Dakota County
Farmington | Rosemount and the surrounding areas
July 14, 2016 • Volume 131 • Number 20
Heading under the sea
More smashing, crashing at the fair Another demolition derby night added by Andy Rogers
Leprechaun Days returns
Inside this edition is a special section devoted to the 10-day summer festival Rosemount Leprechaun Days. The following changes should be noted in the schedule of events: • Tuesday, July 26: RHS Alumni Hockey Game cancelled • Thursday, July 28: Punt, Pass, Kick start time 9:30 a.m. • Some event publicity had the incorrect date for the Waffle and Sausage Breakfast. The correct date is Saturday, July 23. Inside this edition Jakob Gomez, left, of Apple Valley, and Vincenzo Vietti, of Farmington, are among the colorfully clad cast of “The Little Mermaid,â€? which will be presented by Eagan Summer Community Theatre July 15-30 at Eagan High School. Ticket and show time information are at www.eagan.k12.mn.us. (Photo by Andrew Miller)
OPINION Everyone needs a hero Columnist Don Heinzman says that people need heroes in their lives to help guide them to new heights. Page 4A
Steeple Center art exhibit Artists Gregory McDaniels and Nerissa Nordquist are featured at an exhibit opening July 22 at Rosemount’s Steeple Center. Page 15A
See FAIR, 9A
Rosemount grads out to save music Allen, Pratt to return to city that inspired their vinyl-loving ways by Tad Johnson
Dakota County Fair attendees who like to watch vehicles crash into each other are in for a treat this year. The grandstand will be bumping with three nights of demolition derby Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Fair organizers added a Thursday night double billing that includes a Dash for Cash and Minnesota Classic demolition derby. The Dash for Cash is a two-car race around a track with full-contact, demolition-style rules. “There’s no rules stating you have to follow the course,� derby promoter Mike Tix said. There’s equal points for crossing the finish line first
Rosemount High School graduates Matt Allen and Josh Pratt will be pinching themselves in a few days. When the two members of the funk-rock band Saving Vinyl City play during Rosemount Leprechaun Days, they say they’ve reached a milestone to be on the stage where they watched other bands enthrall them when they were young. “The fact that we are playing at something that holds so much meaning to our families, to our friends and their families is incredible,� Allen said. “To think that maybe somewhere out there someone
will look at Saving Vinyl City the way we looked at some of the other amazing performers of years gone Rosemount High School graduates Matt Allen (center) and Josh Pratt (left) are members of Saving Vinyl City, which will perform on Friday, July 29, in Central Park during the Midsummer Faire. Other band members are Timothy Johnstad, Eddie Almeida and Hunter Baugh. (Photo submitted) by is something just mind blowing.� Allen and Pratt graduated in 2009 from Rosemount High School where both were involved in music and theater programs, which they attribute for planting the seeds of the their band.
Rosemount High School graduates Matt Allen (center) and Josh Pratt (left) are members of Saving Vinyl City, which will perform on Friday, July 29, in Central Park during the Midsummer Faire. Other band members are Timothy Johnstad, Eddie Almeida and Hunter Baugh. (Photo submitted) Allen said RHS and Leprechaun Days hold special places in their hearts. “Growing up in Rosemount, the biggest party
you could go to was always Leprechaun Days,� Allen said. “Every year it was one of the best things to come out of summer. It’s so crazy to think that
after all these years, Saving Vinyl City actually gets a chance to take the stage and do what we love See SAVING, 9A
Edwards to represent Farmington at Aquatennial
by Andy Rogers
Area American Legion baseball players competed in the Gopher Classic tournament at the University of Minnesota last week. Page 10A
INDEX Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A Classifieds . . . . . . . . . 11A Announcements . . . . 14A Calendars . . . . . . . . . 14A
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With high ambitions and a love of Farmington, Aundreya Edwards has an exciting month planned. The 2015-16 Miss Ambassador will represent Farmington in the Minneapolis Aquatennial Queen of the Lake Scholarship Program July 19-23. She said she feels honored and privileged to be there. “I honestly can’t believe that I am a candidate this year,� Edwards said. “Farmington has believed in me for as long as I can remember and I will always represent this place to the best of my ability.� She has attended Aquatennial events since 2011 where she cheered on every Farmington Aquatennial candidate, including current Minneapolis Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes and former 2014-2015 Miss Farmington Maricia Pacheco. Now she gets to follow in their footsteps, heels and all. Edwards will spend the week par-
ticipating in the Queen of the Lakes Scholarship Program. “(It’s) an extraordinary once-in-alifetime opportunity for a select few young women each summer,� Farmington Royal Ambassador Program co-director and chair Holly Shearer wrote in an email. “The Farmington Ambassador Program is thrilled to have such a gracious and well-spoken young woman representing our hometown at the ‘Best Days of Summer.’� The week is filled with community events, the Torchlight Parade, fireworks and coronation. “It’s a busy week, but most definitely a memorable one,� Edwards said. The Torchlight Parade is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. July 20 along Hennepin Avenue. Edwards won’t be the only Farmington representative in the parade. Pacheco along with the Farmington Ambassador float and the 2016 Ambassadors are scheduled to join in.
Aundreya Edwards, 2015-16 Miss Ambassador, will represent Farmington in the Minneapolis Aquatennial Queen of the Lake Scholarship Program July 19-23 Minneapolis. (Photo submitted)
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