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The quick way to get started with Microsoft Office 2016! This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Jump in wherever you need answers—brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.
• Format documents for visual impact • Quickly prepare personalized email messages
and labels
• Build powerful workbooks for analysis and
• Analyze alternative data sets with Quick Analysis
Lens, Goal Seek, and Solver
• Prepare highly effective presentations • Strengthen your presentations by adding tables
and graphics
Microsoft Office 2016
Covers Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
Step by Step
Microsoft Office 2016
• Organize your email, scheduling, and contacts • Look up just the tasks and lessons you need Colorful screenshots Download your Step by Step practice files at: http://aka.ms/Office2016sbs/downloads
Easy numbered steps
MicrosoftPressStore.com ISBN 978-0-7356-9923-6
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Helpful tips and pointers
Step by Step Lambert Frye
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Microsoft Office
Celebrating over 30 years!
Joan Lambert and Curtis Frye
10/29/2015 12:13:47 PM