Dakota County
Farmington | Rosemount www.dakotacountytribune.com
and the surrounding areas May 4, 2017 • Volume 132 • Number 10
Rosemount sustains strong growth arc Mayor touts quality of life in State of the City by Andy Rogers SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE
Family Living for summer Inside this edition is the Summer Sensations preview of Sun Family Living complete with a huge calendar of events. Inside
Rosemount Mayor Bill Droste touted recent accomplishments and looked ahead at what’s in store for Rosemount during his annual State of the City speech last week at the Steeple Center. He said Rosemount has seen steady improvement in its quality of life, and the groundwork is there for even greater improvements.
And it’s growprojects. ing. Rosemount had “By the numthe third highbers, Rosemount’s est total of housgrowth is quite iming permits in the pressive,� Droste county, he said, said. with 136. He said He said $82 Bill Droste while total permillion worth of mits declined from building permits 2015, the number were issued in 2016, an in- of single-family home percrease of 20 percent from mits increased by 15. the year before. He said the Planning The increase was across Commission has approved the board in industrial, projects totaling 374 units residential and commercial for single-family homes
An infinitely cuddly Amur tiger was born at the popular Minnesota Zoo exhibit recently. Page 2A
OPINION More training needed The ECM Editorial Board says improved training in de-escalating a serious situation will be better for the officers, suspects and the public. Page 4A
‘Sister Act’ in Lakeville The Play’s The Thing Productions presents a stage adaptation of the hit 1992 film at the Lakeville Area Arts Center. Page 17A
PUBLIC NOTICE The Dakota County Tribune is an official newspaper of the Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School District. Page 11A
INDEX Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A Public Notices . . . . . . 11A Classifieds . . . . . . . . . 12A Announcements . . . . 16A
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Montana Monet, a Farmington resident who was born in Inver Grove Heights, has performed the “Star-Spangled Banner� at a St. Paul Saints game, recorded her first album in October, and is a Farmington Ambassadors candidate. She has done all this at only 9 years old. Motivated, ambitious, and energetic, Montana has big dreams for a young person. She hopes to continue pursuing her singing career and proPhoto submitted ducing more albums. Montana Monet worked in the studio for her first album, “Under the Lights.� What’s her main motibalance, you know, in choosing vation? “I want to inspire other young people to pursue their songs to cover. Recent, but not too recent, and popular enough dreams,� she says. The family of five didn’t just that folks will recognize it.� They ventured to a studio in wake up one day and decide to produce an album for their young- Oklahoma in order to record the est daughter. This has been a proj- album. Of the 12 songs on the album, ect in the works for more than two one is an original that Montana years. Montana and her family chose co-wrote with Beverly about her popular, recent songs that Mon- older brother’s love of baseball. Both say that the larger mestana has related to, and that they sage of this song, and Montana’s hope others will also relate to. Beverly Jaeger, Montana’s See SINGER, 12A mom, noted, “We had to find a
by Brent Honcharenko program each fall. SPECIAL TO SUN THISWEEK Eliason was hired as DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE an instrumental music inWinter is typically the structor in the district for offseason for marching the 2015-16 school year band students. It’s a time and taught fifth-grade for rest and reflection af- band at three District 196 ter a grueling summer elementary schools. Last practice and fall compe- year he became a full-time tition schedule. But this member of the RHS band past winter was different director staff. for about 100 Rosemount Before the regular High School band stu- marching band season dents; they kept marching ended last fall, Eliason and didn’t skip a beat. and the other three high The Rosemount Indoor school band directors Performance Ensemble began talking about the participated in a winter possibility of putting an competition circuit spon- ensemble together to comsored by the Minnesota pete in winter band. Percussion Association. “We started talking This was a new venture for about this last September the RHS band program, and October,� Eliason and the ensemble was led said. “We took into conby band director Taylor sideration many factors, Eliason. including if this was the Eliason is a 2006 RHS right thing for our prograduate who went on to gram.� earn a music education deWinter band is much gree from St. Cloud State different from traditional University. Since graduat- field marching band. The ing, he’s consistently vol- one obvious difference is unteered and helped with that competitions are held the Irish marching band indoors in gymnasiums
Frank Sinatra made the song “It was a Very Good Year� famous, and some people in the city of Farmington are likely singing that tune after a discussion of the draft 2016 financial statements. Finance Director Robin Hanson presented the statements during the April 17 meeting when she said the city exceeded its 2016 revenue projections and underspent for expenditures. What that means for the current budget year is that there’s a little more cushion in the city’s general fund to cover additional expenses or make up for less revenue. “It was a very good year for the city,� Hanson said. “Staff was able to provide services within budget.� Additional property See BUDGET, 12A
Photo submitted
The Rosemount Indoor Performance Ensemble participated in a winter competition circuit sponsored by the Minnesota Percussion Association. and not on football fields. Although there is no official member limit for winter band ensembles, performing in gymnasiums naturally restricts the size of the groups. Eliason said winter col-
or guard and winter drumline teams and competitions have been around for quite a few years. Rosemount participates in winter color guard, but indoor performing ensembles, which include horn
lines and drum lines, is in its third season. After asking the students if they would be interested in indoor performance, they received See BAND, 12A
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Farmington council reviews improved general fund balance
RHS Indoor Performance Ensemble an instant success
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Trumpeting a new winning RHS band
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communities are jealous of the fact that residents also had two new places to dine with Arbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Chipotle opening up. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My acquaintances in Lakeville still canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get over that,â&#x20AC;? Droste said. He also said the University of Minnesota has reached an agreement with The Opus Group for development within UMore Park.
Young singer hopes to inspire others Cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Farmington girl finances releases debut stabilize album by Maren Bauer
All about the cuddling
and apartments over the past year and a half. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many of those are or will soon be under construction,â&#x20AC;? Droste said. Droste highlighted the recent developments in downtown Rosemount along Highway 3 with a new Culverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurant, the remodeling of Fluegelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, to opening of both Cambrian Commons and The Rosemount Senior Living at Steeple Center. He also noted other
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