Portfolio | Dalia Assaker

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Curriculum Vitae

Dalia Assaker

Master of Science in Architecture

Peronal Information

Birth date: Nationality: Address: Telefon: Email:


German Bismarckstraße 73/1 70197 Stuttgart, Germany +49 162 4151 928 dalia.assaker@gmail.com


09/18 – 08/20 04/17 – 08/17

10/13 – 03/17

RWTH Aachen University, Aachen Major: Architecture, M.Sc.

Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt Major: Architecture, M.Sc.

Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt Major: Architektur, B.Sc.

09/12 – 06/13 09/03 – 06/12 09/98 – 06/03

University of Mannheim, Mannheim Major:Political Science, Minor: Economics

Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule, Cairo High School, Abitur-Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Deutsche Schule der Borromäerinnen, Cairo

Work Experience

11/22 03/21 – 11/22

08/17 – 08/18 08/15 – 09/15 Workshops

collaboration with superwien urbanism ZT on their proposal in response to the EBRD Procurement Notice for “Cairo, Egypt; Urban Regeneration Support Services, Strategic Plan for the Ministries Quarter” as part of the Project Management and Research Team, Architecture and Urban Design

Steinhoff | Haehnel Architekten, Stuttgart | Full-time

Morger Partner Architekten, Basel | Internship

Consulting Engineering Office “El-Hashimy”, Kairo | Internship

Design Studio Japan: Kita Senri New Town Centre Re-Development Workshop, Osaka 09/19

Publications Assaker, Dalia. Reimagining the Ministries' Quarter of Downtown Cairo:" Bridging the Future Through the Past".Diss. Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2021.


Master-Thesis nominated for the Otto-Borst-Prize for the promotion of young scientists 2021

Computer Skills

ArchiCAD | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Indesign | Microsoft Office


German | English | Arabic

1. Master-Thesis: Reimagining the Ministries' Quarter of Downtown Cairo Institute of Sustainable Housing Development | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Polívka Architecture History | Dr.-Ing. Prof. Anke Naujokat Grading 1,0

2. Bachelor-Thesis: Artists’ Residency Space in Stuttgart Building Typology & Housing | Professor Arch. SIA/BSA Meinrad Morger Grading 1,0

Bachelor Projects

3. In the Shadow of the European Central Bank: Rock, Paper, Scissor

Architectural Design & Urban Planning | Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Gotsch

Groupwork with Nida Yüksel & Jasmin Glaffig

4. Super or Normal: Heaviness, Leightness and Nature

Architectural Design & Construction | Professor Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Lorch

Groupwork with Ugur Takyan

Master Projects

5. Shopping Mall of Minsk: Fabrica

Construction Planning and Realisation | Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Brück | Prof. i.V. Ir. Architekt Fred Humblé

6. Representation of the European Commission: United in Diversity

Architectural Design & Construction | Prof. Dipl.-Ing. M. Arch. Felix Waechter

Table of Contents
Work Experience

Reimagining the Ministries' Quarter of Downtown Cairo Master-Thesis

In 2015, Egypt announced working on a new project,the establishment of a new administrative capital 50km east of Cairo which relocates governmental units of the Ministries Quarter outside of Downtown Cairo.

Today, as a Cairo resident, one can only wonder, what an impact those governmental approaches can have on Downtown Cairo. The relocation of the governmental buildings leaves an immense opportunity for reimagining and redefining this part of Cairo from an urban design perspective. Cairo’s downtown area has a great potential to once again become the real heart of the city. It is where the most diverse social actors meet today. Thus, we as city planers and architects should definitely use this fact to our advantage.

Moreover, the Ministries Quarter has always been defined as a restricted area. An invisible barrier of inaccessibility is always felt around this neighborhood, which even intensified after the revolution of 2011. This relocation gives a new hope, a chance for diversity, a chance of to give back to the residents of those areas new public spaces to meet, new cultural activities to take place and for different neighborhoods to engage together in daily activities.

Thus, the aim of my thesis is to explore the different concepts for future development plans of this part of Cairo through researching its development history, analysing the area and defining its opportunities and weaknesses. But more importantly to present a possible concept for future developments for the Ministries' Quarter. In the process, I examine other projects of public spaces in Egypt and projects of adaptive reuse in Egypt and the Arab World to help navigate the outcome of the new reimagined Ministries’ Quarter.

Comparing the Ministries Quarter in 1920 with today:

- It was not as densely built as today, there was a lot of free space around the different buildings, housing plots around the governmental facilities were still in an early development phase and consisting mostly of stand-alone villas with private gardens

- green areas of the the governmental facilities were public places, there were no fences and it was easily accessible to the public

Comparing center of Cairo in general:

- the area was still in a developing phase, a lot of free plots in Garden City and Downtown

- the Azbakeya garden was double or tripple the size of todays garden

- even the old fabric of the city contained of open spaces, which is almost none-existing due to the high density and congestion of todays Cairo

0 500 m Solid Void Plan S GSEducat ona Vers on R u e C e k h R h a n R u e a s A R K E R u N S Z g 1874 1946 2020 1897 1915-1921
1926 13 1850 1874 1926 2020 1900 1897 1950 2000 2050 source: www.almadaq.net El Kadi, Galila. Le Caire: centre en mouvement= Cairo: a centre in movement 2012 remaining buildings new buildings remaining buildings new buildings 19151921

previous Ministry of Education, today General Authority for Urban Planning

comparison of dominant facades

comparison of open space



the situation today

Entrance to the Ministry of Public Works in 1920s, Egyptian Parliament today Egyptian Parliament 1920 Ecole de filles nobles 1870s, part of the Egyptian Parliament today Ministry of Education, General Authority for Urban Planning
1948 2020 GSE uca ona Ve s on s A n R b h 1926 1948 2020
1926 1926 new dominating facades 2020 1948 driveway trails + parking minimizing most of the forecourts + courtyards
entrances of the buildings 2020
Typology Analysis palaces reused for govermental functions high rise office buildings office building extensions 7 8 5 6 6 8 9 7 3 3 4 8 4 5 3 2 1 1 1 5 7 9 10 2 6 2 4 3. Ministry of Justice 5. Office Extension for the Ministers Council 1. Old Building of the Ministry of Social Solidarity 5. Central Department for Non-Governmental Medical Institutions and Medical Licenses 6. Old Building of Ministry of Interior 7. Ministry of Transportation 8. Office extensions 9. Office extension for the Ministry of Education 10. Office extensions for the Ministry of Supply & Internal Trading 2. Office Extensions for the Ministry of Health 3. Office Extensions for the Ministry of Education 4. Office Extensions for the Ministry of Education histrorism style eclectic style 4. Office Extension for the Ministers Council 2. Information & Decision Support Center (IDSC) 1. Office Extension for the Parliamant 7. Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research 8. Ministry of Supply and Internal Trading 6. Ministry of Housing, Utilities & Urban Communities 1. Egyptian Parliament 2.Egyptian Geographic Society 4. Minister's Council 7. Ministry of Health 9. Ministry of Education 8. Ministry of Defense 5. Palace of Ismail El-Mofatish 6. Real Estate Tax Authority - Ministry of Finance 3.Egyptian Scientific Institution

different typologies


solitair enclosed block development historical buildings block ensemble extensions (fence or facility)

governmental administration (mono-functionality)

buidlings on site

The most important goal is for the buildings on site is for them to be adaptively reused and repurposed. Demolishing a building should be under certain circumstances and for strong valid reasons. Historical buildings should regain their importance and their previous dominant facades revived. Trying to save the identity of the Ministries’ Quarter should be the highest priority for all developers. Choosing new functions should be based on the characteristics of the building. The functions chosen should contribute socially, culturally and economically to this neighborhood. Some buildings would have to be redesigned from the inside or on the outside to better house and accommodate the chosen function and mark a new beginning for the site.

design interventions

While redesigning the demolished parts, one needs to consider the edges of the enclosed block in Zone A. Again, the identity of the site should remain the same. Thus the line of the block should be continued. The edges should not separate the block from the outside world, but draw passers-by through open spaces inside it. At the same time, introducing new green alleys that cut through the site allows passers-by to look inside the different open spaces to encourage them to visit the functions around it. While designing new open spaces, reviving historical open spaces should be considered part of preserving and making the story tangible.

traffic interventions

The site should be pedestrian-friendly and kept traffic-free as much as possible. Currently, the site has been extremely dominated by cars and car parking, leaving almost no open space between the buildings. At the same time, underground parking is impossible due to the metro line under the site and the fragility of the historical buildings. Thus, multi-storey car parks can be a solution to this problem. Merging the different plots by turning side streets into pedestrian-only green alleys should be considered to make the area more people-friendly.

revival of the old main entrance to the site dominant buildings, historical buildings buffer zone around historical buildings old dominant facades on site buildings that are in good condition buildings that need to be redesigned buildings that could be demolished due to their state or position on site

site edges to follow historical identity still visible site has potential for a market ensemble of buildings, potential for a good residential area

stand-alone building, potential for an office hub with an active outdoor space historical open spaces that need to be revived possible open air market space

possible outdoor open space for family activities and residents

possible meeting point for employees and neighboring residents possibility of new open spaces main roads secondary roads side streets pedestrian trail and possible entrances to site internal pedestrian paths joining of plots mixed uses to the roadside new pedestrian-only streets

possible new functions based on neighboring uses

introducing new green alleys and new possible public spaces between the buildings on site

reviving old dominant facades

new pedestrian roads, new parking garages , no more parking in courtyards

Framework Plan Tahr r Square ib ary s udents cu tu e cen er you h e sure fam ies everyday act vi y a te -school ac iv t es ate ers ar sts co-work ng employees museum v si ors es dent a s udent hous ng shops offices res aurants wo kshops ar cente hos e star -ups estaurants ga ery museum marke mee ngpo nt hote

The G reek Campus cultural center (ex-AUC)

Falaki Theatre

Tahrir S quare Lazoghly S quare

old market hall (cur en y not n use)
E lK a s r E lA i n i S t r e e t m a i n r o a d Dar-El-Ulum

vorhandene öffentliche Plätze öffentliche Plätze halb-öffentliche Plätze private Plätze

diversity of functions and neighborhood opportunities diversity

road network

of functions
GSEduca ona Ve s on
open-space network
Abdeen Square
Dar ElUlum Park Lazoghly Square
Tahrir Square

Tahrir S quare

cultural center (ex-AUC)

The G reek Campus

Falaki Theatre

Lazoghly S quare

old market hall (cur en y no n use
E lK a s r E lA i n i S t r e e t m a i n r o a d
school parking garage 0 100 m
Dar-El-Ulum Park
subsidized housing offices museum public library cultural center start-up hubs commercial use art studios, galleries & workshops hotel
A A B B 0 100 m

Section BB

Section AA

Artists' Colony Bachelor-Thesis

As part of the Bachelor's thesis design "Atelierhaus", a studio colony with studio houses is to be built on the site of the former waterworks in Stuttgart, which will serve as a place for different artists to work creatively. Within the design, 24 studio houses are now being created for scholarship holders.

The concept of the design takes up two important functions of a studio, namely living and working, and places these at the centre of the design projekt. The deliberate separation of living and working space reveals a basic principle that will run throughout the entire design area. Since artists of the most diverse professional orientations are to live and work in the artists' colony, different demands on the studio house arise, which must be fulfilled. The uniform separation of living and working as a concept for the design creates a level playing field and thus a high degree of design freedom within the individual studio houses. Individual studio houses are created for the artists, whereby the volumes as well as their orientation and placement are determined by the given spatial programme. Squares of 50, 100 and 200 square metres will be created, giving a measure of the basic forms of the buildings. However, as the squares individually have high footprints that would exceed that of the design area, it seemed only logical in the process to intersect two squares of different sizes. This furthers the concept of separating living and working, as the intersection of two squares creates three different areas. The resulting intersection serves as access for the two flanking spaces. The two formed areas are divided into living and working areas and thus separated from each other, whereby the larger area will serve for working in the studio.

Solid Void Plan

G Site Plan


Living | Working building size Proportion balance


200 100 80 50


Urban planning response: Goal: The artists’ own world

Wall + stairs frame the area -> serve as new walls Administration and exhibition building as edges of the area -> complete the framing

Passage inside -> Nature/garden as a place of community and inspiration

Urban planning setting: Floor plan concept:

Community Sculptor Literature Music Photography + Painting Film Architecture Graphic Design Painting Photography Administration
Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Longitudinal Section A Longitudinal Section B Front Elevation B A

Examples of studio floor plans:

200m2: Sculptor

Ground floor Standard floor


North-West Elevation South-West Elevation

100m2: Photography G

Ground floor Standard floor

50m2: Architecture

North-East Elevation South-East Elevation

Administration + Gallery

Ground floor First Floor G

North-East Elevation South-West Elevation


North-West Elevation South-East Elevation

Ground floor Standard floor

North-East Elevation

Community building

North-West Elevation South-West Elevation G

North-East Elevation South-East Elevation

Ground floor First Floor

North-West Elevation South-West Elevation South-East Elevation S

South-West Elevation

North-East Elevation

South-East Elevation North-West Elevation

Second Floor


d S V
E E G d
G d
G d G a

Facade Structure:

Roof Structure: Gravel Seperation layer Thermal insulation Concrete slab

Wall Structure: Pre-fabricated concrete slab Thermal insulation Supporting concrete slab

Floor Structure: Linoleum Screed w. underfloor heating Seperation layer Acoustic insulation Reinforced concrete

Wall Opening Detailed Section

Rock, Paper, Scissor

As part of the urban development design “In the Shadow of the ECB”, a mixed quarter with mainly residential uses is to be designed that offers an attractive urban living environment, is connected to the Main River and fits into the neighbourhood.

Our design consists of perimeter block developments linked by the inner courtyards. This interlinking and circulation through the area creates a space for movement between and within the inner courtyards, with semi-public and private being clarified by threshold-like changes in flooring.

In addition, we have different groups of residents, such as students or artists, each with their own courtyard. The ground floor is mostly dedicated to communal activities of fellow residents, such as creative workshops.

In addition, the uses on the ground floor towards the south, towards the water, are more dedicated to the public, such as the cultural cinema and various restaurants and cafes.

The aim of the design is for the interrelationships between the buildings, their uses and the open spaces to develop into a multi-layered, inner-city context.


and does not belong to any other group of parcels as naturally as it does to this one. If you take a look at the plots to the west, you will see that each plot has its own unique building structure. The foremost part of the fish, for example, houses a building structure that is closed off to Hanauer Landstrasse and dissolves in the interior towards the Main. The next plot belongs entirely to the ECB, a polygonal skyscraper with the Grossmarkthalle in front of it as a massive hall.

As a whole, we see ourselves as colorful, because of the mixed structures and thus give the fish the name of the rainbow fish: intermixed structures in the same manner will continue with the left side of our area and form an independent structure. The right side, on the other hand, will join the end of the fish, consisting of an undefined mixture of porous structures.

Semi-Public Spaces Creating threshold with flooring Connections between the inner courtyards Interconnection and pathways Inner Courtyards
Solid Void Plan

Creativ Workshops Ground Floor Plan

Student Housing Ground Floor Plan Student Housing First Floor Plan

Section Elevation

Creativ Workshops First Floor Plan

Cultural Cinema House Ground Floor Plan

Heaviness, Leightness & Nature

A petrol station is to be designed as part of the "Super or Normal" design course.

Our plot is characterised by the beautiful view of the Marbach reservoir. It is therefore important to us not to block the view with our development. The development should be almost transparent.

During our observation of the surroundings, we noticed that the "heavy" treetops are proportionally supported by a very thin and "light" trunk. This observation led to our massive canopy supported by very thin supports. It gives the feeling of "heavy" and "lightness" at the same time.

S-0 -0 A-N d -S dAO -- -
Ground Floor

East Elevation

West Elevation

North Elevation
South Elevation


Detail- 01 Detail- 02 Tü e ement Stah be on Es r ch auf Trenn age Tr tscha dämmung Per meterdämmung Dehnfuge gesch ossenze ge t i feste Dämmung W ndabd cht o ie B tumenbahn Door element Reinforced concrete Unbonded screed Acoustic insulation Perimeter insulation Expansion gap Wind insulation membrane Bituminous sheeting Rigid thermal insulation GS a Isokorb (Wä medämme ement fü Stah räger Stah räge Dachverkle dung Wärmedämmung B tumenbahn 2- ag g K es Kl nker assade Wärmedämmung Ka ksands e n Putz
Bituminous sheeting, double layer Thermal insulation Roof cladding Isokorb (thermal insulation element for steel beams) Steel beam Brick facade Thermal insulation Sand-lime brick Plaster
Detail- 03 Detail- 04 sokorb Wärmedämme emen ür S ah träge ) Stah räger Wä medämmung B tumenbahn 2- ag g K es Dämms re fen Pfosten iege kons ruk on
strip Mullion-transom facade construction Tür / Fens ere emen Stah be on Estr ch au T ennlage Tr t schal dämmung Pe ime erdämmung Dämmstre en geschlossenze l ge r t feste Dämmung W ndabd ch fo e B umenbahn
Reinforced concrete Unbonded screed
insulation Acoustic insulation Insulating strip Rigid thermal insulation Wind insulation
Bituminous sheeting
Gravel Bituminous sheeting, double layer Thermal insulation Isokorb (thermal insulation element for
beams) Steel beam Insulating
window element

Facade Section


Looking at October Square in Minsk, the first thing you notice are the monumental buildings around the square, such as the Palace of the Republic and the Palace of Culture, both of which have external staircases facing the passers-by. In addition, the square is connected to the street in the north by another large staircase. The staircase motif is to be taken up again in the Mall of Minsk.

In the design of “Fabrica”, it was very important to design the building as the last missing object of October Square in order to give the square an appropriate conclusion. After analysing the square, it was clear what significance the stair motif has for the urban structure of Minsk. Various staircases dominate October Square and connect several parts of the city. Thus, stairs also became the connecting element of “Fabrica”, both internally and externally. Thus, the stairs are not only part of the inner development, but also open the complex to the square and integrate it into the existing ensemble.

The stairs are intended to be a symbol of commerce and urban activity in equal measure. In “Fabrica”, consumers are to meet producers, and not only to experience products in a new way. But it is also intended to loosen up the urban structure by avoiding the general introversion of many wellknown malls.


Concept Floor plan concept: Exhibition / Sale

Customer+employee parking Workshop / Ateliers

Stairway to studios Hotel reception

Nightlife exclusive

Facade concept: Customer entrance Cinema

back front public & communicative

Warehouse (all floors) Visitors Market hall

Warehouse staircase Employees / Artists Technical Rooms

Delivery Hotel Guests No entry No entry Restricted access Restricted access


urban situation: Solid Void Plan Site Plan Functional division Visitor flow during opening hours Delivery and parking Stream of visitors after opening hours

facade (ateliers + workshops)

concept: meeting point consumer and producer Internal workshops Display areas for the merchandise
Stairs as the main element in the surroundings Designer Meetingpoint Residential Ateliers Customer retention through product display
important building edges different alignments Popularity increase

Ground Floor Standard floor Second Floor

Basement Floor

First Floor Third Floor

S d GS GS a o
Section CC Section AA South Elevation

Construction: Roof Structure: Gravel fill Separating layer Thermal insulation

Exposed concrete ceiling

Facade: Glass fibre concrete prefabricated parts fixed with dowels Thermal insulation Exposed concrete supporting structure

Floor structure: Parquet heated screed with underfloor heating Separating layer Impact sound insulation Reinforced concrete ceiling


West Elevation
Detailed Wall Opening

United in Diversity

As part of the master design "Representation of the European Commission", an embassy for the European Union is planned on the banks of the Spree, opposite the Bellvue Palace in Berlin.

The concept of the design is based on the idea of the landmark. The forecourt of the building will be characterised by several pavilions, thereby formulating an invitation to the embassy. These represent the diversity of the European countries. In addition, the path through the complex is to be perceived as an experience for the visitor.

In contrast, the main building is the place of unification. Oriented towards the Spree, the narrow bar, which is connected to a stand-alone event hall in the basement, is located fairly close to the riverbank. Thus, one has a direct view of Bellvue Palace and its gardens and, of course, of the Spree.

The main building consists of two staircases, one facing west and one facing east. These run through the entire building and serve as supporting elements alongside the skeleton structure in the middle of the building. The rooms always face either north or south so that air spaces can be created.


Landmark with an activated forecourt

The pavilions show the diversity of the EU, yet the main building is the place of unification

Passage through the park as an experience. All paths ultimately lead to the main building

Auss el ungsraum

Verantsta tungsraum Basement
Floor Plan Concept Site Plan
Solid Void Plan



Büro Ver rete
We n ager
Techn k
Floor Bü o 18qm Büro 18qm Büro 12qm Büro 12qm Arch v Büro 18qm Bü o 18qm Büro 12qm Besp echungsraum Pos - und Pack aum Büro 24qm Büro 24qm Büro 24qm Kop e raum Lager Lager Büro 18qm Büro 18qm Büro 12qm Büro 12qm Archiv Büro 18qm Büro 18qm Büro 12qm Besp echungsraum Post- und Pack aum Büro 24qm Büro 24qm Büro 24qm Kopier aum Lager Kopier aum Lager Büro 24qm Büro 24qm Büro 24qm Büro 18qm Büro 18qm Büro 12qm Büro 12qm Kopier aum 1st + 5th Floor 2nd + 6th Floor 3rd + 7th Floor 4th + 8th Floor Büro 18qm Büro 18qm Büro 12qm Büro 12qm A ch v Büro 18qm Büro 18qm Büro 12qm Besprechungsraum Pos - und Packraum Büro 24qm Büro 24qm Büro 24qm Kop erraum Lager Telefonvermittlung P örtner Pfö tner Ground Floor A B GSE u a on Ve o
Bü o Ve tre er Vorraum
Empfangsbere ch Vorrats
A chiv Lager Lager
Wein ager
a s aum
Techn k GSE u a o Ve o
o Ve tre er
Emp angsbe e ch Vor
A ch v Lager Lager
Wein ager Bü
o Ve tre er
angsbe e ch Vor a s aum A ch v Lager Lager Techn
Wein ager Bü
Vor aum
Techn k
angsbe eich Vor a s aum Arch v Lager Lager
10th Floor 11th Floor 12th Floor

West Elevation East Elevation

Cross Section A Longitudinal Section B

Construction: Roof construction: Extensive green roof: Protective layer Waterproofing Insulation Vapour barrier bituminous Reinforced concrete ceiling with slope and component activation painting

Double façade, which allows natural ventilation by means of opaque opening sashes in the fixed glazing of the inner envelope from the outside to the inside: VSG made of 2x ESG aluminium sheet micro-perforated aluminium louvre, separately controllable in the upper third for daylight redirection with simultaneous glare protection turn-tilt opening sash Aluminium sandwich panel powder-coated and mullion window

Kammerspiele, Ingolstadt

- Competition, collaboration on concept and submission plans

Dreispitz Nordspitze, Basel

- Study commission, collaboration on concept and submission plans

Semi-detached house Buremichelskopf, Basel

- Implementation project, cooperation in construction project, model construction, visualisations

New construction of Tram depot and housing estate Depot Hard, Zürich

- Implementation project, collaboration on preliminary project, construction project, model construction, planning in various scales

Markgrafenstraße, Rastatt

New construction of 6 apartment buildings with

67 units and a floodable underground garage with 76 parking spaces in a flooded area, LPH 2-4

- Design development and preparation for the planning application

- Development of floor plans and facades

- Development of colour and design concept for the facades

- Coordination with the client, specialist planners and authorities

- Incorporation of specialist planner specifications, e.g. structural and electrical engineering, heating, ventilation, plumbing, building physics

- Preparation of presentations

- Support in the preparation of the project-related development plan and implementation contract; coordination with authorities, developers and specialist planners

- Preparation of planning application incl. all necessary documents and calculations

- Support with the preparation of a water law application as an exception to the building application

- Demolition application for the building application

- Development of detailed solutions

- Product research for flood-adapted construction methods, e.g. watertight doors, watertight light

Work Experience

wells and windows, etc.

- Coordination IFC exchange of plan drawings

New development Pulse (former Citycenter), Böblingen

5 apartment buildings with retail and office use and underground garage, LPH 5

- Creation of window and door lists for the tender

- Development and creation of a garage design concept as a basis for the tender

Halde V Construction Site 2, Weinstadt

New construction of 4 apartment buildings with 39 units and an underground garage, LPH 5

- Creation of work drawings and detailed drawings in preparation for the tender

Hauptstraße, Kehl

New construction of 2 residential and commercial buildings, LPH 1-3

- Inventory

- Development of urbanistically adapted structures in harmony as an ensemble with the buildings on the opposite side of the site

- Development of utilisation variants

- Development of different housing and office typologies

- Application of a timber module building concept for the construction

- Coordination with client, timber module manufacturer, authorities

- Preparation of various presentations for the client and authorities

Hospital "14 Nothelfer", Weingarten

Conversion of parts of the hospital, LPH 1-3

- Inventory

- Development of conversion options

- Development of different typologies for physiotherapy centres and nursing homes

- Preparation of floor plans, sections and elevations for planning permission

- Coordination with client

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