Halves #9 Tail to tip

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It went something like this…two campers, an interesting mix of surfies from three different countries -Rangi Ormond (Whangamata, NZ) Jesse Steelman (California, USA) and Asher Pacey (Gold Coast, Australia). With three weeks on our hands the only plan was, not to have one, except to have as much fun as possible exploring the South Island of Aotearoa. We ended up checking out the West, East and South coasts as well as everywhere and everything in between, if it wasn’t for the ferry to Stewart Island, we would have driven there too. Somewhere along the way the journey morphed into ‘Tail to Tip’ and we decided it would be a good idea to then drive all the way to top of the North Island. Clocking up well over 4000ks on the road in three weeks. The following, as always, is a photographic diary of the good times shared in the water & on the road. If you want to check out the full ‘Tail to Tip’ story by Rangi Ormond, grab yourself a copy of DGZ issue 11 here. You can also check out the webclip by clicking here. We would like to thank a few people for helping us out along the way too. - Mighty Campers for our cosy home on wheels - Big Waz (Warren Hawke) South Island legend!! - Arjuna Matthews and Benny Connolly for lending a few peasants their cold water wetsuit kits. - Damian Phillips from Hydro Surf for pointing us in the right direction and looking after our weak warm weather ears with Surf Ears plugs. - Sean & Bex from The Surf Emporium for their hospitality in Whangarei (great soup Bex!)





Into the tents we go, don’t ya just love that view‌cheers New Zealand!


H A LV E S # 9 P u b l i s h e d by Da m ag ed G o o ds Z i ne A r t D i re c t i o n Ja m es S k i v i n g ton P h o t o g rap hy J e r e m e Au b e rt i n L ay u p D e s i g n e r M i m s Rad f o r d Wo rd s Ra n g i & J e r e m e


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