5 minute read
Dry Eye Disease
Is a Common, Treatable Condition
Dry Eyes are a part of the natural aging process. In fact, the majority of people over the age of 65 experience symptoms of Dry Eye. Patients are advised to seek treatment if they have any of the symptoms below:
• Blurry Vision • Redness • Burning • Itching • Light Sensitivity • Excessive Tearing/Watery Eyes • Tired Eyes/Eye Fatigue • Stringy Mucus in or around the eyes • Foreign Body Sensation • Contact Lens Discomfort • Scratchy feeling or Sand/Grit in eye
People that have Dry Eye Disease either do not produce enough tears or their tears are of such poor quality that they cannot lubricate and nourish the eye effectively. Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front of the surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. Tears also provide lubrication, which reduces the risk of eye infection, washes away foreign matter in the eye and keeps the eyes smooth and clear. Dry Eye Disease can easily interfere with work and normal life activities if not treated.
Factors that lead to Dry Eye Disease can include age, medications, refractive eye surgery, long-term use of contact lenses and medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, thyroid problems and inflammation of the eyelids. Other factors can also be associated with doing every day tasks like staring at computer screens, televisions, or electronic readers for long periods of time. In addition, things like exposure to air conditioning, wind, smoke and dry climates contribute to Dry Eye.
Untreated Dry Eye Disease can lead to permanent damage to the lids, eye and vision. However, the good news is that by properly diagnosing the type of Dry Eye Disease early on there are successful treatments including supplements, warm compresses, lid cleansers, drops and now a natural Intense Pulse Light therapy.
Drs. Thomas and Alice Unger in Troy and Edwardsville have the technology to provide patients with a comprehensive eye exam to evaluate, test and treat Dry Eye Disease. Call Unger Eye Care today to make an appointment at (618) 667-2020 or (618) 655-EYES.
There IS Help For Dry Eye Disease

Unger Eye Care can provide treatments at the two locations:
534 Edwardsville Rd. • Troy, IL (618) 667-2020
449 S. State Route 157, • Edwardsville, IL
(618) 655-EYES (3937) or visit www.ungereyecare.com to set your appointment today!
Don’t Let It Slow You Down!
Most adults over the age of 65 will experience at least one or all of the following symptoms:
• Blurry Vision and Light Sensitivity • Redness • Burning and Itching • Excessive Tearing/Watery Eyes • Tired Eyes/Eye Fatigue • Contact Lens Discomfort
Thomas K. Unger, O.D. Alice E. Unger, O.D.
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