking forward to? What did you like best about Spring Dairy Expo? Seeing everyone all Columbiana County Fair
What Do You Know?
many years is the collaboration?
Answer the following questions and send your answers to Paul Haskins at phaskins17199@gmail.com. The first person to answer all the questions correctly will win a prize and have their name published in the next Ohio Holstein News! Good Luck!
2. Who won Ohio Holstein Association’s Distinguished Service Award this year at the convention?
1. What is the #1 hospital in the nation that dairy checkoff is collaborating with to improve public health and advance dairy benefits? How
4. How many points does an animal get towards All-Ohio for showing at a district show?
3. How many dollars is an individual beef checkoff (it helps teach healthcare professionals about beef ’s nutritional role in a healthy diet)?
Answers to the Jan-Feb Questions: 1. Ren-Bow Corvette Lollipop. 2. The Pumpkin Show in Circleville. 3. 116, bonus question answer is Breed Age Average. 4. Ohio State beating Michigan. 5. 2/3 majority approval by delegates MARCH/APRIL 2022