Dale Sutherland on Finding the Right People to Give To | Vienna, VA

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There is a great need in the world for people with resources to help those who don’t have any. In my experience as a pastor, nonprofit leader, and fundraiser I have not found a shortage of people who want to give. The problem people have is not knowing who to give it to. It is a unique challenge to have funds and not have people to give them to. There are some simple ways I have found to make sure what I give goes to the right people.

HOW DO YOU WANT TO GIVE? First of all, it’s important to identify how you want to give. Do you want to give monthly or do you want to give once a year? This matters because the way you help the organization depends a lot on how they’re going to receive the funding from you.

IDENTIFY ANY PARTICULAR FOCUS Second, it’s important for you to identify any particular focus you may have in your giving. If you are a believer in Christ, I believe that we should strongly consider being what I would call a “Great Commission” giver. This simply means that you will focus all of your investment on ministries that share the gospel when they do their service. You can find every kind of need being filled by people who also share the gospel. You can find brothers that are involved in clean water, orphanages providing food and education for those in need. I believe that it’s incumbent on the Christian to invest with those who couple their service with a gospel message.

GIVE TO SMALLER ORGANIZATIONS Third, I would suggest that we give to smaller organizations. In order to make our dollars count, it is very exciting to be part of something that won’t happen unless you get this gift. We have to be careful, though, to make sure that the smaller group does not depend on your gift only. You do want to be careful about creating a dependency with a smaller organization. The great news is that you do get to make a huge difference with a smaller organization and are often able to open them up to new opportunities because you are willing to take a risk with them. To join in the Lord‘s work in a way that you can actually see what He’s doing can be exciting.

PRAY OVER THE ORGANIZATIONS Fourth, we should pray over the organizations we give to. It is clear that God‘s word promises that He will direct our steps. We only get our steps directed as we ask Him and open our hearts to His direction. It is critical that we approach the Lord about each ministry and each giving opportunity that He put in front of us.

USE THE LORD AS YOUR GUIDE Fifth, ask the Lord to guide you as to how many dollars you want to give to various types of ministries. The average Christian donor gives to 6 to 10 ministries, however, that actually dissipates our ability to truly make a difference with our gift. I recommend that you focus a larger amount of your giving on one or two organizations so you can really make an impact. You want to grow with this organization and get to know the staff and get to know the board, if at all possible. At a minimum, you can see it as devotional to read their monthly updates, etc. That is just impossible if you’re trying to read multiple emails from multiple ministries. This is also a way for you to involve your children. Your giving is one of the greatest things to let your children as they see the money you spend on causes that are eternal.

The last thing is your giving must be in secret, as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount. However, He later said in the same sermon something very confusing. He said you should do your good works “so that people see them and they may glorify your Father who is in Heaven” When you give, let your children and your family know who and what you’re giving. That way, they will see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Make a difference in their lives not just by talking to them about the gospel but by showing them that the gospel is more important to you than a new car or a new addition to your house. This is one of the greatest delights of all the blessings God has given us: to be able to give freely to those in need. Together with your family, enjoy how you can make a difference for Christ with your money.

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