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Ano from Foundation Stage enjoying a delicious slice of cake at our Christmas Fair…

! !

Term Dates for 13/14

How soon Christmas comes



around once again! As we take a break from school over the

Break up for Christmas Friday 20 December


Christmas and New Year period, I

hope that we are all able to have a rest

INSET Day Monday 06 January 2014

and enjoy some special family time.


Back to School Tuesday 07 January

Break up for half term Friday 14 February

We would like to say a big ‘thank-you’ to all parents, family members and pupils who attended and

Back to School Monday 24 February

helped out at the Christmas Fair. We raised £1000!

Have a joyful and restful holiday and we will see you back in school on Tuesday 07 January, ready 
 for 2014!

Mrs L Sullivan - Head Teacher

Break up for Easter Friday 11 April

! (cont. on next page) !

Foundation Stage News

poems and talked

us feel. We explored


Once upon a time there

Can we please ask all parents to remind their children of the no ‘play-fighting’ policy set by school. The Learning Mentors have found this to be one of the main causes which lead to other more serious issues between children. Children often copy behaviours they see on video games etc. Make sure you are aware of what they are playing.

found out about

Stage classes who were

different types of

very, very good! We

characters. In

have taught a naughty

Numeracy we have

Goldilocks to share and

been learning to apply

we have helped the 3

our maths skills to solve

pigs to build a house out

problems. We hope you

of windproof, heatproof

enjoyed this years’

and waterproof

Nativity! It was great fun

material. We have

to perform for you all.


baked beautiful gingerbread men and ate them before they

Please do not leave your children in the playground until 8:50am. Children attending 
 Mr McMahon’s morning club must be here by 8:30am to 
 take part.

Year Two News


ran away! We have also read Jack and The

This half term we have

Beanstalk in readiness

been learning all about

for our pantomime visit

the very famous

which we really

Florence Nightingale.

enjoyed! Last but not

Please can we remind Parents that smoking is not permitted on school grounds.

We have looked at

least, the children have

photographs, used the

worked very hard

internet and read books

practising for their

to help with our

nativity – what brilliant

learning. As part of our

dancers we have!


work, we wrote about

Year One News

activities. Also, this half

Florence and did art


term we have been

This half term we have

learning about telling

been learning about

the time and all about

light sources. We

money. Ask us questions

became investigators

and see what we

and learnt about

have learnt!

shadow, making our

In Literacy we shared


traditional stories and

were 3 Foundation

own shadow puppets.

Learning Mentors

about how they made

! !

Term Dates (cont.) Back to School Monday 28 April


Break up for half term Friday 23 May


INSET Day Monday 02 June


INSET Day Tuesday 03 June


Back to School Wednesday 04 June


Break up for Summer Wednesday 23 July

of ice skating and curling in Derby.


Year Five News

Legacy’ award for our sporting achievements in 2012-2013. Congratulations!

Year Three News


We have continued to learn about The

This half term Year 5 have loved learning all about space through our Dr Who topic. We especially enjoyed designing and making our own space buggies. We had a great time watching Jack and The Beanstalk at the Assembly Rooms.

Egyptians including making a shaduf (a tool used for irrigation) and a clay pyramid. We have studied religious symbols and we have been to the local church to find out how Christians celebrate Christmas. We studied Greek myths and legends and enjoyed

Year Six News

the magic and triumph


of good over evil. 
 Mrs Johnson has taught the children some

This half term has flown by… We concluded our Victorian topic with a visit to Beaumanor Hall, where all the pupils experienced life in a Victorian school and as a servant. It was a rewarding day and everyone appreciated the fact they did not have to experience Victorian life first hand!

celebration dance moves and Mr Walker has taught a computer skills course. Mr Singh and Mrs Hall have taught the children a range of drawing techniques.

Year Four News


After learning about Romans, our topic moved on to modern Italy. Year 4 enjoyed observing Mrs Hallam, our School Cook making pizza. This led onto designing and making boxes, then making our own delicious pizzas.
 A group of Year 4 had an exciting experience

Children in year 6 receive badges of responsibility when they display a positive attitude to learning and make mature choices. We hope they will be proud to wear them.

!!! We ! won a ‘You Are the

Jenny Gunn, the England women’s cricket captain visited school for the day.


• Year 5/6 Football at DW Sports –won 5/9 games •Year 6 –Y6/7 Futsal festival - won 2 games • Year 4/5 – City Futsal Champions – unbeaten! • Year 5/6 – Girls Football festival – unbeaten! • Year 4/5 – Table Tennis Coaching • Year 4/6 – Table Tennis Festival Winners • Year 5/6 – City Table Tennis Winners – Boys • Year 5/6 – City Table Tennis Winners – Girls • Year 5/6 – County Table Tennis – Girls 2nd • Year 5/6 – County Table Tennis – Boys 3rd • Year 1 - Physical Literacy Festival • Year 4/5 – Winter Olympics Festival • Year 4/6 – England Training Centre Visit • Year 5/6 – England vs Portugal football match • Year 5/6 – Girls Karate • Year 5/6 – Bikeability with Cycle Derby

• Year 6 – Indoor Athletics Festival at Bemrose

There’s been lots happening during the first term of the school year. As usual, S OR’ N R E Governors have been busy GOVSPOT helping the school to monitor its performance. We’ve been looking at behaviour and safety, the school’s finances and performance. For example, the school’s performance is monitored by the Standards Committee by studying the current levels for each year group and the targets to meet. The teachers and teaching assistants have been incredibly busy helping the children in their classes to meet these targets. Please continue to support your child at home by helping them with their homework and encouraging them to learn whilst at school. Have a great Christmas break!

School Information

• Please look at the school website: http:// dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life.

! !!

Mr Rizvan Bhatti
 Vice Chair of Governors


• School meals continue to cost £2.00 per day / £10.00 per week. Money must be paid on a Monday morning. Please remember if your child brings a packed lunch to school it must be brought to school at 9:00am. We will 
 not accept 
 late lunchboxes.



• Lost Property is kept outside class 1S.

How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070

! Well done to Alishba Amber of Year 4 - winner of Dale’s 2013 Spelling Bee! Alishba competed against children in her class, her year group and then those in Year 5 and Year 6 and was triumphant against them all! What a tremendous achievement! The Year 5 winner is Hawwaa Yousaf and Year 6’s winner is Kaomal Arshad.

Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk


Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL


Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan

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