box 8

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season eight the box tymor wyth y blwch D a n i e l

B i n n s

P e n n y

J o n e s

N e r d w o r k i n g

C h o o c

L y

T a n

J u r j e n

V e r s t e e g

Daniel Binns Control

A short film about panic, directed by Daniel Binns with sound by Ian Pinder and Mike Farrar. “I love the distinctive angular aesthetic to this animated short by Daniel Binns. The sound design is also superb, adding tension to the narrative.” Animated Review Daniel Binns is a freelance Animator / short-film maker currently based in Bristol, England. He recently graduated with a First in Animation from the University of the West of England. Ffilm fer am banig, wedi'i chyfarwyddo gan Daniel Binns gyda sain gan Ian Pinder a Mike Farrar. “'Rwy'n hoff iawn o'r estheteg onglog, nodweddiadol yn y ffilm fer hon gan Daniel Binns. Mae dyluniad y sain hefyd yn wych, yn ychwanegu tensiwn at y naratif.” Animated Review Animeiddiwr/gwneuthurwr ffilmiau byrion yw Daniel Binns sy'n gweithio ar ei liwt ei hun ac sydd â'i gartref ym Mryste ar hyn o bryd. Enillodd Radd Dosbarth Cyntaf mewn Animeiddiad o Brifysgol Gorllewin Lloegr yn ddiweddar.

Penny Jones rant

“I am a part of the grumpy old women brigade, of a generation of student, social, feminist and pacifist protest. I am angry about so many things, from social injustice to trains being late. And not being allowed to be angry as a child.” Born in London, Penny Jones worked as a Social Worker for many years before training in art at Sheffield Hallam University and West Wales School of the Arts. “I am constantly experimenting with new ways of working from drawing and video to making 3D objects and conceptual art.” “'Rwy'n rhan o'r garfan honno o hen fenywod gwynfanllyd, o genhedlaeth o brotestio myfyrwyr, cymdeithasol, ffeministaidd a phasiffistaidd. 'Rwy'n teimlo'n flin ynglyn â chymaint o bethau, o anhegwch cymdeithasol i drenau hwyr. A'r ffaith na chaniatawyd i mi fod yn flin pan 'roeddwn yn blentyn.” Ganwyd Penny Jones yn Llundain a gweithiodd fel Gweithwraig Gymdeithasol am flynyddoedd lawer cyn hyfforddi mewn celf ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield Hallam ac Ysgol Gelf Gorllewin Cymru. “'Rwyf o hyd yn arbrofi gyda ffyrdd newydd o weithio, o arlunio a fideo i wneud darnau mewn 3D a chelf gysyniadol.”

Nerdworking Yekpare "Yekpare" tells the 8500 year story of Istanbul, embracing symbols from Paganism to the Roman Empire, from the Byzantine Empire to Latin and finally from the Ottoman Empire to present day Istanbul. Haydarpaşa Train Station, with its brilliant architectural forms, is the building on which the story is projected. Haydarpaşa has offered a connection between east and west since 1906. The first day of the original performance of ‘Yekpare’ also marked the 47th anniversary of the death of celebrated Turkish poet, Nazım Hikmet Ran. Nerdworking selected a quote from his epic novel "Human Landscapes from My Country" : "At Haydarpaşa Train Station, in the spring of 1941, it is three o'clock. Sun, exhaustion and rush lay on the stairs..." Nerdworking is a network project focused on research and development to provide unique tools for artistic, commercial and interactive media projects or public spaces. Mae “Yekpare” yn adrodd stori 8500 mlynedd oed Istanbwl, yn cynnwys symbolau o Baganiaeth i’r Ymerodraeth Rufeinig, o’r Ymerodraeth Fysantaidd i Ladin ac yn olaf o’r Ymerodraeth Otomanaidd i’r Istanbwl bresennol. Gorsaf Drenau Haydarpaşa, gyda’i ffurfiau pensaerniol ysblennydd, yw’r adeilad y taflunir y stori arno. Mae Haydarpaşa wedi cynnig cysylltiad rhwng y dwyrain a’r gorllewin ers 1906. Bu diwrnod cyntaf y perfformiad gwreiddiol o ‘Yekpare’ hefyd yn nodi 47 mlynedd ers marwolaeth y bardd enwog o Dwrci, Nazım Hikmet Ran. Bu Nerdworking yn dethol dyfyniad o’i nofel epig “Human Landscapes from My Country” : “At Haydarpaşa Train Station, in the spring of 1941, it is three o’clock. Sun, exhaustion and rush lay on the stairs…” Prosiect rhyngweithiol yw Nerdworking sy’n ffocysu ar ymchwil a datblygiad i ddarparu celfi unigryw er mwyn creu prosiectau artistig, masnachol a rhyngweithiol ar gyfer mannau cyhoeddus.

Art Direction & Visuals: Cyfarwyddo Celf ac Effeithiau Gweledol: Deniz Kader - Candaş Şişman Music & Sound Design: Cerddoriaeth a Dylunio Sain: Görkem Şen Project Management: Rheolwr y Prosiect: Erdem Dilbaz Project Co-ordinator: Cydlynydd y Prosiect: Elif Demirci Modelling: Modelu: Gökhan Uzun - Can Dinlenmiş ( Special Thanks to Diolch Arbennig i Efor Production, Visio - Vox, Sinevizyon, Yakup Çetinkaya, Gökhan Kurtuluş, Lokman Doğmuş, Baran Güleşen, Ümit Özdemir, Tolga Dizmen, Yunus Dölen, Murat Durusoy, Ahmet Türkoğlu, Mustafa Nurdoğdu, Burhan Ersan.

Chooc Ly Tan New Materials in the Reading of the World “New Materials in the Reading of the World” offers the idea of 'Oubliism', which explores the possibilities to be found in the chaos of the universe. Spoken words and various sounds merge with imagery, resulting in an atonal and poetic composition using both created and found materials. The artist's Oubliist manifesto throws down a gauntlet to “All-too-rational people, those who drown in matter-of-fact swamps.”(Chooc Ly Tan) “A frenetic video about Oubliism, narrated to a synthy set of pop beats, which appears to be a kind of Utopian scientific and revolutionary movement from the future.” (Independent) Chooc Ly Tan was born in France and currently lives in London where she has studied at Goldsmiths. Her art practice is multi-disciplinary, ranging from sculpture through to live art, and displays her interest in science and the laws of physics. Mae “New Materials in the Reading of the World” yn cynnig y syniad o 'Oubliism', sy'n archwilio'r posibiliadau sydd i'w canfod mewn anhrefn y bydysawd. Cyfunir geiriau ar lafar a gwahanol synau gyda delweddau, sy'n arwain at gyfansoddiad digywair a barddonol yn defnyddio deunyddiau creëdig a naturiol. Mae maniffesto Oubliist yr artist yn herio'r “All-too-rational people, those who drown in matter-of-fact swamps.”(Chooc Ly Tan) “Fideo ffrenetig ynglyn ag Oubliism, gyda thrac sain rhythmig, a ymddengys i fod yn rhyw fath o symudiad gwyddonol a chwyldroadol Iwtopaidd o'r dyfodol.” (Yr Independent) Ganwyd Chooc Ly Tan yn Ffrainc ac mae'n byw yn Llundain ar hyn o bryd lle bu'n astudio yn Goldsmiths. Mae ei hymarfer celf yn aml-ddisgyblaethol, yn amrywio o gerflunwaith i gelf fyw, ac mae ei gwaith yn mynegi ei diddoredeb mewn gwyddoniaeth a rheolau ffiseg.

Jurjen Versteeg A History of the Title Sequence “The film is called 'A History Of The Title Sequence', with an emphasis on 'A' because it's an expression of my own perception of history.. (it is )a title sequence about title sequences. You could perceive this film as a possible title sequence for a documentary about the history of title design.” Jurjen Versteeg is a Dutch designer who works under the name Synple. He graduated from the Willem De Kooning Academy and now primarily focuses on motion graphic design, animation and visual effects for film, television and web. “Teitl y ffilm yw 'A History Of The Title Sequence', gyda'r pwyslais ar yr 'A' oherwydd mae'n fynegiant o'm dealltwriaeth i o hanes … mae'n gyfres o deitlau ynglyn â chyfres o deitlau. Gellir ystyried y ffilm hon fel cyfres bosibl o deitlau ar gyfer rhaglen ddogfen am hanes dylunio teitlau.” Dylunydd o'r Iseldiroedd yw Jurjen Versteeg sy'n gweithio dan yr enw Synple. Graddiodd o Academi Willem De Kooning ac erbyn hyn mae'n ffocysu'n bennaf ar ddylunio graffeg, animeiddiad ac effeithiau gweledol ar gyfer ffilm, teledu a'r we.

canolfan y celfyddydau aberystwyth arts centre

ISBN 978-1-908992-00-0 Design Stephen Paul Dale Design

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