Jessica harper Jessica harper T.W. Budig
Brodkorb threatens lawsuit against Senate 2A Lifeworks moves to Apple Valley 2A School funding bill advances 6A
date ##, 2009 March 22, 2012
Volume 33, 30, NUMBER Number 4 # VOLUME
Dakota County Tribune Since 1884
Terry’s hammers out hardware haven Downtown Rosemount anchor sets sail on a new course
by Tad Johnson
DAkota County Tribune
inside biz forum
School funding shift is a way for the state to say to districts that money owed to it isn’t important today. phil 4A krinkie
What item can’t you find at Terry’s Hardware in Rosemount? a) Copper pipe, b) Circular-shaped light bulbs, c) Mr. Clean, d) A kitchen sink. forum While practically everything but the kitchen sink can be found at the downtown Rosemount anchor for Funding for public libraries needs to the past 30 years, the store carries be advocated for everything else to make it work – because the services faucets, washers, nuts, screws, Teflon they provide are tape, supply tubes, drain stops and so more necessary much more. than ever. That’s the message owner Pete don Terry, the son of the business’ first4A heinzman generation founders, Chuck and Darlene Terry, wants to send the forum Rosemount area. It’s something that he says has been a challenge School teachers are over the years due to its ties to Ace using videos of Hardware. their class sessions By splitting with Ace recently, to help students Pete is out to forge a new identity review and catch with a new logo, sign and message to up on important local residents that a trip out of town material. joe to a big-box might not be necessary 5A nathan as Terry’s offers loads of items, convenience and friendly, knowledgedakota arts able service. Former Pete said he started to think about this week news production ending his relationship with Ace Code Type: UPC Version A Stats: 0 Customer: 3242-ECM Publishers department about two years ago as his business Order #: P34915-017 MAG: 1.00 P.O. #: BWA: 0.0020 employee at the model started to separate itself from Ordered By: Symbol Width: 1.4690 Polarity: Positive Up Symbol Height: 1.0200 Pioneer Press the Ace “cookie cutter” approach. Date Run: 05/29/2002 Flexo Width: 0.0000 starts his second “We didn’t want to continue life as a comedian. down that path,” he said. dennis Photos by Tad Johnson 36A The most difficult part was an carney ability to promote and price his own Top: Pete Terry, owner of Terry’s Hardware in Rosemount and Hastings, says the move to split with the Ace products, which number more than Hardware franchise was fueled by a need to forge the store’s own identity. Bottom: The exterior of Terry’s Hardware in Rosemount will get a new facade after its split with Ace See Terry’s, Page 7A Hardware.
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Dakota County Tribune and Thisweek Newspapers move to new office
members started to settle into their new office this week after their move from Burnsville to a second-floor space at Shops on Galaxie in Apple Valley. While there was plenty of by Tad Johnson work to be done to unpack boxDAkota County Tribune es and set up work stations, staff Thisweek Newspapers and members are pleased with the new Dakota County Tribune staff space, which was designed by the
Apple Valley location on the second floor at Shops on Galaxie
newspaper group and Innovative Office Solutions of Burnsville.. The move wasn’t without its challenges. Due to a technical error, direct-dial phone extensions to Thisweek Newspapers and the Dakota County Tribune were not activated as expected after the office’s move from Burnsville to
Apple Valley last week. Depending on the progress made by the phone companies in moving the directdial extensions, people can still call the main number – (952) 894-1111 and have their calls directed to a members of the newspaper staff. Staff members can also be reached by See Move, Page 35A