PORTFOLIO Daksh Goel Architecture Undergraduate CEPT University, India

DAKSH GOEL CONTENTS GENERAL DOBNewIndian09.06.1999Delhi,Delhi 12thEDUCATIONgrade: K.R. Mangalam World School, GK ll , New Delhi Grade 3- Electric Guitar: Rockschool, London (RSL Level 1 Award In Popular Music Performance: Grade 3) 2 Year Fine Art Course: Delhi Collage Of Art, New Delhi Bachelor Of Architecture: CEPT University, Ahmedabad Summer Internship 2019 and 2022: Spaces Architects@ka, South extension part ll, New Delhi, [2+6Delhimonths] ABOUT ME I believe that perseverance and patience can make any obstacles vanish. Continous hardwork is necessary to achieve any goal in Musiclife. and art inspire me to do more. They give me perspective and become a medium for me to express my emotions and opinions. CONTACT (IND) +91 Instagram:daksh.goel.barch17@cept.ac.indakshgoel9@gmail.com9891769176 Onscreenart SouthG-17 Extension part 2, New Delhi 110049, Delhi, India. EXPERIENCESKILLSETSoftwares TwinmotionPhotoshopSketchupAutocadEnscapeLumionIndesignIllustratorRhinocerosLightroomProcreate Rendering WaterCharcoalGraphitecolorDryPastelsInking Fabrication WoodMetalClay CNC and Lasers Languages GujaratiEnglishHindi The Oval Stepwell Matters Of Architectural Language The Urban Nest The Moving Museum Narritives in Architecture (Urban studio) Chota Oda: Measured And Drawn Winter School In Srilanka Graphic design and illustrations Beyond Academia : Art Documentation Chota oda , Rajasthan | Dec Lunuganga2017 and Brief Garden , Sril anka | Dec 2018 Moosi Maharani Complex, Alwar | Jan 2019 Mill owners association, Ahmedabad September 2021 RethinkingCompetitonsTheFuture Awards 2020 Second Award | Cultural (Concept) WA Award Cycle 36 (2020) Cultural (Concept) World Architecture Festival Shortlist Future(2022) Residential project World Architecture Festival Shortlist Future(2022) Cultural project Freelance work Graphic design and illustrations : Over 50+ clients including Applause entertainment, univerval music etc. NFT Artist: Over 20+ NFT’s artwork sold

The design offers multiple experiences to the public through various functions and levels. The presence of spaces like the museum and galleries assures prowess for financial growth and cultural opportunities. The material palette also responds to that of the Chand Baori stepwell. The Oval, designed with modern intricacies in mind, warrants timelessness, making it a poetic marvel. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 *Below *Below *Below *Below*Below Central lift
Spacesarchitects@ka MENTOR:
The modern structure stands in the centre and is an interpretation of the Chand Baori stepwell. In a stepwell, one moves down the structure through steps, whereas in this structure, one moves up and sees all the steps around. The steps also form the seating areas of the amphitheatre, and the form of the design creates an interesting frustum like curves, providing an interesting canvas for light and sound shows, a booming industry in the current world with increasingly widening horizons.
Shortlist (2022) Future Cultural project Rethinking The Future Awards 2020 Second Award | Cultural (Concept) WA Award Cycle 36 (2020)
StepwellOvalThe Kapil Aggarwal World Architecture Festival Cultural (Concept) In this age of flourishing architecture, the Oval aims to add to this movement while providing a heartfelt ode to its lineage. In addition to an impactful, historical message, its modern interpretation and sustainable approach put it at a recognisable advantage. The Oval aims to create a larger footfall, which in turn would highlight the importance of the Chand Baori stepwell in Abhaneri.

Double skinned shellThe two layers sandwhich a staircase that leads one to the top and also insulates in innerEvaporativestructure.coolingThe structure is cooled down by the water that is surrounding the structure. Warm air rises and escapes creating a cooling affect on the lower floors. Green roof: The terrace is covered with greens that insulates and cools down the cafeteria and seating below. Sky DeckThe sky deck overlooks to the whole city of Abhaneri and visually connects to the Chand Baori stepwell.
Light and sound show displayed on the walls of the structure while people sit in the amphitheatre.
View from the sky deck that connects to the Abhaneri stepwell on the right. Museum created under the amphi-theatre that wraps around the project.Site section showing the various spaces and volumes coming together.

Exhibition and cafeteria

The first half of the studio is to study the architectural styles of the architect (here, Luis Barragan) through a series of architectural and design exercises elaborating the architects’ different approaches and attitudes. The objective was to make a diary of attitudes of hand-drawn diagrams depicting Luis Barragans approach towards mass, structure, light, detailing, organisation etc.
Different mediums like watercolors, coloured pencils, pens, and graphite are used to depict various qualities of the space. The understanding from these analyses is used in the design project in the second half of the studio.
RIGHT : Diary Of Attitudes showing various studies on projects of Luis Barragan.

RIGHT: Conceptual models
LEFT: Concept visualization which juxtaposes various colours.
The second half of the studio deals with using the previously discussed attitudes and incorporated them into the design. which is set in a completely different context in terms of weather, people, culture and society.
Books offer an engagement with a world within a world. They proliferated with the advent of the printing press, making book publishing an enterprise and engendering a place. Since then, bookshops have evolved to become an important place for engagement with the world of words and readers. In the age of smartphones and Amazon, the role of a “place” for books has been challenged. Yet, bookshops have the potential to revisit the activities of reading and gathering, complemented by a fresh brew of coffee. The project is to design a bookstore and cafeteria in the city of lakes, Udaipur. With Pichola lake to its west and the City Place to its north, it faces the Machla Magra hills of Udaipur. Thus the project has to respond to its strong context while keeping the attitudes of Luis Barragan as an underlying principle that will bind the whole project.

1.LegendEntrance lobby 2. Billing counter 3. Library 4. Kitchen 5. Seating cafetria 6. storage 7. Water patio
Sectional model which shows how different spaces and levels come together, each with a different color pallete.
Sectional model which shows how terraces interact with one another, opening up to the greens,

One of the main ways to deal with this is to create spaces that spread positivity. Hence, green spaces and recreational spaces for congregating become important. Thus, the main aim of a green hostel is to create architecture that carefully weaves the spaces together by interconnecting each space to a garden, just like a bird’s nest on top of a tree.
Future Residential project
The need for greens! Hostels are like homes away from home for students. It is a place that should encourage a healthy and respectful lifestyle and a balance between studies and extracurricular activities.
A recent study by the WHO states that India is one of the most depressed countries in the world. One in every six children and teenagers suffers from depression. In such an alarming situation, it becomes important to create space that not only improves everyday life but also improves mental health.
MENTOR: Kapil Aggarwal World Architecture Festival Shortlist (2022)
Placement on a long linear site which gives rise to a narrow block.
Dividing the whole mass into blocks that represent each dwelling unit. Creating voids by pulling out blocks from the overall mass. These voids are connected through steps and platforms that allow a cross connection Trees which are a breath of fresh air in the overcrowded spaces of NOIDA.

elongated and narrow. The concept started by creating an axis along this narrow site with meticulous placement of each unit while following the stringent byelaw like 35% permissible ground coverage. It also opens up to various cutouts and courtyards on all four sides. The plans are formed in such a way that no two plans are the same. The plans mould themselves on the site, creating voids on all the levels in different places. These voids become the space that harvests greens and trees. Each unit or dwelling is always in the vicinity of a garden or a tree, no matter what floor you are on. These voids also allow cross ventilation as wind moves through the structure. The trees also help in cooling these winds and hence the whole building. This lowers the temperature in the hot climate of Noida. These voids also become spaces for informal meetings. These voids allow cross-communication between various floors and create interactive spaces. These interactive spaces are then connected through staircases, steps, and platforms. As the sectional perspective shows, every space opens up to another space, overlooking another open space. This also ends up in creating rooms, where each room gives out a different view. Exemplifying this further, the balconies of rooms are different in sizes, extending in and out, creating a play of platforms and views. This also organically generates a facade where each space feels as if it is jutting out of the structure.
Top view that shows the steps connecting various floors. Entrance steps that become a place for interaction Steps that connect various floors and levels
View from the single rooms.
View of the seating outside the cafeteria.
RIGHT: Conceptual models
LEFT: Concept visualization which juxtaposes various colours.


The wooden shuttering along with the wooden block is inserted from one side for casting the horizontal ribs.
Similar process of creating shuttering for the doors is concretedone. is poured to cast the doors and openings. The concrete is set for days and is cured at a specific interval of time. The shutterings are removed after the concrete is set.
RIGHT : Step by step process construction of a barge.
Construction process of the hull starts by laying out wooden shuttering on the supports. The reinforcement creates a mesh for the floor which is supported by wood on both the sides. The reinforcement for the horizontal ribs are added and tied to the floor and wall mesh. The reinforcement for the horizontal member are added and tied to the floor and wall mesh.
The first part of the studio consisted of studying the construction process of the barge by Le Corbusier. A series of models were made for this. Each model was made with different materials to understand how the construction process changes. A lot of discussions took place after that, which helped in creating a series of diagrams and drawings. The step-by-step process is then displayed through drawings and axonometry. The shuttering details, the supports, the reinforcement details help in understanding and then creating structures that float on water. As a result, the concept of a floating museum became popular, and the project was eventually structured as a building that floats on water.The idea of construction as a process is also questioned. The project must be designed in such a way that it can expand indefinitely.The museum will be open from day one. One can visit it while the process of construction of the barge is going on. However, the museum becomes the artifact itself. It becomes part of the artifacts being displayed on the barge.
MENTOR: Arijit chatterjee, Asha sumra
The wooden shuttering along with the wooden block is inserted from the other side for casting the concrete is poured till the half point, with reinforcement bars extending out.
The shuttering for members on the wall are added and then Shutteringcasted.panels for the wall are added. walls are casted, and the reinforcement bars extend out of the ribs so that the slab can get attached to it.





RIGHT : Conceptual models with the site plan of Delhi .
MENTOR: Meghal arya Public and private spaces: The studio started out in COVID, and hence the importance of public and private spaces came into discussion. We discussed how public spaces can be private in their own zones as well as vice versa. To explore the phenomenon of human interaction with nature, a series of models were made where the sticks represent the trees, the blocks are the buildings, and clay is the soft earth. The conclusions from the same were carried forward into the design project that came out of the same by building a story.

Visualisation InConceptamodern world, human interaction with nature has been significantly reduced. The parks have become a place where people look from afar. It never really blends with the surroundings. It is bounded by huge walls and roads. Thus, the idea was to create a bridge through which the trees and animals would start moving into the city. The walls create smaller enclosures that become private zones in a public park. Over time, the greens move into the streets and houses too. It is a brutal response to how we have treated nature for years. The idea is that nature will take over the concrete jungle and, in time, will suffocate the concept of a city. The walls wrap around, break down at some places, and create covered enclosures at some places as well. A similar process could be adopted on a global scale where the greens move into societies and claim their space back.
RIGHT: Plans and section of the city.

Existing Site condition where greens and greys are seperated. Creating a bridge through which the greens move into the city. Overtime, the greens would reclaim the space.

Greens moving into city.

Nestled in lower Aravalli range between Dungarpur & Bichhiwara, the village of Chhota Oda blooms with traditional and vernacular housing. Though consisting not more 60 houses it thrives with its fare share of greenery, farms, animals and life. The study aimed to measure draw the settlements with the topography while showing the character of space using immaculate hand rendered ink drawings. The documentation ranges from a overall site plan, down to the detailed exploded isometrics of the doorwindow joineries. Walls are generally stacked with stone masonry , finished with mud and cowdung plaster . Wooden beams, joists for the mezzanine and rafters for the roof are built through an assemblage of found pieces finished very roughly to fit the given condition. Vertical posts (Kubi) hold up the main beams (juttaddi) with joists (doda) and woven mats.Roof shingles, Country or Mangalore tiles are used for roofing.
LEFT : Door-window detail RIGHT : Plan and sections of houses

RIGHT : Mapping and sketches of Lunuganga and Brief garden.
WINTER 2019 The winter school mainly consisted of documentation and study of two gardens, Lunuganga and Brief by Geoffery Bawa and Bevis Bawa respectively. While the larger context of the gardens is the same, they both present different approaches and attitudes towards design and articulation. Looking at both the gardens simultaneously allowed for a richer understanding and in-depth reading of context and the making of a place. We read both the gardens through multiple means -text, images and experience. we were encouraged to identify, unique qualities of the site that were fundamental to understanding the character of the place. It looked at ways to understand the relationship of ones experience of a place in relation to its context, both immediate and the larger setting and what is the idea of ‘place-making’.

These selected works are works done for Companies like Universal music, Applause entertainment (Aditya Birla group) , Prime porter (fashion brand) etc. Some of these works are also sold as NFT’s on WazirxNft marketplace. I have had the experience of doing over 50 professional projects and selling over 20 NFT’s. This has given me a new perspective to look at architecture, renders and graphics. This has also made me proficient with softwares like Photoshop, Procreate, Enscape and illustrator.
RIGHT: selected works done on Procreate, Photoshop , enscape.

Year Fine
2 Art Course: Delhi Collage Of Art, New Delhi These selected works are not necessarily academic in nature, but show my interest in the field of arts. Art to me is an escape portal where I can put down my thoughts and my emotions onto a canvas. Both visual art and music have inspired me to do more and to do something different in life. I truly believe that art is all around us and enriches us everyday. Art is the most basic form of language that I use to communicate my thoughts and my feelings and hence is an integral part of who I am. RIGHT: selected works done in acrylic, water colors, color pencils and soft pastels.

Daksh Goel Instagram-dakshgoel9@gmail.com+919891769176@onscreenart