MAY 2015
Year 6 had a Breakfast Club during SATs Week. Here’s Zoya, Malika and Hafsah fuelling up! This week, a group of Year 6 pupils have been in Paris. There will be some very exhausted but happy pupils returning to school on Friday evening. View the website for pictures of the week’s adventure!
Term Dates for 14/15
Break up for half term Friday 22 May 2015 *NEW DATE* INSET Day Monday 01 June 2015
Back to School Tuesday 02 June 2015
The website has some great, entertaining photographs of our children engaged in their learning… and if you want a reminder of the fine weather, look at the pictures from April!
All term dates are also on our website at: http://dale.derby.sch.uk
Have a lovely half term break. School starts back again on Tuesday 02 June.
Mrs Linda Sullivan - Head Teacher
Friday 19 June 2015
Break up for Summer Thursday 23 July 2015
Foundation Stage News
a range of seeds and we drew and labelled parts of plants. We What a busy half term in enjoyed tasting Foundation Stage! We vegetables to find out had a fantastic visit to whether we eat the Ash End Farm. We fed stem, root, leaf or flower the animals, including part of a plant. We lambs, and learned all looked at trees in and about how to care for around our school and them. Back at school, learned the names of we planted seeds and different trees. Please watched them grow. keep continuing to read We now know what and practice words with plants need. Hopefully, your child over the Mums and Dads will holiday. Have a lovely help us to look after our half term. sunflowers when we take them home. We are looking forward to Year Two News the next half term when we can spend more What a busy half term. time in our outdoor Our topic on nocturnal learning area – we animals all began with are hoping for an afternoon in good weather! darkness. The children enjoyed being in their pyjamas, drinking hot Year One News chocolate and listening to bed time stories. Another half term has During the past few gone! We had an weeks, the Year Two amazing day at the children have become ‘Butterfly House’ to learn ‘nocturnal animal all about animals and experts’, being able to we used this information explain about the to write reports. habitats, diets and We have also been appearances of the learning about plants fascinating creatures and trees. We planted that they have studied.
Sports News Football • Year 5/6 Wren Park 2 games won both • Year 3/4 tournament at Derby Moor - finished 2nd and 3rd place • Year 5/6 Ashgate- won both games
Tag Rugby • vs. Cavendish Close won 1 and lost 1 • vs. Roe Farm won both games • vs. St Joseph’s won one game and drew one Tag Rugby County Finals in Chesterfield on Friday 22 May
Kwik Cricket Two Year 5/6 teams playing at Darley Abbey and at Spondon Cricket Club this week.
Netball A big well done to the Netball Team - 7 games undefeated in the league.
Sports Days 8th June: Year 1/2 AM Year 5/6 PM 11th June: Foundation Stage AM Year 3/4 PM Locations to be confirmed. All weather permitting!
Year Three News
Year Four News
Wow! What a busy half term we have had. We have been on a visit to Derby Museum as part of our Monsters and Mayhem topic and had a very practical experience looking at how people lived, what they wore and the animals that were alive at the time.
Learning Mentors We are still receiving requests for holidays. Can we remind parents that we do not authorise any holiday during term time.
We have been working very hard in literacy, writing our own stories and learning how to make them more interesting to read. We have been making electrical circuits and making our own switches so that we understand how they work. We then did some experiments to 40 of us had a very see which materials were exciting time at Lea good conductors and Green Adventure Centre insulators. In art we have in Matlock. We took part been learning different in buggying, caving and types of brush strokes tackling a very ready to start painting challenging obstacle flowers. 4S are enjoying course. We all had a their turn to learn how to fabulous times and came play the violin. back worn-out but filled with lots of great memories.
Please can parents show consideration to others while dropping off and picking up children.
Stonehill Nursery Do you have a child who will turn 3 next year? We now hold application forms for Stonehill Nursery in the School Office.
Year Five News We had a visitor from Marie Curie to collect the money we raised during Science Week open morning and selling the Daffodil Pots. In total we raised £350 – so we would like to say THANK YOU to all the grown-ups who helped us to raise this amount. We are the first school to fundraise for the charity in Derby – well done!
Year 5 went on a Joseph Wright art trail, walking into Derby and discovering where the famous artist lived and worked during the 18th Century. We are looking forward to using our art skills to replicate his distinctive style of painting light sources in the coming weeks. Next half term we are looking forward to our residential visit to Whitby!
Assessment Changes
We have added a section about Assessment onto the website. To take a look, go to http://dale.derby.sch.uk, click on Parents and then Assessment to see how methods of assessment are changing.
As I write this article, Year 6 pupils are taking S their SATS exams. The pupils OR’ N R E have worked really hard to be GOVSPOT ready for their exams. A big thank you goes to the Year 6 staff for their efforts in getting the children ready for these important exams. We wish them every success! The school governors have been busy helping the school with the proposals to federate Stonehill Nursery and Dale Primary School. The governing bodies of both schools are involved and following initial discussions, both governing bodies have agreed with the proposal to federate. However, the proposal is out for further consultation and a final decision has not been reached yet. For more information about the proposal, go to the Dale School website and click on the Dale and Stonehill Federation link on the homepage.
Mr Rizvan Bhatti Parent Governor and Vice Chair
Year 6 News
School Information Please be aware that only FS and Year 1 parents can bring children inside the school building. Parents of all other year groups must leave their children on the playground. If you need to speak to a member of staff and do not see them on the playground please call at the School Office to make an appointment. Please look at the school website: http://dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life. Lost Property is kept outside Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Foster’s office. Please do not ride bikes in the playground at busy times – before and after school.
This half term, Year 6 travelled back in time to experience what it would have been like in a Victorian School. The teachers and children all got into role and really enjoyed being Victorians for the day. The classrooms looked and felt very different and it was fascinating for the children to see how different Victorian schools were. We had a fantastic time in London, and the children got to experience some amazing things whilst there, including watching The Lion King in the West End, a tour around Wembley Stadium and shopping in Covent Garden. All the children worked extremely hard in preparation for SATs this term and continued to make fantastic progress. Good luck Year 6. Currently, half of Year 6 are in Paris having a brilliant time! La vie est belle!
Parents are responsible for their children once the teacher has handed them over. Please leave the site ASAP. How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070 Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan