The SEN aims at Dale At Dale we value the abilities and achievements of all our pupils and we are committed to providing, for each pupil the best possible learning environment. The aim of the school’s SEN policy is to ensure that those children having special needs, have those needs addressed and gains the fullest possible access to the National Curriculum. The SEN aims for the school are:• To ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum • To provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individual’s needs and abilities • To ensure the identification of all pupils requiring SEN are identified as early as possible in the school life at Dale • To ensure that SEN pupils take as full a part as possible in all school activities • To ensure that parents of SEN pupils are kept fully informed of their child’s progress and achievements • To ensure, when appropriate, that SEN pupils are involved in the decision making process. Definition of Special Educational Needs The 1981 Education Act states:“A child has SEN if s/he has a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for him/her”. By provision we mean “Educational provision which is additional to, or different from, the educational provision made generally for children of the same age in maintained schools in the area;” (1993 Education Act, Section 156). At Dale the range of educational provision includes the resources, strategy and approaches developed in consultation with the class teacher, Inclusion Manager, parents and other appropriate professionals to assist in the effective learning of the child with special needs. Children are not to be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language used in teaching is different from that spoken at home; (Education Act 1981). Dale Community Primary school will have due regard to the Special Needs Code of Practice when carrying out our duties towards all pupils with special educational needs, and ensure that parents are notified when SEN provision is being made for their child.
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School Action School action is an intervention that is additional to the normal differentiated curriculum. School action intervention can be initiated through concerns supported by evidence that despite differentiation pupils may be: • • • • •
Making little or no progress Demonstrate difficulties in developing literacy or numeracy skills Shows persistent emotional/behavioural difficulties which are not affected by behaviour management strategies Have sensory/physical problems and make little or no progress despite experiencing a differentiated curriculum Have communication/interaction problems and make little or no progress despite experiencing a differentiated curriculum.
School Action Plus School action plus is a sustained level of support with, where appropriate, the involvement of external services. A pupil at School Action Plus, in spite of receiving a differentiated curriculum and a sustained level of support over time: • • • • • •
Still makes little or no progress Continues to work at National Curriculum levels considerably lower than expected for a child of similar age Continues to experience difficulties in developing numeracy and literacy skills Has emotional/behavioural problems that often substantially impede his/her own learning or that of the class, and this may be in spite of having an individualised behaviour programme Has sensory/physical needs requiring additional specialist equipment or visits/advice from specialists Has communication or interaction problems that impede the development of social relationships, thus presenting a barrier to learning.
Request for statutory assessment The school will request a Statutory Assessment from the LEA when, despite an individualised programme of sustained intervention at school action plus the child remains a significant cause for concern. A Statutory assessment may also be requested by a parent or outside agency. A Statement of Special Educational Need will normally be provided when after Statutory Assessment; the LEA considers the child requires provision beyond what the school can offer. The school is aware that a request for Statutory Assessment does not automatically lead to a Statement. Inclusion This policy builds on our School inclusion policy, which recognises the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, broadly based curriculum. Our SEN policy reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive. The governing body will ensure that appropriate provision will be made for all pupils with SEN.
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Whole school responsibilities The governing body is responsible for:• • • • • •
Publishing information about SEN pupils annually to their parents Participating in a regular cycle of monitoring and review Considering and reporting on the effectiveness of the schools’ work on behalf of pupils with SEN Participating in policy reviews Identify an SEN Governor who liaises with the Inclusion Manager and updates the governing body on matters relating to SEN Ensuring that a ‘responsible person’ is identified to inform about the Statement all those involved with the teaching and supporting of statemented pupils.
The leadership team is responsible for:• • •
The day to day responsibility for all aspects of the school including SEN Liaising with the Inclusion Manager in the day to day running and strategic development of SEN throughout the school Supporting the governing body and ensuring the governing body are fully informed regarding SEN.
The Inclusion Manager is responsible for:• • • • • • • • • •
Overseeing the day to day operation of the school’s SEN policy. Working with the leadership team and governing body in the strategic development of the SEN provision and policy Liaising with and advising other teachers Co-ordinating provision for children with SEN Liaising with parents of children with SEN Liaising with outside agencies Ensuring that systems are in place for early identification of pupils who have SEN Liaising with parents Liaising with external agencies Updating and analysing the SEN list.
The teaching and non-teaching staff are responsible for:• • •
Being fully aware of the school’s procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for SEN Supporting pupils on the SEN list in meeting their own targets Keeping the Inclusion Manager well informed about pupils’ progress.
The Curriculum All children are entitled to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. We aim to provide every child with access to the curriculum so that they can achieve their full potential. Children with SEN will be taught in mainstream classes. Where necessary children will have their learning supported through individual and group learning programmes to meet their specific needs. The teachers, teaching assistants and support staff within our school, work on specific targets as outlined in a child’s MEP (for children at school action plus and statement). Children on the SEN list may be withdrawn, for small amounts of time, into small groups or individually for intense targeting from outside agencies when it is agreed that this targeting is necessary for them to meet MEP targets. Adapted learning resources and specific learning materials will be used throughout the curriculum. Page 3 of 5
INSET training All staff are encouraged to attend courses that help them to acquire the skills needed to work with SEN pupils. Parents as Partners “Parents hold key information and have a critical role to play in their children’s education. They have unique strengths, knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of a child’s need and the best way of supporting them;” (Code of Practice 2001). At Dale we actively encouraged parents to be involved in their children’s education. Parents will be involved in all stages of the SEN procedure, beginning when initial concerns are expressed. The schools SEN procedure has a built-in process to involve parents in the SEN process, e.g. consultation and review meetings, partnership learning programmes, home-school diaries and contracts. Parents who are concerned about any issues regarding SEN should in the first instant contact school and discuss their concerns with the Inclusion Manager and any other member of staff involved with their child’s education. If a parent feels their concerns have not been resolved then they may follow the school’s complaints procedure outlined in the school prospectus. Outside Agencies We have links with many external specialist support services including:• • •
Educational Psychology Service Derby SENSS service. This supports children with learning difficulties, sensory and behavioural problems The Health Authority offers a further range of specialist support for children with hearing or sight impairment and speech difficulties. We have a school doctor who deals with any medical problems and refers children to the relevant agencies.
Links between health, social services and educational welfare services are made through the Inclusion Manager who has details of all the services available. Liaison with the Child protection co-coordinators and Learning mentors will be made as appropriate and at the termly CARE meetings Admissions The admissions criteria and arrangements for SEN pupils is the same as for any other pupil. Accessibility The school building is on 2 floors. The upstairs floor is inaccessible to wheelchair users. Access can be gained on the ground floor. The school will consider and assess that any pupil using a wheelchair, or with a medical condition limiting movement will be accommodated on the ground floor. The building has toilet facilities suitable for wheelchair users. Transition Arrangements If a child transfers between schools a full SEN record is transferred with them. If this transfer is within the authority the Inclusion Manager arranges for the transfer of these records and makes sure the receiving school is fully aware of the child’s needs and of any outside agencies involved with the child. Where children transfer to secondary school liaison is arranged between Inclusion Manager, class teacher and receiving school as part of the normal transfer arrangements. Page 4 of 5
Where necessary further arrangements are through outside agencies, these arrangements are formalised at the appropriate Special Educational Needs Support Team meeting. The Inclusion Manager will also help parents arrange visits to special school and schools with special enhanced resource centres. Resources The governing body ensures that resources are allocated to support appropriate provisions for all pupils requiring it, and in meeting the aims set out in this policy. Resources are allocated to statemented and non-statemented children through the Inclusion Manager and are included in the budget. Funding for training is available through the school’s professional budget. SEN is a priority within the school’s professional development plan. This includes specialist training where necessary and also general training for all class teachers, SEN support staff and Mid-day supervisors. Assessing, Monitoring and Reviewing The procedures for assessing, monitoring and reviewing all children with SEN follows the graduated approach as suggested by the Code of Practice 2002 using the recording system developed by the Local Education Authority. Children assessed as having special needs will be identified on the school SEN list, which will be kept by the Inclusion Manager. All teachers are responsible for identifying children with SEN and, in collaboration with the Inclusion Manager, will ensure that those pupils requiring different or additional support are identified at an early stage. Assessment is the process by which children with SEN can be identified and targets reviewed. Evaluation of SEN Provision Each year the Inclusion Manager will submit a report on special educational needs to the Governors who will discuss and report the main findings in their minutes. The success of the school’s SEN policy will be evaluated by both the annual review of the policy and by the progress made in the action plan. Pupil progress will provide evidence for the success and will be analysed carefully through • • •
Consideration of each pupil’s success in meeting MEP targets Use of summative assessments e.g. SATs and teacher assessments Other relevant information.
This policy takes into account – Code of Practice 2001 and Disability and Discrimination Act 2002.
Anthony Adams Chair of Governors February 2013 Page 5 of 5