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Whether your child works very hard and still gets a poor report card, or your child avoids reading and homework as much as possible, Unger Eye Care may be able to help.

When a child complains that he can’t see the board, your immediate thought is to schedule an eye exam. But when your child brings home a poor report card, you should also consider that a sign to schedule an eye exam.


Why an eye exam? When a child struggles with reading and nothing seems to help consistently, it is a sign that a vision problem is underlying your child’s difficulties. Does your child love being read to, but hates to read? Is he or she an “auditory learner?” These are signs of a vision problem.

The Learning Disabilities Association of America says that when you find a child who is struggling with learning you should check for vision and hearing problems.

Unfortunately, most people incorrectly assume there is nothing wrong with a child’s vision if he or she can see “20/20.” Dr. Tom Unger, optometrist with an office in Troy, said, “If you have a child who is struggling with reading and schoolwork it is vital you understand that being able to see the letters on the eye chart is just one of over 20 visual skills critical to reading and learning.”

Children do not know how they are supposed to see so they rarely complain when they have difficulty seeing the words on the page. Therefore it becomes critical that you are aware of some of the most obvious symptoms which indicates a child could have a vision problem, including:

• Problems with tracking • Poor comprehension and attention span • Loses place while reading • Points to words while reading • Avoids close work such as reading • Reverses letters or words in reading and writing • Homework takes FOREVER when it shouldn’t

If your child has any of these issues, he or she may have an undiagnosed vision problem that is interfering with academic success.

For more information on vision and learning, please call (618) 667-2020.

1 out of 4 children struggle with reading and learning because of undiagnosed vision problems.

Does Your Child...

• Dislike reading? • Skip or reread lines? • Prefer to be read to? • Lose place when reading? • Have trouble remembering what has been read? • Have difficulty paying attention? ADD/ADHD? • Make numbers/letter reversals? • Have reading /homework take longer than it should?

ELIMINATE DOUBT! If your child has any of the above symptoms, he or she may have a 100% correctable vision-based learning problem. Children who once struggled go from failure to success when these vision problems are treated. Call us today to schedule a Developmental Vision Evaluation. Thomas K. Unger, O.D. • Alice E. Unger, O.D.

Two Locations

534 Edwardsville Rd. • Troy, IL

(618) 667-2020

449 S. State Route 157, • Edwardsville, IL

(618) 655-EYES (3937)

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