Dale primary sport premium

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Sports Premium development ACTION PLAN 2013 – 2014

The Action Plan set out in the following pages details the work that will be undertaken across the Derby Pride Trust partner schools to develop the provision of PE and School Sport in the 2013 – 2014 academic year. This plan was developed in May and June 2013 following the announcement of ‘Sport Premium’ funding from Government directly to Primary Schools for two years from September 2013. The schools within the Derby Pride Trust will collectively receive £60,535 per year for two years. This funding is ring-­‐fenced for the development of PE and School Sport. A process of self-­‐review was undertaken by the partner schools to identify areas for development and areas of strength. This was based upon a framework provided by the Youth Sport Trust, which is available online (http://www.youthsporttrust.org/media/3387110/sporting_start_finalproof_wallplanner_final.pdf). This process of self-­‐review identified some shared areas for development: • Quality and consistency of teaching (particularly gymnastics and dance) • Assessment, recording and reporting procedures • Confidence of teachers in teaching PE (particularly gymnastics and dance) • Clear identification of a vision and direction for PE in schools • Appropriate monitoring of PE teaching • Effective differentiation in teaching and support for ‘gifted and talented’ pupils and pupils with Special Education Needs and disabilities • Sustained provision of OSHL opportunities for all young people These and other areas are addressed school by school in the plan that follows. Individual results for the self-­‐evaluation at the start of each school’s plan. Where possible, schools will support each other in progressing on these areas for development, as well as expertise being shared by the staff from Derby Moor Community Sports College. Additional support will be provided by organisations including Derby City School Sport Partnership, Derby County Community Trust and Derby City Council. All schools will be affiliated to the Derby City School Sport Partnership and will benefit from a number of opportunities as part of this affiliation. Some of these are included in this plan, a full summary of benefits and opportunities can be found at www.derbycityssp.co.uk Identified PE Co-­‐ordinators from each school are shown below along with identified leads for supporting organisations.

Derby Pride Trust Partner School Arboretum Primary School Dale Primary School Gayton Junior School Griffe Field Primary School Ridgeway Infant School Village Primary School Additional Partner Organisation Derby City School Sport Partnership Derby Moor Community Sports College Derby County Community Trust Derby City Council, B-­‐Active

Identified PE Co-­‐ordinator Pamela Ablewhite Ian McMahon Tim Priestley Donna Wibberley (Check) Kate Pearce Hayley Gale/ Kat Barnard Identified person to co-­‐ordinate delivery Will Evans, Development Manager Andy Powell, Assistant Vice Principal Richard Mansfield, Participation Manager Owen Swift, Sport and Active Recreation Manager

Dale Primary School Identified areas of relative strength

Identified areas of relative weakness

Development foci Total Sport Premium funding for school in 2013 -­‐ 2014

• 2 ½ hours PE each week for all pupils, in addition to gymnastics, dance and swimming • PE team established, includes three TAs/ coaches employed by the school • Streaming in place for PE to provide opportunity for differentiated teaching • Consistency of gymnastics delivery by class teachers • Continued opportunities beyond the school day • School staff teaching swimming (with some cultural limitations) • Consistency of gymnastics and dance teaching across both key stages • Off-­‐site competitive/ festival opportunities for KS1 pupils • Development of additional swimming teachers £10,825 Cost of development programme £2500 outlined below

Quality of Physical Education Teaching Priority -­‐Objective Establish clear understanding of quality of existing provision and teaching

Action Lesson observations undertaken by school SLT with support from DMCSC staff, where appropriate

When September 2013 – July 2014

Improved planning of PE curriculum

Development of new/ improved September 2013 – Schemes of Work and lesson plans. July 2014

Ian McMahon Linda Sullivan

Improve confidence and quality of delivery of curriculum gymnastics in KS1 and KS2

Whole-­‐school curriculum gymnastics INSET (half-­‐day)

SSP Tutor-­‐led INSET programme

Spring Term 2014

Who Dale Primary School and DMCSC Staff

Success Criteria Staff needing support identified. Pathway of support planned. Training planned. Staff linked to Buddy 1:1 support Shared schemes and lesson planning Scheme of work scrutiny indicates quality of planning INSET delivered to all staff Resources being utilised by staff to support teaching Staff requiring support identified by Dale Mentoring support identified and support sessions undertaken Staff attending minimum of five workshops during academic year

Monitoring & Evaluation

Feedback to individual staff on quality of SOW written – inform future development. QA by SLT with DMCSC support

Lesson observations undertaken by Dale Senior Leadership Team/ DMCSC staff, where required

£500 (includes tutor and resource)

Lesson observations undertaken by Dale Senior Leadership Team and by ‘mentor’

£200 per six week block x 6 blocks = £1200

Included within SSP affiliation

£300 (£150 per staff member)

Mentoring support for staff lacking October 2013 -­‐ July confidence 2014

DMCSC/ SSP Ian McMahon Linda Sullivan to identify

Staff attendance at SSP Professional Development workshops throughout academic year

September 2013 – July 2014

SSP Programme Needs identified by IM and LS

Two teachers to attend ASA Teachers’ Swimming (Module One and Module Two)

November 2013

Two teachers/ TAs to attend both modules

Equipment/Environ ment

Provide common log-­‐in for Cyber Coach across all Derby Pride schools

October 2014

SSP Programme Needs identified by IM and LS

Log-­‐in established and being used across all schools


Increase knowledge across broad curriculum

Achievement Priority -­‐Objective




Common process for Assessment of pupils’ progress in PE

Support development of Derby Pride ‘Pupil Passport’ to support assessment of pupils’ progress

Throughout 2013 – 2014

DPS Staff supporting DMCSC Staff

Support for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Monitoring & Evaluation Passport is consistently applied across school • Clear evidence of Impact on teachers planning. Assessment is formative and leads to intervention from class teacher.

Release for planning meeting in July 2013 & follow-­‐up in 2014

Implement standard Pupil By End of Summer Passport across schools Term 2014 (initially in targeted pilot years) o Staff Moderation sessions planned, undertaken and follow up for individual staff as needed. o Assessment points identified for all teachers. Staff and pupils aware of expectations of pupil performance. o Data tracking for PE/sport Derby Moor to provide a common July 2014 assessment framework for ‘Gifted and Talented’ pupils

DPS Staff supporting DMCSC Staff


Common assessment in place and being used by all schools

DMCSC Staff time

Derby Pride ‘support days’ to challenge and extend gifted and talented pupils

DMCSC/ Derby Pride schools/ SSP

Support days organised and delivered with a minimum of 5 pupils attending from each school

DMCSC Staff time

SSP to source appropriate tutor to lead discussion

Greater differentiation within PE lessons/ curriculum planning and enhanced inclusion of pupils with SEND

Support for ‘Gifted and Talented’ pupils

Success Criteria

July 2014

Whole-­‐school twilight February 2014 development session to examine inclusion and differentiation within lessons

Targeted Physical Implement physical literacy Literacy intervention intervention to improve motor at FS/ KS1 skills at FS/ KS1

January 2014 – April 2014

SSP/ Physical Pupils with motor skill Literacy team development needs identified by school staff Intervention programme delivered by physical literacy teams/ physiotherapists Improved motor skills demonstrated by pupils in PE and in handwriting assessment

Mentoring support, as above

Lesson observations £150 undertaken by Arboretum Senior Leadership Team Assessment of motor skills by school staff and external agencies

£200 per intervention programme

Priority -­‐Objective

Leadership Action


Establish school vision for PE and School sport and ensure clarity of understanding for all staff members Clarify roles PE Co-­‐ordinator and allocation of management responsibilities. -­‐ Day to Day -­‐ Strategic Roles Linda Sullivan and Ian McMahon to carry out leadership review of PE Co-­‐ ordinator linked to PM

Autumn Term 2013 Autumn Term 2013 Autumn Term 2013

Ongoing self-­‐review process for PE and School Sport

PE and School Sport vision and priorities linked to whole-­‐school SEF Repeat YST PE and School Sport self-­‐ assessment annually to monitor progress of development Review progress of Sport Premium Development Plan on termly-­‐basis and revise as appropriate

Autumn Term 2013 Termly throughout 2013 – 2014 Termly throughout 2013 – 2014

Support on-­‐going development of PE Co-­‐ordinator

Attend SSP ‘Primary Network Meetings’ and PE & Sport Conference

September 2013 – July 2014

Achieve YST/ School Games Kitemark

School to achieve at least ‘Bronze’ grading on School Games Kitemark

July 2014

Whole-­‐school vision and direction for PE and School Sport


Success Criteria

Monitoring & Evaluation Ian McMahon All staff to have clear and Linda understanding of vision Sullivan and direction of Sport premium Linda Sullivan QA procedures evidence consistency of approach. Mechanisms in place to challenge / develop practice to standard. Linda Sullivan QA mechanisms are robust and staff are challenged / developed.

Linda Sullivan and Ian McMahon Linda Sullivan and Ian McMahon Linda Sullivan and Ian McMahon Ian McMahon

PE and Sport reflected in SEF Progress against previous evaluation Plan revised and new targets established

Comply with Government and OFSTED requirements

Minimum of one staff member at all events

Included within SSP affiliation


Ian McMahon Bronze Kitemark achieved


Priority -­‐Objective




Development and Engagement of Mini Leaders

Deliver Mini Leaders training and mentoring programme within school

December 2014

Mini Leaders supported to deliver lunchtime activities for peers

January – July 2014

SSP Leaders identified by DPS staff School staff including Charlie, Gurbinder and Dean

Increase number of opportunities for pupils in KS

Fully engage with increased SSP offer September 2013 – for competitions/ festivals at KS1 July 2014

School staff, including Charlie, Gurbinder and Dean

Success Criteria

Monitoring & Evaluation Mini Leaders identified and trained


Regular new lunchtime activities taking place, delivered by mini leaders

Reports from school staff members, particularly mid-­‐day supervisors

Attend a minimum of five KS1 events

Included within SSP affiliation

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