We are proud of our friendships at Dale! Take a look around school to find out more things we are proud of... D’S HEA OT SP
Already the weather seems to be turning cooler, it must be time for a holiday!
Thank you to all parents who have worked with us this half term. Holding Parents’ Evening so early and sharing targets with you for this year was a different strategy for us. We can already see a difference with some pupils’ learning as a result – learning times tables, reading more and completing homework on time. What a good start to the year.
Mrs L Sullivan - Head Teacher
Term Dates for 13/14 Break up for half term Friday 25 October INSET Day Monday 04 November Back to School Tuesday 05 November Break up for Christmas Friday 20 December INSET Day Monday 06 January 2014 Back to School Tuesday 07 January (cont. on next page)
Foundation Stage News What a fantastic start to the year! FS children have settled in so well and have started their learning journey with flying colours. We have made a good start with phonics, learning a new sound every day. Please keep practising at home using the sound fans. The children have thoroughly enjoyed our new topic about heroes, especially solving the class mysteries. We have some future detectives in FS! Next term we will be exploring different traditional tales, the first being Goldilocks and the 3 Bears!
Year One News What a busy start in Year 1. We went to Twycross Zoo and learned about wild animals. We have been comparing ourselves to the wild animals we saw at the zoo. We watched the animals eat, sleep, move and make noise just like us. The Wild Thing has arrived. Do you know about it? Why not ask your child?
Year Two News We started this school year with a visit to the stunning cathedral in Derby City Centre. We have learnt all about Derby and how it has changed, Normanton in the past and today, and also about the history of our school! Mr McMahon gave us a fantastic talk about how our school has changed and Mrs Brownhall gave us some wonderful information about the history of our local area. As part of our art work, we have also learnt about Mary Seacole as part of Black History Month. All of the children in Year Two have made an excellent start to developing their learning at home by completing their learning logs and reading activities. Keep up the good work Year Two!
Learning Mentors Please ensure that your child brings their PE kit into school every Monday, kits should then be taken home on Friday so that they can be washed. As the next half term starts to bring the cooler weather, please can you make sure that the children have jogging bottoms, trainers and jumpers to wear for outdoor games. All children must come to school wearing appropriate jackets / coats for winter. Please remember that children are not allowed to have fancy patterns cut/shaved into their hairstyle during the school term.
Term Dates (cont.) Break up for half term Friday 14 February
Back to School Monday 24 February Break up for Easter Friday 11 April Back to School Monday 28 April Break up for half term Friday 23 May INSET Day Monday 02 June INSET Day Tuesday 03 June Back to School Wednesday 04 June Break up for Summer Wednesday 23 July
Year Three News This term Year 3 have been studying Egyptians. We all went on a long walk to the museum where we had a great time. We looked at some real Egyptian Mummies and found out how they had been preserved. In the art gallery we saw lots of Joseph Wright paintings. We observed how he used light, especially on people’s faces. We interviewed Tutankhamen, who was dressed in a traditional Egyptian outfit – but he seemed to look a lot like Mr Singh!
start to the year! We have been very busy this half term settling into new classes and starting the learning on our first topic; Location, Location, Location. It began with two visitors from Rutland Water Osprey Project who came to talk to us about the fascinating work they do in the conservation of these beautiful birds of prey and ended with an exciting trip to Castleton. Year 5 have made an excellent start to the year and we are looking forward to introducing our new topic ‘Doctor Who’ after half term.
Year Four News Year 4 has been very busy! We have been learning about when the Romans invaded Britain. To do this, we have visited the museum, learnt a lot about what life would have been like; we have even invaded each other’s classrooms! For our literacy learning, we enjoyed a walk along Normanton Road looking at different sights and shops. We used this to write some fantastic poems about where we live.
Year Five News Where has the half term gone? What a fabulous
Year Six News Year 6 have got off to a solid start this term with many already making good progress with a positive attitude to learning. Badges of responsibility and the privileges that go with them will follow after half term for those who continue to show these qualities and set a good example to the younger children in school. We are preparing for our visit to Beaumanor Hall with children making mop caps and neckerchiefs as part of their costume. Thank you parents for your support!
Sports News • Years 5/6 Football at Foremark • Years 3/4 Football at Foremark • Year 3-6 Cross Country Races • Year 3-6 Cross Country Relay • 9-a-side Football v Cherry Tree • 7-a-side Football v Wren Park and Lakeside • Year 5/6 Football festival at Leesbrook • Year 5/6 Football festival at Derby Moor • Year 5/6 Sitting Volleyball festival • Year 5/6 Hi-Five Netball festival at Bemrose
Music Instrumental teaching continues this term with children for both KS1 and KS2 learning to play the guitar and ukulele with Scott Walters. There are “further opportunities” for learning in Y5 with many children choosing to play the flute and clarinet. If your child is interested in learning to play an instrument please come and see Mrs Wilson.
Its good to see everyone back for a new school year. R’S O N ER There are new staff and pupils to GOVSPOT welcome. We hope all quickly feel part of the Dale community, and able to play their part. A new school year is like a new start – time to get into new habits, lose some bad habits and push forward toward goals for this year. We have been working hard as a whole school at ‘hitting the ground running’ this Autumn, to pick up quickly where we left off in July, so that children don’t slip back but move forwards in learning. Let’s all work together to make this school year be one of Dale’s best! Anthony Adams Chair of Governors
School Information • School meals continue to cost £2.00 per day / £10.00 per week. Money must be paid on a Monday morning. Please remember if your child brings a packed lunch to school it must be brought to school at 9:00am. We will not accept late lunchboxes. • Please look at the school website: http:// dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life. • Lost Property is kept outside class 1S.
How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070
Two Year 5 classes were lucky to work with Derby County on a project called ‘Carbon Boot Print’. This involved looking at the amount of waste that we produce and ways it can be reduced so that natural resources don’t run out in the future. There are photographs of this on the school website as well as other events that have taken place in school this half term. Please look at the our website: http://dale.derby.sch.uk
Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan