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Discover what other readers are saying about the most recent issue in these letters to the editor.
I enjoyed [“Spatial Awareness” from Vol. 7 No. 1 (Fall 2022)]. I found resonance with a number of ideas.
In particular, your idea about using (or not using) “stretchy material.” For years I had incorporated elastics for a group understanding of dynamics. For one class I forgot the “stretchies” and had the group imagine using a stretchy material as I improvised. The result was so much more rewarding. They concentrated on how the group as a whole imagined and implemented the connection to sound rather than focusing on their personal efforts to pull or release the material.
Stephen Moore
Dear Michael [Joviala],
I want to say CONgRATuLATIONS for the new look of Dalcroze Connections. It’s beautiful and I enjoy a lot going through [to] discover the different articles and sections.
Thanks and bravo to all the people that participate in that project and good luck!
Looking forward to see you at the next congress and study days.
Silvia Del Bianco
Congratulations on a beautiful issue of Dalcroze Connections. I proudly display my hard copy in my studio for parents to page through.
I particularly enjoy the richness of perspectives from practitioners all over the country, and the variety of articles ranging from informational to personal anecdotes. Some of it is immediately applicable to teaching classes (the article on incitation and inhibition) while other parts are thought-provoking (Michael Joviala’s musings about space), reaffirming (KuanTing Chang’s scholarship report), or inspirational (Louise Mathieu’s reflections on using recorded music in the classroom). All presented dynamically with beautiful photos and interesting graphics.
Thank you for a job well done!
Mira Larson
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