3 minute read
March 27
Illinois Center for Autism $10,000 Prize Raffle
Tickets are on sale now at https://illinoiscenterforau-
fle-for-10-000 $100.00 each or 3 for $250.00. Only 300 tickets sold. The winner will be drawn on Facebook Live on Saturday, March 27, 2021.
April 17; 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Maryville Village Wide Garage Sale
The annual garage sale is a great time for all.
May 10; 9 a.m. to 3 pm.
Otto Golf Classic St. Clair Country Club
The annual golf tournament to benefiit The Greater Bellevlle Chamber of Commerce: Sign up at
June 12; 7 to 10 p.m.
MindEye Drive-In Sheldon Concert Hall Parking Lot
A celebration with food and film, featuring a culinary experience provided by Chef Liz Schuster of Tenacious Eats. www.mindseyeradio.org.
June 24; 7 p.m.
Trivia for Kids' Sake at GCS Ballpark Big Brothers Big Sisters
The concept will be the same as the Bowl for Kids' Sake event that BBBS has done for many years: Teams of 5 or 6 will raise $100 each and BBBS will provide the fundraising website and resources. To celebrate fundraising efforts, BBBSIL will host a hybrid trivia event both in person and socially distanced at GCS Ballpark while also offering a virtual option. Sign up before April 1 and you will be put into a drawing to win exclusive team T-shirts, five $25 gift cards and VIP service at the event!
Visit www.bbbsil.org/triviaforkidssake today.
July 17; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
15th Ultimate BeepBall Tournament Touch a Truck at GCS Credit Union Ballpark
For more information, go to www.mindseyeradio.org.
July 23; 4 to 7 p.m.
Illinois Center for Autism Night at the Grizzlies Touch a Truck at GCS Credit Union Ballpark
For more information, go to www.illinoiscenterforautism.org.
August 21
Pedal for Autism Registration opens April 1 online
A family, fun bicycling event held on the Madison County Transit Trails. This event includes a 2, 9, 25, 40 and a Metric Century Ride. Register at www.illinoiscenter-
September 18; 6 to 10 p.m.
Illinois Center for Autism's Dinner Benefit Light Up The Night
The annual dinner and auction is at the St. Clair Country Club. www.illinoiscenterforautism.org.
October 6; 8 a.m. start
Illinois Center Tee Off Fore Autism Golf Tournament At Far Oaks Golf Club
This year will include both a men and a women's division.
List your event in Marketplace Magazine by emailing lisa.adams@marketplacemagazine.biz.
You’ve Got Mail
Senior Pen Pal Program
Partnership between Greenville University and AgeSmart Community Resources
- Are you a senior who likes to stay connected and enjoys interacting with the younger generation? - Do you know a senior who would benefit from a letter writing program with a university student? - Would you like to introduce the younger population to the art of letter writing?
The Greenville University Pen Pal program pairs freshman students with older adults. They correspond with each other, share stories, ask questions, and learn about life from each other’s point of view.
Pen Pal Program Benefits
-Learn new things - Sense of purpose - Prevents isolation and loneliness -Less depression and better physical and brain health
Who can participate?
- Older adults in our community - Residents in skilled and assisted living facilities
For more information or to sign up please call AgeSmart at 618-222-2561, or email ask@agesmart.org
