Box 15

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season fifteen the box tymor Pymtheg y blwch S a n d r a

E b e r


D a n i e l

R o s s a


U r b a n

S c r e e n


D e p i c T


Sandra Eber Unfettered Unfettered is a Silent stop-motion pinhole film, an experimental study in rhythm and movement that converts flowers from static and delicate icons into bold, dynamic graphic elements. The images were patiently acquired one frame at a time, without a computer or lens, using a 16mm film camera adapted for a variety of pinhole and double-slit techniques. Images free from a lens Flowers free from roots Rhythm free from sound A version with each row aligned horizontally was projected on the media facade of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb earlier this year. Sandra Eber teaches at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema Concordia University, Canada.

Mae ‘Unfettered’ yn ffilm stop-symud fud, astudiaeth arbrofol mewn rhythm a symudiad sy’n trawsnewid blodau o fod yn eiconau llonydd a chywrain, i fewn i elfennau graffig deinamig, beiddgar. Creuwyd y delweddau’n amyneddgar un ffrâm ar y tro, heb gyfrifiadur neu lens, yn defnyddio camera ffilm 16mm a addaswyd ar gyfer nifer o dechnegau twll-pin a thyllau-dwbl. Delweddau’n rhydd rhag lens Blodau’n rhydd rhag wreiddiau Rhythm yn rhydd rhag sŵn Taflunwyd fersiwn o’r ffilm, gyda phob rhes wedi’i gosod yn wastad ar ei hyd, ar ffasâd yr Amgueddfa Celf Gyfoes yn Zagreb yn gynharach eleni. Mae Sandra Eber yn dysgu yn Ysgol Sinema Mel Hoppenheim ym Mhrifysgol Concordia, Canada.

Daniel Rossa & Urban Screen 555 Kubik Projection How would it be, if a house was dreaming? This is the question Daniel Rossa asked before creating 555 Kubik, which was custom made to be projected on the facade of the Hamburg Kunsthalle. ‘The basic idea of narration was to dissolve and break through the strict architecture of O. M. Ungers’ “Galerie der Gegenwart” says Rossa, who worked on the project with Urban Screen, a company that specialises in producing custom media installations using large-scale projection. Sut bydde fe, pe bai tŷ yn breuddwydio? Dyma’r cwestiwn a ofynnwyd gan Daniel Rossa cyn iddo greu 555 Kubik , a wnaethpwyd yn benodol gyda’r bwriad o’i daflu ar ffasâd yr Hamburg Kunsthalle. ‘Syniad sylfaenol y traethiad oedd i ddiddymu a thorri trwy bensaerniaeth fanwl y “Galerie der Gegenwart” a greuwyd gan O.M. Unger’ dywed Rossa, a weithiodd ar y prosiect gyda Urbanscreen, cwmni sy’n arbenigo mewn cynhyrchu gosodweithiau cyfryngol yn defnyddio tafluniadau ar raddfa fawr.

DepicT ! The challenge of the DepicT! Competition is that all film submitted must be no more than 90 seconds long. Here we exhibit the shortlist and winners for 2013 – a rich variety of films of exceptional quality from all over the world, as ever demonstrating how good and how comprehensive concise film making can be; from ‘Grandad’s funeral’ to ‘Cool unicorn bruv’ these are imaginative and accomplished works which deal with the widest variety of subjects – all in a minute and a half. Sialens y Gystadleuaeth DepicT! yw bod yn rhaid i bob ffilm a gyflwynir fod yn llai na 90 eiliad o hyd. Yma ‘rydym yn arddangos y rhestr fer a’r enillwyr ar gyfer 2013 - amrywiaeth gyfoethog o ffilmiau o ansawdd eithriadol o bob rhan o’r byd, yn profi mor dda a mor gynhwysfawr y gall ffilmiau byrion fod; yn amrywio o ‘Grandad’s funeral’ i ‘Cool unicorn bruv’ mae’r rhain yn ffilmiau dawnus, llawn dychymyg sy’n delio gydag amrywiaeth helaeth o bynciau - y cyfan mewn munud a hanner.

The Films | Y Ffilmiau

Luka Bajt & Sarah Frimann Conradsen Kurent

Hezhenyi Cao War

Ninian Doff Cool Unicorn Bruv

Chintan Gohil A Thing

Winner/ Enillydd


Natasha Hawthornthwaite Us

Paul Hill Sun Winner/Enillydd

Keith Wilhelm Kopp The Here and Now

Joshan Esfandiari Martin Schatzi (Darling)

Oliver Murray Treasure

Liam Owen Four Years From Now Walking With My Daughter

Claire Winter Grandad’s Funeral

James Young Return Winner/Enillydd

canolfan y celfyddydau aberystwyth arts centre

ISBN 978-1-908992-11-6 Design Stephen Paul Dale Design

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