C3 April Newsletter

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April 2010

see differently. see unexpectedly. see art in a new way.

Welcome Welcome to the Center for Creative

C3 Visiting Artist: Romie Faienza

Community Partner Response Installation

Connections, where you can look, touch,

Romie Faienza is a director, producer,

Textile artist Lesli Robertson led a

listen, read, make, and talk about art.

photographer, and screenwriter who

series of workshops with Museum

Whether you are 2 or 102, our job is to

combines traditional and experimental

visitors, volunteers, and individuals

inspire you, engage your interests, and

film techniques to tell semi-fictional

from community groups to create per-

pique your curiosity. Look inside this

and semi-autobiographical stories of

sonal collages. She wove the collages

guide for the programs we are offering

love and technology. Her work employs

together to connect the participants

this month.

humor, narrative, and bold visuals to

for this collaborative installation.

Susan Diachisin The Kelli and Allen Questrom Director of the Center for Creative Connections

explore contemporary existential debates. You can learn more about her and her work during this month’s programs.

April calendar of events on back >>

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