christian union universities: the year in review
christian union’s university ministry develops and connects transformative Christian leaders at some of America’s most influential universities. The ministry pursues revival, develops students as Christian leaders, and helps graduating seniors thrive in their transition to graduate school or the marketplace. Your support allows Christian Union ministry faculty to partner with the Holy Spirit and develop hundreds of students each year through Christian Union’s tailored ministry model. The fundamental practices are the same at each university and are grounded in seeking God wholeheartedly with an emphasis on prayer. Christian Union Universities has a ministry field of around 72,500 students (nine undergraduate and two graduate programs). The following are the essential elements of Christian Union’s Christian leadership development program.
we lcomin g an d con n ec ti n g fi rs t-yea r s t uden ts First-year outreach is a vital time in which ministry faculty and returning students help first-years get plugged into these thriving ministries. The first few weeks of the fall semester are critical for incoming students to know about the opportunities that Christian Union provides, get involved in Bible courses and LLS, and perhaps even unpack the implications of the gospel for the first time in their lives. With your help, Christian Union faculty and upperclassmen prayed for new students, put on more than 100 events within a few weeks, and held more than 4,000 meetings with students. A record number signed up for Bible courses. One freshman said, “I’ve never felt more welcomed.”
Freshmen in Bible courses: 346; 8 first-years at Harvard Law School
i n- de pth study of scrip t ure Each Christian Union Bible course is comprised of 8-10 students. Students study Scripture in-depth and unpack the implications for their lives. This year’s Bible courses included: Hebrews, The Seeking God Lifestyle, Sex & Spirituality, and Acts. Seniors studied the Biblical view of vocation, employment, and financial stewardship in preparation for their next season of life. Thank you for helping students explore the Word of God.
Annual Report 2018-2019