Zoutpansberger 8 Julie 2011

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in this edition

Attacks are threatening our livelihood, say farm workers - page 3

Jaargang 27 Vol. 26




Five month old water leak causes havoc for farmer - page 7

Man shot at point blank range as violent crime spree on region’s farms continue - still no arrests made

Crime spree continues By Andries van Zyl

In yet another farm attack in the Soutpansberg, a 51-year-old man was shot and killed by an unidentified gunman last Friday evening. Since the beginning of May, farmers and farm workers in the Beja/Piesanghoek area along the Louis Trichardt/ Thohoyandou road have been plagued by two gunmen on a violent crime spree. Their reign of terror follows a break-in at a police official’s home on the Rietvlei smallholdings west of Louis Trichardt some two months ago, during which a

.303 hunting rifle was stolen. On May 5, a roadside café on the farm Vygeboomsdrift was targeted and ransacked. That same evening, the pig farm along the Elim road was robbed. Ten days later, a group of farm workers was robbed at gunpoint on the farm of Mr De Wet van Wyk, and on May 25, a farm worker was overpowered, again on the farm Vygeboomsdrif. Fortunately, the farmer’s alarm system deterred the attackers. The same attackers apparently then tried to break into the Marandela milk stall on the neighbouring farm that same evening, but without success. There was,

however, a successful break-in at the farm office of Mr Gilbert Gerhard, also on the same evening. Eyewitnesses all described their attackers as two men armed with a hunting rifle. As time passed, the attacks became more violent. On May 28, the two gunmen targeted the farm Nooitgedacht. During the attack, the farm owner, Mr Jan Louw (49), as well as the 19-year-old Mr Ferdie Landman, barely escaped certain death. Louw was stabbed at least 15 times during the attack, while Landman also sustained several stab wounds. (Contd on P2)

Jong man kritiek in hospitaal ná botsing met trein Deur Isabel Venter ‘n Jong inwoner van Louis Trichardt is vroeg Saterdagoggend ernstig beseer na ‘n motorfietsongeluk in die industriële gebied. Die 19-jarige mnr. Gareth Broo­­ker (foto) het met ‘n stil­ staan­de trein ge­bots by die trein­ oorgang in Groblerstraat. Volgens een van Brooker se vriende wat eer­ ste op die toneel

was, mnr. Francois Basson, was Brooker in ‘n noordelike rigting op pad toe hy in die trein vasgery het. Die ongeluk het ongeveer 03:00 plaasgevind. Brooker was op pad terug vanaf die gewilde kuierplek, Rumours, waar hy vir die vakansie werk. Na verneem word het Brooker glo nie die trein gesien wat oor die pad gestaan het nie. Die trein was vermoedelik besig om van spore te verwissel. ‘n Erg bebloede en beseerde Brooker is na die Zoutpansberg Privaathospitaal gejaag, waar hy gestabiliseer is en na die MediClinic in Polokwane afgevoer is. Ten spyte van die valhelm wat hy gedra het, het Brooker glo heelwat kopbese­ rings opgedoen. “Hy het ‘n gebreekte been en twee gebreekte arms gehad. Hy

het ook taamlike kopbeserings gehad,” het Basson gesê. In Polokwane is Brooker verder behandel en gestabiliseer en per helikop­ ter na ‘n hospitaal in Pretoria geneem, waar hy sedert die naweek onder sterk verdowing gehou word. Teen druktyd het Brooker se ouers nog by hom gewaak in die hoësorgeenheid en kon hulle nie vir kommentaar bereik word nie. Brooker se vriendin, me. Chantal Nel, het Woensdag gesê dat hy alreeds operasies ondergaan het om van die breuke en wonde te herstel. “Hy is stabiel, maar steeds kritiek. Die die breuke is baie sleg,” het Nel gesê. Volgens Nel sal Brooker nog talle operasies moet ondergaan en is dit nie seker wanneer hy ontslaan sal word nie.

The police’s No 1 suspect By Andries van Zyl The police’s number one suspect with regard to the violent crime spree in the Soutpansberg area over the past two months is a 24-year-old Zimbabwean man who escaped from police custody in October 2010. Brighton Chauke (photo) escaped along with four fellow detainees from the police’s holding cells in

Musina on October 4 last year. This follows his arrest and that of his brother, the 28-year-old Shorty Chauke, on three charges of armed robbery in Louis Trichardt during 2009 and a murder case in Musina. The police appealed to anyone with information about his whereabouts to contact their nearest police station, but not to confront him as he is considered armed and dangerous.

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2 July 8, 2011 Deur Isabel Venter

By Andries van Zyl

Police working around the clock to catch suspects Twee mans weer in hof oor however, investigating the circumstances local police to make arrests. (Contd from P1) Local police spokesperson Capt beweerde lollery met kinders Two days later, another group of surrounding the killing. farm workers was robbed at gunpoint on the farm Elandspruit. Once again the description of the attackers matched that of the two gunmen with the hunting rifle. The two were at it again on June 1, when they overpowered a domestic worker on the farm Palmietfontein and ransacked the farm house. At that stage, it had become clear that it was just a matter of time before the gunmen started killing people. Unfortunately, this fear became a reality when somebody was murdered last Friday evening. The 51-year-old Mr Eric Neshunzhi was brutally killed when an unidentified man walked into his home on the farm Goedehoop and shot him at point-blank range. The police were, however, quick to point out that Friday’s murder is not necessarily connected to the other cases involving the two gunmen as a shotgun was used to kill Mr Neshunzhi. They are,

This is not good news for an already terrorized community, as it means there could now be two armed gunmen running amok in the area. It has also come to light that the two gunmen with the .303 rifle had split up, with the man with the hunting rifle now operating alone. In response to Friday’s killing and the violent crime wave in the area over the past two months, Mr Frits Ahrens, chairman of the Louis Trichardt Farmer’s Association, responded by saying the farming community was on high alert. “We are alert but concerned that no arrests have been made. Why is it that when a police commissioner’s home is broken into, as was the case last week in Pretoria, the police can make seven arrests within 48 hours? But not here. It’s been two months and still no arrests,” Ahrens said. He added that the farming community was not seeing any willingness from the

Maano Sadike responded by saying this was not the case. “The police view these incidents in a very serious light and are as always committed to the safety of all citizens, whether it is in urban or rural areas,” Sadike said. He added that a special task team had been appointed to focus exclusively on these incidents and the suspects involved. “They are currently working day and night in trying to track them down,” Sadike said. He also said, however, that the police could not operate in isolation and without the assistance from the communities around the area. “Anybody with information about the whereabouts or movement of the suspects is requested to contact their nearest police station. The suspects should, however, be considered armed and dangerous and should not be confronted,” Sadike said.

Deur Andries van Zyl

Man koelbloedig doodgeskiet in jongste aanval Misdaad in landelike gebiede bedreig nie net die kommersiële boer nie, maar ook sy plaasarbeiders. Sedert die begin van Mei is die Soutpansberg-boerderygemeenskap in die greep van ‘n gewelddadige tereurveldtog, moontlik die werk van ‘n 24-jarige Zimbabwiese man wat in Oktober verlede jaar uit polisie-aanhouding in Musina ontsnap het. In die meerderheid gevalle was die slagoffers plaasarbeiders. Vrydagaand, 1 Julie, is die 51-jarige mnr. Eric Neshunzhi koelbloedig in sy wooneenheid op die plaas Goedehoop

doodgeskiet deur ‘n onbekende man. Die man het daarna met twee selfone op die vlug geslaan. Volgens ‘n ooggetuie, mev. Elisa Mufamadi, het sy buite die wooneenheid gestaan toe ‘n gewapende man skielik uit die bosse verskyn het. Hy het haar met die vinger beduie om stil te bly, waarna hy verby haar gestap het, die huis in. Oomblikke later het sy ‘n skoot gehoor en gevlug. Mufamandi het later aan mnr. Deon de Jager, wat op die plaas woon, gesê die man het ‘n swart uniform, soos dié van ‘n sekuriteitswag, aangehad. De Jager, wat die skoot gehoor het, het

dadelik die plaaswag in kennis gestel. Hulle was binne ‘n uur op die toneel. Die polisie het nog ‘n uur later eers opgedaag. Intussen het die polisie gesê Vrydagaand se moord hou nie noodwendig verband met die sake waarmee die 24-jarige Zimbabwiese man, Brighton Chauke, verbind word nie, aangesien ‘n haelgeweer en nie ‘n jaggeweer in die moord gebruik is nie. Neshunzhi was werksaam as subkontrakteur verantwoordelik vir ontbossing in die Komatiland plantasies. Die polisie se ondersoek duur voort.

‘n Bekende sakeman van Louis Trichardt, wat in Maart gearresteer is nadat hy glo sy negejarige stiefdogter gemolesteer het, het weer Maandag vlugtig in die Streekshof op Louis Trichardt verskyn. Die 45-jarige man staan tereg op ‘n klag van verkragting. Dié klag is teen hom gebring, nadat hy die dogtertjie glo verskeie kere, oor etlike jare, seksueel misbruik het en haar betas het. Na verneem word, sal die dogtertjie moet kom getuig teen die man, nadat die man aangedui het dat hy van plan is om onskuldig te pleit. ‘n Voorlopige verhoordatum is deur die hof vasgestel vir 29 Augustus vanjaar. Intussen verkeer die vermeende pedofiel oor wie die Zoutpansberger

verlede week berig het, steeds agter tralies. Die 47-jarige man, wat na bewering sy verloofde se kleindogter gemolesteer het, het ook Maandag in die Streekshof op Louis Trichardt verskyn. Hy is al vir die afgelope twee weke in aanhouding, nadat hy op Dinsdag, 21 Junie, in hegtenis geneem is. Die man se saak is tot verlede Vrydag uitgestel vir ‘n moontlike borgaansoek. Sy saak is egter oorgeplaas vanaf die Distrikshof na die Streekshof en uitgestel tot Maandag toe. Tydens Maandag se hofverskyning is die man se saak weer met ‘n week uitgestel, nadat hy glo aangedui het dat hy gaan skuldig pleit. Hy sal tot sy hofverskyning op 11 Julie in aanhouding bly.

Deur Peter Mutambi

Top cop retires after 37 years The Louis Trichardt police bade farewell to one of its hardworking top cops, Lt Col Alpheus Masevhe, during a ceremony in Louis Trichardt last Thursday. Masevhe retired after 37 years in the Police Service. He joined the police force on October 8, 1974. He started working in Randburg in Gauteng, and later moved to join the Venda Police during the homelands era. He was stationed at Tshitale, Siloam, Mphephu, Vuwani and Thohoyandou before moving to the Makhado Police Station. He was the Makhado Cluster Detective Co-ordinator at the time of

his retirement. In his final remarks, Masevhe urged young members of the police not to engage in criminal activities. “We don’t want to see police officers engaging in corruption. You must always work hard to fight crime,” he said. The Makhado cluster commander and the station comander of Makhado SAPS, Brig Justice Tshisaphungo and Col Francois Ramovha, wished Masevhe well on his retirement on behalf of all members. “He is a leader and good man who fears God. We learned a lot from him,” said Tshisaphungo.

The Democratic Alliance elected their new branch committee for Thsikota outside Louis Trichardt. The committee consist of (front from left) Benny Jones, Setutji Ranango, Gideon Munano and Mettah Sadiki. At the back are Tendani Ramabulana, Nancy Ndlovu, Ruth Manenzhe and Kedibone Baloyi. Photo supplied.

Pick ‘n Pay’s Louis Trichardt branch donated food parcels to a group of elders from various churches organisations who gathered to hold prayer sessions in the Kutama area last Wednesday. The elders come together to pray that crime and killings may be curbed and also for the education of their children. The ceremonies are held at the Tshikwarani Faith Mission church.


8 Julie 2011 3

By Peter Muthambi

“Attacks are threatening our livelihoods” Farm workers in the Levubu and Louis Trichardt area say their lives are in danger and they are living in fear, following the brutal murder of Mr Eric Neshunzhi on the farm Goedehoop last Friday. The murder comes amidst a two-month-long violent crime spree in die area that is believed to be the work of the 24-year-old Brighton Chauke, a Zimbabwean man who escaped from police custody in October last year. The police, however, have stated that Chauke might not be connected to Friday's shooting. Several incidents of armed robbery and housebreaking on farms had been reported in the area since the beginning of May. “Our lives are at risk, because the man [Chauke] keeps on targeting us - the farm workers. He robs us of our belongings, such as money and cell phones,” said one of the victims, Mr Samuel Muleya. According to Muleya, Chauke

is a dangerous man who breaks everything he touches. "The man is always in the company of his friends and always breaks into our homes on the farms while we are busy working in the field. All our furniture, such as TVs and DVDs, are stolen. Our lives are threatened here." Muleya added that they were only safe during the daytime. “It's no longer safe for us to walk around after 18:00 as we usually did. The cases were reported to the police, but nothing is happening,” said Muleya. Some farm workers indicated that, should the situation continue, they would be forced to go home every afternoon and travel to the farms by bus the next morning. "We are not going anywhere. This is our livelihood and we enjoy farming to produce food for the people. No one is going to stop us, because the poor people out there want something to eat," said Mr Enos Munyai, a

supervisor at Neuhof Farm. He said that if workers could move from the farm and go stay at their homes, the lives of the farm owners would also be threatened. "So we have decided to stay here. We are prepared to work with the police, so that the culprit can be put behind bars where he belongs. If the culprit can be arrested, things will go back to normal. For now, we are not safe," said Munyai. With regard to Friday’s murder, police spokesperson for the Makhado police Capt Maano Sadike urged farm owners to senFarm workers who stay at the camping sites on the farms say their lives are not safe. This comes sitize their employees with regard after a farm worker was shot and killed during the past week. to safety. He said farm workers should make sure they know each other. This would make it easier to identify unknown persons on the farm and report them to the farm owner or police. Sadike also urged farm workers to refrain from drinking too heavily over weekend as this has the tendency to lead to crime.

By Peter Muthambi

Shock as toddler dies at care centre Members of the Siloam community are still shocked after a tragic incident in which a three-year-old child lost his life while sleeping at the Takalani Children's Home and Orphanage Centre in the Nzhelele area. The child, who was being taken care of at the centre, was brought to Takalani by members

of the police with his twin sister, after their mother was arrested last year for assault. The child, who was known as Hlamulo Gift Ndou, was discovered by one of the caregivers at the centre when she went to change his nappy. W/O Itani Muila of the Siloam police confirmed the incident. "It all happened at 19:00 while the child was asleep," he said. Muila

added that the police had opened an inquest docket, following the incident. "The cause of the child's death is not yet known, but investigations are continuing," said Muila. Takalani is an orphanage centre that looks after abandoned, vulnerable and orphaned children.

Farm workers at the Neuhof Farm were photographed harvesting avocados.

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4 July 8, 2011 Agriculture

Blitz proofs labourers are treated fairly

Residents watch as smoke rises from their home that was engulfed by flames last Wednesday afternoon. The help of the Makhado Fire Brigade had to be called in to douse the flaming house along the N1 at the first Elim road turn-off. The fire allegedly started when one of the women, living in the house, was busy burning a heap of garden rubbish close to the house. The fire then spread to the grass and veldt surrounding the house and was swept up into the roof of the house. The firefighters were quick to arrive on the scene and bring the raging fire under control. The inhabitants, who were still desperately scrambling to collect their personal belongings, were evacuated to safety. Nobody was hurt during the incident.

Mr Stephen Hoffman, chairperson of the Soutpansberg District Agricultural Union (SDAU), expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of the blitz agricultural inspections by the Department of Labour that were held in Levubu from June 13 until 17. Ms Roelien van der Walt, labour committee representative of SDAU, said that the working relationship between the SDAU office and the Department of Labour office in Thohoyandou is of a very high standard and that there is good co-operation with the office. Mr Fanus Viviers,

chairperson of the Levubu Agricultural Union, said that the inspectors adhered to the provisions in the farm-visit protocol. “All the required information was delivered to the SDAU office before the inspections, such as who the inspectors would be, the vehicle registration numbers and the identification numbers of the inspectors,” Viviers said. He said the inspectors understood the safety risks for farmers when unidentified people entered farms and they were happy to comply with the provisions of the farmvisit protocol. Viviers said that after the visit,

the Department of Labour issued an e-mail to the SDAU office, stating that: “During our inspections at Levubu, we managed to inspect six farms, of which were complying and advocacy was also conducted on one of the farms wherein there was misunderstanding between workers and employer. Both parties were satisfied with our assistance.” Viviers said this was ample proof that commercial farmers treated their workers fairly and that there was no substance to accusations that white commercial farmers were abusing their workers.

Municipal news

Get involved in public participation

Lots of water was needed to douse a burning house, next to the N1, just outside of Louis Trichardt last Wednesday. The Makhado Fire Brigade were quick to respond to the emergency call. According to information, the fire started when one of the dwellers was busy burning a heap of rubbish towards the back of the plot, when the surrounding grass and veldt caught alight and the fire spread to the house. As usual, the region is plagued by veldt fires during the dry winter months and residents are warned not to make open fire or to leave fires unattended.

The mayor of Musina Municipality, Cllr Carol Phiri, has encouraged the people of Musina to take the process of public participation very seriously. Phiri said this during a live television interview on SABC 2 last week. She said when communities participated in municipal activities, it meant they would have an opportunity to voice their ideas about every important decision taken by the municipality. “Local government affects everyone's lives. Our local council at Musina provides a wide range of services and all community members have the right to form part of the decision-making

bodies.The Local Government Municipal Management Act puts the voice of the people at the centre of this process.” Phiri said in order to ensure public participation in local governance, government had put in place various pieces of legislation and policies over time. “The following are some of the legislative and policy provisions aimed at fostering public participation at local government. These include the Constitution, Batho Pele principles, the Municipal Structures Act and White Paper on Local Government, the Municipal Systems Act, the Municipal Finance Management Act, the Municipal Property

Rates Act, the Guidelines for Operation of Ward Committees, and the National Policy Framework for Public Participation, to name but a few.” She said public participation in the decision-making process was essential for moving the community forward. “It is most effective to involve the public in the very early stages of planning. Getting the public involved early in the process requires the municipality to make sure that everyone is on the same page, with the necessary background information, in order for everyone to be able to engage fully in reaching a decision," she said.

BUSINESS talk By Isabel Venter

Carina has passion for photography

The Olive Tree, voorheen bekend as Diggers & Daugthers op Louis Trichardt, is nou onder die nuwe eienaarskap van Susan Bothma. Die winkel is steeds geleë in die deurgang agter Woolworths. Kliënte op soek na die perfekte geskenk, hetsy vir ma, pa, ouma of oupa of vir die vriendin se verjaarsdag, sal beslis iets raak snuffel by The Olive Tree. Behalwe vir haar wye reeks van geskenke, het Susan ook ‘n wye reeks van Carol Boyes geskenke, asook die Jeep-reeks van klere. Vir meer inligting kan Susan geskakel word by 015 516 4656.

For Carina van Niekerk, hailing from Port Elizabeth, it has become a passion to capture those special moments and unique characteristics on film. Although Van Niekerk’s experience has included a vast range of professional photography services, she specialises in studio photography. This includes unique family portraits, motherto-be and newborn baby photos, as well as portfolios for aspiring models. “I try to capture that special moment on film,” said Van Niekerk. Besides being fully equipped for studio photos, Van Niekerk is also more than ca­pable to capture the atmosphere and special characteristics at a wedding. She can also be hired to cover gala evenings, such as a matric farewells, year-end functions or corporate events. For more infor­ mation or to book a session, Van Nie­k erk can be con­t acted at tel. 083 625 2958. Carina van Niekerk.

New service or business in town? BUSINESS talk is a column focus­sing on new developments in the local business arena. To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us know of new developments regarding new

businesses or services less than a year old. Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the column free of charge. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

Mnr. Trompie Hofmeyer (links) was die laaste gelukkige wenner van ‘n Tom Tom GPS van Mount Fuji Motors op Louis Trichardt as deel van ‘n landswye promosie van Nissan SA. Om te kwalifiseer vir die prys moes lede van die publiek die nuwe Nissan Micra vir ‘n toetsrit neem. Die prys is oorhandig deur mnr. Freddie Louw, verkoopsbestuurder van Mount Fuji Motors. Foto verskaf.


8 Julie 2011 5




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6 July 8, 2011 Mining

SDAU objects to another prospecting application

Julian Paquot van Louis Trichardt en Dienie Booysen van Krugersdorp is Saterdag, 18 Junie, in die huwelik bevestig by Nortghate Lodge. Dienie se pa, past. Dan Booysen het die seremonie waargeneem. Die egpaar sal hulle in Louis Trichardt vestig. Foto verskaf.

The Soutpansberg District Agricultural Union (SDAU) has officially objected to Sales Affiliates 119 (Pty) Ltd’s application for yet another coal prospecting right north of the Soutpansberg. The application comes in the wake of numerous proposed coal mining rights, including Coal of Africa’s proposed Vele and Makhado colliery, and nine applications for gas exploration. According to Mr Stephen Hoffman, chairperson of the SDAU, they are aware of two applications made by Sales Affiliates 119 (Pty) Ltd for coal prospecting on the farms Fontainebleau, Prachtig, Myngenoegen, Oporto, Boulogne, Mons, Jutland, Sandow, Bellevue, Solvent, Stubbs, Verrulam, Roux, Schalk, Kortdraai, Margate, Andromeda, Bierman, Stubbs, Honeymoon, Du Plooy, Faure, Jutland, Mons, Bordeaux and Cohen. Hoffman says that in the letter of objection, dated June 30, it is brought to the attention of the regional manager of the Department of Mineral Resources that it would seem as if Sales Affiliates is disregarding provisions in applicable legislation. The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act No. 28 of 2002), section 16(4)(b) indicates that a land owner or lawful occupier and any other affected party must be notified in writing and consulted on any such application and that the result of the consultation must be submitted within 30 days from the date of the notice. “Most of the land owners were not notified or the notices were received so late that it was impossible

to submit comments. Affected parties such as SDAU were not informed or consulted,” Hoffman said. In the letter, it is put on record that some land owners received the notice via facsimile on June 15 at 10:52. “That is one day before the deadline for comments and consultation,” says Hoffman, adding that one day is

clearly not acceptable as a reasonable time to submit comments. In the letter of objection, the regional manager is also asked to provide proof that land owners had received notices and had been consulted within a reasonable time period before the deadline date, indicating that a lack of consultation forms the basis of their objection.


Wat het die inskripsie gelees? Daar word dringend gesoek na enige iemand wat weet presies hoe die brons inskripsieplaat op die Louis Trichardt Gedenkteken oorkant die Geloftekerk in Erasmustraat gelees het. Die Generaal Piet Joubert Voortrekkerkommando op Louis Trichardt het dit op hulself geneem om die plaat, asook die inskripsieplaat op Ford Hendrina, te vervang, nadat dit etlike maande gelede moontlik vir skrootmetaal afgesteel is. “Ons soek hulp of inligting van enige iemand wat dalk ‘n foto geneem

het van die plaat of betrokke was by die opstel daarvan, sodat ‘n nuwe plaat gemaak en opgerig kan word,” sê mnr. Ferdie Vorster. Volgens Vorster het hulle reeds die bewoording van die gedenkplaat wat op Ford Hendrina was bekom en is hulle in die proses om ‘n nuwe plaat te maak. Beide inskripsieplate, sê hy, sal by voltooiing met ‘n seremonie heringewy word. Enige iemand wat kan help, kan vir Vorster skakel by tel. 082 081 9413 of 015 516 5309.


N Marcell Koning en Carlien (née Oosthuysen) is op 5 Maart by Mangwa Valley Game Lodge in die huwelik bevestig. Beide is oud-leerlinge van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en het mekaar op skool ontmoet. Tans is hulle in Londen woonagtig. Foto verskaf.









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Scooters Pizza Louis Trichardt (Makhado) Shop 2, Spar Centre C/O Songwozi & Grobler Street Louis Trichardt (Makhado) 015 516 1381

Any and all extra toppings will be charged for. Offer valid for a limited time only. Terms & conditions apply. *Restrictive conditions apply to Free Delivery. See website for more details.


8 Julie 2011 7 By Linda van der Westhuizen

Five month old water leak causes havoc While some Soutpansberg residents suffer without a continuous water supply, the opposite is the case on a farm just east of Louis Trichardt, where unwanted water has been leaking freely for the past five months. “Just take this water away. I cannot get into the land to cut the forage,” said farm manager Ms Caroline Mukondeleli. An exasperated Ms Mukondeleli told how she had attempted numerous times over the past months to get the municipality to repair a leak on the main water pipeline. The leak appeared on the farm Enig of Mr Ben Mouton some 25km out on the Thohoyandou road. The water has flooded a large This is the spot where Ms Caroline Mukondeleli (insert), the farm manager on a farm on the area, turning it into a swamp. The breaking point came when Mukondeleli got Thohoyandou road, got stuck with a tractor as a result of a major leak in the main water pipeline stuck with a tractor and grass cutter last Tuesday that brings water to Louis Trichardt. Photo supplied. when she needed to get into a field planted with Chinese grass. “I am supposed to cut the forage in order to make compost and then urgently apply the compost to the orchard. When the tractor got stuck in the mud, most of the work on the farm had to stop in order for the workers to pull me out with another tractor,” Mukondeleli said. It took hours to salvage the tractor from the mud. Mukondeleli said that the municipality had sent someone out to survey the problem about two months ago. “They promised to come and repair it but never came ... They don’t care,” Mukondeleli said. A member of the Soutpansberg Ratepayers Vanaf Songozwistraat tot by die hoek van Erasmusstraat loop twee strome rou riool aan Association (SRPA) visited the farm on June 29. weerskante van Presidentstraat deur die sentrale sakegebied van Louis Trichardt. Hierdie “I was shocked to see the extent of the water leak. foto van ´n oorborrellende rioolmangat is Dinsdag geneem, nadat die probleem, wat ernstige Two inspection holes were completely covered gesondheidsrisikos vir die dorp se inwoners inhou, reeds Maandag verskeie kere telefonies with water ... It terrifies me to think how many onder die aandag van die Makhado Munisipaliteit gebring is. Sedertdien het die rou riool onder kilolitres of water had been wasted over the past die padoppervlakte deurgeborrel en stroom ook oorkant onder die teerstrook uit. By navraag five months,” the SRPA member said. het die munisipale woordvoerder, mnr. Louis Bobodi, gesê hulle werk aan die probleem. The chairperson of the SRPA, Mr Chrisjan van

den Berg, expressed his concern regarding yet another major leak along the town’s main water supply line from the Albasini Dam. In April, another leak also occurred on the pipeline about 10km out of town. This leak was eventually repaired on April 15, after it was claimed that it had been leaking for at least four months. At the time, the Makhado Municipality’s spokesperson denied that the water had been leaking for four months and insisted that the pipeline was inspected regularly. In no uncertain terms, Van den Berg ascribed the latest water leak to “the practice of no maintenance” and negligence on the side of local government. “Regular inspections of the pipeline and regular maintenance appear to be out of fashion. We are lodging an investigation to force the municipality to inspect and maintain the pipeline on a regular basis, like they did in Delmas,” Van den Berg says in a media statement. Van den Berg contacted the Makhado municipal manager on July 1, but by July 4, the leak had yet to be fixed. The SRPA said that it posed a major problem that the Makhado Municipality and the Vhembe District Municipality passed the buck in cases like these. The Vhembe District Municipality was approached on Monday for comment. Mr Matodzi Ralushai, Vhembe’s spokesperson, said he would speak to Vhembe’s Technical Director, who would, via the technical department of the Makhado Municipality, get people to fix the leak. “We don’t want to lose water for there are other areas where there is a water challenge,” Ralushai said. Mr Moses Shivambe, Vhembe’s media liaison officer, also confirmed that a team would go out and assess the nature of the problem. By the time of going to press it was confirmed that a team had arrived and was busy working on the problem.

“They promised to come and repair it, but never came... They don’t care.”



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8 July 8, 2011

KERKE/CHURCHES Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT) Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina) Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126 • Agapé Gemeente (LTT) Munnikstraat 90, Sondag 09:00, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538

WHAT’S ON? WAT GEBEUR? ZoutieWeather Louis Trichardt (Seven-day forecast)

• AGS Charisma (LTT) Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790

Thursday, July 7

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina)

Plenty of sunshine.

Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959

High: 17oC Low: 0oC

• AGS Charisma (Levubu) Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486) • All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT) 93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275 • Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT) 128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Gail Blunden, Tel: 015 516 5165

Friday, July 8 Cool with clouds breaking at times for some sunshine. o o

High: 15 C Low: 1 C Saturday, July 9 Cool with clouds and occasional sunshine. o o

• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728

High: 13 C Low: 3 C

• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714.

Sunday, July 10

• Baird Ministries (LTT) Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 and 18:00. Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631 or Melodey Tel 076 099 8430

Cool with rain and drizzle.

• Catholic Church (Musina) National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085

Monday, July 11

• Catholic Church (LTT) Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393

Cool with periods of rain.

• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448.

High: 13oC Low: 3oC

High: 13oC Low: 3oC Tuesday, July 12 Clouds and sunshine.

• Church of England / St Peters (LTT) 33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580

High: 16oC Low: 3oC

• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT) Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658

Wednesday, July 13

• Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 10:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT) H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007 • Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina) Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723 • Hervormde Kerk Louis Trichardt H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061 • Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. PJ van der Merwe, Tel: 015 516 1220 / 082 678 3537 • Hervormde Kerk (Musina) H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, 1ste, 3de en 5de Sondag om 09:00 en 2de en 4de Sondag om 18:30, ds. Barrie Oberholzer, Tel: 015 534 0610 / 082 211 7926 • Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT) Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774 • Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield) Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937 • Methodist Church (LTT) 79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446 • NG Kerk (Levubu) Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT) Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. André Botha, Tel: 015 516 3902 • NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT) H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366 • NG Kerk (Musina) Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324 • New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT) 115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313 • Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT) Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667 • Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT) Sondag hoofdiens & Kingdomkidz Kinderkerk 10:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018. • Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT) Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374 • Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina) H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526 • Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp) Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751) • Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT) H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Stefan Pieterse, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 082 462 6755 • Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina) H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493 Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan news@zoutnet.co.za Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to news@ zoutnet.co.za New churches welcome.

Bright sunshine.

High: 21oC Low: 3oC (Source: http://www.accuweather.com)


We need your club, school, church or nonprofit organisation’s events for 2011. Please send the details to news@zoutnet.co.za, fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www.zoutnet.co.za.


Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en niewinsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2011. Stuur besonderhede na news@zoutnet.co.za, faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutnet.co.za


Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbs­ straat en Forestryweg op Louis Trichardt. Alle senior burgers is welkom by die klubvergaderings waar die programme interessante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike boodskappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit. Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 geskakel word.


Come and worship the Lord through dance at the AGS Church’s hall every Monday night from 18:00 until 20:00. All ages, sizes and denominations welcome. For more information, phone Jane at 079 517 3358 or 015 516 3309 (or just arrive).


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151 • WIMPY-UITSTAPPIE VIR AFGETREDENES Marietjie Wentzel en die

vroueselgroep van Baird Ministries koördineer ‘n maandelikse uitstappie na die Wimpy in die Makhado Crossing Mall, waar ’n gratis muffin en tee geniet word. Dié uitstappie is gemik op afgetredenes en alleenmense. Die Wimpy kan sowat 30 persone per keer akkommodeer. Marietjie en haar selgroep nooi ander selgroepe en instansies uit om saam te werk, sodat al die alleenmense in die dorp bereik kan word en uitgeneem kan word. Selgroepe en instansies wat wil meewerk, kan Marietjie skakel by 078 480 8783. Verder kan almal wat wil saamgaan, ook met Marietjie skakel.

Bedieninge op Musina sal vanaf 15 tot 17 Julie gasheer speel vir die bekende geestelike spreker Retha McPherson. Tydens haar besoek sal McPherson vier dien­s te aanbied. Vir meer inligting kan die kerkkantoor geskakel word by 015 534 3361. • WOORDKONFERENSIE Shammah Bedieninge bied ‘n woordkonferensie aan met dr. Lemmer du Plessis. Daar is geen kostes aan verbonde nie. “Die Here gebruik dr. du Plessis op uitsonderlike wyse om Bybelse woordwaarhede oop te breek en te • MANNE VAN DIE WOORD verduidelik op grond van sy unieke woord- en BYEEN Louis Trichardt se “Manne van die skrifkennis,!” sê pastoor Francois Strydom. Woord” sal Vrydag, 8 Julie, weer vir hul weekAlmal is welkom om die konferensie vanaf 17 likse byeenkoms bymekaar kom. tot 19 Julie by te woon. Op 17 Julie begin dit Eerskomende Vrydag sal hulle egter vanaf om 10:00 en 18:00, terwyl die 18de en 19de se 06:00 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat verkonferensies om 19:00 begin. gader en nie soos gebruiklik by die Soutpansberg Vir verdere navrae, skakel pastoor Strydom by Gholfklub nie, vanweë die jaarlikse Hanglip 082 7850 265 of 015 516 4018. 54-toernooi. • HAANTJIEKERK HOU Intussen kan die streek se Christen-manne BASAAR Op 30 Julie hou die Haantjiekerk reeds ‘n aantekening in hul kalenders maak vir die volgende mannekamp vanaf 26 tot 28 Augus- hulle jaarlikse bazaar en dit beloof om hierdie tus. Op 25 Augustus sal daar ook ‘n kamp vir hul jaar beter en groter te wees as ooit. Nie net kan mense hulle kom verlustig in alles vrouens wees. wat te eet en te drink aangebied word nie, maar Vir meer inligting oor Manne van die Woord en die beplande kampe, skakel Tobias Fourie by daar sal ook vermaak in verskeie vorme wees. ‘n Pretdraf word aangebied, asook die painttel. 082 451 4249. ball-aktiwiteit wat verlede jaar so gewild was • BONSAI-WERKSWINKEL Die onder almal. Pragtige plante sal te koop aangevolgende bonsai-werkswinkel op Louis Trichardt bied word, asook ‘n tafel met bonsais. Boonop wind op Saterdag, 9 Julie te Douthwaitstraat 34 sal daar ‘n interessante demonstrasie wees van plaas. hoe om hierdie unieke plante te maak. Die werkswinkel sal duur van 09:00 tot 12:00. (Vervolg op p. 9) Vir meer inligting kan Dawid geskakel word by tel. 084 363 0041. WEEKLY DAM LEVELS



Lemmer du Plessis sal vanaf 10 tot 12 Julie vyf dienste by die El-Shaddai Kerk op Musina aanbied. “Hy word geag as een van die beste teoloë in Suid-Afrika,” sê die gemeente. Almal is welkom om die dienste by te woon. Aan die einde van sy besoek sal Du Plessis Woensdag vrae antwoord wat deur ‘n paneel opgestel is en handel oor ‘n verskeidenheid van onderwerpe. Vir verdere navrae kan die kerkkantoor geskakel word by 015 534 3361 of 084 456 6959.

• LTT BOERE BYEEN Die Louis Tri-

chardt Boerevereniging vergader weer om 19:00 op Dinsdag, 12 Julie. Lede en belangstellendes moet egter daarop let dat die vergadering hierdie keer by die Soutpansberg Dorpswag se kantore by Safari Motors sal plaasvind. Vir meer inligting, skakel Fritz Ahrens by tel. 082 897 0068. Die Levubu Boerevereniging sal nie hierdie maand vergader nie.


sal op Sondag, 17 Julie vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 die bediening behartig by die NG Kerk Soutpansberg op Louis Trichardt. Toegang is gratis, maar ‘n dankoffer kan gebring word.



• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594 • Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395 • Electricity/Elektrisiteit - 015 516 2990 • Water - 015 516 2990 • Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554 • Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000 • Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9 • Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980 • SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827



• SAPS/SAPD • Ambulance/Ambulans • Fire Brigade/Brandweer • Hospital (Government) • Municipality • Electricity/Water


According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as on Monday, July 4.




Albasini Dam Ebenezer Dam Flag Boshielo Dam Glen Alpine Dam Luphephe Dam Middel Letaba Dam Nandoni Dam Nsami Dam Nwanedzi Dam Nzhelele Dam Tzaneen Dam Vondo Dam

* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press





CARS 2 - 3D





• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121 • Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)

¸ ˛ ◊ å

Mon-Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30

Fri-Tue: 10:15, 14:00, 17:15, 20:30

SOMETHING BORROWED HARRY POTTER AND THE ¸ ˛ ◊ DEATHLY HALLOWS PT. 2 - 3D 9:15, 11:45, 14:20, 17:10, 20:00, 22:35 ¸ ˛ ◊ Ó Mon-Sat: Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 14:20, 17:10, 20:00 —————————————————————————————————— Wed, Thu: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20 SCREAM 4


Mon-Sat: 9:45, 12:30, 15:00, 17:40, 20:10, 22:45 Sun: 9:45, 12:30, 15:00, 17:40, 20:10



Mon-Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:50, 20:00, 22:15 Sun: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:50, 20:00



¸ ˛ ◊ Ó

Wed, Thu: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20



DARK OF THE MOON ˛ ◊ Daily: 10:15, 14:00, 17:20, 20:30



Mon-Sat: 9:05, 11:40, 14:20, 17:00, 19:45, 22:30 Sun: 9:05, 11:40, 14:20, 17:00, 19:45


- 10111 / 015 534 7601 - 10177 / 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0061 - 015 534 0446 / 7 - 015 534 6000 - 083 457 2183


48.7% 49.1% 100.2% 100% 101.4% 101% 99.8% 100% 100.6% 100% 13.4% 13.6% 100.8% 101% 57.5% 58.5% 100.1% 100% 99.8% 99.9% 100.6% 100% 98.2% 97%

˛ ◊

Mon-Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:10, 22:45

Sun: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:10 MR. POPPER’S PENGUINS —————————————————————————————————— ˛ Ç ß KUNG FU PANDA 2 ˛ ◊ ∂ Mon-Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 21:45 Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30


FAST AND FURIOUS 5: ˛ Ç Ω RIO HEIST Daily: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20

Mon-Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 19:45



Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:20, 17:10, 20:00, 22:35 Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 14:20, 17:10, 20:00 Mon, Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:20, 17:10, 20:00, 22:35



8 Julie 2011 9

CALENDAR / WHAT’S ON? KALENDER / WAT GEBEUR? (Vervolg van p. 8) Die goedkoopste vleis in die kontrei word aangebied, terwyl oud en jonk kan smul aan pannekoek, hamburgers, slap tjips, poedings, pasteie, braaivleis, gebak – noem maar op en dis daar. Die tombola- en wit-olifanttafels sal hulle gewone magiese krag uitoefen oor dié wat op soek is na iets interessants om aan te skaf. Die verrigtinge begin om 09:00.


Insp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151


Nedine Blom, wie se eerste kinderalbum, Supercool, ‘n SAMA-toekenning ontvang het, is terug met ‘n splinternuwe CD en DVD, genaamd Supercool vir Jesus. • LOCAL IS LEKKER-VLOOIBlom tree op 10 September op Louis TrichMARK Die volgende mark vind op 6 Augusardt op en haar optrede behels ‘n karaoketus plaas en daarna weer elke eerste Saterdag vertoning waartydens sy interaktief met oud en van die maand by die toerisme sentrum op die jonk omgaan. Kaartjies vir die geleentheid kos hoek van Songozwistraat en die N1 op Louis R50 per persoon. Haar optrede vind plaas vanaf Trichardt. 18:00 tot 20:30 in Laerskool Louis Trichardt se Vir meer inligting, skakel Marie by tel. 082 skoolsaal. Vir meer inligting, skakel Gert by tel. 437 0747. 084 564 5013. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Casa • NASIONALE EISTEDDFOD Die Caffé, Eerste Nasionale Bank (Retha Nelson 082 nasionale Eisteddfod sal hierdie jaar vanaf 10 044 6713) en die AGS se kerkkantoor (015 516 en 11 Augustus by Laerskool Louis Trichardt 0486). aangebied word. • DISKONTO BOEKE BY TRIE­ Vir meer inligting kan die skool gekontak GIES Diskonto Boeke sal op 12 en 13 word by 015 516 5151. September ‘n boekuitstalling in Laerskool Louis • KLAVIERUITVOERING Konsert- Trichardt se skoolsaal hou. pianis Marius Daar sal veral ‘n groot verskeidenheid van de Bruin gee op Afrikaanse boeke wees, asook baie boeke wat 19 Augustus handig te pas sal kom as hulpmiddels vir take. ‘n uitvoering • VLU-TAK VIER 50 JAAR Die van verskeie Vroue Landbou-unie se Hangliptak op Louis Triklaviersonates en variasies van chardt vier vanjaar hulle vyftigste bestaans­jaar. Ter viering hiervan bied die VLU op 16 Wolfgang AmaSeptember om 19:00 ‘n ete aan met Mari Weber deus Mozart. as gaskunstenaar. Mari lewer eenvrouvertonings Die uitvoe­ring met komiese toneel oor alledaagse gebeure in vind plaas in gewone mense se lewens. die Afrikaanse Die ete vind plaas in die Fransie Vermaaksaal Protestante van die Gereformeerde Kerk. Kaartjies, wat R80 Kerk (APK) in Louis Trichardt per persoon kos en ‘n ete insluit, is beskikbaar by Driekie’s Crafts and Gifts in Kroghstraat. Driekie en begin om Vorster kan geskakel word by 083 274 3233. 19:00. Kaartjies kos R120 per persoon en sluit Meer inligting kan bekom word deur Maritha verversings in. Dieselfde program word ook op 12 Augustus in Pretoria uitgevoer. De Bruin het Vreugdenburg te skakel by 015 516 3111. die groot taak aangepak om, 220 jaar na die dood van dié legendariese komponis, al Mozart se • KUIFKOPFEES OP BRAAI­ klavierweke in te studeer. DAG Inwoners Vir meer ingligting kan Marius geskakel word kan hul braaivurke by 076 273 5199 of 015 516 3299. gereed hou vir deelname aan die • MELODRAMA COMES TO Kuifkopfees op naZOUTPANSBERG Round Table Zoutsionale Braaidag op pansberg 66 23 en 24 Septemodram and Ladies l ber by die Cloud’s COMES TO e Circle 4 in End Hotel buite Louis TriLouis Trichardt. chardt will this Lewendige vermaak sal deur Dusty Dickson year again be verskaf word, met boeresport en ‘n tombolatafel Zo hosting their utpansberg ten bate van liefdadigheid. highly popular Van die lekker eetgoed by die kosstalletjies melodrama. sluit in pannekoek, melktert, koeksisters, biltong, After a couple of year’s absence, these two beskuit en vele meer! charity organisations decided to again take their Vir die vroue is daar skoonheids- en kunsde“talents” to the stage. Louis Trichardt’s Agora monstrasies, sowel as vlooimarkstalletjies. Die Club will also join in the fun. The show will manne sal die sport op ‘n grootskerm televisie consist of humorous performances and skids to kan volg en daar is ook ‘n biertuin en brande­ be hosted over four evenings. Shows will take wyn- en mampoerproe. place on August 12, 13, 19 and 20. For bookVir die kinders is daar ‘n inkleurkompetisie, ings, phone 079 622 5959, or ask any members springkasteel, gesig verf, ponie-ritte en nog meer. of the different organisations. Buiten vir die kosstalletjies is daar ook ‘n spit• CHARITY DAY JOL Die Roadhogs braai, beesstertpotjie, bobotie, boereworsrolle, Motorfietsklub op Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse kerrie-en-rys, vetkoek met maalvleis, sosaties en Charity Day Jol vind plaas op 27 Augustus vanaf malvapoeding. 08:00 by die inligtingsentrum op Louis Trichardt. Toegang beloop R50 per persoon vir die hele Geld wat tydens die byeenkoms ingesamel naweek en is gratis vir kinders onder 12. word sal vanjaar gaan aan die DBV op Louis Intussen word daar nog gesoek na Local is Trichardt. Blikkieskos sal ook bymekaar gemaak Lekker-stalletjies. word vir die SAVF op die dorp. Soos gewoonVir meer inligting, skakel Barbra by 015 517 7021 of Laura by 083 404 6751. lik sal daar ‘n massarit deur die dorp wees, met lekker kos, musiek, speletjies, ‘n kontantkroeg en ander stelletjies. Vir meer inligting, skakel Johan (084 557 0149) of Yolanda (082 972 2060).





skool Louis Trichardt sal op 30 Augustus ‘n Gospel-talentaand aanbied. Verrigtinge sal begin om 17:00 en duur tot 21:00. Vir meer inligting rakende inskrywings kan die skool geskakel word by 015 516 5151.



Die Zoutpansberg Ruiterklub onderneem op 15 en 16 Julie ‘n uitstappie na Braam Dekker se plaas tussen Waterpoort en Alldays. Enige iemand is welkom om saam te gaan

ry. Braam stel sy geriewe gratis beskikbaar, alhoewel ruiters selfversorgend is vir die naweek ten opsigte van mens en dier. ‘n Kampbed en slaapsak sal benodig word om in die lapa te slaap en bring ‘n eie tent. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tielman van den Berg by 072 126 5111 of Elize Pretorius by 083 389 0688.

• RIDGEWAY BUSHVELD WALK Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt

will be holding their annual Bushveld Walk on Saturday, July 23. Registration takes place from 09:00 with the race starting at 10:00. Tickets cost R15 for primary school children and R30 for high school children and adults. For more information, phone the college at Tel 015 516 3908.


Inskrywings is steeds welkom vir die Thaba Mmoyo 4x4-dag op 30 Julie. Die koste beloop R300 per voertuig en sluit twee braaipakke in. Indien die braaipakke nie benodig word nie, is die inskrywing R200 per voertuig. Registrasie vind vanaf 07:00 plaas met “goody bags” vir die eerste 150 inskrywings. Daar is net plek vir 200 deelnemers. Hope prys is te wen en die hele gesin is welkom. Toegang vir toeskouers beloop R20 per persoon, wat ‘n geskenkbewys vir ‘n worsbroodjie insluit. Braaipakke sal ook te koop wees vir die prysuitdeling en braai langs die rivier. Diegene wat nie kans sien om terug te ry nie, kan gaan kamp by Nuwelust Ontwikkeling, ongeveer 60 km vanaf Thaba Mmoyo. Vir meer inligting oor roete-aanwysers en betaling, skakel Hennie Both (083 304 0169), Lynda Both (083 460 0478), Carel Lottering (083 626 3569), Jaco Theunissen (078 247 5397) of Ds Cornel Nagel (084 406 1723).


Die AGS Charisma op Louis Trichardt daag alle gemeentes uit vir ‘n ses-aan-‘n-kant krieketwedstryd op 30 Julie. Die wedstryde begin om 08:00 op die dorp se A-veld en die koste beloop R30 per speler. Spanne moet bestaan uit drie mans en drie vroue. Let daarop dat daar plek is vir net ses spanne. Vir meer inligting, skakel Willie (084 685 1830) of Cornelia (084 6740594).

ALGEMEEN GENERAL • LIONS CLUB BLANKET DRIVE Donating blankets and warm clothes

to a local cause is a generous and nurturing way to support your community. The Soutpansberg Lions Club started a blanket drive in Louis Trichardt in an effort to keep the homeless warm this winter. Any blanket, new or used, can be donated. You can contact Franz Bezuidenhout at 083 518 4519 for more information. Alternatively you can conveniently drop blankets and clothes at the Lions Club House at U-Print at 118 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt (015 516 2698).

• R20 COULD WIN YOU A KUDU The Soutpansberg Lions Club

launched a fundraising project with an attractive prize on offer: Buy a ticket for only R20 and you stand a chance to win an awesome kudu as prize! The ticket you buy will help a child in need. The tickets are available from the Soutpansberg Lions Club at 118 Krogh street (U-Print 015 516 2698), or contact Franz Bezuidenhout on 083 518 4519.


10 July 8, 2011 Agricultural

Food security under pressure as land is not farmed productively, warns union

Inwoners van Louis Trichardt het waarskynlik al opgehou om te tel hoeveel keer die verkeersligte op die hoek van Rissik en Kroghstrate omgery word. Die vorige keer was dit een in Rissikstraat. Dit is sedert verlede week weer sulke tyd – dié keer is dit egter die een op die eiland in Kroghstraat.

Mr Stephen Hoffman, chairperson of the Soutpansberg District Agricultural Union (SDAU), expressed his concern about the negative picture that was presented to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform with regard to the Community Property Associations (CPA). The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) briefed the Portfolio Committee on June 22 on compliance by Communal Property Associations (CPAs) with Act 28 of 1996. This regulating Act requires CPAs to, among others, have a constitution, submit financial reports and record land transactions and the leasing of

land. The department admitted that the picture looked bleak and saw itself as partly responsible for the situation, even though it had inherited a situation where no structures for enforcing compliance had existed for 15 years. To date, the then Department of Land Affairs (now Department of Rural Development and Land Reform) and the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights (CRLR) have established and registered approximately 1 500 CPAs, provisional associations and similar entities. There are 108 CPAs registered in Limpopo. CPAs in the area of the SDAU who show dismal performances include Kranspoort CPA, Mudimeli CPA, Songozwi CPA and

the Ratombo CPA. No financial reports were submitted. “It must be remembered that these CPAs are funded by hardworking, overburdened tax payers,” says Hoffman. He warned that food security is under pressure because more and more land is handed over to people who don’t want to or cannot farm. “For every farm that is handed over to people who fail to farm productively, millions of rands and years of investment are lost,” says Hoffman. He expressed concern as it seems that all sorts of reasons are being fabricated to excuse the members of the CPAs from taking any responsibility. “That is one of the main reasons why this system doesn’t work,” says Hoffman.


Veiling ‘n bykans R1 miljoen Die Tshwarelano en Bandur wildveiling het Vrydag, 1 Julie, by die veilingskrale op Alldays ‘n totale omset van digby die R1 miljoen opgelewer. In die teeldiereveiling verkoop basterhartbeeste en blouwildebeeste vir ‘n gemiddeld van onderskeidelik R15 500 en R1 804 (hoogste R2 300), terwyl elande, gemsbokke en kameelperde vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R4 809 (hoogste R5 000), R4 643 (hoogste R5 000) en R18 000 onder die hamer kom. Koedoes, njalas en rooibokke behaal gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R2 571 (hoogste R2 700), R6 700 en R715 (hoogste R750), terwyl sebras, volstruise en waterbokke opgeveil word vir gemiddelde pryse van R5 050 (hoogste R5 100), R2 600 en R3 845 (hoogste R4 400).

In die veiling vir manlike diere ver­koop een basterhartbees vir R12 000, met blouwildebeesbulle wat vir ‘n gemiddeld van R3 934 (hoogste R5 100) verkoop. Jong elandbulle verkoop vir ‘n gemiddeld van R4 750, terwyl gemsbok-, koedoe- en jong koedoebulle vir gemiddelde prys van onderskeidelik R4 250 (hoogste R4 500), R10 362 (hoogste R14 000) en R2 700 onder die hamer kom. Njalabulle se gemiddelde prys was R8 875 (hoogste R10 000) en jong waterbokbulle verkoop vir ‘n gemiddeld van R3 500. In die katalogusveiling ver­koop twee jong witrenosterbulle vir R145 000 stuk. Die veiling het ‘n totale omset van R993 050 opgelewer en is aangebied deur Vleissentraal Bosveld, met mnr. Willie Roux van Louis Trichardt as afslaer.

Apart from other sewerage spills in Louis Trichardt the past week, this manhole was pictured overflowing with sewage right next to the Zoutpansberg Private Hospital. Serious questions were asked as to the health risk this entails for the hospital.

ARE YOU READY TO MEET JESUS? IF YOU ARE NOT, YOU WILL HEAR THESE WORDS “....................... Truly I say to you, I do not know you.” Mat 25:12

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YOURunto PRAYER REQUEST Jesus SEND said….”Come me, all ye that labour TO and E-MAIL are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Mat 11:28) W Do you believe these words?


ALL RACES AND CULTURES WELCOME Tel: 015 516 5305 - 082 926 7313 E-mail: admin@nccltt.co.za P.O.Box 1179, Louis Trichardt, 0920 115 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt

082 926 7313 (Andre) -Email: admin@nccltt.co.za Box / Bus 1179, Louis Trichardt, 0920 - Andre


8 Julie 2011 11


12 July 8, 2011 Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Dik sand en gediertes sit hulle nie af nie ‘n Span van agt persone vanaf Shammah Bedieninge in Louis Trichardt het ‘n uitreik in Botswana gehou. Hulle was diep geraak deur die besef van die moeite wat die mense gedoen het om by die dienste uit te kom. “Die mense het dik sand en lang afstande getrotseer. Tydens een aandgeleentheid is ‘n toepaslike film vertoon, waarna mense persoonlik bedien is. Bykans 20 mense het hul harte aan die Here gegee en daar is vir verskeie mense vir genesing Die skrapse struktuur van die kerkie in Shakarawe in Botswana. Die plaaslike mense het lang gebid. Hierdie geleentheid was afstande oor dik sand gestap en die gevaar van skerpioene, slange en selfs leeus het hulle nie gekeer tydens ‘n koue wintersaand in die om die dienste in die aand by te woon nie. Foto verskaf. opelug, met geen elektrisiteit nie, maar hulle het dit in die stikdon­ ker bygewoon met die verdere risiko van skerpioene en slange en selfs leeus wat al in daardie omgewing opgemerk is,” vertel pastoor Francois Strydom, wat aan die hoof van die span gestaan het. Die uitreik is gehou vanaf 15 tot 25 Junie in samewerking met Love the World Missions in

Botswana. Die twee voertuie van die span het gesamentlik 7 200km afgel. Besoek is gebring aan die nedersettings Sepupa, Kapatura, Shakarawe, Shakawe, asook Tsodillo Hills wat teen die Caprivigrens gelee is, waar die Okovangorivier in Botswana begin. Toegang na plekke soos Kapatura en Shakarawe kan slegs verkry word deur ‘n viertrek voertuig as gevolg van die dik sand en rowwe terrein. Somtyds bestaan die “kerkie” bloot uit pale en ‘n dak. “Sommige van die nedersettings oorkant die Okovangorivier kan ook net per veerboot bereik word. Maar die honger na die evangelie is groot,” het past. Francois gesê. Benoude oomblikke het ook nie uitgebly nie. Die span wat by pastoor Leon Zeilinga van Love the World Missions in Sepupa tuisgegaan het, was maar baie versigtig in die aande om nie onnodig uit die tente te beweeg nie. Die seekoeie se gesnork was teenaan die tente en krokodille

was ‘n werklikheid, om nie eens te praat van die moontlikheid van luiperds nie. “Sorg maar dat jou gebedslewe op datum is!” was past. Leon se raad. “Wat ‘n ervaring! Ek besef hoe dankbaar ons moet wees dat ons die evangelie in sulke gunstige omstandighede kan ontvang,” sê een van die spanlede, Johan du Plessis. “Soortgelyke uitreike en ook plaaslike uitreike vorm deel van Shamma se sendingvisie vir Afrika,” sê past. Francois. Shammah Bedieninge bedank graag almal wat die uitreik na Botswana moontlik gemaak het, naamlik Pemico Paneelkloppers, Werda Toyota, House of Interiors, Innovated Designs, U print, Madi Gra water, Levubu Spar, Amie Chhaya , Shammah Jeugbediening, E+O Staalwerke, Eagle Tyres, Gen Key, Tele­ vonic, Mosa Maria Granites, Premium Auto, Kwalata Jagplaas in Botswana, Shalom Aanbiddingsentrum in Pretoria en verskeie anonieme skenkers.


Misdaad noop stigting van plaaswag

‘n Span vanaf Shammah Bedieninge in Louis Trichardt het ‘n uitreik in Botswana gehou. Hulle was diep geraak deur die mense se honger na die evangelie. Van links is Pierre de Villiers, Elsabé de Villiers, Fielies Ferreira, Johan du Plessis, Melinda du Plessis, Marinda Strydom, pastoor Francois Strydom en Catherina Strydom. Foto verskaf.

Gesien in die lig van die hui­ dige vlaag geweld op plase in die omgewing, het die boer­ derygemeenskap van Rondebosch ook ‘n plaaswag gestig. Die stigtingsvergadering het op 30 Junie aan huis van Theuns du Toit plaasgevind. Sowat 30 mans en vroue het dit bygewoon.

Die Rondebosch Plaaswag het goeie ondersteuning en kommunikasie in krisistye ten doel. Vir ‘n begin is ‘n tydelike voorsitter en sekretaresse verkies om dinge te laat vlot. Die plaaswag se volgende belangrike vergadering vind plaas op 14 Julie om 19:00 in die saal by Great North

Lodge, sowat 6km uit op die Louis Trichardt/Polokwane-pad. Rondebosch se inwoners word hartlik uitgenooi om hul insette tydens die vergadering te kom lewer. Vir meer inligting, skakel Tielman van den Berg by 072 126 5111 of Marius Pretorius by 082 878 7202.


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AUCTION: 21 JULY 2011 AT 11h00

All Build It branded items less 25%! 169 95











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100A Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt, Opp. Robot Mica

THE BUSINESS CAN BE AUCTIONED AS A WHOLE, OR THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: 3 x Safes, 1 x Camera system, 1 x Wooden cigarette shelf, 1 x Wooden large counter, 5 x Cash registers, 2 x 2,5m Upright fruit & veg / dairy fridges (self containing motors), 3 x Scales, 1 x 4m Upright dairy fridge, 1 x 2,5m Upright meat / dairy fridge, 1 x 2m Meatmaster display fridge, 1 x Big chest freezer, 1 x 2,5m Island fridge, 1 x 3m Wooden biscuit shelf, 1 x Rheninghaus polony slicer, 1 x Trespade manual wors filler, 3 x 2m Stainles steel tables, 1 x 1m Stainless steel table, 1 x Okto bread slicer, 1 x Okto bandsaw machine (Heavy duty), 1 x Atlas big mincer, 1 x Wrapping machine, 1 x Coldroom (2,5mx2,5m), 1 x Coldroom (2,5mx4m), 1 x Tereoka bulk meat scale, 1 x Generator, 1 x Double door proover (2mx1,8m), 1 x McAdams 80 loaf rotary electric oven, 3 x 80 Loaf bread trolleys (with pans), 2 x Roll trolleys (with pans), 1 x Inbest 40 litre cake mixer, 1 x Rolls rolling machine, 1 x Scale, 2 x 2m Stainless steel tables, 1 x 1m Stainless steel table, 3 x Stainless steel bread racks, 1 x Record bun divider machine, 1 x Norplast bread mixer machine, 1 x 3,5m-4m Deli display fridge, 1 x Vulcan pie warmer, 1 x 2-door Coke fridge, 2 x Steel counter tables, Wooden and steel shelving and much more! SMALL ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION!




Sale from 15 June until 16 July 2011, so hurry!

Contact: Peter Ferreira • Office: 015 516 1130 Cell: 082 777 2418




8 Julie 2011 13

Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@zoutnet.co.za


The ordinary lies not in the name


ear ordinary man, I’ve been following the last few editions of the newspaper in which you have been bemoaning the fact that you are an ordinary man. I found this interesting, especially the topics you chose. This made me think, which is a rare occurrence for me. I know you’ve said it, but most men are ordinary. Okay, we can say they differ a lot, at least outwardly. The one is tall and thin, the next one is short and fat. Or tall and fat, or short and thin. This one’s hair will make McDreamy jealous, while that one’s body is enough to make Angelina dump Brad. And that one ... ooh, that one ... he has that indefinable SOMETHING... (drool). I have a friend with the name Allegra. A very bohemian name for a very down-to-earth woman. No frills, no fuss. Comes from a very ordinary, religious home with welladjusted parents who lack for little. They raised her well. Their only taste of the unusual was to give their daughter an unconventional name. Oh, and her mother’s beauty and her father’s stature. For some reason or another, everyone always thought Allegra had to be as unusual as her name. The weirdest creatures always tried to chat her up. At school it was always the “naughty” boys – the

smokers, the drinkers, the rebels. At varsity it was the same – the art students with their ultra-long hair, multi-pierced ears, eyebrows and nipples and their outrageous outfits. Or the drama dudes, who thought they had to be on stage 24/7 to be noticed. (Quite a few drama dolls also tried their luck, without success). Funny thing was, she wasn’t attracted to the unusual guys. Those who were really weird she accepted, or at least tolerated, with sweet grace. The fakes, the ones who pretended to be different just to be in the limelight, she regarded with a great deal of polite scepticism. The wonderful thing about her is that she can see through people’s facades clearly and quickly. What’s the point of all this? Well, we don’t need extraordinary names to be extraordinary, or vice versa. Sometimes, people with exotic names are just ordinary people, and they prefer ordinary people as friends. Or lovers/husbands/partners ... significant others. Case in point? Allegra Smit, whose husband Jan is a farmer in the Free State. Okay, so let’s not hold it against her that Jan has seven farms… But that’s a story for another day. Regards, Ordinary woman

Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange­leent­­hede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters


Alles net vir ‘n kerfie Afrika-biltong


it is vieruur namiddag en onderweg tussen Soekmekaar en die N1 sien jy die twee jagters, gewere oor die skouers, in die brandlyn binnekant van die plaasheining stap. Tussen hulle dra hulle ‘n rooi koelkassie en lustig word daar ge­sels en beduie. Nou wonder jy … het hulle klaar ietsie geskiet, of vertrou hulle dat ‘n koedoebul of ‘n rooibok straks in die brandlyn sal intree, miskien om ook ‘n lekseltjie vanuit die rooi koelkassie te kom bedel? Met heimwee dink jy terug aan jou eie plaasjare, voordat Afrika alles gevat het en gereken het hulle sal ‘n beter sukkelpoging tussen die kliprante en sekelbos as jy kan be­dryf. ‘n Week voordat jy ontruim het, het jy gewonder of die Bruno 7x57 geweer nie maar elke koedoebul en rooibokram sal afmaai nie? Skuldig het jy verstom gestaan vir jou eie onetiese gedagtes … Sovele jare het jy oordeelkundig gejag en selfs voer aangekoop in die jare toe droogtes wildkarkasse in die hei­ ningdrade in gedwing het. Verbitterd dink jy aan hulle wie gekom het … voordat jy ontruim het … Die hondejagters, die draadstrikstellers. Opnuut ervaar jy die kille woede asof jy andermaal staan by die vrot karkas van ‘n dragtige stoetkoei verstrengel in ‘n draadstrik. Jy ruik weer die aaklige reuk van ‘n boudwond, oopgekloof tot teenaan die been, jy sien weer die swerms vlieë en brommers. Jy stoot met bewende hand die enkele patroon in die loop … ‘n Harde knal verlos die hans­kalf uit sy verskriklike lyding. Jy tuur in die rigting na daar waar Pretoria behoort te wees. Daar waar hulle in glans raadsale sit, aanhoudend boere se skrywes

Selfs gewone mense vra 15 minute se son


m gewoon te wees, is goed; dit is beskerming, dit is ‘n gemaksone, maar net so nou en dan wil ons gewone mense ook bietjie die aandag geniet. Soos Andy Warhol gesê het: “In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes.” Ja, ons wil die toekoms nader wink en ons 15 minute opeis. Die Gewone Man kan ook ongeduldig raak en wonder hoe dit sal wees as daar meer as net drie “Likes” op sy Facebook-blad is. (Dit sal seker help as dit meer gereeld opgedateer word.) Hy het nie ’n “fan”-klub nie, hy kry nie dreigemente nie ... hy verdwyn tussen die grys. Die maklike oplossing is om gewildheid in sensasie en kontroversie te soek. Om hierdie rede gaan die Gewone Man vandag iets doen wat nog nooit tevore in ‘n rubriek in ‘n gemeenskapskoerant gedoen is nie. Hy gaan stelselmatig van sy klere ontslae raak en, soortgelyks aan E-TV se Naked News, teen die einde net in sy geboortepak voor die Soutpansberg staan. [Die gebreide trui is die eerste wat oor die kop getrek word en in die hoek eindig. (In die proses is die koffiebeker omgestamp, maar die kat kon darem betyds vlug en brandwonde vermy.)] Ek het oorweeg om ‘n mooi jong modelletjie te kry om die uittrekwerk te doen, maar dit bring sy eie kwota probleme mee. Vroulief gaan haar winkbroue meer as gewoonlik lig en dit gaan my uiters ongemaklik laat. Ek besef naaktheid is hier in belang van die groter saak, maar ‘n kaal jong meisie sal ongelukkig nie goed afgaan in ons huis nie. Lesers moet maar hul verbeel­ding gebruik - en die

paar manlike lesers moet my beeld maar in hul geestesoog vervang met ‘n pragtige blondine, brunette, rooikop of net wat die hartklop aan die gang sit. [Die Bronx-skoene eindig saam met die trui in die hoek. Die kouse word in dieselfde beweging uitgetrek. (Weer moet die kat, wat homself op die hopie tuisgemaak het, vlug.)] Terug by Andy Warhol, daardie bekende kunstenaar, filmmaker en kommersiële filosoof. Ek neem aan as een van jou sketse/skilderye vir $100 miljoen verkoop word, dan is jy wêreldberoemd. Dit is ook nie asof dit vir ‘n besonderse kunswerk was nie - dit was vir ‘n afdruk van agt identiese Elvis Presleys wat, pistool in die hand, na jou mik. Wat Andy Warhol egter vir my besonders maak, is die feit dat hy op ‘n vreemde manier die buitengewone mens was wat gestreef het na die gewone. Sy ouers was van Mikovia (deesdae NoordoosSlovakye) en hulle het voor sy geboorte na Pensilvanië in Amerika getrek. Andrew Warhola (sy volle naam) was die vierde seun en sy pa was ‘n mynwerker. [Die Sterling-hemp se knope word een vir een losgemaak en die hemp volg die roete vloer toe. (Die kat kyk nie eens op nie.)] Die jong Andy was dikwels siek en het lang tye by die huis spandeer terwyl sy maats by die skool en buite rondgespeel het. In sy kamer, met net die geselskap van sy moeder, het hy begin om hom te omring met die prente van rolprentsterre en bekendes. Terugslae het nie sy spoed gebreek nie, en soos hy dit later jare mooi gestel het: “Sometimes

people let the same problem make them miserable for years, when they could just say, ‘So what.’ That’s one of my favorite things to say. ‘So what.’“ [Die belt is die volgende wat losgehak word en versigtig - sodat die lussies van die broek nie dalk skeur nie - uitgetrek word.] Na kollege het Andy as illus­ treerder by ‘n tydskrif begin werk en hier sy unieke styl ontwikkel. Sy pensketse van skoene vir advertensies was veral gewild. Uitstallings van sy kunswerke het kort daarna gevolg en sy kenmerkende styl het geleidelik aan hom ‘n ikoniese status besorg. Sy gunsteling onderwerpe was huishoudelike items en die gesigte van bekende persoonlikhede. Soos hy dit stel: “What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coca-Cola, Liz Taylor drinks CocaCola, and just think, you can drink Coca-Cola, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the cokes are the same and all the cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it.” [Die broek se knoop word vinnig losgemaak en die ritssluiter afgetrek. Soos wat die broek afval, skop ek dit eenkant toe. My tydsberekening is uit en ek moet op een been rondspring om my balans te herwin. Ek gebruik maar my hande om die broekspyp los te wikkel en sit die broek versigtig op die hopie

en klagtes ignoreer, hulle onkunde verdrink in duur partytjies ten koste van belastingbetalers. Berigte bereik jou dat dit wat eens lewe vir jou was, verlate en verniel darem nog deel van moeder natuur is. Die ingang na die plaas bestaan nie meer nie. Toegegroei deur sekelbosse, naamloos en arm aan hoop vir enige toekoms. Die plaashuis se daksinke is verwyder, deur- en vensterrame uitgebreek en verkwansel. Van vyf boorgate, sterk water, Lister-masjiene en pype, binne 15 kampe, word die boodskap van niks, niks meer hiervan nie deur dorstige beeste wat deur heiningdrade na waterpunte van bure breek, met uitgetrapte voetpaaie gedra. Dan glimlag jy ook, dankbaar vir die groot mambas wat in die klipbanke lê en bak het en … vele sogenaamde grafsoeker gillend die kop afwaarts laat storm het. Jy worstel met die vraag of die voorvaderlikes darem nog ‘n Telkomdiens het en hulle so af en toe nog bel? Sê hy mos die dag die “ancestor” bel hom elke nag, sê hom oor en oor hy moet die graf gaan soek. Word hy met stomheid geslaan toe hy gevra word: “Hoekom so soek? As die ‘ancestor’ weer bel, vra hom presies waar lê die graf?” Voor jou geestesoog sien jy die groot klomp wit kruise langs die N1 tussen Polokwane en Mokopane; Vele druppels bloed wat deurweek ons Moeder Aarde, Jy … ja jy met die Afrikason in jou hare … Het hierdie wit houtkruisbloed vir jou enige waarde? Of stu die haat vir andere steeds bruisend deur jou are? - Buurman

Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe

“Al die ander soek net hulle eie belange, nie dié van Jesus Christus nie.” - Filippense 2:21


aulus noem die jong Timoteus ’n uitsondering op die reël omdat hy hom van Paulus laat leer het hoe ’n dienskneg van die Here Jesus behoort te lyk. Timotheus het, soos Paulus, Christus se belange gesoek. Jesus Christus se belange is OM MENSE WAT VERLORE IS TE RED en sodoende die Vader in die hemel te verheerlik. In ’n wêreld waar ’n “krom en verdraaide geslag” is, (Fillipense 2:15) is dit die geval dat die kerk van Jesus só onder die wêreld se invloed is dat HAAR WERKERS NA HUL EIE BELANGE BEGIN SOEK in plaas van na dié van Jesus Christus. Ons skyn dan nie soos ligte in die wêreld nie, en doen nie alles “sonder murmurering en teëspraak” nie (2:14). Christus is dan nie aantreklik vir verlorenes nie, maar eerder iets/iemand om te vermy! Hou dan op om soos ’n wêreldling te kla en te steun oor alles. Wees eerder blymoedig! (Fil.4:4) Ons soek elkeen ons eie belange, want ons dink: as ek nie nr. 1 kan wees nie, sal niemand dit wees nie! Dit doen ek in plaas daarvan dat ek onthou dat God my Vader is en dat Hy nie net vir my baie lief is nie en dat Hy in al my behoeftes voorsien; alles om te lewe EN om Hom te dien. (2 Petrus 1:3). Al wat Hy van mý vra, is gehoorsaamheid aan Sy opdragte. Kom ons volg, soos Timoteus, Paulus se voorbeeld na soos Paulus die Here Jesus volg. Laat ons strewe wees om meer soos Jesus te word, sodat Hy mense na Hom toe kan trek. - 072 124 5830

Die gewone man in die hoek – bo-op die kat, wat nou rustig slaap.] Warhol se vars aanslag op die kunswêreld het van hom ‘n superster gemaak, tot so ‘n mate dat een van sy vroulike kollegas hom (uit jaloesie?) selfs probeer doodskiet het. Hy het dit oorleef, maar dit het hom waarskynlik meer paranoïes as ooit gelaat. Soos hy dit gestel het: “... I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there – I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life. People sometimes say that the way things happen in movies is unreal, but actually it’s the way things happen in life that’s unreal.” Om die ironie van sy lewe verder te beklemtoon, het Andy Warhol sy kuns gebruik om baie ryk te word. “Making money is art, and working is art and good business is the best art,” is wat hy hieroor te sê gehad het. Na sy dood is ‘n groot deel van sy boedel geskenk aan ‘n trust wat visuele kuns bevorder. ‘n Vei­ ling van sy bates in 1987 het $20 miljoen opgelewer. [... en daar gaan die laaste kle­ dingstuk ... Die onderbroek wat met ’n swierige boog op die slapende kat land. Nou is daar geen skuilstuk meer oor nie.] Gestroop van alle pretensie staan ek nou hier ... Net ‘n gewone (kaal) man. Sonder die beskerming van die uiterlike is alles maar steeds dieselfde. Dalk sou Andy Warhol trots gewees het. In sy eie woorde: “If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings and films and me, and there I am. There’s nothing behind it.” En daar eindig my 15 skaamtelose minute van roem.

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14 July 8, 2011 Deur Frans van der Merwe

Deur Frans van der Merwe

Tannie Esther in hospitaal opgeneem Die alombekende en beminde mev. Esther Kirsten (88) van Louis Trichardt is sedert verlede week Maandag in Pretoria in die hospitaal waar sy met kroniese melioide leukemie (KML) gediagnoseer is. Dié siekte is behandelbaar met spesiale medikasie.

Daar is egter ook vasgestel dat sy ‘n niekwaadaardige vernouing van die dunderm het, wat volgens medici waarskynlik net met ‘n operasie herstel sal kan word. Volgens haar seun, bekende plaaslike sakeman Johan Kirsten, is sy op 27 Junie in die hospitaal opgeneem. Sy was baie naar en het erge rug- en maagpyn beleef. Na vele toetse het die internis bevestig dat sy KML het. Die naarheid is egter veroorsaak deur die bykomende obstruksie van die dunderm, wat nie verband hou met die KML nie. Tannie Esther is na die Wilgers Hospitaal se onkologie-afdeling oorgeplaas vir behandeling. “Volgens die internis is Ma se hart, niere en ander organe in baie goeie toestand vir haar 88 jaar en is haar prognose goed,” sê Johan. Johan het in ‘n e-pos boodskap sy waardering uitgespreek vir vriende en belangstellendes se welwillende meelewing. “Baie dankie vir al die liefde wat julle al vir so lank met Ma en die res van ons deel. Ons weet sy en die dokters is in die hande van die Here en ons bid saam met julle vir Sy seën op al hulle werk en behandeling,” lui die boodskap. Besoekers aan tannie Esther in die hospitaal is getref deur haar voortgesette gelowige Mev. Esther Kirsten van Louis Trichardt, blymoedigheid - ‘n eienskap wat aan haar ‘n wat sedert verlede week in Pretoria behandel besonder wye vriendekring oor alle grense heen besorg. word.

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Besonderse Bybelfees op Thohoyandou Die 75ste bestaansjaar van die in die bevoorregte posisie om was. Die vertalers van die nuwe Venda Bybel gaan op Sondag, twee volledige Bybelvertalings uitgawe was mnre. A. R. Mbuwe 17 Julie, feestelik herdenk word in hul taal beskikbaar te hê. Die en F. C. Raulinga en prof. J. A. in die Evangeliese Lutherse Bybelgenootskap van Suid- van Rooy, bygestaan deur ‘n Kerk op Thohoyandou. Die Afrika het ‘n volledige nuwe oorsig komitee. program sal om 10:00 begin. vertaling in 1998 uitgegee, nadat Tans versprei die Bybel­ Die spesiale erediens sal die Markus-evangelie aanvanklik genootskap jaarliks gemiddeld feestelik ingeklee word met in 1976 en die Nuwe Testament tussen 15 000 en 20 000 volledige musiek, sang en voorlesings uit en Psalms in 1989 beskikbaar Venda Bybels. die Bybel en sal gelei word deur biskop S. W. S. Sihlangu van die Lutherse kerk. Lidmate van alle kerke word uitgenooi om deel te neem aan die feesverrigtinge. Die heel eerste vol­ ledige vertaling van die Bybel in Tshivenda is in 1936 deur die Britse en Buitelandse Bybel­ genootskap uitgegee. Die oorspronklike vertaling is gedoen deur die taalkundige, dr. P. E. Schwellnuss, van die Berlynse Sending­ genootskap, bygestaan deur ‘n span wat mnre. Isaak Mulaudzi en Fineas Mutsila ingesluit het. Dit het 18 jaar geneem om die vertaalThe Waterpoort police arrested two suspects, who were found in werk te voltooi. Die possession of illegal cigarettes, last Tuesday. Lamer Dhiwayo (29) of eerste vertaalwerk, die Zimbabwe and a South African, Jeffrey Mukwevho (32) were travelling vier evangelies en Hanalong the Waterpoort-Alldays road, when they were stopped by the delinge, is reeds in 1920 police at a roadblock. “When we searched the car, we found 749 cartons gepubliseer en die vollof illegal cigarettes. They briefly appeared in the Louis Trichardt edige Nuwe Testament Magistrate´s Court on Monday and the case was postponed,” said the het in 1923 gevolg. spokesperson of the Waterpoort police, W/O Hezekiel Lishivha. He Vandag is die Tshivadded that the value of the cigarettes is R28 800. Photographed with enda-sprekers in Suidthe cigarettes is W/O Muvhulawa Sithagu. Afrika en in Zimbabwe

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8 Julie 2011 15


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Te Huur 2 Slaapkamer woonstel. R2700 p.m. Krag uitgesluit.

Kontak: 083 281 8246 LEGALS NOTICE OF BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS Notice is given of an application for Environmental authorization that was submitted to the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment & Tourism in terms of regulation no. R543 published in the Government Notice no. 33306 of 18 June 2010 of the National Environment Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) governing Basic Assessment procedures (Notice 1 and 3 – Governing Notice R544 & R546) for the following activity:

Name of project: Decommissioning of the existing Elim Filling Station on Erf 9, Elim – Mpheni Central Business District (CBD) and Relocation of the Filling Station to Erf 3, Elim – Mpheni CBD. Ref No: 12/1/9/1-V20 Project description: The project entails the closure of an existing filling station on erf 9, Elim, Mpheni CBD, and all of its associated activities and relocating the entire filling station and its associated activities to Erf 3, Elim, Mpheni CBD. The application was submitted for the following activities in terms of the Government Notice R. 544 & R 546, 18 June 2010: R. 544, 18 June 2010 24 The transformation of land bigger than 1000 square meters in size, to residential, retail, commercial, industrial or institutional use, where, at the time of the coming into effect of this Schedule such land was zoned open space, conservation or had an equivalent zoning. R. 544, 18 June 2010 27. The decommissioning of existing facilities or infrastructure, for – (i)Electricity generation with a threshold of more than 10MW; (ii)Electricity transmission and distribution with a threshold of more than 132kV; (iii)Nuclear reactors and storage of nuclear fuel; (iv)Activities, where the facility or the land on which it is located is contaminated; (v)Storage, or storage and handling, of dangerous goods of more than 80 cubic meters; But excluding any facilities or infrastructure that commenced under an environmental authorisation issued in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2006 made under section 24(5) of the Act and published in Government Notice R385 of 2006, or Notice 543 of 2010. Extent: The study area of the existing filling station is 4199 m2 in extent and the study area of the proposed new filling station is 3670 m2 in extent. Name of the proponent: Ribola Development Company (Pty) Ltd Location: The current site is located on erf 9, Elim, Mpheni CBD and the proposed site is located on erf 3, Elim, Mpheni CBD. Date of notice: 1 July 2011 Queries regarding this matter should be referred to: Bokamoso Landscape Architects and Environmental Consultants George Gericke Tel: (012) 346 3810, P.O. Box 11375 , Fax: 086 570 5659, Maroelana 0161, Email: lizelleg@mweb. co.za www.bokamoso.net In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter, in writing, to the contact per-

son given above within 30 days of publication of this advertisement.

KENNISGEWING P ro - t e c P a n e e l k l o p pers is al geruime tyd onder nuwe eienaarskap geregistreer as Cruxicode Trading as MellyNun CC2011/039738/23 en sal onder geen omstandighede aanspreeklikheid aanvaar vir enige uitstaande skulde of skulde aangegaan deur vorige eienaar Mev. M.E van Staden I.D 7410060113085 nie. Sy is tenvolle verantwoordelik vir alle skuld wat aan vorige Pro-tec Paneelkloppers behoort het. Melodey Cruxicode bestuur

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES LOUIS TRICHARDT TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2009 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 22 of the above mentioned Scheme, that JACOB JACOBUS KOTZE, the undersigned, intend applying to the MAKHADO MUNICIPALITY for its special consent to use remainder erf no. 1823, and the existing buildings thereon for the following purpose: Granny Flat. The present zoning of the land in terms of the above-mentioned Town Planning Scheme, is Residential 1. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application or wishes to make any representation in connection therewith, must lodge such objection or re­pre­sentation in writing with both the Municipal Manager, Private Bag X 2596, Makhado, 0920 and the Undersigned not later than 2011-07-28. APPLICANT: J.J. KOTZE 4 Tshirululuni Rd Louis Trichardt 0920 IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF THOHOYANDOU HELD AT THOHOYANDOU Case No.: 1723/2010 In the matter between:

TA L I S M A N P L A N T & TOOL HIRE MAKHADO Plaintiff and MR NORMAN MUNYAMELA Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a judgment in the Magistrate's Court of Louis Trichardt and Warrant of execution issued on 10/2/2011, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at the Sheriff’s Warehouse Thohoyandou on 29/07/2011 at 11 O Clock namely: 1 x 1 Coffee Table, 1 x 4 Piece Lounge Suit, 1 x 3 Piece Room Divider, 1 x 1 TV Set, 1 x 1 DVD Set. Dated at Louis Trichardt on this the 24 June 2011 Attorneys for Plaintiff VAN HEERDEN EN RUDOLPH 24 Devenish Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920, P O Box 246, Louis Trichardt, 0920, Tel.: (015) 516 0164/5/ Fax.: (015) 516 1091 Ref.: MRS HORN/ bh/25125/78951 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING MAKHADO LAND USE SCHEME, 2009 Notice is hereby given in terms of clause 22 of the above mentioned scheme, that I Verendra Kumar Ramjee, being authorized agent, the undersigned, intending to apply to the Makhado Municipality to increase the density on Erf 260, Louis Trichardt Township from 45 units per hectare to the maximum of 65 units per hectare. The current zoning of the property in terms of the above mentioned scheme is “Residential 3” Any person having objection to the granting of this application or wishes to make any representation in connection therewith, must lodge such objection or representation in writing with both the Municipal Manager, Private Bag X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 and the undersigned not later than 27 July 2011. Applicant: Verendra Kumar Ramjee First Street, Eltivillas Louis Trichardt 0920


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16 July 8, 2011 By Frans van der Merwe

Number of destitute Zim-children on the increase There is a significant increase in the number of unaccompanied minors coming across South Africa’s northern border and arriving in Louis Trichardt, according to a statement by the local office of the Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) in Louis Trichardt. The statement was issued in the wake of the local event that marked International Refugee Day in June. The event was staged at the Makhado Show Grounds by the JRS, in collaboration with various other stakeholders. The JRS is an international Catholic organisation with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. JRS undertakes services at national and regional level with the support of an international office in Rome. Founded in November 1980 as a project of the Society

of Jesus, JRS was officially registered on 19 March 2000 at the Vatican State as a foundation. JRS programmes are found in 51 countries, providing assistance to refugees in camps and cities, individuals displaced within their own countries, asylum seekers in cities, and to those held in detention centres. The main areas of work are in the field of education, emergency assistance, health care, livelihood activities and social services. JRS has three projects in South Africa, which are situated in Johannesburg, Pretoria and in Louis Trichardt. JRS has operated in South Africa since 1997 when it set up the Urban Refugees project in Pretoria and Johannesburg, primarily to cater for refugees fleeing the Grand Lakes region. JRS has been monitoring the situation in Zimbabwe as well as the realities facing “cross borders” when they arrive in

South Africa, with a grave concern about the impact that the socio-economic and political crisis in Zimbabwewas is having on its citizens. It was with these facts that JRS Limpopo opened its doors on 01 March 2008 to provide support and material assistance to newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers moving South from Zimbabwe through the border crossing at Beit Bridge in Musina. “The majority of the clients at the Louis Trichardt office originate from Zimbabwe, although we also get refugees and asylum seekers from countries like the DRC, Zambia and Somalia. While the majority of people presenting at the JRS office are young, single males, we have seen increasing numbers of family groups, women and children, with a significant rise in unaccompanied minors,” reads the statement.

By Rulani Baloyi 'n Lid van die ywerige "blou brigade" wat deesdae Louis Trichardt se strate skoonhou. Die span is klokslag elke middag ná normale sake-ure in aksie en is selfs ná donker saans nog bedrywig met opruimingswerk in die dorp se strate.

Rape and common robbery suspect arrested The Makhado police in Louis Trichardt have arrested a 31-year-old man in connection with rape and common robbery charges. The incident took place on March 8 this year along the Levubu road. It is alleged that the suspect convinced a 26-year-old woman into believing that his employer was in need of a housekeeper. He allegedly led the victim to a plot and, along the way, he changed his tune and raped

the woman. He then fled the scene. The suspect was arrested last Wednesday, and he may also be linked to another incident where a 20-year-old victim was also conned into believing that she had found a job at a certain plot. The plot is believed to be deserted. The incident happened seven days after the first one, not far away from Leeu Street, on the eastern side of town. According to the police, the suspect and his victim arrived at



KANSA wil hul vlerke sprei Kansa Polokwane wil graag hul dienste uitbrei na Louis Trichardt, Musina, Tzaneen, Phalaborwa en Hoedspruit, maar het die hulp en Dit wil gedoen wees ... Mnr. Schalk Meyer van Levubu het onlangs sy ondersteuning van hierdie gemeen205de eenheid bloed geskenk tydens ‘n kliniek van die Suid-Afrikaanse skappe nodig. Die Kanker Vereniging van SuidNasionale Bloeddiens. Agter hom staan Riana Viviers (links) en Elna van Afrika (KANSA) is ‘n diensorganisaZyl van die bloeddiens op Louis Trichardt. Foto verskaf. sie wat betrokke is by die finansie­­­ring van kankernavorsing en streef na die bevordering van ‘n gesonde leefstyl en die voorkoming en vroeë bespeuring van kankersimptome. Die Hangklip Posduif Klub se drie wedvlugte 1413.1. meter per minuut, met Royal en Tahiti Hulle verleen hulp en verskaf bystand vir die naweek het plaasgevind vanaf Coligny Hokke van Nico in die 2de en 3de plekke. Die aan kankerpasiënte en ook aan hulle op Saterdag die 2de Julie. C wedvlug se 1ste en 2de plekke word deur MiDie weer was mooi met ‘n weste wind op die mosa Hokke gewen met een van ons juniors Abrie naasbestaandes.

Hangklip Posduifklub-nuus. Week 5 linker vlerk en die duiwe het mooi teruggekom huis toe. Die jongduif wedvlug is gewen deur Nick Enslin met ‘n wenspoed van 1355.1 meter per minuut, Mimosa Hokke en Royal Hokke van Nico Bezuidenhout was onderskeidelik 2de en 3de. Nick Enslin wen ook die jaarlikse produksie wedvlugkompetisie. Met die B wedvlug was Hippo Hokke van Johan Venter eerste met ‘n spoed van

Swannepoel 3de. Bernard Volschenk wen die eerste en tweede junior wedvlugte terwyl Abrie Swannepoel die 3de wedvlug verower. Baie geluk aan al die lede vir hulle prestasies behaal. Ons volgende wedvlug vind plaas Saterdag 9 Julie 2011 weer vanaf Coligny oor ‘n afstand van 515km. Dit is ook ons tweede veiling wedvlug.


2 Julie

2 Julie

2 Julie









Wedvlug No.




Afstand in km




Duiwe Deelgeneem Wenspoed-Meter p/minuut Abrie Swannepoel-jnr
















Dercksen & Seun




Dreyer Hokke



0 19+24

Amstel Hokke Bernard Volschenk-jnr

Eric Nel



Hippo Hokke




Mimosa Hokke




Nick Enslin




Royal Hokke




Tahiti Hokke





Dercksen & Seun



Eric Nel




Nick Enslin





Dreyer Hokke



Tahiti Hokke



Abrie Swannepoel-jnr



Amstel Hokke



Bernard Volschenk-jnr



Hippo Hokke



Junior Klubkampioen



Abrie Swannepoel-jnr



Bernard Volschenk-jnr






Royal Hokke


Mimosa Hokke

Enige persoon wat belangstel om betrokke te raak by ons klub, kan ons voorsiter Nico Bezuidenhout kontak by 082 762 4152.

the plot. Inside the house, he allegedly grabbed the victim and started touching her inappropriately. The woman realised that he was about to rape her. She apparently managed to push him away and broke lose. She then ran away and summoned help. Captain Maano Sadiki asked people who had had similar experiences to contact the police. “The suspect could possibly be linked with more cases," he said. People who have any information can call the Makhado police's child protection unit and ask for W/O Mpfuni.

Die organisasie is werksaam in al nege provinsies van Suid-Afrika. In Limpopo is die enigste Kansakantoor geleë in Polokwane. Kanker is egter nie beperk tot ‘n sekere streek of dorp nie, en die voorkoms van kanker in hierdie gebied is kommerwekkend. Derhalwe wil hulle hul dienste uitbrei. Persone wat graag betrokke wil raak word uitgenooi om op 16 Julie die eerste opleidingsessie vanaf 13:00 by die Soutpansberg Dorpswag se kantore op Louis Trichardt by te woon. Vir meer inligting, skakel Elze-Marie du Preez (071 215 0333) of Dirk Meissenheimer (082 789 3927).

Suspect denied bail A 41-year-old man, Edward Muleya, was arrested by the Mara police last Saturday after he had allegedly stolen copper cables from a farm near Vivo. He was denied bail by the Louis Trichardt Magistrate's Court on Monday. The spokesperson for the Mara SAPS, Const Thabelo Rambuda, confirmed the incident. "We arrested Muleya after we found him in a possession of copper cables we believe had been stolen," he said. He added that a case of theft had been opened against Muleya. "Muleya was in the company of two friends, who fled the scene. The men are still at large, but members of our detective teams are busy looking for them. Hopefully, they will be arrested soon," added Rambuda. The men had still not been apprehended by the time we went to press. Muleya is a Zimbabwean national who currently resides in Musina. The case was postponed to Monday, July 11.

GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! HOUSE ON AUCTION - 38 Baobab Street DATE: 22 July @ 11:00 AVAILABLE ON THE PROPERTY: • HOUSE: 3 x Bedrooms, Open plan kitchen, Lounge, 2 x Bathrooms • 1 x FLATLET: 2 x Bedrooms, Open lounge / kitchen, 1½ Bathrooms • 1 x GRANNY FLAT: 1 x Bedroom with bathroom, Huge lapa • ALSO: Outside storing shed, 2 x garages with lean-to roof (carport) For viewing contact: Peter Ferreira Office: 015 516 1130 • Cell: 082 777 2418


8 Julie 2011 17

Dié vier karatekas van die Musina Karate Academy het die afgelope naweek aan die LKA-toernooi op Modimolle deelgeneem en medaljes verwerf. Voor, van links, is Dario Burger (goud kata) en Chriselle Visser (silwer vir kata). After is Cor Roos (goud kumité, silwer kata) en Andile Vena (goud kumité, brons kata). Foto verskaf.

Erik Welman (links) en John Kuhne (regs) wat beide hul SA Platteland-muurbalkleure verwerf het. Foto verskaf. Muurbal

Erik en John kry SA Platteland-kleure John Kuhne en Erik Welman van die Soutpansberg Muurbalklub het beide hulle SA Platteland-muurbalkleure verwerf en was deel van die Platteland-span wat aan die junior interprovinsiale toer­ nooi vanaf 25 tot 29 Junie deelgeneem het. John het as deel van die SO/13B-span het in Pietermaritzburg gespeel, terwyl Erik

as lid van die SO/16A-span in Bloemfontein meegeding het. Die O/16 -span eindig algeheel vyfde uit 12 spanne, terwyl die O/13-spannetjie tweede laaste eindig uit sewe spanne. Erik het ook gedurende die jaar aan ‘n aantal O/16 kwalifiserende toernooie deelgeneem vir ‘n nasionale rang. Hierdie toernooie is in Bloemfontein (2), Johannesburg (2) en Port

Elizabeth gespeel en het hy 35ste in die land geëindig. Erik het na afloop van sy prestasies sy dank uitgespreek teenoor Dennis Keenan van Binvest (VanderBijlpark) en Deon en Magel Greyling van Summit vir hulle finansiële bydraes en borgskappe. “Daarsonder sou dit onmoontlik wees om al die toernooie te kon bywoon,” het Erik gesê.

Hierdie groepie karatekas van die Braambos Karateklub op LMB Makhado het op Saterdag, 25 Junie deelgeneem aan die LKA provinsiale kampioenskappe op Modimolle. Sewe van die karatekas kwalifiseer ook vir provinsiale kleure. Voor, van links, is Danielle Dreyer (goud kata, silwer kumité) en Celeste Dreyer (4de kumité). In die middel is Yvonne Denkewitz (goud kumité, brons kata) en Bernadette Boucher (goud kata, 4de kumité). Agter is Johann Olivier (goud kumité, silwer kata), sensei Andrea Pretorius (goud kumité, 4de kata) en Curtley Denkewitz (goud kumité, silwer kata). Afwesig: Wihan Joubert (goud kumité, brons Kata), Mari-Lette du Plessis (goud kata, goud kumité) en André Pretorius (spanbestuurder). Duiwenuus

Duiweboere ding mee vanaf Heidelberg Lede van die Soutpansberg Posduifklub het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan onderskeidelik ‘n Derby-, ope-, jaaroud- en Duitse-wedvlug vanaf Heidelberg. In die Derby is dit Erna de Klerk wat met die louere wegstap, nadat haar wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n spoed van 1254.14 meter per minuut. Sy was ook 2de, 4de, 15de en 16de. Tiny de Klerk was 3de, 5de, 14de, 17de en 18de, Isaac Naudé 6de, 9de, 12de en 13de, Marx Hokke 7de en 8ste, T&H Meyer Heelwat van die streek se 4x4-entoesiaste het op 2 en 3 Julie deelgeneem aan die uitstappie 10de, Danie Lourens 11de en in die Klein Letabarivier. Dank is uitgespreek teenoor almal wat hul weg kon oopsien om dié familienaweek saam deur te bring. Oud en jonk het dit eweneens geniet. In die foto is van die deelnemers en jongelinge besig om hulself te geniet. Foto verskaf.

20ste en Braam Naudé 19de. Erna palm ook die ope-wedvlug in, nadat haar wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n spoed van 1380.97 meter per minuut. Sy was ook 5de en 6de. Tiny was 2de, 3de en 4de, Elize & Tim 7de, 8ste en 11de, T&H Meyer 9de, 10de en 12de, Marx Hokke 13de, 17de en 18de, Koos Gerber 14de, 15de en 16de en Danie 19de en 20ste. In die jaaroud-wedvlug is dit Elize & Tim wat dié keer eerste eindig, nadat hul wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n spoed van 1336.53 meter per minuut.


Soutpansberg Gholfklub

The 19th hole Fixtures/Bepalings Opkomende Kompetisie

Maandelikse Houespel Datum



SPB Gholfklub



Formaat HS Punte


Z Nortjé

uittel 69


I Steyn

uittel 69


T Victor

uittel 70


S Krügel

uittel 70 Woensdagspel




Eie reëlings



Formaat IS Punte





Hanglip 54



R Gilfillan

uittel 39



F du Preez

uittel 39


S Rudolph

uittel 38


Hanglip 54


Hanglip 54



Roelf Steyn Gedenkdag


Weeklikse Byeenkomste

Bidvest Bank in Musina was the proud sponsor of Messina Primary’s U/7 “Bulletjie” rugby team which competed at the annual Bulletjie Day held at Tshipise on May 28. The bank, among others, sponsored the team with new jerseys, two gifts for each player, as well as a special medal for each team mate. Pictured here is the young team with their coaches. Photo supplied.

Hulle was ook 2de en 3de. Marx Hokkie was 4de, 8ste en 9de, T&H Meyer 5de, 6de en 7de, Braam 10de, Erna 11de, 12de en 13de, Tiny 14de, 15de en 16de, Isaac 17de, 18de en 19de en Koos 20ste. Elize & Tim spog ook met ‘n wen in die Duitse-wedvlug, nadat hul wenduif die afstand voltooi met ‘n spoed van 1341.23 meter per minuut. Hulle was ook 3de, 5de, 6de, 7de, 8ste, 9de, 10de, 12de en 16de. T&H Meyer was 2de, 4de, 11de, 15de, 17de en 18de en Marx Hokke 13de, 14de, 19de en 20ste.







BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable­ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY:

58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470 BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm


18 July 8, 2011

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Hanglip 54 lok weer vol veld Oudergewoonte sal daar weer vanjaar 'n vol veld van 128 spelers aan die Soutpansberg Gholfklub se uiters gewilde Hanglip 54-toernooi kom deelneem. Die toernooi, wat oor drie dae sal strek, is Woensdag voorafgegaan met die klub se tradisionele "perdevei­ ling". Plaaslike spelers word tydens hier­ die veiling opgeveil en, afhangende van hul prestasie tydens die toernooi, ontvang die koper die grootste deel van die prysgeld, terwyl 'n deel daar­ van aan die klub sal gaan. Die Hanglip 54-toernooi lok jaarliks spelers van regoor die hele land en hierdie jaar is geen uitsondering met spelers van so ver as Kaapstad.

Groot moeite word elke jaar gedoen met die organisasie van die toernooi wat vanjaar weer moontlik is danksy die hoofborge. Donderdag se spel word vanjaar weer geborg deur die Makhado Munisipaliteit. Coca-Cola Fortune Louis Trichardt en die Suid-Afrikaanse Brouerye is die hoofborge vir die tweede dag se spel, terwyl die dorp se sakemanne Saterdag se spel sal borg. Elke dag se spel sal afgesluit word met ‘n prysuitdelingsfunksie en aandete. Elke dag se spel is in die formaat van ‘n beterbal Stableford, met een algehele wenner wat oor die drie dae aangewys sal word op grond van sy individuele Stableford-telling.

The Limpopo ladies field hockey team did the province proud when they finished fifth at the SACD tournament. The team consisted of (at the back, from left) Pieter Jooste (umpire), Suanne Barke, Paulien Lourens, Natasha Thackwray, Chanté du Toit, Roxanne Johr, Helene Fick and Tessa Pettit. In front are Melanie Louw (team manager), Bronwyn Cronjé, Marmari Pieterse, Hettie Trollip (vice-captain), Ashley Murray (captain), Marli Beetge, Laura Adams, Minette Prinsloo and Justin Saunders (coach.) Hockey news

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Fifth place for Limpopo’s hockey ladies at SACD The Limpopo ladies field hockey team did the province proud when they finished fifth at the SACD tournament that was hosted by Gauteng North during the last week in June. Limpopo got off to a shaky start on the first three days of the tournament and suffered defeats to Eastern Gauteng (0-1), KZN Inland A (0-7) and N OFS (2-6) respectively. The team regrouped, however, and played well to win all their remaining fixtures. In doing so, they secured fifth place in the tournament. Limpopo beat Mpumalanga (2-1) and Eastern Province (3-2) on days four and five and com-

pleted the tournament with wins against Eastern Gauteng (3-2 on penalties) and KZN Coastal (5-2) in the positional play-offs. “It was incredible to see how the ladies from Limpopo have improved annually and Limpopo ladies hockey is definitely on the rise. This is the third year that Limpopo has competed at the SACD tournament and every year we have improved on our ranking, finishing 12th in 2009 and 8th in 2010,” was the response from team manager Melanie Louw. "This," Louw said, "means that Limpopo is a province that will certainly become a force to be reckoned with in the

future. “Everything begins at home and the more ladies we have participating in our league and making themselves available for selection to the provincial team, the stronger our team will be that goes on tour every year,” Louw said. She invited all ladies to join one of the teams in the local league and to become part of Limpopo hockey. Hettie Trollip (Phalaborwa) was selected for the South African SACD Bteam that will be participating in the IPTB tournament to be held in Bloemfontein in August this year. The Limpopo team thanked Sanrie du Plessis from Specsavers in Louis Trichardt for the kit bags that she sponsored.

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