A fun auction was held at the conclusion of the banquet with all proceeds going to the Ohio Holstein Women to use for youth scholarships. Randall Kiko was the auctioneer and was assisted by the Ohio Holstein queens and this young man, Colton Breidenbach. The Ohio Holstein Convention was report can be found on page 31. held March 4-5, 2022, in Mt. Sterling, OhiThe business of the association was om hosted by District 5. Friday afternoon conducted at the annual meeting on Saturincluded a tour of the Deer Creek Dam. day, March 5th. A new officer team was Attendees learned about the dam and were elected: Chris Lahmers was elected as presable to go in and see the innerworkings of ident, Ryan Welch as vice president, Erthe structure that was dedicated in 1968. ica Davis as secretary and Kaye Janes was Friday evening, before the convention sale, a full discussion was held about the All-Ohio rules and the changes that needed to be made to update the contest and make it more applicable to the entire membership. The changes recommended by the show committee were then voted on by the membership at the business meeting the following day and passed. A full set of updated All-Ohio rules can be found on page 26.
re-elected as treasurer.
The awards luncheon was held where several OHA members were honored for their accomplishments. The Ohio Holstein Queen contest was also held where Autumn Whiteleather was named the OHA Queen with Isabel Seibert as her first alternate. The Distinguished Service award was presented to Carl Lund. Read more on that award presentation on page 30.
The convention sale was held Friday evening with a full house. A complete sale 8
Madelyn Topp was awarded the Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship and the Ohio Memorial Scholarship. Tyler Twinning was awarded the Esther Welch Ag Communications Scholarship.