"Menkyo Kaiden" Menkyo is a Japanese term meaning "License". Kaiden means initiation in all the mysteries and secrets of an art. Menkyo Kaiden: is a Japanese term meaning "License of total transmission". It is a certificate that is granted by the Ryu or other Organization meaning that the recipient has learned everything that the Organization or Ryu can
teach, and is licensed to pass on all aspects of his training. In order Menkyo system of licenses and certificates that predates the more prevalent (Kyu/Dan).
The certificate of Menkyo Kaiden signifies Mastery and its holder is fully qualified of the Ryu curriculum. Menkyo Kaiden is the Head of the Ryu's foremost hope for his art. (Dan - i) system of colored belts created by Jigoro Kano in the 19th century for Kodokan Judo, the menkyo kaiden is typically the highest level of license
that exists, and it often, but not always the de facto successor to the Soke of the Ryu. Some schools that use the dani system retain the menko kaiden as a method of denoting a successor to the head of the School. At least 30years of experience.
Koryu: meaning that the exponent has learned everything and pass on all aspects of her/his training within the Kory.There is two systems in Martial Arts and Martial Ways:1) Menkyo & 2) Kyu-Dan.
1) Classical Schools(Koryu) use the menkyo system as a license System. 2) White Schools which base their practice on modern budo forms ("path or
way") use the Kyu/Dan as ranking system.
From, Supreme Grand Master Dai Soke Prof/Dr.Jagdish Singh Khatri (PhD)