12/13/2012 - Dakota County Tribune Business Weekly

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john gessner jessica harper john gessner

Thrift store to expand in Burnsville 2A Workforce housing advances in Eagan 2A Country Village license reinstated 2A

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date ##, 2009 december 13, 2012

Volume 30, Number # VOLUME 33, NUMBER 42

Dakota County Tribune Since 1884













Adventure on Main Street Burnsville couple transforming historic building in rural Minnesota



inside biz forum

ECM Publishers aims to offer more coverage of state and national government with additional resources. howard 4A lestrud forum

Local and state education off icials offer advice for President Barack Obama on federal school policy reforms. joe 4A nathan Submitted photo

David and Michelle Van Engen plan to transform part of the historic Sanger’s Bakery building in Lamberton, Minn., into a cafe, coffee shop and event center. Michelle is a Lamberton native.

Submitted photo

The old Sanger’s Bakery building on Main Street in Lamberton, Minn., dates back to 1892. by John Gessner


The late Bob Sanger ran a busy working bakery in an historic building on Lamberton’s Main Street. It was also a town gathering spot, with a soda fountain, hot coffee and shelves full of sweets. “I remember going in there for the candy, and I remember specifically the Tootsie Rolls for a penny. That’s what I always bought,” said Lamberton native and Burnsville resident Michelle Van Engen. More than friends, family and nostalgia draw her back to Lamberton, a town of about 850 on U.S. Highway 14 in southwest Minnesota farm country. Michelle and her husband, David, recently bought the 120-year-old Sanger’s Bakery building, which went on sale this summer after Bob Sanger’s passing in March at age 80.


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Since 1884

6, 2009




















help A mentor can a young worker the rise through ranks of an or organization career lead to other opportunities.

endures s fade, salon

W hile fad

The 2009 Legislature couldn’t balance a budget the governor could to OK, but tended other hot topics. 4A




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Today one of three vice be special. friendly staff one of those t Cole, tofounder she is experience pany for 30 years Doug Barberby be greeted S of Cole’s. visit Paul growing throughou St.will as salon managerto shape the future instantly you BEST PRACTICE in making your andattended learning and Valley learned helping Salon, assist he you Apple work lit they as where presidents 18 Pixar promotes the warmly members of at age their careers. been all I need to the newly remodeled ls School longtime hisaround you look share the merits Visit her at professiona Rients, a culture of be “Cole’s has Jerry As she will proudly or the custom tiled notice busy fromunique. trends or successful and location and communication stations you’ll latest hair styling counter tops make my life Janel Murphy, a 30area. “All this mentor. the 74, works at further and new granite spa the new said that reaps the around performing Rients, . Walk the of our fulfilled,” Today as a bar- you to the spa floors that lead to veteran. “At techniques for the success innovation and foiling Valley salon doors that lead Apple for , manicure and re-modeling is importantabout people. 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Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s rural job-creation initiative has its supporters and detractors at the State Capitol. tim 5A pawlenty dakota arts

In place of the bakery, which had been closed, the Van Engens plan to open Seven Sisters Coffee – a combination cafe, coffee shop and event center with beer, wine and music. “We’re saying this summer,” said Michelle, one of seven sisters in a family of 10 children. “That’s a race.” The Van Engens, both 29, were in town for a wedding reception when they noticed that the building had gone up for sale as part of the Sanger estate. “We were like, ‘Oh, my God, what a mess,’ ” David recalled. “But we just fell in love with the building.” The object of their desire and of Michelle’s childhood memories is a two-story brick structure built in 1892 to house First National Bank. See Adventure, Page 5A

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The Play’s the ThingStats:Production’s 0 winter offering MAG: 1.00 BWA: 0.0020 brings Broadway Symbol Width: 1.4690 Height: 1.0200 to aSymbol Lakeville Flexo Width: 0.0000 stage. Back Page

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