2013 BP3 winstruction

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EST-BP 3 Year VIII • 2013


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

1. OBJECTIVE The objective of the foregoing work instruction is to describe the methodology of fixed structure assembly type BP-3 for the installation of solar panels, in the works performed by DALKIA Solar, S.L, concretely this structure is for a distribution of horizontal panels, from 3 up to 6 modules. We have to take into account that the pictures and dimensions of the foregoing document can vary to the ones used at the work, since a structural calculation worksheet of each case will be delivered for the zone in question and it will be manufactured and built according to the same.

2. APPLICATION Fixed structure assembly type BP-3 is applied to every stage for installation of solar panels by DALKIA Solar, S.L.


Calibrated and/or checked laser clinometer Bubble clinometer for tubular structures Dynamometric ratchet wrenches 13“, 17” and 19” Regulable impact machine


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013


Work Manager He is responsible that the structure is assembled according to the specifications defined in the execution project. He is responsible to assure the durability of the structure and all its elements, reviewing the critical points as detailed as follows on each one of the assembly stages.

Team Managers: Comply with the structure assembly specifications as defined in this work instruction. Inform about any abnormality that could arise during the structure assembly and differing from what is specified in this work instruction.

Operators: Perform the assembly works indicated in the foregoing manual and under the instructions of the team manager. 5. DEVELOPMENT


The procedure to be followed for the installation of foundations by Dalkia Solar SL is described as follows.

Screw-in bases machines are used for the placement of foundations, which can be used in several manners according to the work to be performed.


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

(Machine drilling)

(Machine with compressor to drill)

Date: 12/02/2013

(Machine placing direct screw)

Once the entire material has been collected at the work and all machines of foundation placement are at the site, it is proceeded to pour as detailed as follows:

The site topographer marks the beginning and end of the bed, once these two points are marked a nylon line is laid between them and the marking of intermediate points is performed, which will be given according to the type of structure and separation needed.

Once all points are marked, the operators begin to distribute the foundations.

Foundations arrive to the site in packages, which will be distributed on the ground in order to place each one besides each point marked.

Topographic point

Foundations package at site

If available, distributed with forklift

Detail of distribution 1 per point marked

After all are distributed, pouring of foundations is performed, first it is tried to screw the foundation directly and if it does not enter or breaks, then a drilling should be performed to place the foundation.


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Picture 1: Machine in movement

Picture 5: Threading

Picture 2: Installation in point marked

Picture 6: Detail of foundation placed

Picture 3: It should be screwed leveled

Picture 7: Detail of placement

Date: 12/02/2013

Picture 4: Detail of direct screw

Picture 8: Two machines in action

Detail of foundation placement:  Picture 1: The machine gets close to the installation point (machines have anti-seizing protection, still safety shoes shall be used).  Picture 2: Coupling to machine header. A header type is used according to the foundation to be placed. The foundation should always be supported, at least 25 cm after the header.

 Picture 3, 4, 5 and 6: Once coupled threading of the foundation is performed. Foundation must always enter leveled, for such purpose the machine has a clinometer and another is placed in the foundation. Once it is well leveled, it is screwed in until leaving it at about 25 cm from the ground. If the foundation hits hard soil and cannot be screwed-in any further, it can be left out up to 40 cm.

 Picture 7 and 8: If the soil is favorable and these enter directly, placement is very fast and several machines can be used (as available), expediting the work in a great manner.


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

Alignment: For alignment, foundations will be placed in the points previously marked for such purposed by the topography enterprise (detail picture 2 and 4).

Vertical leveling: Vertical leveling of the foundation is performed during the installation by adapting a bubble clinometer prepared for such purpose (detail picture 3).

Horizontal leveling: A laser clinometer will be used for horizontal leveling, placing a receptor anchored to the machine header where the foundation will be adapted, leaving all heads leveled. Details to be considered are detailed further on.

If the ground has to be drilled because the direct foundation does not enter, the procedure is the dame, but instead placing the clinometer to the screw, it is placed on the drill bit coupled to the machine. When the foundations are threaded with a hole previously performed with the machine, the threading procedure is the same but an operator has to place gravel in order to remain compact.

(Detail of machine with compressor to drill)

(Drilling with drill bit)

This completes the installation of foundations.

(Operator placing gravel)


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

Site with foundations prepared for assembly of fixed structure


Breakdown of the elements forming the structure and how DALKIA Solar, S.L., performs the structure assembly is described as follows.

A. Breakdown: Structure bolting: Bolting types used for the assembly of the structure are detailed as follows. Bolting used for gate assembly


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

Bolting used to anchor U profiles to CF rail from gate to gate

M8 aluminum bolting to screw the module to the structure profile, constituted by screw, two washers and nut.


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

Profiles used: This structure is composed in its totality of CF and U standard profiles, described further on as follows:


Straight angle


Front pillar


Back pillar






Rail 1 and 2 (Type 1 through 7)


Joint pieces




U type profile


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

B. Assembly of gates:

For installation of gates, two straight angles will be screwed first to the foundations through an M24 screw, in this manner we will be able to screw the front and back pillar, then the diagonal and brace are screwed and the same is performed in the last gate of the platform, and these are leveled through a rope.

With the rope leveling them, the rest of the platform gates are installed, remaining as in the following picture:


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

C. CF profile assembly (straps):

CF profiles must be on the completed gates, which quantity, lengths and sections will be determined according to the structural calculation of the project in question. To join these profiles between each other, there will also be as many rails as indicated in the worksheet, remaining assembled as follows:


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

D. U profiles assembly:

These profiles will be installed in a longitudinal manner over the straps, screwed according the quantity of straps existing. Remaining as in the following image.


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

E. Re-tightening and completion of assembly: ďƒź Re-tightening: During all previous assembly stages, the Operator will assure that all pieces are complete (washers, bolting, etc.), in order that once the platform is completed, the Team Manager reviews all points and re-tightening. ďƒź Platform completion:

The Team Manager assigned to each team of installers and before leaving the platform as definitive will perform a visual check of all elements assuring that these are complete, and a random re-tightening of the bolting.

For assurance of durability of the structure assembly, and for posterior check of loosening in the maintenance, the Team Manager will paint the nut and the exceeding screw threads with special weather-proof painting and with a single line in a side. Tightening of all screws composing the structure is assured with this check and it allows to check the loosening of the same at a glance.


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

6. CONFORMITY: For each one of the platforms completed, the Work Manager will perform a visual check of each one of the points detailed in format FO-31: INSTALLATION CHECK (Support Structure) and will register it in the same,

This record will be filed in the registry corresponding to the work.


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

7. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT CONFORMITY It is assured that the clinometer laser used during the structure assembly is calibrated and/or checked according to the periods established by the manufacturer. 8. SAFETY STANDARDS  Falls at different level and strikes by fall of objects Safety boots with sole and steel or fiber tip will be used during the entire structure assembly. High leg is recommended.  Projections During the installation of foundations with machine type KR50, safety glasses shall be used at least, which in case of performing pre-drilling will be substituted by helmet with face mask.  Overhead loads Once the structures assembly starts, the use of helmet is OBLIGATORY.  Run-overs Due to the transit of vehicles and machinery in the site, and in order to be visible to the same, the use of High Visibility reflecting vest will be obligatory.

Besides, everything defined in the Work’s Safety and Health Plan will be obligatory, if existing.

9. RELATED DOCUMENTS IT-08 Installation of foundation FO-31 Structure check

Work execution project Safety and Health Plan (if applicable) Material certificates Calibration and/or verification certificates of measurement equipment


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

10. MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURE: The objective of this point is to expose the steps to be followed for the inspection and maintenance plan of a fixed structure for the assembly of solar modules, designed and supplied by DALKIA SOLAR SL, thus in this manner to contribute to the proper operation, durability, reliability and resistance of the structure increasing in this manner an economic savings.

Inspection and maintenance of the structure supporting the photovoltaic modules will be basically through visual inspection:


Seek for impacts




State of the painting


Water and dirty disposals.

Three actuation degrees are defined to cover all operations needed -

Surveillance: it is observed if there is corrosion and if screws are properly tightened


Preventive maintenance: these are operations of visual inspection, actuation checks and others, for the proper operation, protection and durability of the same. It will be performed by qualified technical personnel. Operations and replacement of material worn by use are included here.


Corrective maintenance: these are operations performed as a consequence of the stoppage in the surveillance plan or in the preventive maintenance, for any abnormality in the operation of the structure. It will be performed by specialized personnel.


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Date: 12/02/2013

A. Description of critical points of the structure: Critical or singular zones can be determined in the structural elements, such as: -

Welding: there is no corrosion


Joints: verify all bolting


Structure tilt angle

B. Periodicity of recommended inspections:

Inspections will be performed with qualified professionals. -

Every year: o Protection of metallic structure with anti-rust materials and enamels or the like, in aggressive environments.


Every 3 years: o Protection of metallic structure with anti-rust materials and enamels or the like, in non-aggressive environments o Inspection of the conservation status and any kind of damage, proceeding to re-paint or repair.


Every 10 years: o Visual inspection, making it more extensive to the protection elements, especially those for corrosion protection.

C. Inspection criteria:

Control of structures must be present since the first design attempts, passing through the election of materials and prevision of execution and assembly processes, up to loading tests and periodical checks of structures as for expansion, behavior before wind actions, state of protection systems against chemical and electrochemical corrosion, as well as by other wear agents.

Problems of metallic structures can be presented by Acts of God, such as: -

heat effects and changes of environment conditions


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX


excessive rust and consequent corrosion


erroneous design criteria


chemical agents





Date: 12/02/2013


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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

11. ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT I: Photographic report: Rendered images

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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

Possible solution of square anchor

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Fixed structure assembly type BP3 IT-XX

ATTACHMENT II: Galvanization European standard table: ATTACHMENT III: Galvanization certificates

Date: 12/02/2013

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