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MAY 2014

We are celebrating our successes this half term!


Term Dates for 2014

It may have been a short half term but it has been a packed one – SATs in Year 2 and Year 6 and an Ofsted Inspection!

Break up for half term Friday 23 May

I hope you have been able to read our Inspection Report which I believe gives a fair and true reflection of Dale. Pupils, staff and Governors work hard to make Dale the best it can be and the report reflects that drive and determination in school and where we are doing things well.

INSET Day Monday 02 June

Back to School Tuesday 03 June

INSET Day *NEW DATE* Monday 16 June

Back to School Tuesday 17 June

The report clearly identified that we have some work to do on the application of maths – using maths in ‘real life’ situations and across the curriculum. We will be setting our plan and working on this area of development in the coming months. 
 But for now… enjoy the holiday and the sunshine!

Mrs Linda Sullivan - Head Teacher

Break up for Summer Wednesday 23 July

Back to School! Thursday 04 September

Foundation Stage News

enjoyed our trip to Rosliston Forestry Centre where we were nature detectives! We have produced collages of nocturnal animals, engaged in quizzes and used pastels to create night-time scenes. Our SATs tasks and tests have been keeping us busy. We are now looking forward to learning about Chatsworth next half term. Enjoy the holiday and have a well-deserved rest.

Foundation Stage have had an ‘eggcellent’ half term! We had lots of fun at Happy Hens Farm. We hope you enjoyed eating your eggs too. Please come down to FS and look at the photographs of things we have done. We fed animals, picked our own eggs, held a chick and even went on a tractor ride. Don’t forget to use your free child ticket to visit the farm again. Have a 
 lovely holiday.


Year One News 
 This half term has zoomed by. We have been learning about minibeasts and plants. We found lots of minibeasts in our allotments and wrote reports about them to help the children in Foundation Stage. We became scientists to find out what plants need to help them grow. There were lots of plants around our school. Now your child can search for them in the garden and in the park. Next half term we are learning about where we live. Please help your child to learn 
 their address.


Year Two News
 This half term the children have been learning lots of fascinating facts about nocturnal animals. We


Year 3 News
 We have started a section of work based on a book called ‘The Widow’ by Jeanie Baker. This is a starting point for the children to consider how they could improve their local environment. We examined the parts of a green plant and we are now going to go on and learn what plants need to grow. In ICT we have developed our skills with word processing in order to support our literacy lessons. We have used a program called Logo so that the children can write a series of instructions to complete a task. Mondays are still swimming days for 3W and 3J and we have been awarding Water Safety, Grade 1 and more Grade 2 certificates. Well done! In maths we have been focusing on our calculation steps in addition, multiplication and division and we are continuing to learn our times tables.




• 7-a-side football – won all 4 games • 7-a-side football – Runners Up in League • Sky Sports Festival – Year 4 • Mini Red Tennis – Year 4 – City Winners! • Netball – won all 4 games. 2nd in League • Futsal Regional Finals • Sponsored Skip – raised £1200+ • Girls Football at Normanton Park
 Cricket – 3 teams in City Championships • Gifted and Talented Days for Year 4 and Year 6
 Next half term there are lots of sporting events taking place including Sports Day. Watch out for dates.

Year Four News

up for half term. As the warmer and drier weather approaches, please can you remind your child to bring in their games/PE kit at the beginning of the week as we are hoping to get outside more to practise our 
 Games skills.

It has been a short but action packed half term. We’ve started our new topic on World War II and visited Beaumanor Hall in Leicestershire. There we experienced what it was like to wear gas masks in an air raid shelter and what to buy using ration cards. We also learnt how to intercept radio messages and decode them. Some of us stayed for a night and also studied minibeasts and different habitats. We had a visit from a local Bee Keeper who explained why bees are so important to us.

Please remember to collect children on time! The school gates are open at home time and it is not always safe if children are left unsupervised and free to walk in 
 and out of 
 the playground.

Year Six News
 Over the last few weeks, Year 6 have worked extremely hard preparing for SATs which were completed last week. We all celebrated the end of SATs tests by having a picnic on the playground. Although they were all exhausted from using their brains to their maximum potential, everyone still managed to enjoy the picnic and ate enough food to feed an army! As well as designing and making their own fabric ‘worry monsters’, we have also worked hard at developing our sketching techniques and the children have produced some stunning art work.


Year Five News


A very busy half term has whizzed past us, and what super work we have produced. Our topic on The Tudors was a big success especially when we were able to meet and question Queen Elizabeth I. She was so impressed with our behaviour and attitude to learning she even took the time to write to us to thank us for being such a fabulous school and group of children. The standard of Learning Logs and work produced is ever improving; thank you to all those parents and carers who have supported the learning activities. Your support is invaluable, so please keep it

!!Learning Mentors !

Mrs Hazell is off to the MISP (Massage in Schools Programme) to learn some new moves! Relaxation and massage continues in the 
 library every 
 Thursday lunchtime.


After School Club


Children must be collected from school at 3:20pm. If your child is not collected on time, they will be sent into the After School Club where you will be charged £2.00 per child.



This is Latif, he won the Dale Rowing Challenge! Well done!


If you are running late, please inform the School Office on 01332 760070.

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone in the school at the result of the OR’S N R E V GO SPOT recent Ofsted Inspection. Dale is a Grade 2 Good School. The inspectors agreed with us that our school is a special place and that children learn well and make good progress here. The leadership and all the staff have worked very hard to make this so and we are so pleased to get the recognition. Your children get so much support and encouragement in this school and they are doing well.

School Information

So… please continue to support us as we continue to push forward in the future.

• Please look at the school website: http:// dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life.

! !!

Mr Anthony Adams - Chair of Governors

! ! ! SCH

Thank you for the money COU OOL NCIL we raised for the Children’s Hospital last half term. We raised over £300 by selling cakes, having a non-uniform day and the sale of pizzas. This half term the children have been learning about road safety. Please remind children to stop, look and listen before crossing roads. We are still concerned that sometimes children are being called from cars from the middle of the road! The area around our school gets extremely busy during the morning, at lunch time and straight after school. For the safety of our children, please avoid blocking the roads.


• School meals continue to cost £2.00 per day / £10.00 per week. Money must be paid on 
 Monday morning.


• Please remember if your child brings a packed lunch to school it must be brought to school at 9:00am. We will not accept late lunchboxes. Packed lunches must NOT contain ANY 
 hot food!



• Lost Property is kept outside class 1S.


• Please do not ride bikes in the playground at busy times – before and after school.
 How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070


Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk


Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL


Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan

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