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MARCH 2015

As part of World Book Day, Foundation Stage children dressed up as ‘Pete the Cat’. Mrs Rai is seen applying face paint to turn one of her class in to Pete!


Term Dates for 14/15

As parents, we always hope that our children will behave themselves on family days out and that others will see us as ‘good parents’.

As a school we always hope that our children will behave and manage themselves well and we will be seen as ‘good teachers’. 
 We all aim for the same and often we are reassured by comments and responses we receive from others. The email received from Rolls-Royce on the second page is typical of the response we often get when visiting places or receiving visitors. Well done, Year 6. Why were they ‘surprisingly shocked’ – we weren’t! Have a good rest over Easter.

Mrs Linda Sullivan - Head Teacher

Break up for Easter
 Friday 27 March 2015

Back to School
 Monday 13 April 2015

Bank Holiday
 Monday 04 May 2015
 Break up for half term
 Friday 22 May 2015 *NEW DATE* INSET Day
 Monday 01 June 2015 Back to School

Tuesday 02 June 2015
 Term dates are continued on the next page.

Foundation Stage News

For our topic learning, we went around the area to WOW! We have had a very look at the different types of busy half term. We have houses, special buildings been baking and eating and street signs. Next half lots of new foods. We term we are looking forward learned all about Chinese to learning about animals. New Year and tried some yummy traditional Chinese Year Two News food. We have also learned about eggs and This half term we have been baby animals. Our learning about Florence classrooms turned into Nightingale and how she jungles and we learned changed hospitals and about different wild nursing forever. Mrs Parr’s animals. We dressed up as classroom ‘magically’ Pete the Cat for World Book turned into Scutari Hospital, Day. We are excited to where the children saw learn more about animals what life was like for the after the holiday when we injured soldiers there. They visit a farm. The children then ‘witnessed’ Florence are trying very hard in Nightingale and her nurses Phonics and with their in action, and saw the Reading. Please support improvements that they them all you can at home made. In geography we by practicing reading and have used atlases to writing their sounds and discover information about words and reading their the United Kingdom, reading book with them. continents and oceans of Let’s get them ready for the world. In literacy, we Year 1! have been learning about different types of characters Year One News
 and personalities by reading Little Miss and Mr We have had an amazing Men books. The children half term! Science week designed their own Mr Men was great fun. We learnt character ready to sew as a about how to clean and hand puppet after the look after our teeth. In Easter holidays. Any extra literacy we have been help with sewing (running reading and writing stories stitch) over the and we enjoyed following holidays would be Traction Man’s adventures. much appreciated.

Term Dates cont.
 Friday 19 June 2015

Break up for Summer
 Thursday 23 July 2015

All term dates are also on our website at:

Learning Mentors Please remember that holidays are not authorised. Parents may be fined and children may lose their space at Dale. See the article on the back page for more reasons why your child should not miss school.

Please make sure that boys do not have patterns cut into their hair. This is not acceptable for school.

 Year 6 took part in a day of activities with RollsRoyce apprentices. Mr Iqbal received an email from them with some glowing feedback: 
 “We were all surprisingly shocked how polite, enthusiastic and well behaved all students acted; it was a real pleasure to deliver 
 the day.

Year Three News

ready for a well deserved rest.
 Sports News

Year Five News

•Basketball City and County Finals Year 5 had a fantastic visit to •Athletics – Year 3 / 4 the Derby Museum this half •Cycle Cross at term. We learnt how to write Markeaton Park in Viking runes, how a soldier •Football at DW Sports would be buried with his – Year 3 / 4 Girls armour and how to use •Hockey at Woodlands artefacts from the past to •Tag Rugby at learn about our ancestors. Chellaston We made our own versions of •Netball at Derby Moor Viking longboats to remember •Football at Derby what amazing explorers and University – Year 6 Girls adventurers the Vikings 
 •Cycling session at were too.
 Derby Arena (before 
 official opening!) Year Six News
 •The Big Pedal – thanks 
 to all who have We are still ‘Claude Crazy’ in Year 6 with the children writing cycled/scooted 
 their own Claude adventures. to school! Mrs Collins has even been •Sustrans Super Tweeting the author Alex T Hero Day 
 Smith! He was very impressed Year Four News
 with the ideas the children came up with and said that PE Kit 
 they were ‘AWESOME’! Please can we remind Year 4 have had a very busy Science week was all about half term. We really enjoyed all parents to bring PE Teeth this year and we looked our trip to Beaumanor Hall Kits in on Mondays and at the effects of gum disease even though the weather was take home on Friday to and how to prevent it. Our not kind to us. The children be washed over 
 who did not stay overnight at current topic is all about the Victorians. After Easter, we will the weekend.
 Beaumanor made musical 
 be dressing up to re-enact instruments as part of the what a Victorian school would Earrings
 Sound topic. The children have been like.
 Key Stage 1: earrings who stayed overnight had a great time making shelters- we All the children have been must be taken out at working very hard in will be prepared if we ever home or taped over at preparation for SATs this term. have to survive in the wild! A home before school.
 number of children from Year There will be a meeting after Key Stage 2: earrings Easter to share the timetable 4 took part in a dance must be taken out. for SATs week and to answer performance with Miss Williams and football matches any questions you may have. 
 with the PE Team. We are It has been a very busy and exciting half term for Year 3. Our Daffodils are growing for us to sell and raise money for Marie Curie. We are very excited about raising money to help others who need our help. Quite a few of us have gone to the kitchen to do some baking with the cooks which was very exciting. We have also been exploring persuasive letter writing and have been successful in preventing Arboretum Park from closing. In our DT and Science we have been looking at gears, levers, pulleys and lots of different forces so that we can make our own park called 
 ‘Strutt Land’.

Thank you to you all for working hard together in school this term everybody... staff, pupils and R’S O N R E parents. We are a BIG family, GOVSPOT and as we work together we show something of how our local community can look - a wide variety of people of different cultures and nationalities, living and working together, with care and respect for one another. This is something we are very proud of at Dale. Hopefully this can also be how we live our lives outside school as well. We may not see things the same way, we may do some things differently. Sometimes there may be things we don't like, but we can all show respect and cooperate. And as we pull together, we help make our school and our community great places to be. Have a good Easter break. The summer term will soon be here!

Mr Anthony Adams - Chair of Governors


Department fo r Education research based on pupil absen ce and exam resu lts data reveals the link between att endance and achievement.

School Information Please be aware that only FS and Year 1 parents can bring children inside the school building. Parents of all other year groups must leave their children on the playground. If you need to speak to a member of staff and do not see them on the playground please call at the School Office to make an appointment.
 Please look at the school website: http://dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life.
 Lost Property is kept outside Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Foster’s office.
 Please do not ride bikes in the playground at busy times – before and after school.

• Even short breaks from school can reduce a p upil’s chances of succeeding at school by as much as a qua rter.

Primary: just 14 days of to p u g n si is m less • Pupils 2 are a quarter e g a St y e K in l schoo in vel 5 or above Le e v ie h c a to likely aths tests than m r o g in rit w , g readin bsence. those with no a d nce were aroun se b a o n ith w • Pupils to achieve the ly e lik re o m s e 1.5 tim vel 4 or above), e (L l e v Le d te c expe e likely to achiev re o m s e tim .5 4 and or d Level (Level 5 te c e xp e e th e abov that missed 15 to ils p u p n a th ) e abov e 2. 20% of Key Stag

Parents are responsible for their children once the teacher has handed them over. Please leave the site ASAP.
 How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070 Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan

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