1 minute read
Board Chair’s Le er
Lori Forden

e power of togetherness and connection is strong when like-minded people gather in one place like many of us were able to do at the Dalcroze Society of America National Conference at Baldwin Wallace University. As Dalcrozians, we are linked by a common practice and an intention to explore movement in music, movement as music, and music through movement. e conference o ered us a precious chance to celebrate and interact with our community in person.
e Dalcroze method of learning, teaching, and exploring music brings richness to my life. Many people, myself included, will tell you that practicing Dalcroze changed the way they make music; play their instrument; feel music; or simply understand music. is is one of the reasons many of us work to maintain and nurture our community through the Dalcroze Society of America (dsa). We not only want the Dalcroze community to survive, but we also want to see it thrive.
Our Board of Trustees, commi ee leads, and commi ee members have enthusiasm and many ideas about how we can help to serve our community, to encourage information sharing, and to educate artists who don’t yet know they want Dalcroze in their life. is academic year, the Board of Trustees has been engaged in productive and meaningful conversations about what our community does well, what it needs, and what opportunities exist. ese conversations are leading us to our next strategic plan. e strategic plan will lead us to develop and refine programs and commi ee goals. e plan will also help us to evaluate our budget and the funds needed to make these e orts come to life.
We want you to feel welcome in the dsa and there are several ways you can join in the fun. If you feel it is the right time in your life to volunteer on a dsa national commi ee or in a local chapter, please reach out and tell us some of your special interests or skills. Another option is to check out one of our Dalcroze Lab events for some inspiration or to learn more about a subject. Connect with us through our blog, Facebook page, or Instagram and share the posts with your friends. Read and share this Dalcroze Connections magazine. Regardless of your time availability, we greatly appreciate your donations and continued membership in the dsa. Our organization continues because of your support.
Lori Forden Chair of the Board of Trustees Morrison, CO lori@dalcrozeusa.org