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July 10, 2021
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Page 2 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
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Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 3
Revitalizing an interest in dairy Haub recruits 4-Hers to show his animals By Sherry Newell Contributing Writer
BOONE, Iowa – As a partner in the only dairy farm left in Boone County, Iowa, Jeremiah Haub was not surprised the dairy show at the county fair had dwindled in past years. But he was motivated to do something about it. That something was a program he started to offer the county’s 4-H members a chance to show dairy animals from the 70-cow farm he and his brother operate west of Boone. By 2019, after several years of growth, there were 18 kids who brought 40 of the farm’s animals to the fair. “Five or six years ago, we had a boy in 4-H and showing against yourself is kind of boring. So, we decided to open the farm up to other people,” said Haub, who five years ago returned to the dairy established by his mother, Kathy, and his late father, David, in 1976. Haub’s brother, Matt, farms with him. Haub’s wife, Angela, is a nurse. Haub had been dairy superintendent at the Boone County Fair for 15 years, during which the turnout for every species was shrinking. He spoke to 4-H leaders about his idea for letting members show leased dairy animals, and before long, a group had formed that was ready to learn. This year, 13 members are participating. Most of those involved
Jeremiah and Angela Haub (le ) work with 4-H members – (from le ) Kelsey Shakenberg, Carter Haub, Wesley Sharp, Riley Shakenberg, Wya Sharp, Emma Wiebold and Sophia Moorman – during a showmanship workshop June 24 at their dairy farm near Boone, Iowa. The Haubs started a program for kids to learn about dairy and take the farm’s animals to the county fair. live in town. “These are kids who won’t clean out the cat litter box at home, and now they’re scrubbing poop off of cows,” Haub said. “You have the kids who come out the first time and don’t want to get dirty, and pretty soon they’re addicted to cows.” There is plenty for each participant
to learn. Beginners come to the farm to choose their animal about a month before the fair. Their first year, they are restricted to spring calves; those with experience can choose older animals, including cows. Those who stay in the program can show the offspring of their previous projects and choose new animals.
The Haubs’ 70-cow dairy herd provides a choice of several breeds; Haub calls it a rainbow herd. Milking Shorthorns and Holsteins have always been there, and there is one Ayrshire. There are also Jerseys from the Burkhart family who runs Picket Fence Creamery Turn to HAUBS | Page 4
¿Como se dice?
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Have you ever wondered ‘How do I say that in Spanish?’. Below are a few common phrases heard around the dairy, along with how to say them in Spanish.
› Feed this calf please
Alimente este ternero por favor Ah-lee-mehn-teh ehs-the tehr-neh-roh pohr-fah-bohr
› Vaccinate this calf please Vacune este ternero por favor
Bah-koo-neh ehs-the tehr-neh-roh pohr-fah-bohr
› Dip the navel please
Selle el ombligo por favor Seh-yeh ehl ohm-blee-goh pohr-fah-bohr
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Page 4 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
55” Panel Fans
Con nued from HAUBS | Page 3
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Jeremiah Haub plays the role of judge during a showmanship workout with kids – (from le ) Emma Wiebold Carter Haub and Wesley Sharp with parent, Sara Sharp holding a heifer in the back – at his dairy near Boone, Iowa. The Haubs’ farm is the last dairy in Boone County, and 4-H members are part of a program allowing them to show the dairy’s ca le at the county fair. near Woodward. All the Haubs’ milk goes to Picket Fence Creamery. Once they have gotten a start with their animal, 4-Hers can visit the farm to work with their animal as often as they like. There are headlocks and chutes to make catching, washing and leading the cattle easier. Haub provides showmanship and grooming advice. “The big thing is the parents,” Haub said. “Some bring the kids out a couple times a week.” Even when they begin with small calves, the kids work hard, he said. “The kids begin to understand they have to make that animal walk,” Haub said. “They can’t expect it to lead automatically; they have to use some physical muscle.” Like any youth who show livestock, Haub’s members experience disappointments.
Kelsey Shakenberg, of Ogden, is showing for the fifth time, but her first year was ruined when her calf got ringworm just before the fair. Wesley Sharp, of Boone, had his first two animals die. Still, each participant at a recent showmanship workout said the opportunity is rewarding. “I just love animals, so when I found out I could do this, it was great,” Shakenberg said. “I have a real passion for my first cow, Opal. She’s a sweetheart.” Sophia Moorman, of Ogden, said she has enjoyed getting to know the people involved with showing dairy. “And I’ve done pretty well,” Moorman said. “I started to like being with cows.” Turn to HAUBS | Page 5
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Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 5
Con nued from HAUBS | Page 4
Commercial Agri Buildings
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Sophia Moorman of Ogden, Iowa, prac ces se ng up her cow’s feet during prac ce at the Haub farm. Moorman is a 4-H member who has shown Jeremiah Haub’s animals for several years.
Each 4-Her signs an official lease to be part of the program. The Haubs provide everything the 4-Hers need – feed, grooming equipment, halters – for a fee which began at $20 per member. This year, Haub increased the fee to $20 per animal. Beyond showing at the fair, members of the group often visit the farm throughout the year. They also do something fun as part of the county fair show each year. In 2020, when the fair went on despite COVID-19, parents competed in a contest showing
“I just get enjoyment out of teaching them about dairy.” JEREMIAH HAUB, DAIRY FARMER
their kids’ cattle. This year, a costume contest is planned during the fair, July 15-18. While the Haubs have fulfilled their desire to create competition at the dairy show, it has not come without some grumbles from their own children, Sophia and Blake. “There have been tears; there have been feelings hurt,” said their mother, Angela. “Emotions can run a little high.” Blake has since graduated, but Sophia remains involved. Since the Haubs’ herd is not registered, the 4-Hers are not able to show beyond the county fair. But the career paths of a few might be influenced by the experience. Shakenberg sees herself pursuing a dairy-related career in the future. Another Sharp sibling, Wyatt, would like to work in animal transportation. Those ideas reinforce Haub’s vision. “I just get enjoyment out of teaching them about dairy,” he said. “It’s interesting to hear them say, ‘I didn’t know you had to work this hard to make food.’”
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Page 6 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
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The Dahl family – (from le ) Cashton, Jaxie, Steph, Bricker and Josh – pose with the triplet calves born June 16 on their 200-cow dairy near Rushford, Minnesota.
Dahls welcome triplets, two sets of twins, two single calves June 16 By Krista Kuzma
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RUSHFORD, Minn. – The Dahl family does not think they will see another day similar to the one they had June 16. That hot day in June, Josh and Steph Dahl, along with their three kids, Jaxie, 8, Cashton, 8, and Bricker, 5, welcomed one set of triplets, two sets of twins and two single-birth calves to their 200-cow farm, Dead End Dairy, near Rushford. The triplets and twins were all born within an hour and a half of each other. “We probably won’t have another day like that in our life,” Josh said. “It was hectic.” While the multiple births in one day is rare for the dairy, having triplets was a first for the Dahls. It also caught them by surprise. “We didn’t know she was pregnant with triplets,” Josh said. “Normally we check by ultrasound for twins at 30-35 days so it’s early and (the calves are) small. We must have missed this one.” The first single-birth calf was born right away in the morning when Josh first arrived in the barn for chores. Other than the new calf that morning, the day was fairly routine until Josh checked the dry cow pen around 7 p.m. He found one cow in the process of giving birth and another that would be ready soon. He decided to stick around to help the second cow because he knew she had twins. What he did not realize was the first cow was also having doubles. “As I was helping the second cow, the first cow had popped out a second calf,” Josh said. During this time, a third cow made her presence known. “I knew she was also calving because she was going from cow to cow, trying to take calves,” Josh said. Despite the cow being 10 days early, Josh did not think it was too strange. “With this heat, my calvings have been all over,” Josh said. “I’ve had singletons come 10 days early, too.” With four newborns and another cow that still needed to give birth, Josh went to find help from Steph, the kids and an employee before checking the last cow. He was glad he did. “The first calf came out fast so I knew she probably had another one,” Josh said. He was right. After the second calf was born, Josh thought the births were done. “I half-jokingly said I better check for
a third,” he said. “Sure enough, there was a third one. If I hadn’t pulled all three and she would have had them by herself, I would have been looking for another mother. I wouldn’t have believed it because we’ve never had triplets before.” The family and their employee were shocked and excited for the trio of Holsteins. “Everyone was dumbfounded,” Steph said. “Josh was speechless. He was worried about the mom and calves. And it was super hot that night. He was sweating.” The two heifers and one bull weighed 64.8 pounds, 61 pounds and 51.6 pounds. “When they came out, we thought they were huge for triplets,” Steph said. “That’s why I wanted to go get the scale to weigh them.” The Dahls also had no help from the cow in caring for her calves. “She didn’t even pay attention to the calves,” Steph said. “She just went to lick the mineral block as we were all frantically trying to make sure they were all alive. I told the kids to go get beach towels from the house and they helped dry them off.” All three were alive and healthy at birth. “Thank God we got to her when we did and noticed she was calving,” Steph said. “She wasn’t due, and if it wouldn’t have been for the other ones having their calves out there, we could have missed it and lost all three. It was a good thing those other cows decided to have their twins.” The rest of the evening was spent getting calves in new pens, bringing in the cows and feeding the newborns. “Josh pulled the last calf at 10:30 and we were still feeding calves because we had nine new ones plus the rest of them,” Steph said. “I don’t even know how many bottles we fed that night. It was nuts. It was a late night in the calf barn with all that colostrum.” For now, the calves will live at Dead End Dairy until the heifers have been tested to see if they are reproductively sound. “The first two were heifers so I thought I really had something with two twin heifers,” Josh said. “And then we pulled the third and it was a bull.” If the females are freemartins, they will be sold. The Dahls sell all bull calves and any beef crossbred calves born on the farm. The 6-year-old fourth-lactation cow that gave birth to the triplets is still recovering as the Dahls try to nurse her back to health. Regardless of the outcome of the cow or the calves, the Dahls have lived a day they will never forget. “It was hectic, but it’s been exciting,” Steph said.
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 7
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Page 8 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 Featuring:
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Dan Frericks 14 years old When do you help with chores? Whenever I am needed which is a lot. What are your favorite and least favorite chores? My favorite chore is getting cows from the pasture and bringing newborn calves in from the pasture. My least favorite chore is milking. What is your favorite animal on the farm? My favorite animals are my fair heifers, because they’re super nice and easy to work with. What do you want to be when you grow up? I would like to be a veterinarian. If you had your own farm, what would it look like? No Jerseys. What is your favorite thing to do on and off the farm during the summer? My favorite farm-related thing to do is work with and show cows at the county and state
Glen and Sadie Frericks milk 100 cows with their children – (from le ) Dan, Daphne and Monika – in Stearns County near Melrose, Minnesota.
Turn to FRERICKS | Page 9
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Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 9
Con nued from FRERICKS | Page 8
fair. My favorite off-farm thing to do is play softball. What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream. What is the best thing about growing up on a dairy farm? The work ethic it gives you.
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Monika Frericks 12 years old When do you help with chores? Anytime of the day when I’m needed. What are your favorite and least favorite chores? My favorite chores are milking cows with my dad and getting newborn calves from the pasture. My least favorite chore is giving water and pellets to the calves in the hutches. What is your favorite animal on the farm? I love all of my princesses (my Jerseys). They are so friendly and will walk up to us in the pasture. What do you want to be when you grow up? I’d like to be a writer or a teacher. If you had your own farm, what would it look like? I’d have a small herd of about 150 cows in a sand bedded freestall barn, but I’d have a tiestall barn for milking them. I’d also like a dog who is really friendly, a small flock of chickens, and a few cats. What is your favorite thing to do on and off the farm during the summer? My favorite thing to do on the farm during the summer is walk, wash and clip my cows for the Stearns County Fair. My favorite thing to do off the farm during the summer is hang out with friends and play softball. What is your favorite dairy treat? Ice cream cones and milkshakes. What is the best thing about growing up on a dairy farm? Making bonds with our animals and all of the experiences and opportunities the dairy community provides.
Daphne Frericks 8 years old When do you help with chores? Afternoon and evening. What are your favorite and least favorite chores? My favorite chore is milking with my dad at night. My least favorite chore is feeding bottle calves. What is your favorite animal on the farm? I like cats and Red and White calves. Cats are fun to cuddle with, and I think Red and Whites are pretty. What do you want to be when you grow up? A dairy famer. If you had your own farm, what would it look like? It would have cows, a lot of kitties and bunnies. I’d also like to have some chickens and dogs. What is your favorite thing to do on and off the farm during the summer? My favorite thing to do on the farm during the summer is play with kitties. My favorite things to do off the farm during the summer are play with my friends and go camping. What is your favorite dairy treat? Cheese and ice cream. What is the best thing about growing up on a dairy farm? There’s a lot of room to play and it’s fun to grow up around animals.
CIH RMX 370, 27’ disc....................... $28,000 CIH RMX340, 27’ ............................... $25,000 CIH Tigermate 200, 32’ ...................... $27,000 CIH 4800 26’ field cultivator................. $7,500 CIH 7500, 4-bottom plow..................... $5,000 CIH 527B ripper ................................. $13,000 CIH 496, cushion, no mulch, 25 ft. .... $11,000 White 445 15-shank disc chisel, nice ... $7,500 Glencoe 13-shank .............................. $10,500 DMI 530 Ecolo-Tiger .......................... $12,000 DMI Tigermate, 26’ .............................. $9,500 JD 714, 9-shank disc chisel ................. $9,500 Glencoe 4450 13-shank, disc chisel ... $10,500
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Page 10 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
Nick Deitchler, 17, merges second-crop haylage June 22 for Whi le Farms near Volga, Iowa. His parents, Lanny and Deb Deitchler, are partners in the dairy.
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 11
Dairy ambassadors share dairy’s message across the Midwest
The Midwest Dairy Association sponsors a Dairy Ambassador program where college students serve as dairy advocates and share their dairy stories with consumers at events throughout the year. We profiled the ambassadors from North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa,, Illinois and Minnesota. he ambassador
Kate Czarny Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin School, major: I will be a senior at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale majoring in animal science Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Being a dairy ambassador is important to me for a variety of reasons. The most important reason is my passion for the dairy industry and my belief that consumers should be educated on where their food comes from and the industry they rely on every day. I love being able to educate others while sharing my love for dairy. What event are you most looking forward to as an ambassador and why? I am most looking forward to the Illinois State Fair. I’m very excited to be back in person on the fairgrounds and I think it will be awesome to be involved in the state fair as an ambassador.
Briley Lenkaitis Eldorado, Illinois School, major: I will be a senior at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign majoring in ag and consumer economics, ag business markets and managements. Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? I grew up in the dairy industry and I would not be where I am today without it. I want to show people who do not have a dairy background how important this industry is and how much farmers truly care for their animals. What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? I enjoyed playing trivia with kids at the Marcoot Jersey Creamery Cheese Fest in Greenville, Illinois. Fellow ambassador Justin Huff and I let kids spin a wheel and they were asked a dairy question based on what they landed on. Kids were rewarded with dairy-themed prizes. I loved seeing kids answer questions and getting surprised by some of the answers. I also enjoyed the event overall. The Marcoots did a great job getting the public involved with dairy and promoting cheese and other dairy products.
Justin Huff
Olivia Ruffner
Dix, Illinois School, major: I will be a senior at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in animal science with a concentration in pre-veterinary medicine.
Bowling Green, Ohio School, major: I will be a sophomore at Iowa State University majoring in dairy science.
Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? I believe in the importance of engaging with consumers about the dairy industry and sharing my dairy experiences.
Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Being a dairy ambassador is important to me because I love promoting the dairy industry and as an ambassador I have many opportunities to do that. Also, because I’m from out-of-state, the ambassadorship allows me to meet new people and make connections in the industry.
What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? I had the privilege to attend the Marcoot Jersey Creamery Cheese Festival. It was a very good event and a fun way to engage with consumers. I helped with the trivia table, and we asked questions to individuals about the dairy industry. The event was a great opportunity to share my passion for the industry. y
Megan Kueker West Union, Iowa School, major: I will be a junior this fall. I just completed my associate of science in agriculture education at Northeast Iowa Community College and will transfer to Iowa State University, majoring in agriculture communications with a minor in animal science. Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? When I heard about the ambassador program it seemed really interesting and fun to me, while also being a good resume builder. It would allow me to share my love of the industry with others. I find that by being an ambassador it allows me to help spread the dairy story to consumers while also advocating for producers. What event are you most looking forward to as an ambassador and why? Currently, I think the event that I am looking forward to is Breakfast on the Farm. It is an event held at our local community college (NICC) that allows for people to tour an actual dairy while interacting with a variety of people who all are somehow involved in the dairy industry. As an ambassador it gives a chance to utilize our platform to interact with the consumers and share our knowledge of the industry. It is a family friendly event so people of all ages are welcome to attend!
What event are you most looking forward to most as an ambassador and why? I am most looking forward to working at the Iowa State Fair. I am especially excited for this event because I have never attended this state fair but have heard great things about it!
Jessica Schmitt
Fort Atkinson, Iowa School, major: I will be a senior at Iowa State University and I am triple majoring in dairy science, international agriculture, and agricultural communications.
Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Being a dairy ambassador means that I get the opportunity to represent my family’s livelihood and that of many hard working people. I found a love for speaking with consumers and sharing the truth of dairy farming. It is important that they hear the correct story straight from the dairy community opposed to somewhere else.
What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? My favorite event so far was Animal Learning Day hosted by Iowa State Block & Bridle this spring. Community members around the Ames area gathered to learn more about animal agriculture. I worked alongside the Dairy Science Club’s booth teaching kids how to hand milk a cow. I also discussed animal nutrition, calf care and the importance of drinking milk.
Turn to AMBASSADORS | Page 12
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Page 12 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
Con nued from AMBASSADORS | Page 11
a listener to and supporter for agricultural producers. Having grandparents who own a small farm in southern Minnesota has taught me that by listening to what producers have to say, what stories they have to tell and the history that producers have in agriculture shows that producing for America, is truly what they live for. Being able to say that I am an ambassador and advocate for dairy industries, the industry that supports me daily, is something that I am very proud of.
Ashley Hagenow
Madison Krueger
Poynette, Wisconsin
School, major: I will be a senior at University of Wisconsin-River Falls studying dairy science.
Arlington, Minnesota
School, major: I will be a junior at University of Minnesota majoring in agricultural communication and marketing. Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Serving as a dairy ambassador is important to me because while consumers are very satisfied with the nutritional value and quality of the dairy products they consume, I have learned through attending numerous webinars on consumer trends and interactions with consumers that there is a lack of trust in the dairy industry through being unaware of the onfarm practices of producing a dairy product from the cow to the grocery store and eventually to someone’s fridge or dinner table. With that in mind, my goal for the upcoming year is to connect with at least 10 consumers with no prior ties to agriculture as a way to share on-farm practices of dairy production and how milk is sustainably and ethically produced, all while sharing more about my favorite dairy products and their impact on our nutrition and well-being! I am achieving this goal through social media and in-person events, and I love any opportunity to advocate for the dairy industry and drive demand for dairy products that farmers have dedicated their lives’ work to producing. What event are you most looking forward to as an ambassador and why? I am most looking forward to the Minnesota State Fair this year as a chance to connect with the largest audience that our ambassador team will come before to share stories about the dairy industry and its people. If the past year has taught us anything, it is that we crave human connection, so I am excited to once again have authentic conversations in-person with the fair’s attendees while sharing my story and the stories of others in the dairy industry. The “Great Minnesota Get Together” is the perfect opportunity to share key messages from organizations such as Midwest Dairy with consumers, and I am ready to consume a great deal of cheese and ice cream in the process!
Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? I think it is important to educate the public and debunk the myths they may have about the dairy industry.
What event are you most looking forward to most as an ambassador and why? I am ecstatic to make an appearance at the Minnesota State Fair. Over 2 million people attended the State Fair in 2019, missing the 2020 State Fair no one can truly say how big the crowds will be in 2021. I want to say to people in attendance that the goal of dairy farmers is to produce a nutritious and healthy product that everyone can enjoy. If I can share that dairy farmers care, I will feel accomplished in my role as an ambassador. Additionally, I am excited to meet others including advocates, producers, representatives, or ambassadors like me, to absorb more knowledge that they have supporting dairy.
Turn to AMBASSADORS | Page 13
What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? My event would have to be when I went to a small school in my area and did a presentation on from calf to cow. I took them on a journey from a newborn baby calf on my farm all the way to w when it gives birth to its own calf.
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School, major: I will be a junior at University of WisconsinRiver Falls majoring in agricultural education and minoring in animal science. Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Having the role of a dairy ambassador, especially being a Minnesota ambassador means more than what words can possibly say. It is important to me in multiple aspects, the most important is being
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Saluting the 2021 Dairy Ambassadors
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Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 13
Con nued d from AMBASSADORS AMBASSA | Page 12 Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Being a dairy ambassador is important to me because I grew up on my grandparents’ farm, which was dear to my heart. I felt like the cows really drove me to a future in agriculture, and being a dairy ambassador allows me to give back to those cows, farmers, and community that supported me growing up. I also love being able to not only learn from others but also teach others and share our passion of dairy together.
Emily Popp Royalton, Minnesota School, major: I will be a junior at University of MinnesotaTwin Cities majoring in agriculture communication and marketing with a minor in agriculture business. Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Being a dairy ambassador is important to me because it allows me to share dairy farmers’ stories to a variety of audiences in several different ways.
What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? The most fulfilling event I have attended this year was Brickton Genetics’ Food Trucks on the Farm event. I worked with the Isanti County Dairy Princess and the 67th Princess Kay of the Milky Way to talk to many parents, children, and the public all day. We set up a sensory station where children touched different food items that cows and calves eat, such as grain, silage, calf starter, and calf milk replacer. Then visitors moved down the line to where Princess Kay and the Isanti County Dairy Princess handed out coloring books, cow hats, stickers, and other goodies. I enjoyed this event because it was nice to see how a smaller, three generation dairy like Brickton can shine a light on family farming. I also enjoyed seeing the kids’ faces light up with excitement.
Carmen Entzminger Carrington, North Dakota
School, major: I will be a sophomore at Minnesota State University-Moorhead majoring in social work.
Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Being a dairy ambassador is important to me because I was raised on a dairy farm so I think it is important to inform consumers.
What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? Dr. Dawn’s Dairy Day was the most fulfilling event I attended because I was able to inform people about dairy. I gave virtual dairy tours and answered questions.
What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? I have really enjoyed the social media component while being a dairy ambassador. I started a page on instagram called The_ Scoop_on_Dairy and posting on there was definitely not in my comfort zone however because it wasn’t something I was super familiar with. I have been able to grow the most from that experience. p
Sydney Kleingartner Gackle, North Dakota School, major: I am attending Bismarck State College for farm and ranch managment. I will be attending my final year.
Alison Smelter Foley, Minnesota
School, major: I will be a senior at University of WisconsinRiver Falls, majoring in dairy science with a pre-veterinary emphasis.
Tyler Gilliland
Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? I love to promote the dairy industry and show my passion for the industry. What event are you most looking forward to as an ambassador and why? I’m really looking forward to going to North Dakota State Fair to visit with other people within the dairy industry and sharing my passion for dairy with others.
Wayne, Nebraska
School, major: I will be a junior at South Dakota State University majoring in dairy production.
Turn to AMBASSADORS | Page 14
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Page 14 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
Con nued from AMBASSADORS | Page 13 Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? It allows me to connect with dairy producers and get their stories out to consumers. What event are you most looking forward to most as an ambassador and why? The South Dakota State Fair because it will be fun to see the whole state come together in one spot and show not just their support of dairy, but agriculture as a whole.
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Le Mars, Iowa
School, major: I will be a junior at South Dakota State University, majoring in agricultural leadership, while minoring in agricultural marketing and social media.
Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? Being a dairy ambassador is important to me because the dairy industry has always been a part of my life, this is another way to advocate for the industry. Too many people are disconnected from agriculture, so I would like to help them get a better understanding through this role.
Johannah Nielsen Tyler, Minnesota
School, major: I will be a senior at South Dakota State University, double majoring in animal science with a pre-veterinary emphasis and dairy production. Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? I have been involved in the dairy industry for almost my entire life, so it has long been a passion of mine to advocate for an industry that has done so much for me and holds a special place in my heart. I think it’s extremely important to share the story of the dairy industry, especially our reasons why we do what we do, to the consumers as well as potential consumers who may be skeptical about our products and industry. I also think it’s important that we as ambassadors be a link between dairy farmers and those outside of agriculture, especially where there is an age gap. What event are you most looking forward to as an ambassador and why? I am looking forward to the days we have Breakfast on the Farm events and any other local events in the community that we attend. While I love advocating through social media, my favorite thing to do is talk directly with the public about the dairy industry. I always enjoy getting to share my dairy story while also listening to any concerns or questions they may have and then being able to share what I know or giving them resources to find more information. I also make sure to thank them for their support of the dairy industry because without them, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love while providing safe and nutritious dairy products.
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Congratulations to all the Dairy Ambassadors! Thank you for representing the dairy industry!
What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? The most fulfilling events have been all of the open houses I attended for June Dairy Month. I am normally around the kids handing out cow hats, coloring books, and stickers. Their faces light up because they know what a cow is, even the really young ones, but do not realize these goodies are a fun way for them to be able to learn more. I see many of the kids multiple times because after being around the farm they have questions to ask me.
Morgan Kohl Watertown, South Dakota School, major: I will be a senior at South Dakota State University majoring in agronomy and animal science. Why is being a dairy ambassador important to you? I want to serve as an advocate for the state’s dairy industry and help to promote the importance of dairy among the public, especially the youth. What has been the most fulfilling promotion or event you have been a part of so far as an ambassador? The most fulfilling event I have been a part of was MoDak Dairy’s open house. At this event I was able to take part in giving farm tours and answer many questions from people of all ages who did not come from a dairy farm background. It was truly rewarding to see their interest and excitement towards the dairy industry.
Thank you for being an ambassador in the ag industry. We’re proud of you! LITTLE ROCK, MN 320-584-5147 LASTRUP, MN 320-468-2543
PIERZ, MN 320-468-2168 BUCKMAN, MN 320-468-6433
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 15
DAIRY CALENDAR For three crop years, Minnesota Office for Soil Health and SFA have been collecting, analyzing and sharing onfarm soil health data across Minnesota to help us better interpret and use soil health measurements. Three field days are planned to share research, discuss soil health practices and network. These field days are funded by a NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant project led by the Minnesota Office for Soil Health. – July 14 | 6-8 p.m. This field day offers learning stations with Hava Blair and Zach Paige of North Circle Seeds and SFA Lake Agassiz Chapter demonstrating soil health practices. Brent Hulke will present on perennial flax and perennial sunflowers and Noreen will describe NRCS programs supporting soil health. Free. Registration appreciated to noreen. jo.thomas@gmail.com but walkups welcome. Co-sponsored by Renewing the Countryside. Address: Doubting Thomas Farm, 12506 20th St S, Moorhead – July 15 | 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Presenters include Brian Pfarr, Redwood County SWCD; Kent Solberg, SFA Senior Technical Advisor; Ann Marcelle Lewandowski, Minnesota Office For Soil Health; and Dr. Nic Jelinski, Assistant Professor, Dept of Soil Water and Climate. Tour the Pfarrs’ neighboring fields and then Grant and Dawn Breitkreutz’s Stoney Creek Farm, 38270 Kenwood Ave, Redwood Falls. Free, lunch included. Registration appreciated but walkups welcome. Co-sponsored by Redwood and Renville SWCDs and Minnesota Soil Health Coalition. Starting address: 23669 130th St, Lamberton, MN 56152 – Sept. 1 | TBA | Stearns County | More details TBA The CIG field day series will wrap up with an October event hosted by Mower County SWCD. Details forthcoming. The Minnesota Milking Shorthorn Show will take place July 17 during the Todd County Fair in Long Prairie. For more details and to register, contact Eric Seifert at seife150@umn.edu.
Call 320-352-6303 to place your classified OR mail to: Dairy Star, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, MN 56378 OR e-mail to: nancy.p@dairystar.com
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The Sustainable Farming Association and the Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship are hosting a pasture walk series in summer 2021. Each event will be hosted by SFA/DGA Central Minnesota Education Coordinator Angie Walter or DGA Coordinator Bonnie Haugen, and participating farmers. Graziers, dairy farmers, and interested others are invited to come connect and share experiences in the field. Each pasture walk is free and includes lunch. Registration is required for each event. The walks: – July 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hosted by Bonnie Haugen and Haugen Dairy Farm. Address: 12620 Deer Road Canton, MN 55922 – Aug. 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hosted by Angie Walter; Seven Pines Farm. Address: 18618 County Road 23 Verndale, MN 56481 – Sept. 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hosted by Angie Walter; Jack Schouweiler. Address: 15963 Will Drive NW Brandon, MN 56315 The Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health and University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) College of Public Health are excited to offer the Agricultural Health and Safety Course for Medical and Safety Professionals Course free of charge once again as a continued thank you to our essential workers. The Agricultural Health and Safety Course for Medical and Safety Professionals is designed to examine key health and safety issues specific to rural and agricultural workers. Experts will present course material relevant to those working in health care, public health, education, and safety professions. Course Dates – Session A Livestream: Agricultural Health — July 1314 – Session B Livestream: Agricultural Safety and Prevention — July 15-16 – Session C Online: Special Topics — Online modules available starting July 13 Earn up to 36.75 Continuing Education Credits by completing all three sessions. Sessions A and B will be delivered live via the Zoom Video Conferencing software. Session C consists of online modules that you may complete at your own pace. If you are taking this course as part of a requirement or certificate program with the UNMC College of Public Health, please note that you must register with the College and pay tuition to receive your course credit. To receive continuing education credits, you must complete all session/course requirements by Aug. 13, 2021. To view the agenda and to register: https://www.unmc.edu/cce/catalog/clinicmed/aghealth/index.html
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Page 16 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
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Livestock - FOR SALE DAIRY HFR. CALVES, 2-6 months old, 28K herd avg., Norwood, MN. Call 612-202-7944. 18-TFN-F SERVICEABLE AGE HOLSTEIN BULLS, from great type and production families. Raised on outside lots, good vigor, Glencoe, MN. Call 320864-6555. 2-TFN-F WAYGU X HOLSTEIN CALVES, wet or recently weaned, amazing beef! Call 920-517-9216. 8-TFN-F
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50 YEARS BREEDING FOR FEET, LEGS, & UDDERS, pick 50 cows from 80, 90+ avg. Call 715-828-4757. 16-TFN-F
CERTIFIED ORGANIC DAIRY HERD of 50 cows, R&R dairy, Wadena, MN. Call 218-640-1933. 8-4-F
DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL, grade A dairy herd. Call 507-276-9314. 6-6-F
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Used 16ft Miller Pro model 5100 forage box, 4 wheel gear, FWU1511G ............... $7,000 (507) 825-3271 • www.gortersclayanddairy.com Badger 1055 forage boxes, tandem axle, FWU 1702G ......................................... $4,500 Balzer 6520L forage box, right hand discharge, FWU1711G ................................. $2,500 Used Boumatic 3” stainless receiver group, receiver w/ trap, pump, mounting panel, 2) Cobey forage boxes, good heavy gears, (1) w/ JD 1065, FWU1802G & FWU1803G .................................................................... Choice / $1,950 probes, DEU1804G ................................................................................................................. Call Farm Hand Road King forage box, FWU2001G...................................................... $1,000 10 used Boumatic Companion detachers, #U3557554 ........................................Now $350 each 6 used Boumatic 4400 detachers , with new gaskets & diaphragms , #U3557444 .......$300 each USED MANURE PUMPS Used Suterbilt Vac Pump assy, 10hp w/VFD and motor, complete OTH2001G.....................$5,240 Houle Super Pump, 2005, 6”, 8-1/2 ft. trailer pump dual nozzle, MPU2001G ....... $9,500 Used Mensch 910 Feed pusher, OTH1801G .............................................................$1,400 / OBO Houle Super Pump, 2004, 6” PTO, w/2 agitation nozzles, 12ft long, MPU1704 ..... $8,500 Used Mensch 1100 side shooter, OTH1903G .......................................................................$3,500 Used Houle 60” cable scraper drive, good shape................................................... $3,000 Used Artex VCat Sand Wagon for bedding stalls .................................................................$4,000 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED , MPU1501G ....... $4,300 Used Bobman for bedding Stalls ...........................................................................Call for Details 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with 30HP motor, USED, MPU1505G .................. $4,000 10ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with twin 20HP motors, USED, MPU1507G ...... $4,300 NEW & USED BARN EQUIPMENT 8ft x 4” electric Houle Agi pump with no motors set up for twin motors, Used Badger manure auger, with new PVC outer tube, good drive assy OTH1706G..............$1,060 USED, MPU1508G ............................................................................................. $3,500 New 8ft. Patz barn cleaner chute for 16” gutter, PA16151, retails for $992.00 ......................... $800 Houle, 1992, 11 ft. super pump, on trailer, MPU1904G .............................................. Call Patz barn cleaner 12” tapered flights, never used, but weathered, not painted, Used Doda 2 Pt pump, MPU1801.......................................................................... $2,250 $18.95 New ....................................................................................................................$12.25ea USED MIXERS New Schuur and Lely cow brushes, In stock................................................................................Call Oswalt D 350 mixer, left side discharge, Digistar scale, MWU1805G... Reduced $8,900 Used squirrel cage style fan, 42” diameter, w/3 phase motor .....................................................Call MFS 480 mixer wagon, good shape, left side discharge, Used WIC model 300 grain cart, OTH1803G ................................................................................Call MWU1901G .................................................................................... Reduced $14,400 New 2 bath automated footbath assy, stainless baths & control- ½ priced- never used MFS 480 mixer wagon, good shape, left side discharge, MWU2001G .................................................................................... Reduced $14,400 DEN1402G ..........................................................................................................................$7,000 Patz 500 Vertical mixer..................................................................................... $22,500 Dayton Blower Fan, like new, 24.5” wheel, 12000 CFM #3C010 –$3,437 retail............New $2,500 2018 Cloverdale 420 vertical mixer, Just in, excellent condition ...................... $25,500 Dayton Blower Fan, used 2 months, # 2C799 , 18.25” wheel– $1,982 retail ...............New $1,100 Used Dasilveira headlocks, 22 sections @ 10ft w/ 7 openings for young stock up to 600lbs, Knight 50100 twin screw vertical mixer, LH & RH discharge, rubber tub ext, digistar scale .................................................................................................. $19,900 OTH1902...................................................................................................................................Call
Used GEA UV Pure, calf milk purifier, DEU2001 ........................................................................ Call Vermeer 7050 Disc Mower 3pt Double 10 Blue Diamond parallel parlor w/ SST2 detachers, 3” low line, single receiver, GEA Houle 3” and 4” Manure pumpsjetter trays, curb, gates, 10 hp Suterbilt vac pump, 10hp Westfailia 2800 vac pump, Multiple lengths 20 DeLaval milking units, & pulsators, DEU1803G ................................................................. Call
Vermeer TE2510 Tedder 8” Manure Loadstands Vermeer BW5500 Bale Wrapper
Milking Equipment • Manure Equipment • Feeding Equipment • Housing • Route Supplies
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 17
Livestock - FOR SALE GRASSFED ORGANICALLY RAISED YEARLING MILKING SHORTHORN BULLS, 2 available. Text for pics. Call 701-490-2432. 9-TFN-F
BROWN SWISS BULLS, home raised, registered, genomic tested, A2A2 tested, delivery available. Call 563-419-2137 or visit www.hilltopacresfarmcalmaria. com 24-TFN-F
HOLSTEIN BULLS, springing hfrs., Freeport, MN area. Call 612-2707453. 23-TFN-F
(6) HOLSTEIN/JERSEY CROSS HFRS., recently calved month or less, $1,100 ea./obo.. Call 320279-2884. 9-2-F
(240) HOLSTEIN STEERS in Iowa at 700 #; also (15) springing hfrs. within 60 days in Western MT. Call 269-370-8277. 9-3-F
REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, exc. type and production. Call Scott Rickeman 320-552-0284. 16-TFN-F HEIFERS OF ALL AGES, baby calves to springers, central, MN. Call 320-333-5906. 19-TFN-F DAIRY GOAT DOES, out of Hostetler breeding; also breeding bucks available. Call 319-350-5819. 24-TFN-F
REGISTERED JERSEYS, all ages available, 10-20 cows/bred hfrs. available, group discounts. Call 563-380-1588. 7-4-F
HOLSTEIN BULLSGreat selection from EX and VG high-producing cows, 26,800 RHA, Johnes free. Call Olmar Farms at 507-794-2697 or 507-2200730. 1-TFN-B REGISTERED CALVING EASE HOLSTEIN & ANGUS BULLS, various sizes, delivery avail. Call or text Brian 715-6139206. 2-TFN-F MILKING SHORTHORN BULLS, FOR COWS & HEIFERS. Call 320-968-8709. 8-TFN-B
.9% for
021 UG. 31 , 2 A H G U O NOW THR
REG. BROWN SWISS BULLS, all ages, exc. pedigrees. Call 320-5876384 or 320-583-0336. 22-TFN-B (8) SPRINGER HFRS., (2) MILK COWS, (4) BREEDING BULLS, mostly Holstein, some Brown Swiss, moderately priced. Call 320-290-2855. 9-2-F DRY COWS, due to calf in July, bred to white face beef bull, $1,500. Call 563-744-3506. 8-TFN-F
HERD OF 55 HOLSTEIN COWS, parlor, young herd, mostly 2-4 yrs., closed herd, not DHIA. Call or text 507276-4900. 10-3-F
70 HOLSTEIN COWS w/RHA 24,500. Call 320352-3119. 9-6-F
SERVICEABLE AGE BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-7612526 or 320-293-5607. 6-TFN-F
H&S Finance is offered through an agreement between DLL Finance and + 6 0DQXIDFWXULQJ &R ,QF $OO ÀQDQFLQJ by H&S Finance is in its sole discretion, subject to credit review, approval, and other terms & conditions.
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Kuhn Knight 5144,
Kuhn Knight 8118,
Kuhn Knight 8124,
400 Cu Ft, Digi Star Scale, Front Flat Conveyor, Twin Screw, Rubber Tub Ext - $12,900
300 Bu, 1800 Gal, New Hammers & Hammer Shroud - $13,900
2400 Gal, 400 Bu, Front & Rear Splash Guard - $11,000
Handlair 560,
Meyer 4122,
1 3/8 1000 PTO, Self Contained Hyd., 1,297 hrs -
22’, Rear Unload, Hyd. Drive, On Semi-Trailer - $18,900
‘13 Teagle Tomahawk 8500, 540 PTO, Processes 5x6 Bales $13,500
New H&S Linewrappers Call for price
‘12 Kuhn VB2190,
‘16 Kuhn VB2290,
4 x 6 Bales, 16,000 bales
4x6 Bales, Net Wrap, 9488 bales
‘18 Gehl RT165
‘14 Gehl R220,
Pilot H-Ctrls, D, 15.5” Tracks, 2000 Lift Cap, C&H, 2 Spd, 450 hours $42,500
T-Bar H-Ctrls, D, 2200 Lift Cap, 9,787 hrs - $11,850
‘17 Mustang 1650R, H/F Ctrls, D, 1650 Lift Cap, C/H/A, Single Spd, 4,180 hrs
‘18 Mustang 2200R, Pilot H Ctrls, D, C/H/A, 2 Spd, 2,520 hrs - $29,500
Page 18 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
Livestock - FOR SALE REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, polled, genomic tested, deep pedigreed high producing cow families. Call 507-8200452. 22-TFN-F HOLSTEIN BULLS, red or black, closed herd, Johnes & Leukosis test negative, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Call 507-920-5859. 7-TFN-B
AVAIL. SEPT. 1ST 40 HOLSTEIN ORGANIC MILKING COWS, A2A2 breeding, bred to Slevick bull; avail. now (20) A2A2 Holstein springers, due July-Dec.; also (8) Calf-Tel calf hutches. Call 507-5823330. 9-6-VM
Meet the KP Rolls that redefine everything. Unique kernel tearing action with outstanding wear resistance. Premium caliber corn forage. A-1 dairy nutrition. Let’s roll. And roll. And roll.
BROWN SWISS HEFIER CALVES, any age, no freemartins, purebred, no crossbred. Call 320-6307559. 13-TFN-F
ALL CLASSES OF SPRINGER DAIRY COWS. No jockeys. Call 320-760-6050. 20-TFN-F
717.354.5040 | New Holland, PA
Email andrea.b@dairystar.com
20 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COWS, 24,000 RHA, 107.3 BAA, 1st lactation, retiring. Call 651257-5789. 8-4-F CERTIFIED HOLSTEIN BREEDING BULLS, 40 yrs. AI breeding, Sauk Centre, MN. Call 320-761-2526. 23-TFN-F
Livestock - WANTED
WE HAVE BUYERS for tiestall and freestall dairy herds of all qualities and quantities. Also herds for sale at all times, Call 715721-0079. 2-TFN-B
Sign up for our newsletter...
SERVICEABLE AGE BLACK & WHITE & RED & WHITE BULLS, sires Doorman, Drifter, Unix & Impulse, dams EX and VG, over 30,000 milk, 4% test.; also Reg. Holstein project hfrs. & calves, will be delivering to ND soon. Call 320-583-6564. 10-TFN-F
BUTCHER COWS, bulls, & fats; also thin, lame, lazy, & lump jaw. Call 320-894-7175. 11-TFN-B
COMPLETE HERDS OF DAIRY CATTLE; also buying all classes of livestock including cull cows, steers, hfrs. and calves. Call 715-216-1897. 7-TFN-B LOOKING FOR 3540 HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS w/DHIA records. Call 507-210-5591. 10-3-F WANTING TO BUY SLOW & LAME CATTLE, lump-jaws and bad eyes and all blemished cattle, $200-$600; also, good cull cows and bulls, $600$1,200. Call 612-860-8774 or 651-480-1900. 4-TFN-B
xes o B e g a r o F Y D O B E 00 WID
ODY models ay on all WIDE B el D te a G l a u NEW D r drive system Patented cented design with Bigger window New front en
22’ – 30’ fRP models
18’ – 22’ Aluminized models
COWS, Swiss, Guernsey & Holstein, commercial & fancy registered, high production & high components, low SCC. Call 563590-5369. 6-6-F 1-10 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN MILK COWS; also clean up semen, $1/unit. Call 320583-6564. 23-TFN-F
80 FREESTALL, SWING PARLOR COWS, all AI sired & bred, avg. 78 lbs & under 200 SCC, cows w/upside potential; also 15 bred heifers due this fall. Call 608-790-1925. 10-1-B BROWN SWISS BULLS, 2 yrs. old. Call 651-3809530. 5-TFN-F REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS, from three or more generations of EX 30,000 lbs. dams, Brookings, SD. Call 605-6906393. TFN-F
Hay, Straw, Feed & Bedding FOR SALE 5000 BU. OF CERTIFIED ORGANIC CORN. Call 320-2900367. 7-TFN-F STRAW, NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES & BIG SQUARES, clean, dry, stored inside, delivery available. Call 320-8088336. 15-TFN-F
CLEAN WHEAT STRAW, dust free, 3X more absorbent than wood shavings, reduces SCC and soil acidity, regular and cert. organic available. Call D&D Farm Supply, Arcadia, WI 608-323-7001 or Minnesota City, MN 507-474-6920. 14-TFN-B CERTIFIED ORGANIC HAY, 1st, 2nd, 3rd cutting avail. Call 218-587-4672. 18-TFN-F
CHRISTENSEN SALES CORP. #642 LARGE CATTLE FEEDING BARN SETTING 120 DEEDED ACRES IN TOWN OF RIETBROCK, MARATHON COUNTY Open sided post frame barn measures 40 ft x 340 ft with a 54 foot wide concrete outside lot area the full length of the building. Built strong and tough to meet the cattle feeders demands. Barn provides inside drive through feeding, three large lots, 3 automatic waterers, working pen. Land consists of approximately 88 acres of cropland with the balance in pasture and wooded land. Soil types present on the property include 35 acres of Loyal Silt Loam, 66 acres of Withee Silt Loam and 21 acres of Marshfeld Sil Loam. 2020 Taxes $461.51. Edgar School District...............Listed Price $475,000
#650 TAYLOR COUNTY PARLOR DAIRY ON 140 ACRES mostly of which is good, productive farm land. 150 cow stall barn, Dbl 8 Blue diamond milking parlor, 2 liquid manure pits, 5 silos, commodity shed, 2 heifers bldgs., calf barn, newer steel machine shed. 3 or 4 bedroom ranch style home. ..............Listed Price $1,150,000 (more land available to purchase or lease)
3100 SEries CHassoisption available on all models r ake scale system and b
American built, american pride purchase a piece of american-made h&s Equipment through 2021 and receive a free h&S americana tumbler!* *with submission of warranty registation to H&S Manufacturing Co.
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PUREBRED MILKING SHORTHORN BULLS; also IH 770 6-16 plow; (2) tri-front feeder wagons; more equip. avail. Call 218-385-3471. 7-TFN-F
YEARLING PUREBRED DAIRY FLECKVIEH BULLS, some A2A2 & genomic tested. Call 715-220-2572. 9-TFN-F
DairySt r Milk Break
Accomodates 18’ to 30’ forage boxes
TOP NOTCH HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS AND FRESH HFRS., high producing herd, high components, low SCC, no order too big or small. Call/text Lee 701-3405968. 7-8-F
#645 MODERN DAIRY FREESTALL OPERATION IN WESTERN MARATHON COUNTY Operation is presently milking approximately 900 Holstein cows. CAFO permitted until fall of 2025 with the capacity of 2026 animal units setting on 121 acres. Approximately 2000 acres of cropland available for rent. Farm features Parlor building with offices, bathroom and break room, Double 16 Boumatic rapid exit parallel parlor, auto takeoffs, ID collars and computer system, 2- 7000 gallon bulk milk tanks and crowd gate system. Milking herd barns with 906 sand bedded stalls. Calf Building with automated calf feeders and controlled environment. Impressive heifer barn with 771 rubber matted stalls and automated alley scraper. 14.5 million gallon manure storage. Concrete Bunkers. Large modern farm shop. Holstein Dairy Herd available to farm buyer. See our website www.christensensales.com for complete description of this dairy farm..................................................................... Listed Price $3,750,000 For Complete Details or For A Free Farm Catalog, Call Now!
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Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 19
Hay, Straw, Feed & Bedding - FOR SALE CERTIFIED ORGANIC ALFALFA, wrapped in 8 layers of film, 3x3x6 bales, RFQ 140-280, Springfield, SD. Call ERNmore Organics 605-286-3873 or 605-999-2010 or 605-2511143. 16-TFN-B
ALFALFA, MIXED HAY, GRASS HAY & FEED GRADE WHEAT STRAW, med. square or round bales, delivery available. Thief River Falls, MN. Call or text LeRoy Ose 218-689-6675. 10-TFN-B
Services SILO REMOVAL, take down & clean up, specializing in but not limited to silos in congested areas. Call 507-236-9446. 10-6B
FLY CONTROL, Start your plan now. www. dairyflyparasites.com Questions: usefulfarm@ gmail.com 888-771-3276. 2-TFN-B
FT FEED & MAINTENANCE MANAGER NEEDED for Wolf Creek Dairy, Dundas, MN, hours 2:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Monday-Friday. Must like cows, be self motivated and be able to operate farm equipment. Call 507-6491023 for more info. 10-4-B ASSISTANT HERDSMAN, daily tasks include oversee 30-40 calves on robotic feeder, assisting herdsman w/general herd health in robotic milking barn. Call/text 641-5300535. 9-6-F
CRISDHOME FARMS IS LOOKING FOR A FT EMPLOYEE, 100 cows, tiestall barn, 2,000+ acres of land, housing & health insurance avail. Call 715977-2579. 10-1-F 50-COW DAIRY LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON for farm work; must know equipment and cows. Call 715-662-5053. 23-TFN-F ISO EXPERIENCED COW FEEDER for our 650 cow dairy, plus eventually (working) farm manager in Waterloo, IA. Call 319-888-3027. 8-4-F
Se Recen veral t or Du ly Fresh e Soo n
Sell Cattle Cover r e Und
As we have decided to discontinue our dairy operation, we will sell the following at auction located 3.8 miles west of Lake Benton, MN or approximately 24 miles east of Brookings, SD on US Highway #14, then 4 miles south on Lincoln County Road #2, then 2.3 miles west on County Highway #9; or being 2.8 miles west of Verdi, MN on County Highway #9 to farm #1270. Follow the Mid-American Auction Co. signs; roads will be plainly marked.
FRIDAY, JULY 23, 23,
SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M.
2021 20 21
Lunch on Grounds
137 Very Good, Official DHIA 137
Dairy Equipment Please note that the dairy equipment will sell just before cows at 11:00 a.m.
Registered Holsteins Sell Under Cover
NOTE: The Grooters family have been involved in producing high quality registered Holsteins for three generations. Now David, Linda and their family have decided to discontinue their dairy operation and sell the following at auction. Mid-American Auction Co. is very pleased to be selected to conduct the Grooters’ registered dispersion. This dispersion presents an excellent opportunity to purchase well bred, home-raised, beautifully uddered young herd additions with superior potential. Current BAA 107.3 with 5 excellent and 20 very good cows. Over the years the Grooters have produced 25+ excellent and countless very good cows. The Grooters’ children have all been involved in 4H showing in various classes at both the Lincoln County and state fairs. They have shown the Senior Yearling Champion at the Lincoln County Fair who went on to be 2nd in Class at the MN State Fair. They also had the overall champion at the 2020 Lincoln County Fair who then placed 3rd in Class at the MN State Fair. They showed Valley who was 4x Champion at the Lincoln County Fair.
Help Wanted 1900 COW DAIRY looking for bilingual parlor manager. Call 507-9515597. 8-TFN-F
2X 20 ,692 M 643 P ilk, 793 Fa t, rotein , Home -Raise No TMR, d Fee d
, Young ell W y Ver erd red H Udde
Dari-Kool 1250 Gallon Bulk Tank, Compressor, Deco Matic III Digital Automatic Wash, Ser. #36458G Massport MF Vacuum Pump with 5 H.P. Motor
This herd has been on test for over 60 years with current official DHIA records indicating a herd average of 2X 20,692 milk, 3.8% 793 fat and 3.1% 643 protein. SCC averages below 200,000. Several cows milking over 100 pounds per day. No TMR, ration primarily consisting of home-raised feeds. Several recently fresh or due soon. This herd has never been pushed for production. The cows are milked in a stanchion facility and are switched and let out after milking making them easily transitioned to any type milking arrangement. Great feet and legs. This herd has been exclusively artificially bred for over 50 years using leading service sires, including but not limited to: Corvette, King Boy, McCutchen, Diamond Back, Braxton, Atwood, Gold Chip, Bradnick, Dempsey, Doc, Hanley, Hanans, Undenied, On Point, Hot Line, and the list goes on. Excellent herd health program in place with mature females receiving Virashield 6 and Lepto. Younger heifers receive Virashield 6, Vision 7, Enforce 3 and One Shot. Dry cows receive Scour Boss 9, Spectro Mass & Orbiseal at dry off. All are Bangs vaccinated. If you are in need of hard to find home-raised registered Holsteins with several show prospect and project heifers, please mark this date on your calendar and make plans now to attend the Grooters dispersion. For your catalog please phone (320) 760-2979 or see online at www.midamericanauctioninc.com. Prior inspection welcome by appointment.
Bred Heifers (27) Fancy Heifers that are from short bred to due near sale time. All AI sired, AI bred and Outstanding for Quality
Open Heifers (45) Front End Registered Heifers from
Includes: (65) Mature Cows:
babies to breeding, sure to be some great show or project heifers in this group. Sired by Elite Sires and out of leading Grooter’s Dams.
Includes (25) 1st Lactation, (15) 2nd Lactation, (23) Third through 5th Lactation. Several recently fresh or due soon.
Highlights Include . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vanesa: 4 Yr. Old Excellent 90 Point Gold Chip, Fresh 1-2621, Peaked at 117 lbs. Followed by Vegas an Excellent 90 Point Decker, Her January 2021 Doc Heifer also Selling
Atlyn: GP 80 Peaked at 90 lbs. She is a maternal sister to the 90 Pt Amy, her Second Dam the Ex 91 Pt. 2E Atwood
VG 85 Point Two Yr. Old King Boy with 86 MS, Peaked at 95 lbs., Her Dam is VG 85 Pt. Mogul
Amy: Ex. 90 Point Shamrock with Ex 90 MS, Peaked at 115 lbs., her Dam is an Excellent 2E 91 Point Atwood, She has a GP 83 Pt Corvette Milking 95 lbs. also Selling
Watch for Medley and Mirlyn, both just fresh in May and really milking well Medley: Out of 90 Pt. Dam, Milking Amber: Was 2nd place in class at the Minnesota State Fair.
93 First Test
Sea: Milking 94
Mirlyn: Milking 99 First Test
Farrah: Milking 105
Ph. (605) 695-0337
1270 County Hwy. 9, Verdi, MN (those using GPS please use Pipestone, MN as town you enter for best results) MID-AMERICAN AUCTION CO., INC.
PH. 320-547-2206 (Sale Day: 320-760-2979)
Mid-American Auction Co. 50 YEARS
PH. 320-352-3803 (Sale Day: 320-760-1593), AUCTIONEERS
TERMS: CASH or GOOD CHECK. No credit or debit cards. If credit is desired, make arrangements with your credit agent prior to sale. Out of area buyers please have letter of credit. Purchases in excess of $5,000 must be accompanied with a bank letter of credit. Titles on all titled items will be processed once checks have cleared purchaser’s bank. Everything sold as is, no warranties given or implied. Nothing removed until settlement has been made. While we believe everything stated hereon to be correct as to age and description, anything stated day of sale by owners or auctioneers will take precedence over all printed materials. Owners, auctioneers, clerks or their helpers are not responsible for accidents. All information stated hereon is provided by the owner, MidAmerican Auction Co., Inc. makes no warranty as to its accuracy.
MID-AMERICAN AUCTION COMPANY, INC. Celebrating 50 Years of Professional Service with Proven Experience
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Isaacson Sales & Service, Inc. Lafayette, MN 507-228-8270 888-228-8270
Ross Equipment Co., Inc. Lonsdale, MN 800-645-7677 507-744-2525
Hartung Sales & Service, Inc. Freeport, MN 320-836-2697
Drink Milk
Contact your local dealer to learn more!
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“Our Cloverdale is our first mixer. We used to free choice hay, corn and pellets. Now we mix grass hay, silage, high moisture rolled corn, dry whole corn and protein pellets. Our gains went up 10%. The mix looks good and is consistent.” - Mike Massmann, St. Augusta, MN
Brynsaas Sales & Service, Inc.
Page 20 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
AUGUST AUCTION - Accepting Consignments in July Hwy 64 Auctions Consignment Auction August 21, 2021• Starting at 8:00 AM
Timed Auction: August 23rd & 24th - Lots Closing at 8:00 AM 5498 Hwy 64, Baldwin, IA 52207 • Hwy 64 Auctions Office: (563) 673-6400 Scott Franzen: (319) 480-3604 • Sheri Dosland (563) 212-0453
WE ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY USED FARM EQUIPMENT Construction Equipment • Skid Steers • Attachments Hay & Forage Equipment • Planting & Tillage • Trucks • Trailers Lawn & Garden • Recreational Equipment and More!
Mark Your Calendars for July 12 and Consign Your Equipment Early!
Call & Schedule an Appointment! No late consignments will be accepted
Visit Our Websites at www.hwy64auctions.com or www.powersauction.com For More Details and Information! August 14 - Last Day to Consign August 21 - Hwy 64 Auction - Starts at 8:00 AM August 23 - Hwy 64 Timed Auction - Lots Start Closing at 8:00 AM August 24 - Hwy 64 Timed Auction - Lots Start Closing at 8:00 AM
Powers Auction Service 110 E Murray St, Browntown WI 53522 Office: 608-439-5760 - Email: VROG@SRZHUVDXFWLRQ.com Website: www.powersauction.com - Facebook: Powers Auction Service
Miscellaneous - WANTED SPRING TEETH for IHC C cultivator; wheel hub for IHC 56 corn planter, right side. Call 715-822-2678. 14-TFN-F JD SOYBEAN HEAD, 620F or 625F. Call 320248-7954. 7-TFN-F 13.6X38 REAR TRACTOR TIRE. Call 715314-0977. 13-TFN-F BERG OR PATZ BARN CLEANER CHAIN. Call 320-266-6878. 22-TFN-F LOOKING FOR PRIVATE LENDER, class A farmland offered as security. Call 320-304-0018. 8-TFN-F JD 7000 6 OR 8 ROW PLANTER & 6620 or 7720 combine. Call 320760-6050. 22-TFN-F USED CALF-TEL PENS. Call 320-9956216. 16-TFN-F
NI 5209 DISCBINE FOR PARTS. Call 320-3042174. 9-3-F 2,000 GAL. MUELLER BULK TANK. Call 507523-3305. 10-1-F NH 892 CHOPPER, Write Ephraim Allgyr, 477 New California Rd., Livingston, WI 53554. 10-TFN-F OLD HEATING FUEL AND DIESEL, can pump from basement. Call 320424-2005. 5-TFN-F IH 3688, must be low hours & exc. shape. Call 320-304-2311. 20-TFN-F 160 BU. MEYERS MANURE SPREADER, must be in good cond. Call 715-314-0977. 9-TFN-F LID FOR KNIGHT 8132 SLINGER SPREADER. Call 507-459-5201. 19-TFN-F
BORDER COLLIE FEMALE PUP WANTED, B&W, prefer farm raised, but not a must. Call 218251-5180. 10-TFN-F
Real Estate -
Here Today. Gone Tomorrow.
Give Classifieds a try.
FARM BULK MILK COOLERS, all sizes. Call 319-330-2286. 10-24-P
YOUNG COUPLE LOOKING TO BUY OR RENT DAIRY FARM, NE IA or SE MN or SW WI. Call 608-459-5502. 9-2-F DAIRY FACILITY TO RENT OR LEASE, will consider buy-in opportunities. Call/text 507-8845950. 9-4-F YOUNG FAMILY LOOKING FOR ORGANIC FARM, parlor or robot for 150 total head, MN/WI. Call 218-2801731. 8-10-F
Miscellaneous - FOR SALE NH BR770 ROUND BALER, crop cutter; Case 2188 combine, RWA. Call 218-841-8723. 24-TFN-F ‘08 35 TON SEMI TRAILER, beaver tail & ramps, 51’ total length. Call 320-760-6942. 12-TFN-F CIH 8330 HAYBINE, $3,000; Also Kewaunee 40’elevator, $500. Call 320-249-8556. 10-1-F
Silver Star Cut up your bales for better bedding or feeding
Harvestore Refurbished Silos ` ` ` ` `
Full Silo Installations Silo Dig Outs & Reseals Vacuum/Pressure Testing Base Pumping Goosenecks and Fill Pipes
` Roof Replacements ` Air Floor Kits & Silo Extensions ` Silo Demolition and Removal
Sukup Grain Bins
Silver Star Metals LLC 715-229-4879
Dealer Inquiries Welcome
Bag Replacement
` Hay Rakes ` Forage Carts ` Forage Blowers
ACTURED BY: MANUF N15435 Frenchtown Ave. • Withee, WI
Floor Plates and Trough Conversions
Field-Proven Equipment
Universal skidsteer hookup
Options: • Square or round bales • 8’ or 6’ • Chain or hydraulic driven • Includes 1 year warranty
Silo Unloaders ` Unloader Installations & Maintenance ` Specializing in Goliath, Greenline, XL, & Alliance ` Fully Stocked Warehouse
sales@greenwoodsilo.com N10828 County Highway O • Greenwood, WI 54437
Round or Square Bales • Corn stubble • Soybean stubble Fits in • Straw smaller areas • Baleage than pull behind • Dry hay shredders
Driveway Grader, Rock Bucket, Concrete Chuter, Wood Splitters, Brush Grapple & Brush Cutters
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 21
Miscellaneous - FOR SALE 4) DEMCO 365 & 450 GRAVITY BOXES, (2) w/tarps, like new; tricycle feeder; big round bale wagon. Call 320-5576558. 18-TFN-F
GEHL 970 FORAGE BOX on JD tandem running gear; also Walsh 750 gal. weed sprayer, w/60’ boom. Call 920-648-2104. 21-TFN-F
REISER IMPLEMENT Waukon, IA 563-568-4526
After Hours: Ken 563-380-3137 • Dave 563-380-8680 www.reiserimpl.com
Used Equipment TRACTORS
‘11 Kinze 3000, 6RN, Dry, ‘06 MF 5460, CAH, Shut Offs, Like New! MFWD, w/loader Sunflower 4211-9, disc chisel w/ buster bar ‘11 MF 9695, lat. tilt, duals, ‘04 MF GC2300 CIH 6500 Consertill, chopper, 860/660 hrs Compact, w/60” 9 shank Disc Chisel deck CIH 4450 Finisher, ‘00 MF 8780XP, lat tilt, ‘24 w/ 3 bar spike ‘03 MF 1240, MFWD, chopper, Ag Leader, basket compact w/loader, 3,800 hrs JUST IN 2,000hrs. Sunflower 4511, 11 shank, Disc chisel disc MF 180, diesel loader ‘86 MF 8560, 4,300 hrs. ‘05 Harvestec 4308 CH CIH 690 disc chisel, 5 shk ‘11 Sunflower 4511-13, HAY & FORAGE 13 shank disc chisel Anderson Hybrid Inline Tonutti 12, wheel dominator Sunflower 5034 field cult, Wrapper, 4 stretchers rake 30’ Miller Pro 7914 Merger, 14’ Rhino RHP, 12 wheel rake ‘12 Summers 30’ Super Sirtex 16 whl rake, w/ Coulter ‘15 Tonutti TCR 12 whl rake ‘15 Tonutti TCR 8 whl rake center kick Most Used Combines 2 Years Interest Free!
SKID LOADERS ‘19 Bobcat T870, A91, high flow, SJC, 400 hrs ‘18 Bobcat T870, SJC, high flow, 1,000 hrs ‘18 Bobcat T870, A91, high flow, SJC, 1,200 hrs ‘18 Bobcat T870, A91, SJC, 900 hrs. ‘18 Bobcat S770, C/H, SJC, 2 spd., 814 hrs ‘17 Bobcat S770, A71, 600 hrs ‘13 Bobcat S770, high flow, CAH, 800 hrs ‘16 Bobcat S770, CAH, 3,800 hrs ‘17 Bobcat T750, A71, SJC, 400 hrs ‘18 Bobcat S650, CAH, 2 spd., SJC, 1,800 hrs
‘12 Bobcat S650, CAH, 9,600 hrs ‘18 Bobcat T595, CAH, roller, SJC, 900 hrs ‘18 Bobcat S595, A71, SJC, 2,600 hrs ‘18 Bobcat S590, CH, 4,400 hrs ‘15 Bobcat S590, CAH, high flow, 4,200 hrs ‘14 Bobcat S590, CH, 1,600 hrs ‘14 Bobcat S590, A51, 2,900 hrs ‘16 Bobcat S570, A51, 2,700 hrs ‘06 Bobcat A300, CAH, 2,500 hrs
MISCELLANEOUS ‘13 Brent 882 Cart, corner auger, tarp, 30.5x32 Ag tires ‘15 Brent 1196 Avalanche Cart, dual auger, tandems, tarp, scale Loftness 20’ Stalk Shredder, NICE!!
‘13 NDE 1502 Vertical TMR w/ scale NDE 1502 TMR w/ scale ‘14 Patz 1200TMR w/ scale Kuhn AC 270, Commercial TMR REM 2500 HD Vac
Kuhn Knight 4142 Anibas Silo & Equipment, Inc. 715-285-5317
GEHL 970 FORAGE BOX, avg. cond., $1,500. Call 320-360-1954. 14-TFN-F
‘13 Bobcat 3400 Side x side, Power dump, CH, 244 hrs. ‘13 Gehl V270, CAH, ISO, 6,600 hrs ‘15 NH L228, CAH, 1,900 hrs NH L454, 1,700 hrs ‘20 Bobcat L28, Articulated Whl Loader, ONLY 84 HOURS! ‘12 Bobcat Toolcat 5600, CAH, 1,288 hrs ‘16 Bobcat E50, CAH, thumb, angle blade, hyd xchange, 800 hrs ‘15 Bobcat T650, CAH, 3400 hrs ‘15 Bobcat S-450, CAH, 4300 hrs ‘13 Bobcat V417 Verahandler, 2700 hrs
MINI EXCAVATORS ‘16 Case CX31V, CAH, Thumb, Angle Blade, 698 hrs
HAY RACK, platforms on side, 9x18’, $2,500; Kewanee elevator, 56’, pto lift. Call 320-247-2657. 7-TFN-F
JD 2010 INDUSTRIAL WHEEL TRACTOR w/ backhoe & industrial loader, eng. OH. Call 218-7385020. 10-1-F
JD 980 FIELD CULTIVATOR, 32’, low acres, but weathered, $10,000/ obo. Call 641-732-6789. 10-1-F
MILLER PRO 1150 HAY RAKE, $5,500, nice; Haybuster 107 no-till drill, new blades, $7,000. Call 641-985-2544. 7-4-F
30) POLYDOME CALF HUTS, $50-200; 16) 36” barn fans, $150 ea. Call 507-249-3240. 7-4-F
HANSON 24’ SILO UNLOADER, $3,000; 25’ Harvestore unloader, $9,000; Freudenthal freestalls & water beds. Call 507-951-6509. 16-TFN-F
GEHL 1275 FORAGE HARVESTER w/3R CH, 7-1/2’ HH, 7 processor, $12,500/obo. Call 715559-6346. 5-TFN-F
BUNKER SILOS AVAILABLE IN ONE OR MULTIPLE BAY DESIGN Height Available: 5’, 8.6’ & 12’ ALSO AVAILABLE: • Feed Bunks • Holding Tanks
• Cattle Slats • Cattle Guards
CONCRETE PRODUCTS 1-800-982-9263
Serving Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin Since 1965
(88) NORBCO QUAD BEND FREESTALLS. Call 320-295-9589. 10-2-F
Like working with cows?
28’ KRAUSE LANDMAN 3100 74-30 SOIL FINISHER. Call 320254-8400, leave message, no texts. 18-TFN-F GEHL 980 16’ SILAGE WAGON, $5,000/obo. Call 507-766-4220. 8-5-F
(Formerly Noah VanBeck)
No Sunday Calls (Emergency Only)
(4) 3-PHASE 5HP BULK MILK TANK COMPRESSORS, reasonable. Call 480-313-8460. 9-TFN-F IH 35 RAKE, hyd. driven, dollies; CIH 8460 baler; CIH 8360 haybine, must see. Call 563-929-0278. 10-1-F
TORO 325D GROUNDMASTER MOWER & SNOWBLOWER. Call 320-557-5514, no texts or messages. 1-TFN-F
600 GAL. ZERO BULK TANK w/compressor, $1,000; Surge pipeline w/ Delatron II pulsators & units. Call 320-266-6878. 3-TFN-F
USED PASTURE MATS, approx. 30-40, rubber filled, make offer, pickup only. Call/text 763-2328427. 9-2-F
CASE 420 SKID LOADER, dsl., runs good, new tires, $7,850. Call 507438-0447. 10-2-F
Cleaning Drain Tiles, Manure Systems, Sewers and Frozen Lines
Select Sires A.I./Genetics • DHI milk testing • Laboratories
21241 Dutchmans Crossing Dr., Lewiston, MN x 507-523-2112 Arcadia Collection Site N28928 North Creek Rd, Arcadia, WI x 608-323-7795
Collecting Organic Slaughter Cows & Bulls 2nd & 4th Tuesday every month
Wisconsin: • A.I. Specialist, Chilton area • A.I. Specialist, Dodge County, Wis., area • A.I. Specialist, Waupun area • A.I. Specialist, Shawano/Oconto/Brown County area • DHI Specialist, Fox Valley area • A.I. Specialist (part-time), various areas in Wisconsin 0LFKLJDQ • A.I. Specialist, Lapeer/Imlay City/Marlette area • DHI Specialist (part-time), Hillsdale County area • Laboratory Technician, Grand Ledge
Regular sales each Tuesday at 6 pm and Thursday at 1 pm. LEWISTONSALES.COM
For details and to apply, visit www.mycentralstar.com.
SOLD Penta 3020SD Story Sales & Service 800-491-3724
Patz 420 Anibas Silo & Equipment, Inc. 715-285-5317
Patz 500 w/commodity door Wille Construction 563-252-2034
Patz 500 Vertical - $21,000 Brynsaas Sales & Service 563-382-4484
Patz 420 Series 1200 Wille Construction 563-252-2034
Patz 420 Vertical - $15,500 Brynsaas Sales & Service 563-382-4484
Patz 950 Wille Construction 563-252-2034
Patz 620 Vertical - $30,000 Brynsaas Sales & Service 563-382-4484
Knight 3142 - $15,900 Wille Construction 563-252-2034
Patz 615 Anibas Silo & Equipment, Inc. 715-285-5317
Patz 615 Vertical - $22,000 Brynsaas Sales & Service 563-382-4484
See more equipment on the back page of this section!
Page 22 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
Field Service Representative WANTED! Bongards’ Creameries is seeking a dedicated, dynamic and experienced individual to be a Field Service Representative in and around the St. Cloud, MN area. Field Service Representatives work daily with our patron dairy farmers to provide high quality milk to the cooperative, as well as, representing Bongards’ Creameries at various county and state shows and events.
JOB DUTIES • Provide patron dairy farmers with assistance in improving milk quality. • Troubleshoot and provide technical assistance when needed to farmers with somatic cell, antibiotic, water quality, and milk cooling problems. • Assist the State of Minnesota inspectors on re-inspections. • Assist the Interstate Milker Shipment (IMS) when performing surveys. • Attend State and County training sessions to stay abreast of any federal or state changes concerning milk regulation laws. • Attain status as a certified FARM evaluator. • Attend State and County business and dairy shows as a representative for the cooperative. • Will require on call status for weekend rotation. • Will require extended periods of time traveling the state/region. • Other duties as assigned.
SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS • HS Diploma or equivalent is required. • State of MN Milk and Cream testers license preferred. • 1-2 year’s previous field service or dairy farm experience • Driver’s License required. • Proficient in computer applications including Microsoft Office with the ability to learn Bongards patron payroll system. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Strong attention to detail and accuracy • Demonstrates an ability to manage a variety of priorities while meeting deadlines • Ability to work independently on assigned duties
Just ask the people who work for Bongards now and they’ll tell you that everyone in every function has a true passion for producing safe, high-quality dairy products. That’s what creates the culture of growth and success that you’ll find at Bongards. When a great team of committed people strives for continuous improvement, opportunities for individual growth will follow. Bongards history of success is proof of that. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, we’d like to hear from you.
Visit www.bongards.com/careers/ to apply.
Miscellaneous - FOR SALE JD 2700 PLOW, semi mounted. Call 320-5101055. 13-TFN-F 6” HOOK & LATCH ALUM. IRRIGATION PIPE. Call 320-250-4600, leave message. 10-TFN-F NH 790 CHOPPER w/ hay head & NH 116 14’ hydra-swing haybine. Call 218-639-1103. 5-TFN-F 10X18 WOODEN BALE RACKS on 10-ton running gear, exc. cond.; Also NH 575 baler w/thrower, like new. Call 320-2564497. 10-1-F 4) 16’ THROW HAY RACKS, good cond, B.O. Call 507-766-4220. 7-6-F PENTA 4100 TMR MIXER, 410 cu. ft., 540 pto, tandem low profile tires, 9” rubber top extension, front stainless steel flat conveyor, dual discharge, Feed Supervisor scale and program, $12,500. Call 218-296-1205. 8-3-B GEHL 970 FORAGE BOX for parts, $300/obo. Call 641-228-8175. 10-1-F PATZ CW BARN CLEANER HEAD; Patz CCW barn cleaner head; 18” CW barn cleaner chain; 16” CCW barn cleaner chain; 18” gutter grates; 16” gutter grates; Text 952-297-4565 for more info. 10-1-B
NH 7070 ROTOCUT ROUND BALER, very nice cond; Vermeer 605J round baler, always shedded. Call 715-206-0491. 8-4-F PSI POWER WASHERS, Power Washers Hot/ Cold, Cabinet Parts Washers, Chemicals, Presoaks, Degreasers, Large Parts Inventory Shipped Same Day, On Site Service. Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Sales, Repair, and Rental. “The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure” 1-800-555-1677. Serving you from 3 locations: West Central MN Region – Pennock, MN Location SW MN Region – Wilmont, MN Location NW IA Region – Harrisburg, SD Location & Wilmont, MN Location SE SD Region – Harrisburg, SD Location. 23-TFN-B
CIH 7120, MFD, dual pto, triple remote, field ready; NH 70 bale thrower. Call 641-364-9005. 10-4-F CIH 600 BLOWER, $3,500; Agrimetal 525 feed cart, $900. Call 320266-6878. 13-TFN-F 1,000 GAL. DARIKOOL BULK TANK w/compressor, washer, professionally unhooked, $3,500. Call 507-251-6657. 10-3-F ‘14 FORD F350 XLT PICKUP, 6.2 eng., 3,000 actual miles, very nice cond. Call 320-310-2221. 10-3-F 4) AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, 3) female, 1) male, tails docked, dew claws, 1st round of shots, ready June 18. Call 507-259-5173. 7-TFN-F
GOOSENECK FEATHERLITE 20’ CATTLE TRAILER, good shape. Call 320-310-2221. 8-3-F
JD 468 ROUND BALER, cover edge, net wrap & twine, mega wide PU, good cond., $18,500. Call 218-573-3172. 4-TFN-F
PUREBRED AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, 1st shots, very cute w/lots of blue eyes, parents great w/cattle & easy to train, great farm family dogs. Call 320-537-1110. 10-1-B
SILO DOORS, wood or steel doors shipped promptly to your farm, hardware available including S.S. fasteners. Call 800-222-5726, Landwood Sales LLC. 10-8-B
ALFA-DELAVAL LATE MODEL BULK TANK, 1,250 gal., complete as new, MN. Call 480-3138460. 5-TFN-F
JD 9500, 5,100 eng. hrs., 7,500 on cutter, 4WD, many updates, single point hookup, 600 series head ready, $32,900. Call 715613-8940. 8-TFN-F
Feed them right with this new
Seeking Full-time CDL Drivers with Class A license. For more information please call or stop in.
This system has the capacity to feed 100 calves!
CALL 605-690-1517
320-693-8370 62824 250th Street, Litchfield, MN 55335
Brand new (used once for demo) H&L automatic calf feeder with 2 mixing bowls and 4 stalls in a custom built 8’ X 12’ insulated building. Building features include heater, water heater, utility sink, exhaust fan, 100 amp service/ breaker panel, 2 walk doors, glass board interior walls, stainless steel trim and floor drain.
Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021 • Page 23
Help Wanted ASAP
Fresh & later lactation + dry cows F
- bred to milk with strong components!
Truck Driving, Applicator, Plant Work
Breeding age Registered Holstein bulls
Seasonal, Competitive Pay
30+ embryos from 94 pt Goldchip sexed to Hancock - over 35,000 lb milk, 1456 fat & 1092 protein last lactation! Embryos from Budjon - Vail P Dayton - Red - goes back to Apple!
Job Description: Hours may vary due to weather, Expect long hours 5-6 days each week. Need to be on time each day and willing to work hard.
We have sexed embryos ready for you!
Hilltop Dairy, LLC Markesan, WI
Contact Duane at Mille Lacs Soil Service
just an hour north of Madison!
Contact: Loren Greenfield
(920) 296-9289
Used Kuhn Knight VT156 Used Kuhn Knight VT156 Used Kuhn Knight VT180 #4886 - $25,900 #5504 - $25,900 #4096 - $35,900
Used Jay-Lor 3650 #3754 - $19,900
Used Kuhn Knight 5135 #5514 - $15,200
Used Kuhn Knight VSL 142 #5505 - $16,800
Used Kuhn Knight VT180 #4775 - $29,905
Used Luck/Now 2350 #4413 - $15,900
Used Meyer F1015 #5057 - $44,900
Used NDE 704 #4791 - $19,900
Used Patz 200 #5439 - $11,900
Used Patz 350 #5350 - $15,500
Used Patz 420 #5265 - $21,500
Used Patz 420 #5440 - $19,900
Used Patz 420 #5099 - $23,900
Used Patz 420 #5287 - $17,500
Used Patz 420 #5181 - $19,900
Used Patz 420 #5275 - $19,900
Used Patz 420 #5441 - $24,900
Used Patz 500 #5272 - $22,900
Used Patz 500 #5024 - $17,900
Used Patz 500 #2633 - $27,900
Used Patz 500 #5264 - $26,500
Used Patz 510 #5501 - $23,400
Used Patz 615 #5086 - $21,900
Used Patz 615 #3356 - $27,900
Used Patz V420 #4900 - $15,900
Used Patz V500 #3346 - $25,900
Used Patz V615 #4470 - $23,900
Used Patz V615 #4375 - $26,900
Salesmen: Shawn Martin (608) 778-4554 or Joe Ryan (608) 778-2900
4116 Hwy. 80 S. Platteville, WI
Office: (608) 348-9401 or Toll Free: 1(888) BUY-Patz www.steinhartsfarmservice.com
4116 Hwy. 80 S. Platteville, WI
Page 24 • Dairy Star • Third Section • Saturday, July 10, 2021
& Quantity
Get the product line that adapts like no one else’s.
Vertical TMR Mixers طBelt & Chain Conveyors طSilo Unloaders طAlley Scrapers Bedding Choppers طManure Pumps & Agitators طGutter Cleaners
WI FARM TECH DAYS! Lots 771-772 & 821-822
LEARN MORE ABOUT PATZ FULL PRODUCT SHOWCASE Visit patzcorp.com or scan our QR Code.
Patz 620H - $19,000 C.F. Heckmann 920-693-8717
Used Patz V500 - Call Hartung Sales 320-836-2697
NG I M O C SOON Patz 650 - Call C.F. Heckmann 920-693-8717
Patz V620 - Call Hartung Sales 320-836-2697
Patz 810 - $23,500 C.F. Heckmann 920-693-8717
Weaverline feed carts, Rebuilt- ready to go Hobert Sales Inc. 320-286-6284
MFS 480 mixer wagon - $15,500 Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equip. 507-825-3271
Patz V500, new knives, good, solid unit Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equip. 507-825-3271
Patz 9427 bedding chopper, elec. start recond. Hobert Sales Inc. 320-286-6284
Patz 420 - Call Hobert Sales Inc. 320-286-6284
Oswalt D 350, LH discharge - $9,500 Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equip. 507-825-3271
‘10 Kuhn Knight, RH conveyor, LH 41’ discharge w/Digistar scale - $19,900
Cloverdale 420T, exc. cond. Gorter’s Clay & Dairy Equip. 507-825-3271
Mid-Central Equipment, Inc. 218-583-2931
Penta 6720-HD Ross Equipment Co. 800-645-7677
Penta 5610 Ross Equipment Co. 800-645-7677
Patz 500V Ross Equipment Co. 800-645-7677
Patz 620 Twin Screw Ross Equipment Co. 800-645-7677
Patz 1000 Series 420, demo unit The Scharine Group 800-472-2880
Representative Photo New 420 - Call The Scharine Group 800-472-2880
Used Kuhn VTC1100, new screws - $38,500 The Scharine Group 800-472-2880
‘12 International Truck, auto w/ Patz 950 mixer, new liner kit in ‘17, new screws & conveyor pan in ‘18 - Reduced $135,000 Schmidt Buildings & Equipment 920-422-4151
Used Patz 950 - $12,500 Schmidt Buildings & Equipment 920-422-4151
Used Patz 950 - $26,750 Schmidt Buildings & Equipment 920-422-4151
Used Patz 500 - $15,250 Schmidt Buildings & Equipment 920-422-4151
Used Patz 810 Spartan Construction 920-845-9892
Used Patz 500, new screw - $15,995 Spartan Construction 920-845-9892
Used Patz 950, Series II, Factory Warranty Remaining - $26,500 Spartan Construction 920-845-9892
New Patz 650 - Call Spartan Construction 920-845-9892
Used Kuhn Knight RC 270, Mack Truck mount - $54,900 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401
Used Kuhn Knight 3130 - $22,500 Used LuckNow 310 - $8,900 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401 608-348-9401
Used Kuhn Knight RA 142 Helix - $19,900 Steinhart’s Farm Service Inc. 608-348-9401
Jaylor 4575 Story Sales & Service 800-491-3724
Patz 620 Story Sales & Service 800-491-3724
(2) Patz 420 Story Sales & Service 800-491-3724