1 minute read

Aural Reactions

Each issue, listen to a piece of music and guess what Dalcroze lesson it might be used for. Submit your ideas to editor@dalcrozeusa.org

The twenty-first century Dalcroze teacher often uses current technology in the classroom to connect with students—including recorded music. We’d like to introduce you to recordings that have been successfully used in a Dalcroze lesson to explore or discover a specific musical goal.


The catch: while we will provide you with the piece (in the form of a link to listen to the track online), you—the reader—will have to guess the musical subject.

Was the piece used in a class on meter? Phrase? Rhythm? Melody? Harmony? The possibilities are endless, but there will be one correct, and hopefully obvious, answer.

If you’d like to play, take a listen to this track, perhaps move to the music in your space, and email us with your guesses as to the musical goal.


I. Largo

George Frideric Handel

Listen at linktr.ee/dalcrozeusa

Those who write in with the correct answer will get their names published in the next issue of Dalcroze Connections

If you are a Dalcroze teacher and have a great recording you’d like to share with the community, let us know!

From last issue...

PROMPT: I Love You Truly, by Al Bowlly

ANSWER: Rhythm patterns

Thank you to Edwin Chen, Laura Montanari, and Alex Marthaler who wrote in—Alex got it right! Think

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