Dakota County Tribune Business Weekly

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date ##, 2009 february 7, 2013

Volume 30, Number # VOLUME 33, NUMBER 50

Dakota County Tribune Since 1884













Farmington man will race at Daytona ‘Battle at the Beach’



inside biz news

Elko Speedway star earns protected spot at Feb. 18 race

by Andy Rogers



Ruthe Batulis, president of the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce, will retire in April. 2A

Adam Royle is used to hearbatulis ing his name announced at Elko Speedway after winning several races there through the years. news It will probably sound a lot different at the Daytona International Speedway later this month. TV parts seller Royle will travel to Florida for ShopJimmy.com the University of Northwestern has moved into Ohio “Battle at the Beach” Feb. 18the former Our 19 at the Daytona International Own Hardware Speedway. headquarters in The 150-lap race on a new track Burnsville. Shopjimmy is part of the NASCAR Whelen 5A .com All-American Series, which will be broadcast on the Speed Channel. The track may be a tight oval, but the road to get there has been forum long. Royle, 31, has been racing on and off for 16 years at Elko School and law Speedway. As far back as he can enforcement remember, working on cars with off icials say his father was part of his life. children are, When he was 15, Royle and his indeed, safe in school. father built a car over the winPhoto courtesy of hometracks.nascar.com ter. He wanted to race it during 4A don the summer in the Sportsman Farmington’s Adam Royle will race at Battle at the Beach at the Daytona Speedway later this month in heinzman Florida. Division at Elko Speedway. Grasping that steering even though he cut back on races last sum- it can get pretty intense. But they do a great wheel, firing up the engine and watch- mer. His record included seven wins in 2012 job on the car.” dakota arts ing that flag wave, Royle knew he found at Elko Speedway alone. His crew consists of his father Jerry and a home. He’s been at it ever since. In 2011, he had 14 feature wins between two sons, Davis and Allen, along with Mike He advanced to late models two years Raceway Park and Elko Speedway. Heinzerling. The Velvet Tones, later and picked up a few sponsors Royle earned a protected spot at the Battle They’ll join him when he leaves for Daya Dakota Countyalong the way. at the Beach race after finishing ninth in the tona on Feb. 14. based senior adult Last year he won the state nation in the Whelen All-American Series. There’s not much he can do until then. choir, is this week news championship for the third time, When asked what makes him such a good “We’re just going through the car,” Royle preparing for its Code Type: UPC Version A Stats: 0 but he had higher aspirations driver, he deflected the praise onto his crew. Customer: 3242-ECM Publishers said. annual Spring Order #: P34915-017 MAG: 1.00 P.O. #: BWA: 0.0020 “I have a great team, really Racing stock cars isn’t exactly somethingOrdered Festival of1.4690 Music. By: Symbol Width: Polarity: Positive Up velvet Symbol Height: 1.0200 good guys working on you can practice every day. Date Run: 05/29/2002 Flexo Width: 0.0000 24A tones the car,” Royle said. “It’s no different than throwing a pitch, I “It’s still just guess,” Royle said. “Once you do it, it’s secdriving a ond nature. You’ve just got to be focused on car. You what you’re doing and what to change to make have to it better. It’s things you just pick up after 16 f o c u s , years, I guess.” and The Farmington High School graduate works at Independent Black Dirt, and when he’s not racing he watches his sons play hockey. 8 34493 00023 6 This isn’t a money-maker for Royle. He still has to pay for hotel, gas and entry fees, but the reward of racing at Daytona in front of family and friends is reward enough. “It’s an honor,” he said. General 952-894-1111 Distribution 952-846-2070 Andy Rogers can be reached at andy. Advertising 952-846-2011 rogers@ecm-inc.com or facebook.com/ sunthisweek.

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