Meet the candidates

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Page A8 - September 16, 2010 - Teton Valley News


Meet the

candidates Election November 2, 2010 * denotes incumbent

Teton Cou nt y C o m m i s s i o n e r r ace S e at 2 Tony Goe

Republican, County Commissioner – Seat 2 Who Are You? A 20-year Army Veteran with the knowledge of what made this country the greatest nation on earth. My roots are in Mud Lake, and I have lived in Teton Valley nearly five years. I graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Management Systems. I am the Security Director for Huntsman Springs and the Vice-chairman of the Eastern Idaho Chapter of an international security association. I formerly served on the board of directors of the Family Safety Network and am currently the Chairman of the County’s Local Emergency Planning Committee where I help set the agenda and update emergency operations plans for dealing with natural and manmade disasters. I am included in the 2009-2010 edition of the Cambridge Who’s Who Registry of Executives, Professionals, and Entrepreneurs and was formerly listed in the 2006 – 2007 Global Register of Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals. I attained the rank of Sergeant Major in the Army and received the Legion of Merit medal. I implemented technology solutions for the Joint Special Operations Command and developed technology for the National Intelligence Community as a Defense contractor, earning a Computerworld-Smithsonian award for heroic effort before moving permanently to Idaho. Why are you running for office? Because in the nearly five years I have been a resident, I have observed a planning quagmire, seen an unprecedented decline in the economy, and listened to my neighbors and friends ask for leadership that just hasn’t materialized. I have not aspired to become a commissioner but can no longer witness what is dividing us without attempting to do something for all who want a return to integrity, honesty, and genuine openness in our local government. I have heard the concerns of fellow residents who have been otherwise dismissed, and I’ve listened to their waning hopes for the future

of Teton County. Something has to be done and someone has to step up. Citizen concerns have turned into “we’ve had enough!”, and quite frankly, so have I. As a former business process engineer, strategic planner, and business/systems developer, I understand how to achieve objectives and get the job done. I enjoy working with diverse entities and finding common ground to arrive at solutions everyone can accept. I have attended many different local meetings and developed comfortable relationships with the districts, departments, and commissions that serve our county now, and I strongly believe I will be able to effect a difference. What is your platform? Residents have had enough of the dysfunctional leadership that has contributed to a significant decline in our economy, poor planning, over-regulation and restrictive ordinances, and a declining quality of life. Although we suffer from the nation’s economic downturn, our local government appears content to wait for big government rescue programs not coming this way. Incentivizing, encouraging, and supporting business development with fewer restrictions will help stimulate our economy. We exercise reasonable stewardship over our environment and don’t need the added burden and expense of additional studies, overlays development, or inviting EPA and Forest Service regulatory interference when we already have the intelligence to care for our environment. Our commissions should not be given more authority and ability to tell us how to live in and grow this county. Genuine public involvement will help us all to plan and appreciate a better standard of living and eco-integration we can all accept and of which we can take ownership. Our commissions must be trusted. Too many residents have been demoralized to the extent they are satisfied to walk in the dwindling remains of liberty and individual sovereignty while special interest threatens the freedoms we once enjoyed.

Kathy Rinaldi*

Democrat, County Commissioner – Seat 2 Who are you? I’m a wife, mother and a small business owner. I met my husband Rich at Grand Targhee while I was a graduate student at the University of Idaho and working for the National Outdoor Leadership School. In 2001, we built our house in Driggs, became owners of Yostmark Mountain Equipment in 2004, and had our first son the following year. We both come from blue-collar working class families and believe in hard work and living within our means.

My first year in office we stabilized the county budget by cutting nearly $1 million, we pulled the hospital out of near bankruptcy, moved into the new courthouse and finally opened our new county transfer station. I represent a growing demographic of young, working-class families in Teton Valley. I intimately understand the plight of our community and am focused on a better future for Teton Valley. What is your platform? Moving forward, my focus is economic development. I’ve stood firm on fiscal conservatism and planning for our future.

As a small business owner, I am a firm believer in capitalism and fiscal conservatism. These two years in office, I have stretched your tax dollars by promoting efficiency, wise investments, collaboration and consistent enforcement of policies. While saving money, I am proud to say that I have garnered nearly $100,000 in federal grants for our community and have applied for an additional $6 million of grant funds.

As we now emerge from the economic downturn the key to our recovery is strategically planning for sustainable economic growth and development. We simply cannot rely on the boom-bust cycles of the past. By focusing on what we do well, like attracting entrepreneurs, encouraging niche markets and attracting new business that prioritize lifestyle and a high quality of life, we can create good paying and sustainable jobs.

I’ve served on numerous boards including the Driggs Planning and Zoning Commission, the Urban Renewal Agency, and the Teton Valley Foundation.

Through thoughtful planning we can create communities where people want to live and visit, reinvigorating the building industry and fueling commercial and tourism growth. As an emerging lifestyle community we cannot rely on our natural resources alone in order to attract new business. We need to also invest in our infrastructure such as roads, schools, and hospital.

Why are you running for office? I am motivated by positive change and want to continue making constructive steps for our community. When I took office in 2009 the county was faced with major crises due to the national economic collapse: a shrinking budget, struggling hospital, partially-built courthouse and vacant transfer station.

I’ve been a stalwart advocate of setting a higher bar for our community. With your help, we can be a community that has a stable economic base, opportunities for our children and a high quality of life.

Te t on Cou nt y C o m m i s s i o n e r r ac e Se at 3 Kelly Park

Republican, County Commissioner – Seat 3 Who are you? Hi, I’m Kelly Park running for county commissioner district III. My wife is Becky. My two sons are Everett, a senior at Teton High, and William, an eighth-grader at Teton Middle School. I’ve been a resident of Teton Valley for 52 years, graduated here in 1977. I own Wy-Idaho Plumbing, Inc., a mom and pop plumbing business here in Driggs. I coach high school girls basketball, and I’ve been a part in youth baseball and basketball for 20 years. I’m on the board of directors for the State of Idaho Golf Association, an avid hunter, horse rider and sports nut.

Why are you running for office? I feel we need local representation on the commissioner level. I’m not here for VARD’s support or Huntsman Springs’ support. I’m here for the local person that wants that home-town feeling, that feeling you can trust your neighbor’s word and there actions to be true and genuine. What is your platform? Sustainable jobs, light industry, open spaces areas that can help farming, making the Teton Valley an area that children will want to stay and raise children in.

Larry Young*

Democrat, County Commissioner – Seat 3 Who Are You? I’ve called the North end of Teton valley home for 28 years, and I’ve made my living in home construction and design for 30-plus years. I first came here to climb in the Tetons, which I did avidly in my 20s and 30s. Now that I’m just a little older, I enjoy Nordic skiing in the winter, and gardening, bike riding, and hiking in the summer. In the late 90s I was appointed to the County Planning and Zoning Commission and served there for eight years. In 2006 I ran for County Commissioner (in district No. 3) and was elected to a four-year term. This year I’m asking for your support to return for a second (two-year) term.

Why are you running for office? I’m running for the same main reason that made me want to serve in county government in the first place: A desire to give back to a community that’s been good to me. For most of the past 12 years of service to the county my main concerns have been about how to manage rapid growth, how county operations can be run better, and how land use policy and development regulations could be improved to ensure the Valley remains a special place that people want to invest in. With the economic bust these concerns have shifted to dealing with the aftermath of the boom times, how to do the most with declining revenues, and how government can support the creation of a more sustainable and dependable local economy going forward.

In my long experience with county work, and in a lifetime in the construction business, I have learned a lot and have gained many skills, making me the most qualified candidate for this seat. Your vote for me in November will enable me to apply my experience to the ongoing work of improving Teton County, and to see through to completion many of the projects and reforms we began in 2007.

What is your platform? I believe the most important thing in local government is to do a good job of managing the basic operations and services it’s charged to provide. This makes for cost-effective use of tax money, and supports the private sector in doing what it does best, which is growing and improving the economy. The current economic situation has required a shift in short-term priorities, but I think it’s even more important now to continue to do good long-range planning. Working on the new Comprehensive Plan is what I’m looking forward to most if I’m returned for a second term. I’m optimistic that this process will result in a good product because I’m hearing a lot of agreement on basic ideas like the need to enhance and preserve our assets, and to write into the Plan guidance for better and more reliable land use policy. Two other critical, high priority challenges are finding ways to deal with the oversupply of vacant lots throughout the county, and to get realistic about the true costs of rural development. The first issue will require us to be creative in dealing with an existing situation, and the second calls for the application of Smart Growth principles.


Teton Valley News - September 16, 2010 - Page A9

Te t o n C o u nt y A s s e s s o r race Bonnie Beard*

Kirk Olsen

Who are you?

Who are you?

Democrat, Teton County Assessor

My name is Bonnie Beard. I was born in Driggs and have spent my life here in Teton Valley. I had the opportunity to grow up on a ranch in Teton Valley. Without giving up my age I’m happy to say I have been married to my husband, Mitch, for 38 years. We have four children and 13 grandchildren. My husband and I have both owned and operated a restaurant and convenient store in Teton Valley. I have worked in the Teton County Assessor’s office for the past seven years. I was appointed Assessor in April of 2005. I feel that I am a motivated individual with a strong work ethic. Why are you running for office? When I first came to work at the Assessor’s office in 2002 I came because I wanted a job, but it wasn’t long before I came to really enjoy the work. I would have never imagined all the aspects to this job, but I really enjoy the challenge of always learning more. I care what happens to our community and the people who reside here. I choose to run because I feel this is a great opportunity to do my share to help to keep our valley at a fair market value and to help ensure that people will all be treated fairly. While we are mandated a great deal by the State Tax Commission, I feel

it is very important to have someone in the Assessor’s office that will be willing to address issues before they become a problem. My knowledge of both agriculture and business makes me better qualified to know the needs of residential, agricultural and commercial property owners in the valley. What is Your Platform? As the Teton County Assessor, I strive to provide professional, courteous service to the public with regard to the equitable valuation of all properties in Teton County, tracking and mapping their ownership and providing a vehicle licensing and titling service for the citizens of Teton County. Teton County has 15,165 assessable parcels with a net taxable value of over $1.8 billion. The county operates under the guidance of the Idaho State Tax Commission. We strive to be in compliance at all times with state regulation while being at a fair and equitable market value for the citizens of Teton County. If cities, counties, and other taxing districts budget the same amount from property tax from one year to the next but property values go down, the levy rate goes up automatically to compensate. Therefore, with an overall value decrease of 25 percent this year it becomes even more important to have every parcel assessed at a fair market value.

Republican, Teton County Assessor

Richard Kirk Olsen, Born in Blackfoot, Idaho. Attended Rick’s College, Rexburg Idaho and Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. I was married to Lyn M. Olsen from Victor, Idaho in June of 1972. We settled in Victor then and raised five sons. We also are the proud grandparents of nine grandchildren. I have been in the home building business all my life one way or another. I started building homes with my father in my teens and still do some building. At different times I have held Idaho Electrical Contractor’s license, Idaho Real Estate Salesman License. I am well acquainted with the county and market value appraisal process. I served as Mayor of the City of Victor for 14 years and on the Victor City Council for 10. Over the years I have started and operated several different businesses. In slow building times I worked for three different airlines. I managed people, passengers and a lot of luggage. The reason we have stayed in Teton Valley all these years is the mountains and all that they provide. We have raised horses for the past 38 years and trail ride as often as possible. The thing that drew me to the valley was not only the mountains and the spectacular beauty, but the feel of the valley. People accepted me and made feel welcome and a part of something wonderful. That something was being from” The Valley.” I am glad I stayed, have seen all of the changes and still want to be a part of the future. Why are you running for office? I have been thinking about this office

for a few years. I knew the Assessor in Bingham County years ago through Real Estate dealings, and I got a feel for the job then. Times today are different. The county has gone through years of extreme growth after decades of decline or very small growth. Now the tables have turned again and we are in a time of declining market values for our once inflated market values. Traditionally tax appraised property values were less than market values. No one complained. Now tax appraises values are higher than market values and everyone complains. We have reason to complain, we are paying taxes on value that does not exist. It is hard for all of us to pay taxes on an artificial number that does not have relation to our current position. This problem must be resolved by the assessor’s office. I feel I am up to the task at hand and am willing to do all in my power as County Assessor to find all legal ways to bring all of our property taxes in line with reality. What is your platform? My platform can be summed up best in a quotation on Democracy that I read in the classic novel of Harper Lee, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Atticus Finch’s campaign motto was “Equal rights for all, special privileges for none.” That is my motto also. If I am elected assessor every person who comes through my door will be treated friendly, with respect and a smile. It matters not to me the language the taxpayer speaks nor the position nor the style of clothes they wear. We are all in this together. If we can have patience with each other we can bring equitable property taxes to everyone.

Teton C o u nt y C o u nt y C l e rk race Rick Beard

Mary Lou Hansen*

Republican, County Clerk

Democrat, County Clerk

Who are you?

Who are you?

My wife of 35 years Freda Kay and I are parents of five children and grandparents of eight. I am a great grandson of early Teton Valley settlers James Thomas and Mary Goodworth Beard. My WW II veteran father and my mother, both from the Teton Valley, drew a homestead in eastern Jerome County just after the war. Here, I was born and raised on family farms mainly in the Magic Valley. No matter where we lived, my parents always referred to the Teton Basin as home. Over the years, Freda and I have owned, operated and improved several farms and businesses. I have also held my Real Estate license for the last 13 years. We love the valley and understand my parent’s reference to the Teton Basin as home. Why are you running for office? I was approached to run for office and my first thought was, ‘why would I want to run for office?’ Upon better reflection, I came to realize that I have the experience to be of service to the citizens of Teton Valley if I

can earn their trust and vote. It is a different kind of job interview, running for office and asking to work for the citizens. I would prefer a straight up interview rather than a campaign, but I would like to be one of the safeguards of the public trust, so run for office it is. I enjoy my association and interaction with the people of the Teton Valley. I am a relatively new resident of the valley with some historic family roots. I would like to see the political divide narrowed in the valley. I would like to see less national issue letters to the editor and more effort to recruit a small clean business to the area similar to one I helped site in South Central Idaho a few years ago. I would like the citizens of the Teton Valley to feel they are getting value from county government. What is your platform? It’s hard to put together your platform when you are not and have no intention of being a career politician. With that said, I plan on using my life skills to do a job for the people of Teton Valley and only the people of the Teton Valley.

My name is Mary Lou Hansen. I’m 58-years-old, grew up in Denver and moved to the Tetons after graduating from BYU-Provo. I met my husband, Paul, while working in Grand Teton National Park after college. We lived in Jackson for several years before moving “over the hill” in 1980. We built a log home on 10 acres north of Driggs and learned the pros and cons of commuting via snowmobile, alternate energy, and living many miles from work and school. About 15 years ago, we moved into Driggs and have enjoyed the convenience of in-town living ever since. I held several different jobs prior to being elected County Clerk, including: bookkeeper at the Senior Center of Jackson Hole, owner and editor of the Teton Valley Independent monthly newspaper, clerk for the Teton Soil Conservation District, self-employed graphic designer, Driggs City Council member, clerk at the Driggs Post Office, business manager at the Teton Valley News, and Mom to two wonderful daughters (Martha and Robin). I love the mountains, fresh air, lack of traffic, amazing variety of outdoor activities, and friendly people found in Teton Valley. My favorite valley location is anywhere above timberline in the Tetons. Why are you running for office? The State of Idaho has given the county clerk five distinct titles: Clerk of the District Court, Auditor, Recorder, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and Chief Elections Officer. These multiple responsibilities make the clerk’s

job extremely diverse, interesting and challenging, which is why I enjoy the position and am seeking re-election. I have worked hard during the past four years to understand and execute the clerk’s duties and want to continue putting my knowledge and skills to work for the citizens of Teton County. In particular, I want to implement the state’s new election consolidation law, expand the information available through the county’s Web site, write informative and accurate Commissioner meeting minutes, index the county’s historic land records, help ensure that justice is served in Teton County, and provide careful oversight of the county’s budget. What is your platform? The County Clerk is an administrator, not a policy-maker. I supervise a staff of seven excellent employees who perform the day-to-day tasks necessary to serve the public and carry out the clerk’s responsibilities. My office motto is EAT, because I believe that government should be Efficient, Accurate and Transparent. (I also like having treats at staff meetings.) I believe all nine county elected officials must work together and communicate honestly in order to perform their duties in the most cost-effective manner possible. I think all county residents should be treated with respect and courtesy and deserve to have their phone calls returned. If re-elected, I will continue working hard to fulfill the clerk’s responsibilities in an Efficient, Accurate and Transparent manner. Candidates continued on next page

Page A10 - September 16, 2010 - Teton Valley News


U n i t e d S tat es S e n at o r Tom Sullivan

Democrat, U.S. Senator Who are you? I’m an Idahoan and I’m an American. After my father’s death, my mother’s natural curiosity and adventurous spirit led us from the East Coast to the Midwest to California’s most western shores and finally to northern Idaho’s panhandle where I spent my teenage years. We homesteaded a 10-acre plot near the top of the Hoodoo Mountains. We hewed a log cabin out of the wilderness with axes and a twoman saw. The family motto in those years emphasized self-reliance and cooperation. I worked for Frank Bernam in Mountain Home when I was 13. I changed irrigation pipe for Vern Hollett outside of Priest River, Idaho when I was 15. I owned a restaurant in Coeur d’Alene with my wife Kelly in 1996 and I moved to Driggs in 2004. I’ve been an employer for the past 18 years and I believe it’s long past time we put Americans back to work Why are you running for office? I want to see the words “Made in America” again. Becoming the world’s leader again in manufacturing and agriculture isn’t just essential to our economic security. It’s essential to our national security. Imagine if we’d had to fight World War II without manufacturing plants and American-grown food. It’s time we negotiate trade agreements that lift workers up, not bring the pay and benefits of American workers down to the level of Mexico and China and call it “the free market.” It’s time we stopped rewarding companies that ship our jobs overseas and giving tax breaks to companies that shelter their money offshore, leaving middle class taxpayers holding the bag. It’s time we lead the new energy revolution, so we don’t find ourselves yet again

dependent on other countries for our fuel. We’ve led every technological revolution of the last century, and there’s no reason we can’t lead this one. It’s time we stop giving money to the big banks that are strangling the small businesses that are the engine of economic growth and job creation. And it’s time that we balance free trade with fair trade, so that the working people who contribute to the creation of wealth share in it, and we don’t increasingly become a country of haves and have-nots. What is your platform? My platform is putting Americans back to work. Americans believe the tax code favors the rich, and they’re right. Last year, the average millionaire got a $100,000 back from the Bush tax cuts, while middle class families got $500. Americans believe big corporations are parking money overseas to avoid paying taxes and shipping American jobs overseas to avoid paying workers a living wage. And they’re right about that, too. I don’t believe in raising taxes on the middle class or on small business owners, who create three-quarters of all new jobs and need tax cuts, not hikes. But I also don’t believe in giving tens of billions in tax breaks to oil companies while they’re racking up tens of billions in profits. I don’t believe in cutting off unemployment to people who’ve lost their jobs while extending tax breaks to the same Wall Street bankers whose greed and recklessness threw those people out of work. In good times and bad, working and middle class Americans need to know we can count on a good public education for our kids, law enforcement at home and a strong military abroad, and Social Security and Medicare as we get older. That’s why we pay taxes. So I’m all for extending tax cuts for the middle class, but not for the upper 1 percent, who can afford an extra 3 cents on the dollar.

Mike Crapo*

Republican, U.S. Senator Who are you? My family goes back five generations in Idaho. I was educated in Idaho public schools and, after college, returned here to raise my family. Regardless of where I’ve performed public service, my wife and I have kept our family here for the quality of life. Whenever possible, I enjoy outdoor activities like backpacking, fishing, hunting and skiing with them. I love Idaho and enjoy everything it has to offer. Even with all the natural beauty and resources, the best part of Idaho is her great people. Why are you running for office? Our nation is facing very troublesome times on many fronts. The importance that we follow the Constitution and the right principles of governing has never been greater in my lifetime. I am committed more than ever to the principles that prompted me to run for the Senate: limited government, low taxes, less spending and more individual freedom. Americans must speak out strongly today to preserve and defend our Constitution and the sys-

tem of limited government and the freedom it embraces. My record of solid, effective advocacy for the principles of limited government, less spending, reduced taxes and more individual freedom has demonstrated leadership for Idahoans in the U.S. Senate. I listen, build consensus and lead toward workable commonsense solutions. My consistent open-door policy and priority to meet with and talk to as many Idahoans as possible ensures that I represent Idahoans fairly and accurately. What is your platform? My goals are to address the everincreasing debt and deficit and stop out-of-control growth of government and its intrusion into our lives so that government adheres to the Constitution and promotes individual liberty and responsibility; to get people back to work by empowering businesses and entrepreneurs, decreasing taxes, federal spending and regulations that burden our economy; and to work for commonsense solutions to protect and properly manage our natural resource heritage.

Randy Lynn Bergquist Conservative, U.S. Senator

Photo and submission not received.

United Stat e s R e p r es e n tat i v e — Dis t r i c t 2 Brian Schad

Independent, U.S. Representative – District 2 Who are you? I am a husband, father, independent small-businessman, and a 12-year United States Navy SEAL veteran. I believe I represent a “well-rounded” adult population that is trying to make a living while raising a family. I have a deep understanding of the challenges facing small-businesses and the struggles of the middle-class here in our district, our state, and our entire nation. I’m an average Joe like most people in this district, raised to believe hard work and conducting yourself with honor and integrity is how you form relationships, and go forward effectively in life. I’m a person who, from my teen-years, has believed we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights starting with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I fought for these rights with every fiber of my being in my younger days and am asking my Idaho neighbors to consider me their “political warrior.” This is who I am, and my intentions as an Idaho statesman.

Why are you running for office? I entered into this campaign on a mission to restore our federal government to the Constitutionally abiding body it was created “of the People, by the People, for the People” to govern. It is my intention to become an example of leadership in our U.S. House of Representatives for others to follow. My mission is to restore the relevancy of our nation’s Congress through the mandate of our Founding Father’s documents — the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights. Another reason for running is because of prior sacrifices by millions of Americans well before me that have fought for this country, and the American way of life. Too

much American blood has been leached into our soil to turn it over to the agenda of professional politicians who have failed us. When it comes to serving our country and my neighbors here in Idaho, I have so faithfully and honorably, and now I ask your help to get me in the service of our country just one more time. This race, however, isn’t about me or my past, it’s about restoring honor and integrity to Washington and ridding its corridors of the corruption and sleazy politics. This is why I am running.

Mike Simpson* Republican, U.S. Representative – District 2

Submission not received.

What is your platform? My platform begins with me as I consider myself a Constitutional Conservative who believes the continuing path for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the United States is through a small, limited, federal government granted only enough authority to enforce the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I believe “party politics” does not have a place any longer in federal level of government as we have experienced over the past 100 years; the unconstitutional growth of federal government, its insatiable appetite for tax-dollars and complete control over “We the People” has led us to the most polarized and destructive application of party mentality in our American history. I am for complete state sovereignty and individual state’s rights to pursue a state government inclined to conservative, moderate, or liberal governance as their sovereign prerogative. I believe other states are better positioned to help their neighbor’s than the federal government can. Our nation was founded on Christian principles with inalienable rights granted by our Creator and our federal government must return to its primary fiduciary duty to ensure these rights are enforced for all. We are a strong, independent Idaho and United States of America through these beliefs.

Mike Crawford Democrat, U.S. Representative – District 2

Photo and submission not received. Candidates continued on next page


Teton Valley News - September 16, 2010 - Page A11

Governor Keith Allred

Democrat, Governor Who are you? I was raised in Twin Falls, Idaho as a fifthgeneration Idahoan. During high school, I spent summers working on my grandfather’s cattle ranch. I graduated from Twin Falls High School in 1983. I graduated with a degree in history from Stanford University. After graduation, I served for two years in the Germany, Hamburg mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. Following a PhD from UCLA, I taught leadership at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. In 2003, my wife Christine and I came back home to Idaho to raise our family. In my work as a professional mediator, I have helped resolve public lands, hydroelectric dam, land use, and tribal disputes. In 2004, I founded The Common Interest. This nonprofit organization has brought together 1,600 Idaho citizens—Republicans, Democrats, and Independents—to put common sense solutions ahead of special interest and partisan politics in the legislature. Under my leadership, the Common Interest helped lower private property taxes, protect private property rights and pushed measures that protected the public’s access to legislative meetings. I am now running as a Democrat for the office of governor. I am honored to have my campaign chaired by former Governor Cecil Andrus and former Senator Laird Noh. Why are you running for office? Idahoans are deeply frustrated that government is no longer about them but about protecting special interests and the power of political parties. I’m running to put the interests of everyday citizens first. As I’ve done for the past five years as president of The Common Interest, I’ll engage the citizens of Idaho—Republicans, Democrats, and independents—in identifying and advancing practical solutions that we broadly agree are in our shared interests.

I have two main priorities: lower taxes to help small businesses generate more jobs, and a stronger education system. We cannot build a great state without making sure we give all of our kids an equal opportunity for a great education. I’m running because as I believe that, as a family man, as a leader of a bipartisan group and as a sportsman who loves Idaho, we need better leadership in the governor’s office. My dissatisfaction with Butch Otter is that all too often his poorly considered choices actually contribute to controversy and discord rather than leading to solutions. He’s had three years to operate state government with a Legislature that is dominated by his party. And yet, he’s got precious little to show for it in accomplishments. What is your platform? I’d look out for Idahoans’ interests both in our economy and in our education system. First, Idahoans need new and better jobs. The best way to do this is to close the many special interest tax exemptions that don’t make sense in order to reduce overall tax rates. Closing special interest tax exemptions to reduce overall rates would shift the tax incentives to Idaho’s small businesses, where most of our new jobs are created. Second, I’d work hard to improve our public school education system. We can’t do this by cutting education like Butch Otter did this year, the first time in Idaho history. Instead, we need to be making the specific investments in programs and reforms that experience has shown to be the most cost effective. Our Constitution wisely requires the state to provide a thorough system of public instruction. If we don’t do a good job of educating our kids, we pay dearly down the road. Honoring our commitment to the people of Idaho is also a matter of fiscal responsibility. These are areas in which we can find common sense solutions that attract broad support where there has previously been controversy and discord.

Jana Kemp

Photo not available

Independent, Governor Who are you?

Jana Kemp, independent candidate for Governor of Idaho 2010. I am a wife and full-time step-mother to a 7-year-old daughter. As a small business owner for 17 years, I bring the skills needed to lead Idaho out of the bleak spots we are in and into a bright future. Having served one term in the Idaho House of Representatives as a Republican, I know the lawmaking process and the lawmakers with whom I will work. I also know just how broken the two-party system is and that we need leaders who will focus on us first rather than on their parties! I will continue to ask questions, to seek best-possible solutions, and to holdaccountable the systems and people who are serving Idaho. My mettle has been tested as a for-profit business owner and as a lawmaker; I am ready to serve Idaho as Governor. Why are you running for Governor? First, I am running because Idaho needs to be a great place to live and work. With my action-oriented leadership, Idaho can rise from the current troubled times and become a shining gem among the 50 states once again! Second, I am running because my stepdaughter is a fifth generation Idahoan and I would like her to be able to finish her education here and be able to raise a family here. All of us deserve a much better future than we are currently being set up to experience. Third, I am running for Governor as an independent candidate because I have always voted for the person whom I thought could best do the job; because my House voting record showed that I read and voted on every bill based on its merits; and because my elected-office

C.L. “Butch” Otter*

I am Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter. I am the father of four and grandfather of five. My wife, and the First Lady of Idaho, is the former Lori Easley of Kimberly. I was born in May 1942 in Caldwell, graduated from Boise’s, St. Teresa’s Academy (now Bishop Kelly High School) and went on to attend Boise Junior College (now Boise State University) and received my bachelor’s degree in political science from the College of Idaho. I served in the Idaho Army National Guard’s 116th Armored Cavalry from 1968 to 1973. I spent the first 30 years of my career working for the J.R. Simplot Company in various roles, including director of the Food Products Division, president of Simplot Livestock, and president of Simplot International. In the meantime, I served the people of Canyon County in the Idaho House of Representatives and was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1986. I retired from Simplot in 1993 and continued serving as Lieutenant Governor until being elected to represent the people of Idaho’s 1st District in Congress in 2000. I was honored to be elected Idaho’s 32nd Governor in 2006. Why are you running for office? Idaho is my home. My children and grandchildren were born here. I care deeply about this state and everyone who calls it home. I have devoted my life to making Idaho the best place in the world to live, work and raise a family. I truly believe that Idaho can be what America was meant to be — a land of limited government and unlimited opportunity. In the last four years as your Governor,

global economic realities have forced me to make some difficult choices to ensure that Idaho and our citizens retain the ability to reach our greatest potential as individuals and as a state. Our prudent and responsible approach to budgeting — just as families throughout our state are doing every day — has helped ensure that Idaho is positioned to emerge from this recession sooner and stronger than most other states. But there is more work that we must do to ensure our State government makes the most efficient and effective use of taxpayer dollars, to ensure Idaho is a place where more career opportunities can be created, and to empower every Idahoan to live up to their fullest potential. What is your platform? I stand for making sure State government makes the most efficient and effective possible use of every taxpayer dollar. I stand for creating an economic environment where innovation is valued, and where entrepreneurs have the stability and certainty in our tax and regulatory structure to build and expand their businesses and create more career opportunities for our citizens and communities. I stand for working with the private sector to create world-class public schools and a college and university system second to none, through such tools as the Idaho Education Network and the Opportunity Scholarship Fund. I stand for protecting Idaho’s self-determination over issues from endangered species to healthcare from an aggressively overreaching federal government. We must be the architects of our own destiny, as the Framers envisioned. From wolf management to working for more affordable, accessible healthcare, and from growing our economy to providing great educational opportunities for our children, our future must be in our hands.

What is your platform? Empowering Idaho’s brainpower for education, job creation, energy independence and responsible government is the leading part of my platform. Idahoans have the solutions to many of our state’s challenges and it is time for leadership that acts upon taxpayer ideas. To encourage job creation, I will work to: lower corporate taxes such as personal property taxes; empower Idaho’s entrepreneurs; build public/private collaborations; diversify Idaho’s economy; and support the armed forces as part of Idaho’s workforce. On the education front, I will: support early childhood education; protect an appropriate education budget that includes smaller classroom sizes K-3; advance world class teacher education for 21st Century students and lead public and private colleges to create the finest collegiate nursing program in the Northwest. In the pursuit of energy independence, I will: champion innovation in Idaho; explore renewable energy from all resources; and merge resource agencies for improved management. My leadership of responsible government will include: accountability for state agency budgets and performance; a streamlining of state services; and getting rid of the “governor’s mansion,” as well as protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. For more:


Independent, Governor

Republican, Governor Who are you?

term proved that the parties themselves are more focused on gaining and keeping seats than they are on taxpayer needs and concerns. And finally, I am running for Governor because it is time for Idaho to have a leader in the Governor’s office who will tackle all of the day-to-day challenges of managing all of the state’s agencies and employees.

Who are you? Yes, Pro-Life is my legal and only name. You will see the name “Pro-Life” on the ballot in November. In 2006 I was the Constitution Party candidate for governor. My legal name in 2006 was Marvin Pro-Life Richardson. The Idaho Secretary of State refused to allow the name “Pro-Life” on the ballot. I could have sued the Secretary of State to force him to put my middle name on the ballot, but instead, I chose to drop “Marvin” and “Richardson” and have “ProLife” as my only name. I am a 70-year-old organic strawberry farmer near Letha, Idaho. I have 15 children and 25 grandchildren. I am happily married to Kirsten Faith Richardson, 28 years. We are a home-school and home-birth family. I am a graduate of BYU in political science and accounting. I worked for three CPA firms and had my own accounting practice in Bear Lake County and Wyoming. I have been a candidate for state legislature (2004), governor (2006), and U.S. Senate (2008). I also worked for a Caterpillar dealership in Nevada for 13 years. I was born and raised in Carbon County, Wyo. Why are you running for office? The reason I run for office is to make people accountable for hearing the truth. There is a Great Judgment after this life, and we will be held accountable for our actions in regard to government. Government is force. When we vote to create laws that force people, we are revealing our judgment in regard to free will (agency). It is the nature of almost all people to force

others to do good. The proper role of government is to restrain evil and allow as much free agency as possible. We should never use government to force others to do good. We were born onto this earth as a test to see what we will do outside of God’s presence. Peer pressure rules here on earth, and almost everyone is selfish, so the result is a severely corrupt society. Because people are selfish, we allow pre-born babies to be murdered (abortion), theft via the ballot box (socialism), and fascism via licensing of occupations. What is your platform? I am a strict constitutionalist. Constitutions are our basic law upon which all laws are based. If we find a constitution is wrong about something, that something needs to be amended. Republicans and Democrats both regularly disregard constitutions, federal and state. I am totally opposed to public education. The Idaho State Constitution mandates public education. It needs to be amended. My platform can be found on my Web site, I use the Constitution Party platform with a few exceptions, As Governor I would command the Idaho Guard not to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan because Congress has not declared war. I would veto all legislation to fund health, welfare, recreation, etc. because there is no State or Federal constitutional provision for such activities. The state legislature would override my veto because they generally disregard the constitution. Go to my Web site, and compare my openness regarding issues, with my four opponents via their Web sites.

Ted Dunlap

Libertarian Governor

Photo and submission not received. Candidates continued on next page


Page A12 - September 16, 2010 - Teton Valley News

state r e p r e s e n tat i v e — S e at B Ralph Mossman

Tom Loertsscher*

Democrat, (Local) State Representative—Seat B Who Are You? I migrated to this area in 1978, and I have been a selfemployed, local business-owner for over 23 years, with my wife Mary. My business is called Heron Glass, and through our work, Mary and I have been recognized nationally and internationally as teachers and artists. We have received numerous awards for our accomplishments, including the Idaho Governor’s Award in the Arts (awarded by Dirk Kempthorne) and an Idaho Commission on the Arts Fellowship award. I have an engineering background, as well, which has helped me design and build my own innovative equipment and tools. My longtime interest in community has led me to serve in many capacities. I have served on the boards of the Economic Development Council, the Chamber of Commerce, and a Forest Service Task Force. I am currently serving on the Driggs Planning and Zoning Board. I am fully committed to the principle of working to make things better in our community, and as a natural problem solver and inventor, I always strive to come up with creative solutions to the challenges at hand. Why are you running for office? Teton County simply needs representation in Boise. I am passionate about addressing our current economic challenges; putting friends and neighbors back to work; funding education now, when we need it most; and unseating an incumbent who has spent decades ignoring what people really care about. I know I can do a better job for Southeast Idaho. My opponent has been in office for 22 years, and instead of using his seniority to accomplish good things for our District, he is better known for killing popular bills with no explanation. His past campaigns have been almost entirely funded by special interests, many of them from out of state. The more I’ve learned about what goes on

Effective Leadership at for District in the Idaho work Legislature, the more31 commitChairman of House ted I have become to seeking this position. Affairs Committee I believe ourState State Representatives should be available toLeader the people live in their on who Health and District and should be informed by their Welfare matters ideas. When I am elected, I vow to reach Life Member out to all of the citizens of our and district. I will help to support, develop, legislaendorsed byand thepass NRA tion that is inspired by the people who live Work Horse not a show here and takes us in a direction that we want to go. Horse Making a difference for What is your platform? you, and for Idaho Education • Protecting the quality of our children’s th future, NOT selling education short for political gains.

Republican, State Representative—Seat B

Who are you? I am Representative Tom Loertscher, State Representative District 31. I have a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Utah. My wife Tom Loertscher “My Commitment to the voters of been married for Linda and I have District 31 is that I will dedicate 43 years. We have eight children, myself to representing you effectively, seven sons and one daughter, and and as always I pledge constituent services second to none.� we have 27 grandchildren. We own and operate a farm/cattle ranch in Bone, Idaho where we have lived and raised our family for the last 41 years.

Vote May 27 for Tom Loertscher

• Trusting and consulting professional educators and parents to find the best solutions for student achievement. • Fighting for every Idaho child’s right to a quality education. • Restoring stable funding to our schools. Jobs • Helping our small businesses compete in today’s market, NOT over-privileging large corporations. • Leveling the Playing Field for Small Businesses by making sales tax fair and uniform. • Creating Jobs by supporting and encouraging small business growth. Accountability • Accessible and willing to champion YOUR ideas, NOT “killingâ€? good legislation behind closed doors.

In addition to operating our farm and ranch I have served as a Bonneville County Commissioner for six years (1979-1985), served in the Idaho House from 1986 to 2002 and during that time served as Assistant Majority Leader for six years and as chairman of the House Health and Welfare Committee for two years. I was re-elected to the House in 2004 and serve there at the present time. I have served for the past four years as chairman of the House State Affairs Committee. I have been a member of the House Health and Welfare Committee and have served previously on House Business and Education

Committees. Why are you running for office? These next two years are critical for Idaho and particularly District 31 because redistricting will come during that time. I will be spending a great deal of time working with the redistricting commission to assure that we resolve some of the issues that lead to the formation of our current district. As chairman of State Affairs in the House I will be uniquely positioned to assist the commission to make sure that our rural interests are protected during that process. I will continue my efforts to protect counties and cities from state mandates that are not funded by the state. I am committed to giving constituent services second to none. What is your platform? I am a conservative and continue to support the Republican platform and in addition I pledge to promote fiscal responsibility and hold the line on taxes. I am committed to making sure that every available dollar that can be found through efficiencies in other state agencies be put into education of our children.

• Representing the People of District 31 by listening to your concerns and working for you in the Legislature. • Defending Local Authority by moving more decision-making to our Cities and Counties, instead of letting Boise decide what’s right for us. • Demonstrating Transparency by bringing popular ideas, which our current representative has ignored, to discussion and vote in the Legislature.







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