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Yesterday’s Cowpath
As we celebrate the 100th anniversary could find a photographer that could do of the Ohio Holstein Association, Barb as much for me as these professional cattle Lumley will be writing a special column photographers do for a cow. I suspect with featuring special points in time for the Ohio enough pine trees behind me and my legs Holstein Association. Enjoy your walk down propped just right and someone to get my Yesterday’s Cowpath. attention, they might come up with a picBy Barb Lumley District 11 homemakers provided the deli-
The following is taken from the May- cious sounding recipes!June 1974 issue of the Ohio Holstein News, Ohio Holstein Juniors are selling Cal Wilcox, Editor. It was the Production T-shirts, sweatshirts and jackets to raise Issue. money for Convention ’77. Gayle Glowacki
The cover featured a picture of the top is the Ohio Holstein Queen. seller at the Western Ohio Heifer Sale, Wil- District 1 Holstein Club announced Rae Ideal Citation, sold for $2100 to Ken- at a recent board meeting that it is over its neth Allen, Hamilton, Ohio and consigned goal for Convention ‘77. Officers for the by Richard Lewis, Lewis & Sons, Hamilton, year are Lee Liming, President; Bill Alger, Ohio and a picture of the top seller at the Vice-president; Peter Kepner, Secretary; Eastern Ohio Heifer Sale, Willowcrag Matt and George Logen,Treasurer. Master, sold for $2100 to David Reath, The District 3 Holstein Club held their Kirkwood, Pennsylvania, and consigned by first annual meeting on March 24, 1974 at Carl Miller, Columbiana, Ohio. The forty Salt Fork Lodge with 183 members in ateight (48) head sold in the Western Ohio tendance. The meeting was presided over Heifer Sale averaged $975.00. The fifty (50) by President Vince West. Newly elected ofhead sold in the Eastern Ohio Heifer Sale ficers are James Kemp, President; Kenneth averaged $897.50. Lloyd, Vice-President; James Newburn,
Select Sires announced their open Secretary-Treasurer; George Passmore, house and sale July 21 & 22. The Select News Reporter and Vince West, State DiSires Super Sale was scheduled for July 22 rector. at the Ohio State Fairgrounds and featured District 9 Holstein Club held a barn sixty (60) consignments all sired by Select meeting on February 19, 1974 at Bob BinSires bulls. ger’s farm south of Clyde. The purpose of
Quietcove Matt Judy (EX 92 MAM the meeting was to demonstrate the useful11111) was announced with the new state ness of the HFA’s classification program and milk record for Senior Four Year Olds with how it actually works. Program Director 4-06 305 27110 3.4 912 and 365 30130 3.4 Jim Henderson took charge of the meet1028. She is bred and owned by Quietcove ing and presented a slide program. James Holsteins, Wapakoneta, Ohio. Pound Director of the Extension Program
Ohio listed twelve (12) delegates to the for the Holstein Friesian Association was National Convention in Atlantic City, New present to answer questions.Jersey. They are J. O. Fenstermaker, John R. The Medina County Holstein Club Snoddy, Art Crocker, E. Dale Raush, Rich- held their annual banquet and elected Bob ard C. Lewis, William A. Shipley, Clair E. Brainard and Lowell Hoffmaster as local diJones, Sterling Timmons, Henry Gelbke, rectors. Jim Tait was elected as a District Ivo H. Osterloh, Eugene Welch, Myron W. 8 board director. Miss Sally Sexton. GranStryffeler. ville, Ohio, a Guernsey breeder was the
Ohio Holstein Breeders are planning speaker. She assured them there was room for the National Holstein Convention in in the field for both breeds and kept the 1977 which will be held in Ohio. There was Holstein people laughing. She closed with, a full page list of Convention ‘77 donors “One doesn’t have to be crazy to be a farmer from each district. A total of 234 had do- but it helps”.nated at that time, with District 8 showing At the Ashland County Holstein Banthe most donors. quet the Outstanding Holstein Girl Award
In her “The Mistress Muses” column went to Jean Tugend and the Outstanding on the Ohio Holstein Homemakers’ pages, Holstein Boy Award went to Bob Keets. Jean Timmons wrote, “I’ve often wished I ture of me the way I’d like to think I look.” 28 | OHIO NEWS | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 Kenneth Koegler was elected as State Director for District 8.
The Trumbell County Holstein Club held their annual meeting with 203 persons present. Elmer Kohlmorgan is President and Sterling Timmons is Ohio Holstein Association Director from District 1.
Breezewood Patsy Bar Pontiac EX 91 2E just broke the world record for milk and fat, producing at 8-6 365D 45280 milk 4.8 2194fat. She is the granddaughter of Princess Breezewood RA Patsy VG who previously held the record for fat at 1866 lbs. She is bred and owned by Henry and Herman Gelbke, Vienna, Ohio. Twenty eight (28) German dairymen toured Ohio on March 9, 1974 and visited Gelbke Brothers and the NOBA bull stud at Tiffin, Ohio.
Numerous breeder ads were featured for the Ohio Classic Sale to be held Friday, July 12, 1974 at 7:00 p.m. The Ohio State Holstein Show will be held Saturday, July 13 at 9:00 a.m. at the State Fairgrounds, Columbus, Ohio. Obie Snider, Imler, Pennsylvania will be the judge.
COBA/Select Sires featured Glendell Arlinda Chief on the back cover, with the headline, “He comes from the LAND OF LINCOLN and he is STANDING TALL”. The ad pictured his daughters and featured a drawing of Abraham Lincoln.