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Lakeville August 5, 2016 | Volume 37 | Number 23

Lakeville mom guilty of six felonies Sandra Grazzini-Rucki to be sentenced Sept. 21 by Laura Adelmann SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Back to School special section Inside today’s edition is a special section devoted to information about back-to-school time.

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki was found guilty of six felony counts of deprivation of parental rights after a Dakota County District Court jury deliberated for about five hours before delivering the verdict Thursday, July 28. The 50-year-old Lakeville mother of five,


charged with eight f e l o n y counts of deprivation of parental rights, had testiSandra fied she Grazzinileft her two Rucki daughters with strangers for over two years during a custody dispute and has had no con-

Irene Morrison marked her 100th birthday last month with a party attended by friends and family at Apple Valley Villa. (Photo by Andrew Miller)

Address water concerns now Now is the time to address issues with the state’s water supply before the problems become worse. Page 4A

tact with any of their children since that time. Grazzini-Rucki showed no emotion as the verdict was read. She was handcuffed and jailed, later released on $100,000 bail. She will be sentenced at 9 a.m. Sept. 21 GrazziniRucki. She had stated previously that she would appeal a conviction if it was handed down.

Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom said his office was “very pleased� with the verdict. “This is an important case,� Backstrom said, adding that the county plans to continue with its related cases against third parties involved with the girls’ disappearance. Doug and Gina Dahlen are facing felony charges of depravation of paren-

tal rights for keeping the girls at their rural ranch while authorities and their father, David Rucki, searched for them. Also charged is Deirdre Evavold, the family court activist who Grazzini-Rucki said suggested she bring the girls to the Dahlens’ ranch and dropped them off there See GUILTY, 12A

A grand day for a parade


Apple Valley resident celebrates 100 years Classic stage comedy Expressions Community Theater will present “Arsenic and Old Lace� Aug. 5-14 at the Lakeville Area Arts Center. Page 17A


The year Irene Morrison was born, Woodrow Wilson was president, World War I was raging in Europe, and Pancho Villa was leading the Mexican Revolution. Born July 3, 1916, Morrison celebrated her 100th birthday last month with friends and family at Apple Valley Villa, the senior-living complex where she now resides. Morrison, who has one son and two grandchildren, said her best memories from the past century are rooted See BIRTHDAY, 12A

SPORTS Notebook: Welch wins Lakeville North juniorto-be Megan Welch won the girls division at the Minnesota Junior PGA Players’ Tour Match Play Championship. Page 10A

PUBLIC NOTICE Sun Thisweek Lakeville is an official newspaper of the Lakeville Area School District and the city of Lakeville. Page 12A

INDEX Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A Public Notices . . . . . . 12A Classifieds . . . . . . . . . 13A Announcements . . . . 16A

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Hy-Vee planing to build in Farmington Grocery store chain submits proposal to build in Vermillion River Crossings by Andy Rogers SUN THISWEEK DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE

Hy-Vee has submitted a proposal to build a grocery store in Farmington, according to city officials. The Iowa-based grocery chain has plans to build a store in the Vermillion River Crossing, a commercial district south of Highway 3 near Dushane Parkway. New Hy-Vee stores typically include a pharmacy, floral shop, catering, instore dietitian, sushi bar, juice and smoothie bar, salad bar, deli, bakery, butcher and in-store coffee shop. Adam Kienberger, Farmington community development director, said the plans includes amenities similar to that of other stores in the metro area, but smaller than the one recently built in Lakeville. The complex includes a detached gas station, convenience store and car

Hy-Vee has submitted an application to the city to build a grocery store in the Vermillion River Crossings commercial district south of Highway 50 in Farmington. (Photo submitted) wash closer to Highway 50 as well, something the commercial district in Vermillion River Crossings lacks. The land Hy-Vee is purchasing is the western part of the development. The gas station would be built facing Highway 50. There’s also an outlot building planned west of the store for future devel-

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opment. “They haven’t shared what they planned to do with the excess land,� Kienberger said. There will still be land left for development in the Vermilion River Crossing. “There’s two lots right behind McDonald’s and another off Highway 50 by the clinic,� Kienberger said.

Kienberger said it’s still early in the process. The Farmington Planning Commission is scheduled to review the application Aug. 16 and the City Council is tentatively scheduled to review the plan Sept. 19. The details will be made public when the agenda is published a week before the meeting, Kienberger

said. City Administrator David McKnight said HyVee approached the city months ago and there’s still many months to go before anyone buys bread and milk. “They had to work with the landowner to potentially close the deal, which I don’t think is complete yet,� McKnight said. Mayor Todd Larson said the city been working with Hy-Vee for the nine months. “For this to move forward, even though it hasn’t yet, it looks like it’s going to, is very exciting for the city,� Larson said. McKnight said this is the biggest proposed commercial development in Farmington in decades. “We’re excited to see what it brings,� McKnight said. “It’s more opportunity to spend your money in Farmington and work See HY-VEE, 12A

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The Rosemount Leprechaun Days Grand Day Parade included plenty of fun for the many local participants and visitors on Saturday through the streets of Rosemount. The parade started under ideal weather conditions with plenty of sun and an occasional breeze. This was the first year in three years that the parade has been held in its traditional time slot on the second Saturday of Leprechaun Days. Grand marshal this year was former longtime Rosemount Fire Chief Scott Aker with his wife, Carol, and grandson Cooper. More photos are inside this edition and online at (Photo by Tad Johnson)

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