Eighth Texas General Exhibition catalogue

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" T he Family", wood sculpt ure by C HA R LE S U M LAUF ( D all as IHl/sel/l11 of Pille Arts Priz e)



Dallas Museum of Fine Arts during the State Fair of Texas Mu seum of Fine Arts of H ouston

October 5 through October 27 -

W itte Mem or ial Museum, San Antoni o

N ovember 10 through December 1 D ecemb er 15 th rough Janu ary 5

COVER : "Century Plants" Oil by Otis D ozier (Hum ble Oil and R efilling Co. Purchase Prize)

DO NALD BEAR, Direct or, Santa Barbara M useum o f Art JAM ES CHILLMAN, Director, Museum of Fine Arts o f H ousto n ELEANOR O NDERDONK, Curator of A rt, Witte M em or ial M useum , San Antonio

Ex- Officio JERRY BYWATERS, Director, D allas Museum of F ine Arts



H onorable M ention: T o J an et Pr an ge r for oi l p ainting "Desert R iches" T o Edse l M . Cra m er for wa terco lor "Production" T o Arrine Sm ith for wa tercolor "H igh If/ ater" DAL LAS M USEUM OF FINE A RTS PRIZE S100 T o CHARLES U MLAUF, Au stin, for scu lp ture in wood "Tbe Fam ily" M USEUM OF FINE A RTS OF HO USTON PRIZE T o D ONALD VOGEL, D all as, fo r oi l paintin g "Tbe Citadel"

S 50

SAN ANTO NIO ART LEAGUE PRIZE S 50 T o LOREN M OZLEY, A usti n for o il pai nting "Lepidopt era. Etcetera" STATE FAIR OF T EXAS PRIZE for Oil or Watercolor $ 50 ' T o R OBERT PREUSSER, H ous ton, for oi l painting "V isual Ensemble" STATE FAIR OF T EXAS PRIZE for Sculpture S 50 T o OCTAVIO MEDELLIN, Grand Prai rie, for wood carving "Despair"

N . S. VO N PH UL P URCHASE PRIZE for a Pr int To CONSTANCE FORSYTH.. Austin, for lithograph "Dark W ater" HALTOM SILVER M EDAL for Cr eative Cra fts ma nsh ip in Sculpture T o VIRGINIA O ECHSNERr Dallas, for stone casting "Sim ple Sophistication" T EXAS SCULPTORS GROUP M EDAL T o CHARLES UMLAUF.. Austin, for wood carving "Th e Family' for the m ost experimental piece of sculpture

S 15

M ost of the toorbs in this exhib ition are for sale at reasonable prices. For information apply at office.

OI L 5 A NNALYN ACHNING, San A nt oni o 1. J ean ESTELLYN ACHN ING, San Anton io 2. R oad to Cri pple Cr eek LOWELL W. ALDEN, H ou sto n 3. G reen Pears JOH N H EARD ASTIN, Bryan 4. Pige on s w ith R ibb on EVELYN BEARD, Da llas 5. M ad on na of the Cot to n Patch ED BEARDEN, Dallas 6. Pensive Nude R OSALIE BERKOWITZ, San Anton io 7. Flow er Sta ll J EANNE BILLFALDT, H ousto n S. D ancer EDITH M AE BRISAC. D enton 9. M ilk Fac to ry " Visual E nse m b le", oil by R O BER T PR EU SSER (Stat e Fair of T exas Prize )

ETHEL M AY BRODNAX, D allas 10. N ew York Subway FRANCOIS D E BROUILLETTE. San Antoni o 11. The N ovice D AVID BROWNLOW. Fort W' ort h 12. Si nging H ills J OE CAMPBELL, Fort W orth 13. \'V'c m an wi th Green Coa t 14. Figure Co mposition LIA CUl LTY. Fort W art h 15 . Wher e a Bridg e Once Stood M ARY D OYLE, Fort W orth 16. Closed M in es OTIS D OZIER, D allas 17. G am e Cock 18 . Ce ntury Plants PATTIE R . EAST, Fort W ort h 19. R ed Slipper s A. P ETER EMIG, H ousto n 20. P ip eline I FRIEDA K AY FALL, D allas 2 1. Peace K ELLY FEARING. Fort W orth 22. Land scap e wi th D ead Trees 23 . The Lifters A NTONIO E. GARCIA. Co rp us Christi 24. T anker s and Tugs BESS GREATHOUSE, Corpus Chr isti 25 . Interior Composition POLLY HO FFMAN, Wichita Fall s 26. Texas Politics CELIA J AMISON, Denton 27. Sti ll Life MARJORI E J OHNSON, Fort Worth 28. The Blu e-Green Bird BERTHA LANDERS, Dallas 29. Street Scen e, Santa Fe TH ETIS LEMMON, Den ton 30. Ca n na Lea ves

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LUCIE H . LOCKE, Corpus Chris ti 31. Fi sh ermen All W ARD LOCKWOOD, Au st in 32. C hristmas Sh opping H AL LOTTERMAN. Fo rt W o rth 33. Sessi on in Blu e 34. Bedscape .N o. I J AMES MCCORQ UODALE, Conroe 35. Bou quet in W indow MRS. EMILY MAVERICK MILL ER, 36. Light Patterns M RS. W . MA URICE MI LLER, Sherman 37. \X!ashe ter ia LOREN M OZLEY, Aust in 38. Lep ido p ter a, Etcetera LOLA M UELLER, San Anton io 39. Fru its and Flowers A GNES LILIENBERG M UENCH, H o usron 40. N ils ALI CE NAYLOR. San Antoni o 4 1. Flow er in Design P EARL PORTERFIELD. Dallas 42 . j em ez Springs

" Lepido pte ra, Etcetera " , oil by LORE! M CZLEY ( San Antoni o A rt Leag ue Pri:c}

JANET P RANGER. D all as 43. D esert R iches ROBERT O. PREUSSER, H o usro n 44. Sub aq ueo us Im p ression 45 . V isu al Ensemble DI XON R EEDER, Fort Worth 46. Bi ll Bo mar LONNI E R EES, San Anton io 47. Sm all Nude EM ILY R UTLAND, R o bsrow n 48. Cor ron Pickers FRANCES SKINNER, H o usron 49. G aviora Country EMILY G UTHRIE SMITH, Fo rt W orth 50. Van Z andt Smith II

JOSEF CESTMIR SVO;>ODA, D allas 54. T aos Moun tain H ARR ELLE E. TR ANTH AM. Abi len e 55. Bleak W imer Ahead O LIN T RAVIS, D all as 56. Ex -Slave AMELIA URBACH, San Antonio 57. Guitar a nd African Drum BROR UTTER, Fo rt Worth 58. Lia DON ALD S. VOGEL, Dallas 59. T he Ci ta del

COREEN MARY SP ELLMAN, D e m o n 51. Near Iowa City

CLARA WI LLIAMSON, D a llas 60. D r illi ng fo r T exas O il

EVERETT SPRUCE, Austin 52. Little Mesa


\X!ILL-AMELIA STERNS, Beaumon r 53. Lonely Afternoo n

J ULIUS W OELTZ, Aust in 62. The Paper Bag

61. Flo

WATERCOLORS CHARLES T . BOWLING, D allas 63. W est T exas Shower JERRY BYWATERS, D allas 64. R an ch in the Tarryall EDSEL M. CRAMER, H ousron 65. Production GRACE CROCKETT, D all as 66. A llegorical Scen e A. P ETER EMIG, H ou ston 67. Goosecree k I H OMER H UNGERFORD, D allas 68. T r in ity Snow LUCILLE J EFFRIES, D allas 69. Dream Chi ld re n ( gouache ) BARBARA MAPLES, D allas 70. Stu dy ( gouache ) GLORY H . M ORRIS, H ouston 71. M ar ian \X' ILLIAM ARTHUR MORRIS, H ouston 72. Life from Death ( tem pera)

WATSON NEYLAND, Libe rty 73. Brown Shipyard 18 R OBERT L. PIERCE, D all as 74. Saturday R ain E. M . SCHIWETZ, H unt 75. A ba ndoned ( watercolor and oi l ) J ANET M. SHOOK, San Anton io 76. T exas Shrimpers D o w SIMPSON, D all as 77. Saugatuck Evening ARTINE SMITH, D all as 78. H ig h W ater SISTER M . T HARS ILLA, San Anton io 79. Street Scen e CHARLES B. T HOMPSON, San Antonio 80. N ature R efined ( pastel) J ULIUS WOELTZ, Austin 8 I. Basic Training ( gouache)

" T he C it adel", oil by DONALD VOGEL ( MusculIl of Fine Arts of H oust on Prize]

PRINTS AND DRAWINGS BERTHA BENN ETT, San Antonio 82. Old Shoes (lithograph ) CONSTANCE FORSYTH, Au sti n 83. D ark W ater ( lithograp h) STELLA L. LAMoND, D allas 84. W all flower ( serig rap h) M ERRITT M AUZEY, D allas 85 . W ing s of M orn ( lithogra p h) HAZ EL F ULTON M CGRAW, Balling er 86 . Trees in Oc tober ( lithogra p h ) BLANCHE M CVEIGH, Fort Worth 87. Adobe Houses ( aq uat int) 88. Shourin' Sister (aq uat int) W ALTER W . Q UILLIAN, Da llas 89. Midn ight O il ( lithog rap h) \X!ILLI E R EED ROWE, H ou ston 9::J. Old M an sion ( etch ing) JOYCE SAMUELS, W ic:, ita Falls 91. Fish D ock (lithog raph )

EVLYN STOREY, D all as 92. Sronel eigh R an ch ( li thog rap h ) BERNARDIN E WOOD, T emple 93. H ead ( ink ) G. LIVINGSTON WOOLL EY, D all as 94. N octurne ( mezzo tint )

SCULPTURE POLLY Cox, Wichi ta Falls 95. D ancing Girl (cera m ics ) lON E FRANKLIN, Commerce 96. Head ( limesto ne ) BESS BIGHAM H UBBARD, Lubbock 97. T en M inute Br eak ( sandsto ne) LEZA S. M CVEY, Aust in 98. Armadillo ( ceram ics)

" D ~spair", wel d ca rv;n g b)' OCT A VI O MEDELLIN (St ate Fair of T exas Prize for SCIII!II lire)

WILLIAM M . MCVEY, Au stin 99. Baprisin ' ( terr a corra ) OCTAVIO M EDELLIN, Grand Pr airie 100. D esp air ( wood carving ) 101. Pen it en ce ( terr a cot ta ) VIRGINIA O ECHSNER, D allas 102 . Simple Sophisticat ion ( sto ne casting )

MARGARET OGILVIE, D all as 103. Neg ro W oman ( terr a co tta ) W ALTER W . QUILLIAN , Dallas 104. Seren ity ( clay ) P ETER SCHIWETZ, H ouston 10 5. Fountain Study ( p laster ) CHARLES UMLAUF, Austin 106. Mother and Ch ildren ( terra cotr a ) 107. The Famil y ( wood )


FLORENCE YOLK, D allas 108. M able ( red wood) EDWIN C. WASHINGTON, JR., Dallas 109. Sylvia ( clay ) ROBERT \'V'ILLSON, Handley 110. Cadd o Indian Masker ( ter ra cotta and plaster )

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