MAY 2013
Melika from 6S painting ceramics in class.
The picture of Melika above has been taken from our website ‘super blog’. On the Dale site we try to put as much information as we can to help you know about things happening in school and pictures of your children engaged in learning. D’S HEA OT SP
The site is updated regularly, so keep checking it! You can also contact us via the website, let us know what you think of the site and suggest to us any ideas you have about what else we could include. Have a good half term, enjoy the ‘sunshine’! Mrs L Sullivan - Head Teacher
Term Dates for 2013 Break up for Half Term Friday 24th May Back to School Monday 3rd June Break up for Summer Tuesday 23rd July Back to School Wednesday 4th September
Foundation Stage News Foundation Stage had a fantastic start to this half term, we went to Happy Hens! The children were all wonderful. We enjoyed feeding the baby animals and learning about them, especially the hens! We then used our experiences in our topic about life on the farm. We also learned how to be a vet and look after animals not just on the farm. We even looked after Year 2’s Giant African Land Snails and Year 6’s gerbils! We explored what they need and how to care for them, we were so gentle. We finished the term learning about looking after ourselves, the Foundation Stage are now very healthy. Come and ask us how to keep yourself healthy if you like!
Year One News We have had lots of fun in Year 1 this half term! We have been reading a book called ‘Bob the Man on the Moon’ and then wrote our own space stories! We have also been learning about our local environment and really enjoyed using Google Earth to see the area all around us. We have recently started our topic of
‘growing’ and have been thinking about lots of different vegetables – and have even made our own delicious soup!
Year Two News This half term we have been learning about nocturnal animals and their habitats. We have used plasticine and clay to create coasters and animals. 2F have been going to the Tennis Centre on Monday afternoons, it will be 2B’s turn for the next 4 weeks followed by 2H. Our trip to Darley Abbey including tree hugging, bug hunting was enjoyed by all of us!
Year Three News Our topic this half term has been about the Seaside. We have located seaside places on maps, learnt about what people do at the seaside and we have been on a day trip to Skegness! We have thought about how the weather affects holidays and we had to consider the weather when we planned our own trip. This half term we have also learnt all about how to write letters, both formal and informal.
Learning Mentors Just another reminder that Dale School does not authorise school holidays during term time. It is important that the school policy is adhered to by parents. Recently school has taken 7 pupils off role due to not returning from unauthorised holidays. Punctuality levels have improved lately, so a big ‘thank you’ to Parents who are making an extra effort to ensure their children arrive to school on time.
Sports News •Netball - unbeaten League Champs! •Netball County Finals 4th place •Futsal Regional Finals •Mini Tennis City Champions •7-a-side Football vs Arbortetum - Won 4-3 •Boys Cricket - A & B Teams winners •Play on the Pitch at Pride Park - Y2/3/4 •Tag Rugby Tag Finals Y5/6 •Cyclo Cross sessions Y5/6 Lots happening next half term! Golf, cricket, rounders, Sports Day!!
Year Four News This half term Year 4 have travelled back in time to learn about life during World War 2! To build upon the learning in the classroom, we all visited Beaumanor Hall in Loughborough, which was used as a military base during the war. All the children had the opportunity to have a go at decoding German radio messages and purchasing ingredients from a 1940s shop using their ration books, in order to prepare a war time meal. Everyone loved visiting the air raid shelter and listening to the air raid sirens and German bombing raids. The children cheered themselves up by singing war time classics such as ‘Run Rabbit Run’ and ‘Don’t Fence Me In’! We also recreated a real life evacuation and left school with all our belongings and walked to a local community centre, where the children experienced what it would have felt like to be sent away from home with a stranger.
Year Five News
Family Learning
This half term, Year 5 have continued to learn about Tudor life. We started the half term with a trip to Tutbury Castle, where we learnt all about Elizabeth I. It was a very enjoyable day out. After that we learnt about Tudor explorers and life at sea. We are finishing this half term by moving on to our next topic – The Apprentice!
This term I have been working with school to help children who need extra homework and study support. In addition, I am available to help parents who would like to better understand how to help their children with homework or reading, writing and maths skills.
Year Six News Year 6 staff are extremely proud of how the children have all worked so hard during our SATs preparation and tests! We now move our focus towards the transition from primary to secondary school, including how to be safe and confident as they move on.
Dale has held sessions recently with parents to explain the Calculations Policy - that’s addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We hope parents who came to these sessions found them of benefit. If you require any more information about how to help your child with their homework and studies, please speak to your child’s class teacher or contact me directly at the school. Rizvan Bhatti Parent Governor and Family Learning Officer
You should have received the letter from the Inspector's S ’ R visit the other week. He came to RNO E V visit the school after our previous GO SPOT inspection to see how we were getting on. He was very pleased. He thinks that the school has made far more progress since the inspection than is normally the case in other schools. The plan that is in place and being followed is exactly right, and it is already beginning to have an effect. So as a governing body we are very pleased with this, and wish to congratulate the leadership and staff on their hard work so far. We will be actively supporting and talking ideas through with them, and hope that as parents you will be able to lend the school your support too. It is when we pull together that we really make things happen. Have a good time with your children during the half term holiday! Anthony Adams Chair of Governors
Our Wor k!
Foundation Stage made puppets!
Year 5 completed a project on the Tudors after their visit to Tutbury Castle!
School Information • School meals continue to cost £2.00 per day / £10.00 per week. Money must be paid on a Monday morning. Please remember if your child brings a packed lunch to school it must be brought to school at 9:00am. We will not accept late lunchboxes. • Please look at the school website: http:// dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life. • Please ensure that your child’s uniform is named correctly. Lost property is kept outside class 1S.
How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070 Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan