Academic Internship Report

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4 5 6

COMPANY PROFILE 04 History 04 Profile 05 Organization



08 32 34

PROJECTS 08 Hoża 53 (office building) 16 Byszew (old palace) 24 Powązki (gravestone) 28 Białostocka 20 (interior design)

REFLECTIONS 32 32 33 33

Introduction Projects Working Environment Knowledge







SARBAA Architekci is a small architectural practice run by Anna Pałgan. It’s headquarter is located in Łódź, Poland. It’s been estimated in 2016 after winning a competition for a museum in former jewish pre-burial house in Łódź, Poland. This achievement embraced the company on it’s field and created a path focused on architectural recycle of the buildings.

The main architectural area of the company is designing exhibitions, museum and cultural buildings in Poland. What is more, company is specialized in renovations and revitalizations of cult places such as churches and cemeteries. The idea of architectural recycle is strongly rooted in owner’s mind. Anna tries to give back abandoned and demolished places to people with adjustments that bring back those object to XXI century. Sustainability is really important to her. Instead of replacing existing object she tries to give them new functions and tell its history to new generations.

As a young and small company, SARBAA Architekci employs only 3 architects as a main designing team. This kind of cooperation helps employees collaborate together on small scale projects and be self sufficient on architectural field.When it comes to bigger project, the company cooperates with other small practices which lets them exchnange their experience and develope more creative and sustainable ideas.

The main architectural goal of the company is to highlight national heritage and adapt old and devastated buildings to create new vivid spaces.

Most of the designs are focused on cult places. That is why many of them have private investors. Some of the desings, such as Museum Castle in Łańcut, Poland, which is a national heritage site, has been founded my the government and is a public project.






Personally, the main reason that stand for choosing SARBAA Architekci was the project they told me about during our interview. It was a time when the company has been preparing first sketches for a new fill in design in the capital of Poland, Warsaw. I’ve been told that I will be participating in the whole design process from the very beginning till the end of construction phase. Moreover, the design is focusing not only on exterior, but also on interior, which is an exhibitions space, that have always been an interesting and untouched by me, part of architectural profession. Another aspect was adjusting the building to new Polish regulations that are going to be in use from 2020.

Specific profile of the company encouraged me to develope myself in the following tasks:

The timeline placed on next page shows an overview of my 4 months long internship and variety of task and projects I’ve been assigned to.

• learn how to talk and communicate with private and public clients • collaborate with other engineers such as constructors and MEP engineers • strenghten group skills on architectural field • learn how to approach cult places and heritage architecture • improve my computer skills • explore on site designing • strenghten my technical knowledge and expand it • learn about costs of investment • work on different scale project • explore variety and wideness of architectural profession

One of the biggest achievement was a chance to work on project with a different scale and unusual users. It also gave me the opportunity not only to sit in front of the computer but also explore my future profession on field.





PROJECT DESCRIPTION This is the project that persuaded me to choose SARBAA Architekci over other practices I’ve been applying to. What is special about this design is it’s location, history and users. The building is supposed to be an office space for nuns and the exhibition area, where nuns will be telling the story of WWII and Nazi occupation on Polish lands. The site is located in a heart of Warsaw, few hundred meters from the exact center of the city. Right now, on the place where the building is supposed to stand, are old garages that will be demolished before the construction start in 2019 at the beggining of the Spring. The building has a gross area of 1200 square meters and is going to have 4 overground stores and one underground. It is going to have a direct connection to the nuns’ housing building and give a significant improvement and easy access for disabled users thanks to the elevator located in the new building. The site is surrounded from 2 sides by historic building that are protected by Conservator-Restorer Office. It means that everything has to be consulted with a conservator and has to respect existing architecture.

MY TASKS It was the project I’ve spent the most time workin on. During 4 months I were assigned to the following tasks: • creating measuring site survey • creating CAD documentation based on measuring site survey • attending meetings with investor and being able to discuss and explain my ideas with • collaborating with a structural engineer responsible for building structure and having a direct influence on shape of the building • preparing documentation for firefighter based on Polish regulations for office and public buildings • analyzing material samples for the future design • collaborating with MEP engineer and creating CAD documentation based on technical requirements • creating 3D model in SketchUp • creating 2D CAD drawings - conceptual and construction design • working of facade design • selecting sustainable materials for a future design • working with Polish Building Code • designing a functional layout of the building • redesigning and improving the design base on industry member’s feedback (eg. piping clash detection)



CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Based on the client’s need we had to create a conceptual design that will respect exising architecture and will have a dialogue with surrounding buildings. It was a process during which we had to propose building laout to the functional programme. Moreover we had to analyze sun path to choose the most optimal locations for working spaces, storage and exhibition halls. Those tasks showed me how difficult it is to fill in the building in existing context and how challenging is working with a real client.

CONSTRUCTION DESIGN In the beginning of October we started preparing first construction drawings for structural engineer and MEP engineer. It was also the time when we recieved geological data from geologist. After invertor’s approval of the conceptual design we had to adjust the design to Building Code. It was a really challenging task due to many specific regulations for public buildings, especially when it comes to fire regualtions. Another challenge appeard when we started collaborationg with a MEP engineer and we had to meet ventilation requirements (due to the location, poor air flow and tightness of the site we had to implement mechanical ventilation in the building). Working on the construction design showed me how big changes might appear since the beginning of the conceptual phase and how many factors influences on final construction design.


ROOF STUDY One of the first serious challenges I had during my stay at SARBAA Architekci was to make a roof study for a future building. I had to come up with few proposals and explain how they will affect the building shape and which one would be the most optimal for our site. Even though the top level is not visible from the ground level, it affects the urban content on the site. This was only an architectural ”game” but was a first lesson on details and how they might change our perception of the whole building. Later on we consulted the proposed shapes with a structural engineer and we had to decide what kind of the structure would be the best fit for our roof.

For the very first time I felt that I have to do my best because my own decision determines future shape of the building and it’s not like at University where I would be able to retake an exam if I fail it. This task tought me that with every decision I make I have to take a responsibility and other people relay on my work and decisions as welll.



MAIN FACADE STUDY Another study I’ve been assignet to was to analyze glass samples directly on the site in natural conditions. I had to create a photographic documentation of each panel and see how it behaves when hit by ray of light, what kind of reflection is gives, how the objects look behind few layers of glazing and choose which kind would be a perfect fit for our design. It was not only important architecturaly, but also economically. To achieve the effect of blurred objects inside of the building we had to gave up on insulation between glazing layers and increase the number of glazing fro 2 to 4 to meet the energy requirements.






This project focused on basics of the company revitalization. Unfortunatelly, the owner of the building decided to demolish it due to the poor condition of the structure cause by several arsons. Because of the fact that the building listed as a monument, the owner was obligated by law to hand it documentation that might be helpful in the future if anyone would decide to rebuild this historic site.

During this project I was assigned to the following tasks:

During this project I learnt about safety on a site. Also I had a chance to work using specialist measuring tools such as rangefinder.

• creating measuring site survey • creating CAD documentation based on measuring site survey • working with an archival documentation • creating photografic documentation of the site












PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project was one of the biggest surprises I had during my internship. I never thought I would be creating a documentation of a gravestone. The client how came to the office asked for a copy of the gravestone he saw at Powązkowski Cementary in Warsaw. It is a late XIX century gravestone located in the historic part of the cementary. Base on client’s needs we had to prepare documentation that he would be able to hand it to the stonemason who will create a copy of the gravestone.

MY TASKS During this project I was assigned to the following tasks: • creating measuring gravestone survey • creating CAD documentation based on measuring gravestone survey • working with an archival documentation • creating photografic documentation of the site • working with a stonemason



GrAVESTONE Working with a stonemason on this project thought me how broad architectural profession is and how technology changed since the original gravestone has been created. This task was a really artistic expression. The original gravestone has been carved in sandstone while the new one is supposed to be made out of marble. At the beggining I didn’t focus on the material, but stonemason explained to me what are the qualities of both material and what should be my approach. After that I had to redesign original gravestone and adjusti it to manufacturing in polished marbel, that has different facture and sun reflects and highlights all of the details in a different way than if it was carved in a sandstone.






Last 3 weeks of my internship I spent on interior design project. The flat, that is located in centennial tenement in Warsaw, Poland needed a major revamp. It is an apartment with a gross area of 79 square meters, 3 rooms, kitchen and a tiny bathroom and a balcony from the west side. The client asked for a contemporary design and significant changes such as extending the bathrom, doubling it’s size, 2 washing machines and one dryer, multimedial room and what the company is best in, saving historic remains in the apartment like wooden floor or tiles in the bathroom.

During this project I was assigned to the following tasks:

This project helped me better understand interior design, cooperating with a construction team and explaining client pros and cons of everyday situations such as laundry or walking out with a bayby in a trolley. Before we could start designing we had to check with a Conservator-Restorer Office what changes we may do in the apartment’s layout and if there are any other restrictions due to Conservator’s protection of the building.

• creating measuring site survey • creating CAD documentation based on measuring site survey • attending meetings with investor and being able to discuss and explain my ideas with • analyzing material samples for the future design • collaborating with constuction team • creating 3D model in SketchUp • creating 2D CAD drawings - conceptual • selecting sustainable materials for a future design • working with Polish Building Code • designing a functional layout of the apartment



before the project Based on the materials from the investor we had to check in the given site survey of the dwelling covers with our measurements. Unfortunately, it didn’t. The flat is located in the old tenement and all of the wall were crooked. This time, the site survey was different that the one I had to do during past project. This time I had to focus on details such as sockets, electricity, piping and sewage. Those things were needed for construction team to calculate costs of renovation.

designing After we were done with a technical aspects we were able to start designing a layout of the apartment for the client. What we were able to achieve thanks to the demolition of 2 walls in the living zone was creating a spacious room with zones - satisfy client’s needs. The other side of the apartment consists of 2 bedrooms, one master bedroom with a direct access to the bathroom and one room for future descendants of the owners. During this phase I also had a change to examine energy consumption of house appliances. due to many elelectric devices at the appartment we had to choose appliances for the client that would consump as low energy as possible.





Past four months of my internship enlighted me on many aspects of architectural practice. Based on the projects I had a chance to work on, people whom I had an opportunity to cooperate and knowledge I got I will focus on those 3 aspects as a main reflection of my internship.

Before I chose SARBAA Architekci as a place of my internship I spoke with my older colleagues about their experience and relections of their internships. Moste of them told me that in majority they have been assinged to conceptual projects and they were working on many projects, but it was just assigning to specific tasks rather than working on the project. This was the thing I was afraid of, that I will end up like they. I wanted to be a part of the project during the whole period of it. That was the reason I loved SARBAA Architekci when they told me that they want to assign me to one of the main projects. Thanks to that, I had a chance to learn and examine how time consuming it it to create a real construction design, what are the important aspects of it and how difficult it is to collaborate with other engineers that are not architects. Designing an office building with an exhibition hall (Hoża 53) was a real experience that showed me how one small detail that seems to be not significant, might change the whole layout of the design. Another aspects of the

When I started being a part of SARBAA Architekci office I had only theoretical background of my future profession. The time I spend working with those people showed me the complexity of every task I had as well as how important is a proper communication with other people and how to develop myself as an architect and free my mind. Moreover the variety of the projects showed me that some aspects are important in one type of projects while to the other projects (such as gravestone) you need to present a totally different approach.

projects I’ve been working on was a scale. I participated in designing an office building, creating a documentation of the abandoned school that is going to be demolished, designing an apartment in the XX century tenement and finally, 3D modelling a gravestone. All of those project base on different scale and location, specific users and their needs and, what is the most important thing, how to approach the buildings that have been built a long time before we were born. It was the most valuable lesson for me because of the fact that during our education we learn how to create new buildings using a present technologies, while when it comes to monumental buildings sometimes we have to figurer out how to adapt the spaces to the needs of present users. The needs that people didn’t have hundred years ago.

working environment What is a high quality project without a good quality of working environment? Nothing. This is when everything starts. The way we communicate with other people, how we request for help and how we give a feedback to our work mates. The atmosphere at the office showed me how valuable is working in such a good team. Even though I were an inter it didn’t matter for other team members. The most important thing that stands behind all of the great projects it the IDEA. This is what I learnt in this company, that everyone is equal in the company when it comes to ideas. What determines our creativity is how many great ideas we have and how we are presenting them because all in all we are not designing for ourselve, but for clients. We must learn how to understand them and how to create a design together, that will meet the needs of our clients.

KNOWLEDGE Another aspect was collaborating with a structural engineer, MEP engineer and firefighter. Because of the fact that the practice only hires architects, all of those external partners weren’t our coleagues, but they were also working on the projects with us. This was also an interesting experience. As a architects sometimes I forget that not everyone has an architectural knowledge and easily understand our ideas. It was a good leason of compromises and creating a common solutions. During the construction phase of Hoża 53 the structural engineer proposed a beam that was exposed and divided a skylight in to two parts. From the constructional point of view it wasn’t a problem, but architecturaly it was unacceptable solution. And it was a moment I had to explain to him how important it is not to have that beam in that place and find together if there is a way to satisfy both sides.After a pleasant discussion we solved a problem and presented a redesigned part of the building to the company’s owner.

Knowledge is what puts together projects and working environment. This is what I ended up with after those four months. At the beginning of my internship I was a bit afraid if I meet company’s requirements and whether my academic knowledge is sufficient to start being a part of real projects. Now, I can admit that the fear was only in my head and I learned how to combine both, academic and professional experience. I am aware that this is just the beginning and I need years of practice to call myself an architect, but at least I know how it looks in a real life and that this is a team work. It always helps to ask other architects for an advice and see if my knowlegde is good enough in the given time. It takes a lot of effort to achieve a common goal and the real life is not a planned academic semester when everythig is set in advance. Sometimes there are delays and we can’t do anything. Now I also know how valuable is



GENERAL OUTPUT The innternship at SARBAA Architekci was a fantastic opportunity to get a professional insight of architect’s work and examin a special approach to historic sites. During my stay at the practive I had a chance to work on small, medium and a big scale projects, all related to historic values of their contexts. Moreover I could participate in creating sketches, drafts, conceptual design, and what is the most important to me, construction design. I was working at the office and on site, attending meetings with the clients, collaborating with different professionals such as structural engineer, firefighter or stonemason. I learnt about value for money and creating time schedules for the construction teams. What is more, I had a chance to examine materiality of different finishing materials such as stone and glass and conducts small experinemts. What I have appreaciated the most was the opportunity to go further with the project than we do at the University. See how it develops and changes when other industry

members are taking part in the design process. I am really glad for the output I got from the company and for making me a team member, even though I am not as qualified as other employees. Past four months I spent at the practice gave me a broad view of hte industry and clarified the architectural profession. What I miss is the fact that due to the big amount of historical projects I didn’t have a chance to examine exhibition designing on a bigger scale.

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