JULY 2009
Year 2 children marveling at a science experiment.
“Setting off rockets was great fun and surprising. It was very exciting!” - Year 2
Term dates for 09/10 Break up for Summer Friday 17th July
Every year seems to pass by so quickly and so many precious memories to hold on to. Highlights this years for me: The book launch of ‘Dale Reflections’ • •The Quiz Team in the regional final The allotment ‘springing’ into growth • • The Science Competition and Science Week • Ranulph Fienne’s visit to the school and the Antarctic Trip • 6C painting their room So many good memories, but that’s life at Dale – a special place to be. As usual, we must also take a moment to say goodbye to valuable colleagues and friends leaving us to move onto other places or retiring. In particular we must say a very big thank you, and wish the very best of luck to Mrs Molineux retiring from school after more than twenty years. We will miss her very much. Goodbye to Mrs Ahmed from Foundation Stage. Good luck in all you do!
Mrs L Sullivan - Head Teacher.
Back to School Wednesday 9th September Break up for Half Term Friday 23rd October Back to School Monday 2nd November Break up for Christmas Friday 18th December Back to School Monday 4th January 2010 Break up for Half Term Friday 12th February Back to School Monday 22nd February
Foundation Stage News It has been an eventful journey in Foundation Stage this year. We have been to the moon, gone on a bear hunt and had a visit from the Dale Monster! The children have enjoyed trips to the pantomime, SeaLife Centre and Happy Hens. We have had great fun this year and wish the Foundation Stage children the best as they move into Year 1. Thank you to all parents/carers that have supported us this year.
plants before crashing the rocket on the way back to Earth. It was all very exciting. Luckily most of the class made it back to earth eventually although four children did decide to stay behind! Mrs Singh’s class visited ‘Build a Bear’ workshop at the Westfield Centre. We enjoyed building our own class teddy, and we called it ‘Spike’. We now know how the teddies are made and why a teddy is called a ‘teddy’. We had fun at the workshop, although we were very tired when we arrived back at school.
Year One News Mrs Windscheffel’s favourite memory of the year was our class visit to Pear Tree Library. Now we are all members of the library! Even dads came, and now Mrs Windscheffel knows why the children are so lively! Ms FitzGerald remembers the thrills and spills of her drama topic! 1F blasted off into space on a rocket and explore different planets. We made medicine from strange
Year Two News It’s hard to believe that it is the end of the school year and that once new Year Two’s are now moving up to Year Three! We are pleased to hold precious memories! We won’t forget our first trip to the café, our beautiful day at Calke Abbey and especially having lots of fun at Bumpi’s! All of the Year 2 staff have really enjoyed the year with the children.
Creative Partnerships News
Sadly, we are now drawing to the end of what has been a very exciting and rewarding project. A group of children met with representatives from the Creative Partnerships Team and were a real credit to the school. They talked nonstop and with great enthusiasm about their learning this year; what they have enjoyed and how they would like it to continue next year. The appearance of the inside of the school has also under gone some big changes in the last few weeks and this will be continuing in the new year, please let us know what you think of what we have done so farwe appreciate your feedback.
Year Three News Year Three had the opportunity to attend a sports festival, which our children enjoyed. This term we have been researching different countries around the world. Children have created a travel brochure for Cinderella to use. When she goes on holiday we will be studying in greater detail about French food and lifestyle for our end of term taster session.
Year Four News It has been an amazing year for all involved with Year Four! We have experimented with our curriculum and teachers have planned together with the children to create a more exciting and meaningful learning experience. From invading classrooms and creating a living Roman museum, to unearthing hidden skeletons and trekking in extreme weather conditions to the Antarctic we have pushed and challenged ourselves to the best of our abilities. We have feasted on Italian pizza and gone hungry in
World War 2, working together in groups and teams towards common goals. We have had a bumper year with more children achieving swimming certificates than in previous years. We have been so proud of the effort all the children have put in all year.
Year Five News Well it doesn’t seem long ago that we were all excited about our trip, and stay in Castleton. We all enjoyed that and we are now looking forward to going to Whitby in Year 6! After Christmas we had a visit from Henry VIII and one of his wives. There aren’t many of us who would have liked to have lived in Tudor times! During the year, a lot of us represented the school at football, cricket, cross-country, athletics and orienteering. We also took part in cycling, skipping, karate and badminton. We are a very sporty year! Our final trip to Conkers was very good in spite of the weather. We think we’re ready for Year 6!
Sports News
• Cricket – our teams played 12 matches this half term, and won all of them. We are County Champions! • Girls enjoyed their festival in Spondon and played well. • We took 20 children to watch the England Ladies Team play the Australian Ladies Team at Derby. • Netball – teams have completed their league very successfully getting better as the season went on. They had a very enjoyable Saturday tournament at Bemrose winning 2 matches out of 4. • Y3 children had a multi-sports festival at Arboretum Primary School • Y4 mini-leader festival at Moorways • Y5 & Y6 special athletics festival at Moorways • Y5 & Y6 Tag Rugby festival at Derby Rugby Club
School Meal Information From September we are introducing a new menu. There will be two choices of hot meals everyday and a Deli-Dale choice. A Deli-Dale will be a jacket potato or subway roll with a choice of 2 fillings from 4 available each day. The salad bar, desserts and fruit selection will remain in place. Our new menus are nutritionally managed to give your child the balanced meal they need. Our current Year Sixes. We will miss them lots!
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The time has come to say goodbye to the current Year Sixes. They have had a terrific year and have shown they are more than ready for their move to Secondary School. Our Leavers Assembly was very emotional, we will certainly miss them all. Good luck for the future!
Please remember if your child brings a packed lunch to school it must be brought to school at 9:00am. We will not accept late lunchboxes except in exceptional circumstances. Sandwiches, fruit and healthy snacks should be included in lunchboxes. Please remember we do not allow chocolate or fizzy drinks in lunchboxes. School meals will continue to cost £1.85 per day, totalling £9.25 per week per child.
We asked our Year Sixes to share their Dale memories with us, below are two of our favourites.
If you think you may be eligible for free school meals, please enquire at the school office.
I have so many memories, but the one I love the most was when I was in Year One and my little brother was born. I was so happy because I would have company if my brother started school with me. I can remember when I started school in Reception. I was very excited because I had a few of my friends from Nursery with me. My last memory is in Year Six there was a residential trip to Whitby. I didn’t go, but I was very happy at school because there was a lot of peace and quiet at Dale. By Nisha Chohan.
Please remember to pay for any meals your child is taking during the week on a Monday to your child’s class.
I remember in year Six when we went to Whitby and we went on Captain Cook’s massive ship; ‘The Bark Endeavour’. It was awesome, but it made me feel a little bit sick because it rocked back and forth, and the waves were really big. It was fun but scary. By Jack Davis.
How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070 Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan