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Dakota County


Farmington | Rosemount and the surrounding areas


NEWS Holiday events abound Farmington, Rosemount and the entire south metro area will be busy with holiday-related events in December. Pages 7A-9A

OPINION Protests are part of history The Black Lives Matter protests at the Minneapolis police precinct are part of the history of activism related to race. Page 4A

December 3, 2015 • Volume 130 • Number 39

Half million dollars donated in Rosemount Anonymous donor put $500,000 check into Red Kettle at Cub Foods by Tad Johnson SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Years ago, money was so tight for one Minnesota couple that they relied on discarded items from the local grocery store as a main source of food. This past weekend that couple placed a $500,000 donation into a Salvation Army Red Kettle at the Cub Foods in Rosemount, making it the single largest Twin Cities Red Kettle donation ever. “You get to a point in life where it’s time to take care of others, the way you were taken care of,� the couple, who wish to remain anonymous, said in a press release.

“We are simply stunned and honored to have received such a generous gift,� said Maj. Jeff Strickler, Twin Cities commander. “This is a true blessing and it could not come at a better time for The Salvation Army and the people we serve.� One day prior to the donation, the Salvation Army reported they were a half million dollars behind their fundraising pace of 2014. The nonprofit’s Christmas campaign goal this year is $11.6 million. The anonymous donation made on Saturday, Nov. 28, exceeded the previous record Red Kettle donation ($25,000) by 20 An anonymous donation of $500,000 was placed into a Salvation Army Red Kettle in Rosemount on Saturday. (Photo submitted) See KETTLE, 6A


Prosecutors: Lakeville man was the Black Lives Matter shooter Allen ‘Lance’ Scarsella III one of four charged

‘A Minnesota Nutcracker’ Twin Cities Ballet is adding some local flair to its annual staging of the holiday ballet at the Ames Center in Burnsville. Page 17A


Dan Corley, a 1994 Rosemount High School graduate, and a group of area residents are working to develop a plan that would place a projected 60,000-square-foot sports facility in Rosemount possibly by Dec. 31, 2018. (Graphic submitted)

Rosemount, Farmington boys and girls teams take to the ice with high expectations. Page 10A

PUBLIC NOTICE The Dakota County Tribune is an official newspaper of the Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School District. Page 12A

INDEX Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A Public Notices . . . . . . 12A Classifieds . . . . . . . . . 13A Announcements . . . . 16A

News 952-846-2033 Display Advertising 952-846-2019 Classified Advertising 952-392-6862 Delivery 763-712-3544


Company would run recreational facility open to the public SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Winter seasons underway


Fieldhouse proposal evaluated by Tad Johnson


could come in the form of help with site acquisition or the development and construction of public improvements. Corley said the idea for the Dakota Fieldhouse emerged about two years ago after RAAA’s lack of gymnasium space forced its traveling basketball program to make roster cuts. As the city of Rosemount’s work with the YMCA of the Twin Cities to place a facility near Dakota County Technical College didn’t advance, Corley and some fellow RAAA parents investigated the idea of turning a current industrial property into gym space. During the process, the group realized it needed a monthly recurring revenue to support a gym space. It was determined that adding a

A Lakeville man is charged with six felonies for allegedly shooting five Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis Nov. 23. Police say Allen Lawrence “Lance� Scarsella III, 23, fired eight shots into the Black Lives M at t e r crowd Nov. 23, injuring five African-Amer- Allen ican men “Lance� ages 19-43, Scarsella according to a Hennepin County criminal complaint. He is charged with second-degree riot and five counts of second-degree assault with a firearm, resulting in substantial bodily harm and is jailed on $500,000 bail. Scarsella was arrested at a Bloomington residence Nov. 24, where police say

Imagine a place where parents could drop their children off for a basketball or volleyball practice then head upstairs for a workout or swim laps in a pool down the hallway. That’s what planners of Dakota Fieldhouse saw happening at a recreational facility in Waterloo, Iowa, and that they want to replicate in Rosemount. Dan Corley, a 1994 Rosemount High School graduate, and a group of area residents are working to develop a plan that would place a projected 60,000-squarefoot sports facility in Rosemount possibly by Dec. 31, 2018. The Rosemount City Council approved a letter of intent in November with Dakota Fieldhouse

LLC, Corley’s company that is based out of Lakeville where he lives in the Parkview Elementary School neighborhood that is part of the Rosemount-Apple ValleyEagan School District. The letter of intent details that the city would provide up to $1 million in financial assistance to Dakota Fieldhouse to help with construction costs as the company would provide public access to the pool through daily fees and 5,000 hours of gym space time to the Rosemount Area Athletic Association. The letter is non-binding and each party could cancel it at any time with 10 days written notice. It is in place with the idea that a definitive development agreement would be created by the deadline of Dec. 31, 2016. The city’s financial assistance

Hindu holiday party in Farmington Milan Mandir hosting a celebration Dec. 5 by Andy Rogers SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

How do Hindus celebrate the holidays? For one, they dance. Minnesota Hindu Milan Mandir is hosting a holiday concert and cultural entertainment Dec. 5 at 501 Walnut St. in Farmington. “In a typical Hindu family, every day is special and deemed to be lived as if it’s the last day on earth,� Hindu Milan Mandir secretary Satya Balroop said. “In essence, we need to live life to the fullest, daily. Most Hindu families have adopted the American holidays and celebrate them throughout the year. The upcoming

holidays in December is no exception.� She said it’s a time of joy for all families. “Even Mother Nature sets the mood in a joyous spirit in bringing abundance of beauty, thrills and frills to add to the merriment of all beings and things,� Balroop said. “The timing is just right.� Balroop grew up in Guyana and she said she always looked forward to Christmas as a Hindu girl. “Hanging up stockings and waiting for Santa to fill them up with candies and toys, other families did the same,� Balroop said. “People of all faiths celebrated each other’s festivals in that part of the world.�

Seating for the show begins at 6 p.m. The celebration features “some of the very best Bollywood and classical dancers, songsters, entertainers and fashionistas� Minnesota has to offer, she said. The professionals won’t be the only ones dancing. Following the show, DJ Shafraz will keep the party going after 9 p.m. All that dancing may arouse their appetites. East and West Indian foods and beverages will be available for a small donation. The cost is $10 per person. Those younger than 7 years old are admitted free. Admission for a family of five is $40. The goal of Hindu Mi-

Hindu Milan Mandir is holding a holiday celebration at 6 p.m., Dec. 5. (Photo submitted) lan Mandir is to unite, “to of Bharat Sevashram bring people together in Sangha, a socio-cultural, joy and unity,� Balroop educational, philanthropic said. “It gives us the op- and religious organization portunity in bringing fam- serving humanity with ilies and people of all age non-sectarian, non-comgroups, origin and nation- munal and non-political ality together to have fun, outlook. with no exception.� Minnesota Hindu Mi- Email Andy Rogers at lan Mandir is a branch andy.rogers@ecm-inc.com.

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