Rumannah Akhtar - winner of the Heartmark Logo Competition with Runner-up Maariya Sadiq and The Mayor of Derby, Councillor Lisa Higginbottom. And so another very busy term draws to an end!! Following the Summer Olympics we now have our very own Olympic Legacy Ambassador in the school office – Mrs Breen was recognised for the inspiration she gave to many children during our Dale Rowing Challenge last year during an awards evening held at Pride Park in November. As a school, we were awarded a Bronze award for the wide range of sporting opportunities we offer to the children, a big thank you to all those who support us in this, providing transport and cheering on our school teams. The children who represented the school during the evening were a real credit to the school – well done to all of you.
A big thank you to those who came to our Christmas Fayre; it was lovely to see so many of you there. Santa was very popular again this year and was ready for a rest by the end of the evening. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday, and look forward to seeing you in January.
Mrs L Sullivan - Head Teacher
Term Dates for 12/13 Break up for Christmas Friday 21st December Back to School Monday 7th January Break up for Half Term Friday 15th February Back to School Monday 25th February INSET Day Monday 18th March Break up for Easter Thursday 28th March Back to School Monday 15th April Break up for Half Term Friday 24th May
Foundation Stage News Foundation Stage have had a really exciting half term. We went to the Pantomime to watch Peter Pan. The children really enjoyed themselves, joining in and doing some lovely dancing. We have also been practising our Nativity and are now great performers Next term we are learning about dinosaurs! Please find out something about dinosaurs. Have a lovely holiday!
Year One News We have had busy half term! We have been learning about light and dark and to accompany us on this journey, an alien called Beegu, came to spend time with us in our classrooms! Currently we are excited to be rehearsing for the upcoming nativity play ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’. Next half term we will be learning some traditional fairy tales such as, Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood. Please read these books with your children!
Year Two News Year 2 started this half term with a bang, with a visit from a puppet theatre. We
learned how to make shadow puppets and put on a show as a whole class. We then developed our story-telling skills and made up our own traditional story with a twist. We have learned to join materials, particularly by sewing, and have made sock and hand puppets. At the end of the topic, we put all these skills together and performed our twisted tale. What super actors and actresses we have in Year 2!
Year Three News This half term we have further developed our knowledge about Ancient Egypt. We were impressed with how well the children dressed up as Ancient Egyptians for the special day that we had. The children completed five tasks and did some excellent writing about their day. As part of our science work we have learnt about teeth and healthy eating. Linked to our topic, we have been working on our story telling skills, so, if the children have any spare time they may want to write their own stories for us to share!
Learning Mentors A reminder to all parents that pupils must be in correct school uniform – this includes appropriate footwear. Dale prides itself on being a Healthy School, as such, bars of chocolate/sweets are NOT allowed in packed lunches. Parents of Year 2-6 children must come in to the playground to collect their children for home dinners. Children cannot be sent out of the playground to parents waiting in cars
Phonics Lessons Please remember that Year 1 and Year 2 children need to be here on time in the morning as their Phonics lessons start promptly at 9:00am. If they are late, they are missing out on important learning!
Term Dates 12/13 (cont.) Back to School Monday 4th June INSET Day Friday 21st June Break up for Summer Tuesday 23rd July
Year Four News Wow! What a good term we have had! We have been learning a lot about the Romans and had people visit us at school to tell us more. We visited the Quad to see a film – ‘Ellena’s Secret’ which was fabulous. We had a lot of fun organising our Hinduism open morning to show all of our learning. We hope you enjoyed it too!
reporting in the style of newspaper journalists. We have all become animators. Our final animations, entitles “It’s not what you think”, will hopefully be available to view on the Dale website in the new year. Well done to all those Year 6 Reading Buddies who have supported younger children for a whole term. Keep it up next term!
Birthday Sweets Year Five News This half term Year 5 have been learning all about the Solar System, including learning about the sun and how shadows are formed. We have also been getting into the Christmas spirit by going to Bemrose School to watch ‘We Will Rock You’ and enjoying our yearly trip to the Pantomime. This year we had a lot of fun watching Peter Pan and the evil Captain Hook!
Year Six News This half term has seen Year 6 being given more responsibility for their own behaviour and learning, wearing their badges with pride. We have explored the world of Hugo Cabret, confidently debating important issues and
We are always happy for children to share sweets with their class as part of birthday celebrations. In order for all children to be able to enjoy the sweets we kindly ask that the sweets are suitable for vegetarians and do not contain animal based gelatine or nuts. Suitable sweets include Starburst and Chewitts.
Leavers and Starters We would like to welcome back Mrs Foster who will be returning to school after the Christmas break – she will be returning to Foundation Stage and sharing a class with Mrs Windscheffel. Ms Blackwell has left Dale School and Mr Walker will continue to teach 3B until the end of the year.
Sports News • ‘You Are The Legacy’ Bronze Award • Futsal festival winners Indoor Athletics Awards • City Table Tennis Champions – Boys and Girls Teams • County Table Tennis Champions – Girls County Table Tennis Runners-up – Boys • Mayor’s Heart Mark Logo Assembly – 1st Place and Runner-up • Cycling Bikeability • PE Filming Day • Football at DW Sports • 50 tickets for Derby County vs Hull A full range of clubs before school, dinner time and after school have taken place every day this term for Year 2-6 children and continue to be well supported. Thank you to all the parents who have supported their children and helped with transport to and from sports events. Thank you to staff who gave up their own time to take children to these events.
It's been a long term! Many staff and pupils are tired and ’S R O fighting off various 'lurgies' and ERN GOV SPOT other difficulties. Its good to have holidays as a time to relax and be refreshed. Christmas often means time with family, with friends, sharing gifts, and showing love to one another, just as the love of God was shown to us that first Christmas. As we spend our time relaxing over the holidays, lets aim to think about giving more than getting, and serving others rather than being served. That's all part of good family life, community life, and actually school life. I love the community life of Dale School - a big part of what makes Dale so good is that everyone tries to do their bit, thinking about others' needs and supporting one another, even when life's hard. Here's to more of the same in 2013. Have a good holiday. Anthony Adams Chair of Governors
School Information • School meals continue to cost £2.00 per day / £10.00 per week. Money must be paid on a Monday morning. Please remember if your child brings a packed lunch to school it must be brought to school at 9:00am. We will not accept late lunchboxes. • Please look at the school website: http:// dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life. • Please ensure that your child’s uniform is named correctly. Lost property is kept outside class 1S.
The winners of this years’ Spelling Bee are: How to contact us:
Year 3 – Adam Mahmood Year 4 - Iqra Ishfaq Year 5 – Aamir Ahmed Year 6 – Faheem Mahmood Well done to everyone who took part in the final. We are especially proud of Adam and Faheem - two winners who are brothers! The boys are pictured with their Mum.
Telephone 01332 760070 Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan