Zoutpansberger 8 Julie 2011

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8 Julie 2011


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in this edition

Attacks are threatening our livelihood, say farm workers - page 3

Jaargang 27 Vol. 26




Five month old water leak causes havoc for farmer - page 7

Man shot at point blank range as violent crime spree on region’s farms continue - still no arrests made

Crime spree continues By Andries van Zyl

In yet another farm attack in the Soutpansberg, a 51-year-old man was shot and killed by an unidentified gunman last Friday evening. Since the beginning of May, farmers and farm workers in the Beja/Piesanghoek area along the Louis Trichardt/ Thohoyandou road have been plagued by two gunmen on a violent crime spree. Their reign of terror follows a break-in at a police official’s home on the Rietvlei smallholdings west of Louis Trichardt some two months ago, during which a

.303 hunting rifle was stolen. On May 5, a roadside café on the farm Vygeboomsdrift was targeted and ransacked. That same evening, the pig farm along the Elim road was robbed. Ten days later, a group of farm workers was robbed at gunpoint on the farm of Mr De Wet van Wyk, and on May 25, a farm worker was overpowered, again on the farm Vygeboomsdrif. Fortunately, the farmer’s alarm system deterred the attackers. The same attackers apparently then tried to break into the Marandela milk stall on the neighbouring farm that same evening, but without success. There was,

however, a successful break-in at the farm office of Mr Gilbert Gerhard, also on the same evening. Eyewitnesses all described their attackers as two men armed with a hunting rifle. As time passed, the attacks became more violent. On May 28, the two gunmen targeted the farm Nooitgedacht. During the attack, the farm owner, Mr Jan Louw (49), as well as the 19-year-old Mr Ferdie Landman, barely escaped certain death. Louw was stabbed at least 15 times during the attack, while Landman also sustained several stab wounds. (Contd on P2)

Jong man kritiek in hospitaal ná botsing met trein Deur Isabel Venter ‘n Jong inwoner van Louis Trichardt is vroeg Saterdagoggend ernstig beseer na ‘n motorfietsongeluk in die industriële gebied. Die 19-jarige mnr. Gareth Broo­­ker (foto) het met ‘n stil­ staan­de trein ge­bots by die trein­ oorgang in Groblerstraat. Volgens een van Brooker se vriende wat eer­ ste op die toneel

was, mnr. Francois Basson, was Brooker in ‘n noordelike rigting op pad toe hy in die trein vasgery het. Die ongeluk het ongeveer 03:00 plaasgevind. Brooker was op pad terug vanaf die gewilde kuierplek, Rumours, waar hy vir die vakansie werk. Na verneem word het Brooker glo nie die trein gesien wat oor die pad gestaan het nie. Die trein was vermoedelik besig om van spore te verwissel. ‘n Erg bebloede en beseerde Brooker is na die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal gejaag, waar hy gestabiliseer is en na die MediClinic in Polokwane afgevoer is. Ten spyte van die valhelm wat hy gedra het, het Brooker glo heelwat kopbese­ rings opgedoen. “Hy het ‘n gebreekte been en twee gebreekte arms gehad. Hy

het ook taamlike kopbeserings gehad,” het Basson gesê. In Polokwane is Brooker verder behandel en gestabiliseer en per helikop­ ter na ‘n hospitaal in Pretoria geneem, waar hy sedert die naweek onder sterk verdowing gehou word. Teen druktyd het Brooker se ouers nog by hom gewaak in die hoësorgeenheid en kon hulle nie vir kommentaar bereik word nie. Brooker se vriendin, me. Chantal Nel, het Woensdag gesê dat hy alreeds operasies ondergaan het om van die breuke en wonde te herstel. “Hy is stabiel, maar steeds kritiek. Die die breuke is baie sleg,” het Nel gesê. Volgens Nel sal Brooker nog talle operasies moet ondergaan en is dit nie seker wanneer hy ontslaan sal word nie.

The police’s No 1 suspect By Andries van Zyl The police’s number one suspect with regard to the violent crime spree in the Soutpansberg area over the past two months is a 24-year-old Zimbabwean man who escaped from police custody in October 2010. Brighton Chauke (photo) escaped along with four fellow detainees from the police’s holding cells in

Musina on October 4 last year. This follows his arrest and that of his brother, the 28-year-old Shorty Chauke, on three charges of armed robbery in Louis Trichardt during 2009 and a murder case in Musina. The police appealed to anyone with information about his whereabouts to contact their nearest police station, but not to confront him as he is considered armed and dangerous.

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